This year, the Indian School of Business did something that few management institutes on the subcontinent would have dreamt of five years ago: it published research that analysed solutions to one of India’s many social woes, its chronic lack of housing.
今年,印度商学院(Indian School of Business,简称ISB)做了一件五年前印度次大陆的管理学院认为不可能做到的事:印度长期存在住房供应不足问题(印度的众多社会问题之一),ISB针对该问题的解决方案进行了分析,并发表了研究报告。
Until very recently, India’s management institutions had but one aim – to train managers for positions in banks and conglomerates. But that has changed, and the Centre for Emerging Markets Solutions at ISB, which published the research, is emblematic of the transformation. India’s business schools are now trying to create well-rounded leaders, who can both land a job with an Indian conglomerate or start a small business to tackle India’s vast social problems while also turning a profit.
一直到最近,印度的管理学院都还只有一个目标:培养能够胜任银行和大公司管理岗位的人才。不过,这种状况现在已经有了变化,发表上述研究报告的ISB新兴市场解决方案研究中心(Centre for Emerging Markets Solutions)就是这一转型的典范。印度的商学院正在努力培养更为全面的商界领导者,目标是让这些人能在印度大公司里谋得职位、或是能够创建自己的小公司,以求在解决印度巨大社会问题的同时还能实现盈利。
Nikhilesh Sinha, lead author of the report “New Frontiers in Affordable Housing: Notes from the Field, says the proposal was simple: India’s housing shortage is massive, and solving it will require dedicated and sustained government action that is currently lacking. But the private sector can tackle part of it: the shanty towns and housing needs that spring up around industrial projects outside of cities.
上述报告的题目是《保障性住房的新前沿:来自现场的注解》(New Frontiers in Affordable Housing: Notes from the Field)。该报告第一作者尼基莱什·辛哈(Nikhilesh Sinha)表示,报告提出的想法很简单:印度住房供应缺口巨大,解决这一问题需要政府采取持续而专注的行动,而这正是当前所欠缺的。不过,私营部门有能力解决掉这个问题的一部分,即城郊工业项目周边涌现的棚户区和住房需求。
“There are many issues that we don’t touch on, such as slums [in cities] and so on and so forth, because those are problems that will require much greater concerted effort from the public and private sectors, says Mr Sinha. “But what we have found is that outside cities is where the private sector can provide housing for people working in industry.
Through its research on affordable housing, the centre helped to create a 218-unit pilot project outside Rajkot, a city in the western state of Gujarat heavily involved in the car industry.
The centre helped raise private capital from commercial investors, and designed the entire system – from how the units looked to a business model that treated housing as inventory, rather than appreciating assets as Indian developers traditionally do.
That model, according to the report, yielded an internal rate of return of 100 per cent, despite the project’s relatively slim profit margins, while keeping costs to homebuyers controlled. The day the project launched, in August 2010, developers presold 148 of its 218 units.
This new-found focus on social entrepreneurship only began to take hold in India a few years ago, says Madhukar Shukla, organisational behaviour and strategic management professor at XLRI School of Business and Human Resources in the eastern city of Jamshedpur.
XLRI商业与人力资源学院(XLRI School of Business and Human Resources)组织行为学与战略管理学教授马杜卡尔·舒克拉(Madhukar Shukla)表示,这种对于社会创业精神的新关注只是在几年前才开始在印度扎根。XLRI位于印度东部城市詹谢普尔(Jamshedpur)。
“Now many of the business schools are looking beyond their typical corporate goals, [and realising] there are other models that can make a profit while making a social impact, says Prof Shukla, who teaches a social entrepreneurship class and is launching a social venture incubator at XLRI. “Given what is going on in India with the social needs and the disparities, there is a need for talent to go in that direction?.?.?.?there is a realisation that only profit motive will not help the country.
India’s development problems are daunting: 900m people are undernourished, 800m live on less than $2 a day, and more than 600m lack access to a lavatory. There is little sense that the government is up to the task of solving the country’s myriad problems.
The good news, academics say, is that New Delhi seems to be aware of that fact. Later this year, the University Grant Commission is set to host what may be the country’s first government-sponsored conference dedicated to social entrepreneurship.
