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发布时间:2013-01-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Volvo Cars’ new chief executive H?kan Samuelsson is introducing measures to boost sales in China as the struggling Swedish luxury carmaker tries to bridge a gap until new models are launched in two years’ time.

沃尔沃汽车公司(Volvo Cars)新任首席执行官霍坎·萨穆埃尔松(H?kan Samuelsson)正在采取措施、以期提振该公司在华销量。这家目前处境困难的瑞典豪华汽车生产商希望借此填补未来两年(新车型上市以前)的市场空白期。

Mr Samuelsson, in his first interview since becoming chief executive in October, said that Chinese sales would be crucial in the coming years after a deterioration in the past two months in Europe, the biggest market for the company, which is owned by China’s Geely.


“We have to come through these two years .?.?. The market is falling very, very fast in Europe. It is a drastic reduction. It has accelerated in the past few months, he told the Financial Times in his office in Gothenburg next to one of Volvo Cars’ main factories.


Sales in China have so far been disappointing for Volvo despite its Chinese ownership. In the 11 months until the end of November, it sold just 37,633 cars in China, 9 per cent fewer than in the previous year. Its German rival BMW by contrast sold 296,000 cars, 37 per cent up on a year earlier.


Mr Samuelsson is taking action, proposing three steps to get its Chinese sales back on track quickly. First is to better get across to customers the company’s emphasis on safety. The second is to train the sales organisation. “They need to be better at arguing for the product, Mr Samuelsson says.


Finally, he wants to introduce dealerships in cities and regions where Volvo is not present. The goal is for Volvo to grow at least as strongly in China as the rest of the premium market, something it is currently some distance away from.


“I suspect we will see some improvement in six months’ time. It would be very welcome. We need it, Mr Samuelsson adds.


The reason is the collapse in the European market. Sales this year are down 11 per cent in Europe and 14 per cent in its home market of Sweden, a worldwide fall of 6 per cent. Mr Samuelsson tries to strike an upbeat note: “Hopefully we have reached the bottom. That is a hope. But it could get worse before it gets better.


His intention for next year is to “defend our market share in Europe, which implies falling sales if the overall market shrinks. In the US a similar fall is likely as Volvo discontinues some car models, although Mr Samuelsson says it should keep its SUV market share.


The sales lost in the time since Mr Samuelsson started – the equivalent of 20,000 or so cars – need to be compensated for by more than SKr1bn ($150m) of cost cutting, he says.


“Consultants, IT, commercial ads, PR – all will be restricted as the focus is placed on developing new products for the end of 2014 and 2015. “We will be very strict on costs to come through these two years.


He says a target of breaking even at an operational level will be “very, very difficult to reach this year. Next year “the target is still to break even, but that will also be very tough.


Mr Samuelsson is under no illusions about the scale of the task he has taken on. The Volvo job represents a return to his home country after he left truckmaker Scania a decade ago to join its German rival MAN, where he became chief executive.


He gained kudos with investors for pushing through a restructuring of the conglomerate before blotting his copybook by launching an ill-fated hostile takeover of Scania. He then resigned amid a corruption scandal, of which he denies any knowledge, and which is being investigated by prosecutors in Munich.


His plan for Volvo in the longer term rests on three elements. First is to strengthen Volvo’s brand. Mr Samuelsson wants it to stand not just for safety but Scandinavian design and functionality as well.


The second strand is new products. A new XC90, Volvo’s large SUV, will be introduced at the end of 2014 and car blogs speculate that the S80 saloon will be updated the following year as the Swedish company switches from platforms developed by Ford, its former owner, to ones it has developed.


The final part is cultural and based on its small size, selling just 450,000 cars a year compared with 1.7m for BMW and 8m at Volkswagen. “We have to be nimble, dynamic and faster as an organisation. We can’t afford to be as bureaucratic or [have such long] decision-making processes as a 4m car company, he says.


Asked if Volvo is in the last-chance saloon, he says: “There is absolutely no reason for us to think we have a second chance. We have to do it right now to secure our future?.?.?.? It is also a challenge that is extremely difficult, but that also makes it interesting.


‘The market is falling very, very fast in Europe.



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