When Autonomy Corp. was starting up in this historic university town, founder Mike Lynch stuck a sign on an office door that read 'Authorized Personnel Only.' Behind the door, he told visitors, were 500 engineers working on 'hush-hush' projects.
当Autonomy Corp.在英国历史悠久的大学城剑桥起家时,其创始人林奇(Mike Lynch)在一间办公室的门上挂了一块牌子,上面写着“仅限授权人员出入。他告诉来访者,门后有500名工程师在进行一个秘密项目。
The door, in fact, led to a broom closet, Mr. Lynch recounted in a 2010 speech. By then, Autonomy had grown from its founding in 1996 to one of Europe's largest and fastest-growing software companies. Hewlett-Packard Co. bought it in October 2011 for more than $11 billion.
林奇在2010年的一次演讲中说道,那扇门其实只是通向一个杂物间。在2010年前,Autonomy已经从1996年的一家初创公司变身为欧洲最大且增速最快的软件公司之一。2011年10月,惠普(Hewlett-Packard Co.)以逾110亿美元的价格收购了这家公司。
Now, following allegations last week by H-P that Autonomy made 'outright misrepresentations' to inflate its financial results, U.S. authorities are trying to establish whether much of the company's business may also have been a facade. Meanwhile, questions are mounting about how H-P failed to uncover the alleged irregularities ahead of buying Autonomy, particularly as some outside analysts raised concerns about Autonomy's accounting for years.
In May, H-P fired Mr. Lynch, citing poor performance by his unit. Last week, the company wrote down the value of Autonomy by $8.8 billion, blaming more than half the charge on what it said was Autonomy's misleading accounting.
Mr. Lynch has come out swinging, denouncing H-P's assertions as 'completely and utterly wrong.' In an interview Monday, he defended Autonomy's practices and said that many of the allegations stem from the difference between U.S. accounting standards and the international ones Autonomy followed. He said it mostly amounted to 'a lot of nitty-gritty about small amounts of revenue on certain deals.' He said every sale valued at more than $100,000 would have been reviewed by Autonomy's auditors.
'H-P made a series of assertions without providing any evidence. We'd like to see some evidence,' Mr. Lynch said. 'Where's the beef in this?' he added.
Interviews in California and England with former Autonomy employees, business partners and attorneys close to the case paint a picture of a hard-driving sales culture shaped by Mr. Lynch's desire for rapid growth. They describe him as a domineering figure, who on at least a few occasions berated employees he believed weren't measuring up.
Along the way, these people say, Autonomy used aggressive accounting practices to make sure revenue from software licensing kept growing─thereby boosting the British company's valuation. The firm recognized revenue upfront that under U.S. accounting rules would have been deferred, and struck 'round-trip transactions'─deals where Autonomy agreed to buy a client's products or services while at the same time the client purchased Autonomy software, according to these people.
'The rules aren't that complicated,' said Dan Mahoney of accounting research business CFRA, who covered Autonomy until it was acquired. He said that Autonomy had the hallmarks of a company that recognized revenue too aggressively. He said neither U.S. nor international accounting rules would allow companies to recognize not-yet collected revenue from customers that might be at risk not to pay, which he said appears to be the case in some of Autonomy's transactions.
会计研究公司CFRA的马奥尼(Dan Mahoney)说,规则没那么复杂。CFRA曾将Autonomy列为研究对象,直到它被惠普收购。马奥尼说,Autonomy身上存在确认收入过于激进的特征。他说,不管是美国会计准则还是国际会计准则,都不允许公司确认还没有从客户手中收到、可能存在赖账风险的收入。他说,Autonomy某些交易的收入似乎就属于这种情况。
A person familiar with H-P's investigation said the company is confident the deals are improper even under the international accounting standards Mr. Lynch cites. 'We've looked at this very closely,' this person said.
In a statement issued Saturday, H-P said its 'ongoing investigation into the activities of certain former Autonomy employees has uncovered numerous transactions clearly designed to inflate the underlying financial metrics of the company before its acquisition' including several using the tactics and techniques described in this article.
Autonomy's practices are being reviewed at H-P's urging by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Meg Whitman, H-P's CEO, said she expects the process will prompt a 'multiyear journey through the courts' in both the U.S. and the U.K.
在惠普呼吁下,美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)和联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)正在调查Autonomy的做法。惠普CEO惠特曼(Meg Whitman)说,她预计这些调查将导致美国和英国法庭上出现一系列耗时多年的相关诉讼。
On Monday, Mr. Lynch said he hasn't been formally notified of any lawsuits or investigations.
Mr. Lynch was raised in England, the son of a firefighter. He went on to study engineering at Cambridge University and obtain a Ph.D. in mathematical computing.
林奇是消防员之子,在英国长大。后来他在剑桥大学(Cambridge University)学习工程学,并取得了数学计算学博士学位。
Autonomy, founded at a startup incubator in Cambridge, developed a computer program to sift through documents, Web pages, presentations, videos, phone conversations and emails. The technology could understand words' meanings and find data accordingly, Mr. Lynch has said. A search within a company's servers for 'profanity,' for instance, would turn up results featuring a variety of swear words, not just the term itself.
