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发布时间:2013-01-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

As residents of this town tried to come to grips with Friday's elementary-school massacre that left 27 people dead, including 20 children, investigators were reconstructing the movements and mindset of the suspected shooter.

在美国康涅狄格州小镇桑迪胡克(Sandy Hook)的居民努力应对上周五的小学枪击案之际,调查人员则正在试图搞清嫌犯的活动和想法。此次枪击案共造成27人死亡,其中包括20名儿童。

Authorities here said on Sunday that a clear picture of what motivated the 20-year-old suspect, Adam Lanza, to stage one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history could take weeks to uncover. Meanwhile, residents sought comfort in church services and prepared for a Sunday evening vigil where President Barack Obama was expected to speak.

当地有关部门周日说,要弄清20岁的嫌犯亚当·兰扎(Adam Lanza)出于什么动机制造了这场美国有史以来最严重的枪击案之一,还可能需要数周时间。与此同时,当地居民在教堂礼拜中寻求慰藉,并为周日晚间的守夜活动做准备。预计总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)将在守夜活动中发表演讲。

A spokesman for the Connecticut State Police said detectives had interviewed two adults who were shot and wounded by the suspected gunman and that more interviews would be done with 'an immense' number of witnesses that would include some of the pupils inside the school.


'This is something where people's hearts are broken,' said the spokesman, Lt. J Paul Vance, at a Sunday morning news conference. 'We have to be sensitive. We're moving as quickly and efficiently as we can.'

发言人万斯(J Paul Vance)在周日早间的资讯发布会上说,这样的事令人心碎。我们必须谨慎,我们正在尽可能迅速而高效地推进调查。

Mr. Lanza used a Bushmaster AR-15 style weapon and emptied multiple high-capacity magazines during the slaughter of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Lt. Vance said. Each magazine for the assault rifle was capable of carrying 30 rounds, he said.

万斯说,在桑迪胡克小学的枪击案中,兰扎使用的是一把Bushmaster AR-15步枪,并打光了多个大容量弹匣。他说,这种步枪每个弹匣可以装30发子弹。

In the school, police also found a Glock 10mm, a Sig Sauer 9mm and additional magazines for each weapon containing hundreds more bullets, Lt. Vance said. An exact number of shots fired is yet to be determined, Lt. Vance said. A shotgun also was recovered in a car that the gunman used to drive to the school, he said.

万斯说,警方在学校里还找到了一把格洛克(Glock) 10毫米手枪和一把Sig Sauer 9毫米手枪以及每把枪更多的弹匣,弹匣中装有数百发子弹。万斯说,已发射子弹的确切数字尚有待确定。他说,在嫌犯开到学校的车中,还发现了一把猎枪。

'The trajectory of the shots and all of the ammunition used in this horrific crime will be examined,' he said.


According to Lt. Vance, federal authorities are assisting in analyzing evidence─which includes tracing the origins and use of the weapons. Law-enforcement officials have said the weapons were legally purchased and registered to the suspect's mother, Nancy Lanza. The 52-year-old, who was the first victim in the Friday shooting spree, was found dead inside the home she shared with the suspect in Newtown, which includes the village of Sandy Hook. She was killed by multiple gunshot wounds to her head, a spokeswoman for the state's chief medical examiner said Sunday.

据万斯说,联邦有关部门正在帮助分析证据,包括追踪武器的来源和使用情况。执法部门官员一直说,这些武器是合法购买的,登记在嫌犯的母亲南希·兰扎(Nancy Lanza)名下。52岁的南希是上周五连环枪击案的首位受害者,被人发现死于她和嫌犯在纽敦(Newtown)共住的家中。桑迪胡克村隶属于纽敦。康涅狄格州首席法医周日说,南希头部多处中弹而亡。

Authorities discovered her body after Mr. Lanza forced his way into the elementary School. The rampage ended when Mr. Lanza killed himself inside the school as the first emergency responders arrived, according to Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy. The spokeswoman for the medical examiner said an autopsy revealed Mr. Lanza fired a single bullet into his head.

有关部门是在兰扎强行进入桑迪胡克小学后发现南希尸体的。据康涅狄格州州长马洛伊(Dannel Malloy)说,首批应急响应人员到达校园枪击现场时,兰扎自杀从而结束了枪击案。法医的发言人说,尸检显示兰扎向自己头部开了一枪。

'Our goal is to answer every single question,' Lt. Vance said. 'It's a huge case, we're using every single resource and our goal is to paint a complete picture so that we all know…exactly what happened here.'


To that end, Lt. Vance said very little information would be publicly released on the timeline of the shooting, other than that Mr. Lanza focused on one section of the school, targeting two classrooms.



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