一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 脉冲星导航卫星
pulsar navigation satellite
China successfully launched an X-ray pulsar navigation satellite on Thursday morning from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, according to the China Satellite Navigation Office.
这颗卫星名为XPNAV-1,是世界上首颗脉冲星导航卫星(pulsar navigation satellite)。它重200多公斤,搭载两个探测器(carry two detectors),由中国空间技术研究院研制(be developed by the China Academy of Space Technology),由长征十一号固体燃料运载火箭(Long March 11 solid-fueled carrier rocket)发射升空。
这颗卫星将在太阳同步轨道上运行(operate in a Sun-synchronous orbit),通过脉冲星探测器开展在轨试验(conduct in-orbit experiments using pulsar detectors)从而验证各项新技术。中国空间技术研究院脉冲星导航卫星科学任务系统总设计师(chief designer)帅平表示,X射线脉冲星导航是一项全新的导航技术(an innovative navigation technology),脉冲星放射的周期性X射线信号(periodic X-ray signals emitted from pulsars)将用于确定深空中航天器的位置(determine the location of a spacecraft in deep space)。
X射线脉冲星导航卫星将有助于减少航天器对地面导航系统的依赖(help reduce the spacecraft's reliance on ground-based navigation systems),使航天器在未来实现自主导航(autonomous navigation)。
载人飞船 manned spacecraft
遥感系统 remote sensing system
空间交会对接 space rendezvous and docking
无人驾驶舱 unmanned module
空间站 space station
火星探测任务 the Mars probe mission
2. 国家监察体制改革
reform of national supervision system
The General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee recently issued a document on pilot reform of the national supervision system in Beijing, and Shanxi and Zhejiang provinces, which will establish supervisory committees at various levels in these three regions.
深化国家监察体制改革(deepen the reform of national supervision system)的目标,是建立党统一领导下的国家反腐败工作机构。十八届六中全会公报中呼吁各级党委(Party committees at all levels)支持和保证同级人大、政府、监察机关(supervisory bodies)、司法机关(judicial bodies)等对国家机关及公职人员(government departments and civil servants)依法进行监督。
建立集中统一(central and unified)、权威高效(authoritative and highly efficient)的国家监察体系(national supervision system),将所有国家公职人员(all public office holders),包括在党的机关、人大机关、政协机关、司法机关等任职的公务员(officials in the Party organs, members of people's congresses, political consultative organs and judicial authorities)及其他国家工作人员(other public employees)等全部纳入监察范畴,才能实现对行使公权力(public power)的公职人员监察全面覆盖。完善监察体制,还需要进一步理顺(further straighten out)监察机关和检察机关(prosecutorial bodies)等单位之间的关系。
监察委员会 supervisory committee
监督对象 target of supervision
积累经验 accumulate experiences
公报 communique
3. 特朗普胜克林顿
Trump trumps Clinton
Republican Donald Trump trumped Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election early on Wednesday.
经过一年多充满争议的(full of disputes)、戏剧性的选举大战之后,美国第45任总统人选在当地时间9日凌晨出炉。从无从政经验(with no political experience)的地产大亨(real estate mogul)、共和党候选人唐纳德·特朗普在其竞选总部(campaign headquarters)宣布胜选。此前志在成为美国第一任女总统的前国务卿(former Secretary of State)、民主党候选人希拉里·克林顿向特朗普打电话,承认败选(concede the election)。此外,共和党将保持在参众两院的多数席位(maintain majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives),掌握国会立法和议事设置的主动权。这意味着自明年1月起,共和党将在白宫与国会两院(both houses of Congress)实现"一党独大"。
尽管之前的各种民调均显示克林顿获胜的几率大幅领先特朗普,但佛罗里达、俄亥俄和北卡罗来纳等几个关键摇摆州(key battleground states)的选票使特朗普出人意料地击败了克林顿(Trump unexpectedly trumped Clinton),入主白宫。在过去60多年的美国总统选举(the US presidential election)中,俄亥俄州所支持的候选人最终都取得了大选胜利,因此有"得俄亥俄者得天下"之说。
自1792年起,美国的总统和副总统每四年选举一次(be elected quadrennially),选举日(Election Day)为11月的第一个星期一之后的第一个星期二,今年的选举日是11月8日。美国实行"选举人团(Electoral College)"的间接选举制度。选民投票产生的是代表美国50个州和首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的538名选举人(elector)。总统候选人获得超过270张选举人票(electoral college votes)即可获胜。
投票 cast a ballot
投票站 voting booth/polling station
竞选活动 election campaign
大选焦虑 election anxiety
党团会议 caucus
初选 primary
黑天鹅事件 black swan event
4. 药品加成
medicine markup
The State Council recently issued a guideline document on deepening medical reforms, which clearly requires all public hospitals to remove their medicine markups.