学者们表示,好消息是印度政府看来认识到了这个现实。今年晚些时候,印度大学经费委员会(University Grant Commision)将主持召开或许是该国首个由政府资助的以社会创业精神为主题的会议。
Ajit Rangnekar, dean of ISB, which has campuses in Hyderabad and Mohali, in Punjab state, says that he now finds the government much more receptive towards the part of his school’s mission that works with industry, government and society on issues that impact social good.
ISB院长阿吉特·郎格内卡尔(Ajit Rangnekar)表示,ISB的使命之一是与企业界、政府及社会携手解决影响社会公益的问题,而他现在发现,印度政府对ISB这个使命的接受程度远高于以往。ISB在海得拉巴(Hyderabad)与旁遮普邦(Punjab)的摩哈里(Mohali)均设有分校。
“The more I interact with the government, the more I realise that they recognise the value of research, they recognise the value of supporting and funding that research and they are willing to do it, he says. “But somehow or other, between their global desire and our ability to implement as a universe of universities, there is a gap somewhere.
Part of the problem is the lack of any structure to unite those schools pursuing social enterprise programmes, to create a universal curriculum or a venue in which fundraising can be fostered and ideas shared.
To that end, in November last year, ISB and the Khemka Foundation, the Indian non-government organisation, hosted a forum for faculty from seven schools, including the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, the Xavier Institute of Management in Bhubaneswar and XLRI. The forum’s aim was to connect the social enterprise community within the handful of elite institutions.
有鉴于此,去年11月,ISB与印度非政府组织“凯姆卡基金会(Khemka Foundation)主办了一个由来自7所学院的教师参加的论坛。这7所学院包括,位于班加罗尔(Bangalore)的印度管理学院(India Institute of Management),位于布巴内斯瓦尔(Bhubaneswar)的泽维尔管理学院(Xavier Institute of Management),以及XLRI。这个论坛的目的在于,让这几所知名学院的社会创业团体建立起联系。
As a first step, the faculty collated their syllabuses with the hopes of creating a teaching resource book.
For now, ISB’s Centre for the Study of Emerging Markets is trying to find ways in which the state can create policies to allow industry to find market-based solutions to India’s developmental problems. It focuses on socioeconomic problems – small and medium enterprise funding, healthcare finance, employability and education, and affordable housing – using India as its testing ground for ideas it hopes to export to the rest of the developing world.
目前,ISB的新兴市场研究中心(Centre for the Study of Emerging Markets)正在努力寻找办法,以使国家能够制定相关政策,让企业能够找到针对印度发展问题的市场化解决方案。该中心主要关注社会经济学问题:中小企业融资、医疗金融、就业能力与教育,以及保障性住房。对该中心来说,印度就是它的试验田,可以用来测试那些它希望能够推广到其他发展中国家的想法。
It focuses on incubating businesses that can be backed up and spun out through investment from the SONG Investment Company – an equity fund created by Soros Economic Development Fund, Omidyar Network and Google in partnership with the ISB.
该中心正致力于孵化一批企业,这些企业可得到SONG投资公司(SONG Investment Company)以投资形式提供的扶持和支撑。SONG投资公司是一支由索罗斯经济发展基金会(Soros Economic Development Fund)、奥米迪亚网络(Omidyar Network)、谷歌(Google)以及ISB合作创立的股本基金。
India’s development issues are vast, but schools such as ISB, XLRI and the prestigious IIMs are waking up to the fact that they can create leaders who are profit-focused without being blinded to India’s many blights.
“This is not charitable work; this is profitable work, says Reuben Abraham, ISB professor and head of the emerging market centre. “[Students] see the idea of combining social relevance with the ability to do something interesting and something where there is real money to be made, [and realise] they don’t have to compromise on that part of it.
ISB教授、新兴市场中心主任鲁本·亚伯拉罕(Reuben Abraham)说:“这不是慈善性质的工作,这是能够实现盈利的工作。(学生们)了解到这种观点,即社会意义可与能够做有趣的事情和实现真正盈利结合起来,(并且认识到)他们不需要为此做出妥协。
“The fact that it is not [simply] charity is extremely attractive to the students.
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