Dow Jones & Co., publisher of The Wall Street Journal, has used Autonomy's search software on its consumer websites.
《华尔街日报》的出版商道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Co.)在其消费者网站上用的就是Autonomy的搜索软件。
Mr. Lynch was as effective at selling and marketing as he was at software development, recall former employees, customers and business partners. 'It was a very sales-oriented culture with a very business-savvy CEO,' contrary to the norm in Cambridge, says Simon Galbraith, the founder and CEO of Red Gate Software Ltd., which is based across the street from Autonomy.
据林奇以前的员工、客户和商业伙伴回忆,林奇在销售和营销方面与他在软件开发方面一样效能相当高。与Autonomy一街之隔的软件公司Red Gate Software Ltd.的创始人兼首席执行长加尔布雷斯(Simon Galbraith)说,Autonomy的公司文化强调以销售为导向,而且他们的CEO极具商业头脑,跟剑桥一向的风气有时不同。
Mr. Lynch named Autonomy's conference rooms after references from James Bond movies─one of the big ones was called 'GoldenEye'─and found ways to mention the spy in speeches or presentations. He drove an Aston Martin, a quintessential Bond car.
林奇参照007电影来为公司会议室命名,其中一个大会议室叫做“黄金眼(GoldenEye)。他还常常在演讲或报告中提到这位特工。此外,他开的是阿斯顿·马丁(Aston Martin)车,007的专属座驾。
In another touch worthy of Ian Fleming, Autonomy stocked piranhas for a while in the office fish tank. At times, Autonomy's culture was combative as a Bond movie and at other times demeaning, former employees say.
与创造出了007的作家弗莱明(Ian Fleming)有关的另一点是,Autonomy公司的鱼缸里还曾养了一段时间的食人鱼。以前曾供职这家公司的员工说,该公司文化有时就像电影里的007一样争强好胜,不过有时却也有损人格。
One former marketing employee was sent outside the Cambridge office to collect cigarette butts from the ground, according to two people familiar with the incident. Another former marketing employee recalled being asked to buy Sushovan Hussain, Autonomy's finance chief, underwear during a company trip to Miami, because he had failed to pack a sufficient supply. Turnover on the sales and marketing staffs was high. A spokeswoman for Mr. Hussain acknowledged the incident had happened, but said the CFO was simply late for a meeting and had lost his luggage.
两位知情人士表示,Autonomy以前有位营销部门的员工被勒令到剑桥办公大楼外拣地上的烟头。还有一位前营销部门的员工回忆说,一次公司员工全体去迈阿密,自己被要求为公司的首席财务长侯赛因(Sushovan Hussain)买内衣,原因是侯赛因带的衣物不够。销售和营销部门的人员流失率很高。侯赛因的发言人承认确有此事,但说这只是因为侯赛因开会迟到,丢了行李。
On Monday, Mr. Lynch said many people thrived on Autonomy's aggressive atmosphere, while others did not.
According to legal filings and former employees, senior members of Autonomy's management sometimes would swoop in at the last minute and complete deals─an arrangement that, in some cases, cut salespeople's commissions and in other cases allowed the senior executives to negotiate other arrangements with clients.
A spokeswoman for Mr. Lynch said the deal-making didn't result in cut commissions.
At times, Autonomy salespeople appeared to close deals by offering to buy customers' products. In July 2009, Autonomy sold $9 million in software to New York-based data provider VMS Information, according to ex-VMS Chief Executive Peter Wengryn and three former Autonomy employees. At the same time, Autonomy agreed to buy about $13 million worth of licenses for data from VMS, say Mr. Wengryn and the ex-Autonomy employees.
Autonomy的销售人员有时会提出买客户的产品,以此来达成交易。据纽约数据提供商VMS Information前首席执行长翁瑞恩(Peter Wengryn )和三名Autonomy前员工表示,Autonomy曾于2009年7月向VMS以900万美元的价格出售了有关软件。翁瑞恩和那几名Autonomy前员工说,Autonomy当时同意购买VMS大约1,300万美元的数据授权。
While Autonomy booked the revenue from the VMS deal on its top line, the cost of the data it purchased was included in Autonomy's sales, marketing or other expenses─parts of the income statement that often aren't considered a key indicator of a growing tech company's core profitability, say the three people familiar with the matter.
VMS, which sold data on TV viewing habits, had been using Autonomy software since the early 2000s, Mr. Wengryn says, and in the 2009 deal agreed to use some of Autonomy's technology to enhance its business. He says Autonomy's agreement to buy the VMS data helped pave the way for VMS's big purchase from Autonomy.
'The fact that they were interested in licensing our data certainly made that type of deal easier, no doubt about it,' Mr. Wengryn says. 'We were interested in doing a deal, but maybe not of the magnitude that we ended up doing.'