过去,公立医院(public hospital)的药品价格可在进价基础上上浮15%,上涨的价钱即药品加成(medicine markup/markup on drugs)。许多人质疑这从某种程度上导致了医生和医院为了赚钱而给病人多开药(prescribe more medicines to their patients than necessary)。
医院取消药品加成是我国公立医院改革(public hospital reform)的一部分,旨在打破公立医院对药物销售的依赖(break the dependency of public hospitals on medicine sales)。文件还提出提高挂号费(registration fee),使医生凭借其劳动得到恰如其分的报酬(get proper payment for their labor)。医院只提供医疗服务(medical service),不再靠售药来获得利润(stop making profits from selling medicines)。文件同时还要求医院的药品采购要透明(make their purchasing of medicines transparent)。
自2017年北京市的友谊医院、朝阳医院、同仁医院、天坛医院和积水潭医院这五家医院试点以"医药分开"(separate drug sales from medical services)为核心的改革以来,病人的经济负担(financial burden on patients)减轻了20%-30%。
诊疗费 consultation fee
医疗支出 health expenditure
个人支出 individual expenditure
基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system
5. 留守儿童
left-behind children
China has 9.02m left-behind children in the countryside, according to a statement from the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Wednesday.
今年3月,民政部、教育部、公安部印发通知,在全国范围内组织开展农村留守儿童(left-behind children in the countryside/rural left-behind children)摸底排查工作。根据《国务院关于加强农村留守儿童关爱保护工作的意见》对于农村留守儿童的定义,本次摸排的对象为父母双方外出务工或一方外出务工另一方无监护能力、不满十六周岁的农村户籍未成年人(rural minors under 16 whose parents are migrant workers or who have one migrant-worker parent and the other incapable of guardianship)。
在9日召开的农村留守儿童关爱保护工作部际联席会议(multi-department meeting)第二次全体会议上,民政部副部长高晓兵透露了此次摸底排查的结果。排查结果显示,目前全国留守儿童数量为902万人,超过90%的留守儿童分布在我国中西部省份(over 90% of the left-behind children live in China's central and western provinces)。其中,由(外)祖父母监护(be in the care of their grandparents)的805万人,占89.3%;由亲戚朋友(relatives or friends)监护的30万人,占3.3%;一方外出务工另一方无监护能力(be incapable of guardianship)的31万人,占3.4%。有36万农村留守儿童无人监护(have no guardian),占4%。
此次摸底排查还发现,少数农村留守儿童辍学(drop out of school)或尚未登记户口(register a hukou)。此外,报告还分析了各年龄段留守儿童数据,6-13岁留守儿童占比最大,为559万人。从家庭经济 [相关词汇]
流浪儿童 street children
困境儿童 children living in difficulty
农村留守人口 rural left-behind population
外出打工人员 migrant workers
城镇化 urbanization
劳动力过剩/短缺 labor surplus/shortage
6. 双十一网购节
Double 11 online shopping festival
Chinese shoppers shrugged off any concerns over a slowing economy and bought RMB80.7b worth of goods within the first 12 hours of Alibaba's Double 11 online shopping festival, which kicked off on Friday.
近年来电商行业(e-commerce industry)发展迅猛,业界预计今年"双十一"主流电商(e-commerce giants)的成交额有望再创新高(the sales will once again set new records)。值得注意的是,除了常规的价格战(price competition)以外,今年各大电商还推出了不少吸引眼球的新招数。
阿里巴巴推出了Buy+虚拟现实购物(virtual reality shopping)体验,购物者移动视线就能完成逛街(shopping)、下单(ordering)、支付(paying)的购物全过程;同时还举办了互动电视晚会(interactive television gala),请来大牌明星(A-list celebrities)助阵。苏宁、国美等电商在继续主打电器、日用品等垂直品类(vertical category)的同时,还和线下门店(offline store)进一步加强互动;唯品会等企业则推出流媒体视频直播(live video streaming),希望通过网络社交等手段提升成交额。
抢购狂欢 shopping spree
销售额 sales volume
游戏购物 gamifying shopping
实体零售商 brick-and-mortar retailer
无线终端 wireless device
物流行业 logistics industry
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The Development of a Private Car
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Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?
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What is beauty in your mind?
How to Improve Your English Reading
中考英语作文训练:Asking the Way问路
Going abroad for studies
如何写中考英语作文 通知
初中英语范文 Adjust Our Eyesight-调整我们的视力
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