Repeated cutbacks have dulled Wall Street's luster for some prospective Masters of the Universe, in the latest reflection of the gloom overhanging the finance industry.
Many of the nation's top M.B.A. programs, including Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of Business, reported declines in the share of students who took jobs in finance this year. And even those that posted some gains, such as University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, are still well below their prefinancial crisis levels.
不少美国顶级MBA院校,如哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)和斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)等,本年应届毕业生进入金融行业的比例都出现下降。即使在那些该比例有所上升的学校,如宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School),也远低于金融危机前的水平。
Those schools traditionally serve as feeders for companies such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., many of which are expecting young talent to keep them afloat as they navigate a tightly regulated, profit-pressured future.
长期以来,这些顶级商学院一直在给摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)和摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)这样的公司输送人才。如今,这些公司面临行业监管收紧和盈利压力加大的挑战,因此指望年轻的MBA毕业生协助其渡过难关。
A Wall Street gig 'isn't as prestigious as it used to be' because the future -- promotion opportunities, salary gains, even basic job security -- is so unclear, says Mark Brostoff, associate dean and director of the career center at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. Though the share of Olin students going into finance increased to 22% of job seekers this year from 15% in 2011, many of those gains came at boutique and regional Midwestern financial firms rather than on Wall Street.
华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校(Washington University in St. Louis)欧林商学院(Olin Business School)副院长兼就业中心主任马克·布罗斯多夫(Mark Brostoff)说,华尔街的名头“不再像以前那样光彩照人,因为从业人员的职业前景──包括晋升机会、薪酬水平,甚至基本的就业稳定性──不是很明确。虽然欧林商学院应届毕业生进入金融行业的比例从2011年的15%提高至今年的22%,但许多学生去的不是华尔街,而是一些中小型公司和美国中西部的地区性金融企业。
One factor affecting student demand: Banks expect young staffers to pick up the slack left by masses of laid-off midlevel employees, without necessarily offering more generous pay packages in return for the long hours. At Harvard Business School, for example, students heading into investment banking -- 7% of job seekers who accepted jobs, down from 10% in 2011 -- reported median salaries and signing bonuses were flat with last year, at $100,000 and $40,000, respectively, while other guaranteed compensation fell to $8,750 from $40,000.
Overall, 35% of those who accepted jobs went into finance, compared with 39% in 2011. At Stanford, meanwhile, 32% of job-seeking M.B.A.s who accepted offers had finance jobs, down from 36% the prior year.
Students' trepidation about jumping into what had historically been a coveted career path adds to the challenges already facing financial companies at a time of spotty economic growth, fearful investors, complex new regulations and even questions about the future existence of large banks.
In a bid to trim compensation costs, Bank of America and other big banks have been cutting pricier senior staffers in favor of training bright-eyed and less-demanding junior employees.
为削减薪酬开支,美国银行(Bank of America)和其他一些大银行已在裁减用工成本昂贵的资深员工,转而培训斗志昂扬且对收入要求不高的新人。
But it can be tougher to attract that talent 'when you have a bull's eye on your back,' says Jack Oakes, assistant dean for career development at University of Virginia Darden School of Business, referring to the reputational damage that many banks have suffered in recent years. Twenty-five percent of job-seeking Darden students who accepted offers went into finance this year, down from nearly one-third in 2011.
弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院(University of Virginia Darden School of Business)就业中心主任助理杰克·奥克斯(Jack Oakes)表示,近年来许多银行的声誉受损,“如果一个企业成为众人指责的对象,要想吸引人才就会变得更加困难。2012年顺利就业的达顿商学院应届毕业生当中有25%进入金融行业,比2011年的近三分之一有所下降。
For their part, Wall Street stalwarts Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and others say hiring has been flat over the past few years. The banks declined to provide figures on how many students they hire.
Tim Mister, a second-year M.B.A. student at Darden, says the recent rash of negative headlines about financial firms actually bolstered his hopes of landing a job, with the assumption that many others were turned off from applying.
达顿商学院二年级学生提姆·米斯特(Tim Mister)说,近年来关于金融企业的负面报道层出不穷,但这反而增加了他求职成功的机会,因为可能会有不少人放弃应聘金融企业。
'Companies always need to raise capital and engage in M&A,' says the 27-year-old Mr. Mister. 'I didn't feel the banking model would go away.'
Still, he cast a wide net when applying for internships last year. After interviewing with nine or 10 firms, he ended up with four offers and accepted a position at Goldman Sachs.
Mr. Mister, a former engineer, will return to the natural-resources division at Goldman's investment-banking arm after graduating next spring.
Investment banking continues to land the lion's share of finance-bound M.B.A. graduates, though even that is seeing some pullback. About 20% of job-seeking students at University of Chicago Booth School of Business who accepted offers took investment-banking positions last year, a 12 percentage-pointdecline from a decade earlier.
投行一直是投身金融行业的MBA毕业生的主流选择,但即便如此热门的就业板块,也出现了一些萎缩。2011年顺利就业的芝加哥大学布斯商学院(University of Chicago Booth School of Business)毕业生当中有大约20%进入投行,而10年前的比例为32%。
'Students' interest and appetite has become much, much more diverse' over the past decade, says Julie Morton, associate dean of career services and corporate relations at University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Students are increasingly lured by Silicon Valley start-ups and stable jobs at consumer-products firms and industrial conglomerates, she said.
布斯商学院就业服务中心的主任助理朱丽叶·莫顿(Julie Morton)说,过去10年来,“学生的择业兴趣和胃口已经变得大不一样。越来越多的MBA毕业生投身于硅谷的新创公司,以及就业稳定的消费类产品企业和大型工业集团。
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