A spokeswoman for Mr. Lynch says Autonomy used the VMS data in pre-sales presentations to demonstrate an Autonomy product that analyzed social-media streams, and that is why the company booked the purchase as a marketing expense. She said that such deals are allowed under the international accounting rules that Autonomy used.
VMS filed for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2011. In a filing, Autonomy said VMS owed it $6.4 million at the time of the bankruptcy, the result of a December 2010 business arrangement.
H-P has also accused Autonomy of bringing forward revenue from deals with resellers.
One transaction now under scrutiny by H-P is a 2010 deal worth around £4 million ($6.4 million) that Autonomy struck with reseller Tikit Group PLC, a British supplier of software to accountants and law firms, according to a person briefed on the deal. That year, Tikit's inventory skyrocketed to £4.1 million from £89,000 the prior year due to 'a strengthening of our relationship with a key software provider,' according to its annual report.
据一位听取了交易情况汇报的人士说,惠普目前正在审查的是2010年Autonomy与经销商Tikit Group PLC之间达成的一笔价值约400万英镑(约合640万美元)的交易。Tikit是一家英国软件提供商,客户主要是会计师事务所和律师事务所。据Tikit的年报说,那一年,由于该公司与一家重要软件提供商的关系得到加强,公司库存从上年的8.9万英镑飙升至410万英镑。
Autonomy recognized the total deal as revenue, the person said. But Tikit paid Autonomy only as it sold the software to clients, the person said.
A spokeswoman for Tikit declined to comment on Monday. Mr. Lynch said that under the accounting standards Autonomy followed, the company properly could recognize revenue on the books when all products were delivered to a reseller, as opposed to an end client.
Autonomy used a homegrown computer program, called SMS, to record salespeople's contacts with potential clients and calculate their rates of closing sales. Executives would sometimes use the data to craft broadly distributed emails calling out underperforming salespeople, recalls one former salesperson. Those whose rates fell below a standard deviation executives calculated would be criticized or fired, the former salesperson says.
Among some Cambridge graduates, Autonomy became known as a place to get a high-paying job after graduation, endure the pressure for a year, and quit after the Christmas extravaganza, which was held at a five-star hotel in a different European city each year, say former employees.
In 2010, a U.S. executive for Autonomy pointed out what he thought were problematic accounting practices to his superiors, say people briefed on the matter. The problems included the way Autonomy booked revenue for products sold to resellers. The executive was eventually fired, they say, and took his complaints to Autonomy's outside auditors, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and regulators in the U.K., these people say.
SEC officials said at the time that they didn't have jurisdiction over Autonomy because it was traded in the U.K., according to people involved in the talks. The executive eventually reached a settlement prohibiting him from publicly discussing Autonomy, say people with knowledge of the matter.
The spokeswoman for Mr. Lynch said the employee was fired because two people under his supervision engaged in payroll fraud. She said the audit committee of Autonomy's board of directors was made aware of the allegations and conducted an independent review with independent auditors which Autonomy passed. She said that the review came up during H-P's due diligence process.
The accounting firm Deloitte asked questions about individual deals but never raised serious concerns about Autonomy's practices, say people familiar with the matter. The firm's U.K. unit last week said it 'categorically denies' having any knowledge of any accounting improprieties or any misrepresentations in Autonomy's financial statements. Deloitte declined further comment this week.
In 2010, its last full year before being acquired by H-P, Autonomy reported record revenue of $870 million─an 18% jump from the year before─and profits of $377 million, a 14% jump from 2009.
At the time H-P decided to buy Autonomy, then-Chief Executive Leo Apotheker was pushing to remake the company as a software giant.
在惠普决定收购Autonomy的时候,时任惠普首席执行长的李艾科(Leo Apotheker)正致力于把公司重新塑造成软件巨头。
The company began seeing potential problems with Autonomy's business shortly after the deal closed earlier this year, say people familiar with the matter. The company clawed back some of the commissions paid to salespeople using questionable accounting methods, they said.
Autonomy tried to continue certain accounting practices that the new parent wouldn't allow, say people familiar with the matter. H-P fired Mr. Lynch in May, and soon afterward a member of his inner circle still at H-P told the company's general counsel about possible accounting problems.
Last week, Ms. Whitman used a quarterly earnings announcement to lay out H-P's contention that it was deliberately misled about Autonomy's financial results. She said $5 billion of the Autonomy write-down is due to the accounting woes, though she declined to explain how the issues added up to such a large number.
上周,惠特曼试图利用一份季度盈利通知来阐明惠普的论点,即惠普在Autonomy的财务业绩方面被刻意误导。她说,对Autonomy 50亿美元的减记是源于会计上的问题,不过她拒绝解释这一问题为何会令减记数额如此之大。
Mr. Lynch blamed the deterioration of Autonomy's business on mismanagement under H-P. He said that H-P was aware of the different accounting standards Autonomy used at the time of the deal. 'Why has H-P suddenly woken up now and said they just know it now?' he asked. 'What's actually going on here is that the business for various reasons has not thrived under H-P's leadership.'
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