答案 (1)——这次旅行过得怎么样?——太累了!我在最后一刻赶上了 火车,可是所有的座位都被占了。我只好站了一路。 (2)——我不知道这周末你忙不忙。——我没有特别的事要做。 (3)这位母亲在厨房里忙活着,完全忘了放在桌子上的药孩子能够得到。 3 operation The most important battle of the war in Europe was Operation Overlord,the military operation in 1944 to invade France.二战时欧洲最重要的一场战役 就是登陆战役,那场1944年攻占法国的军事行动。(教材原句P72) 考点释义 发散思维 ORBIS is an international non-profit organization which operates the world’s only flying teaching eye hospital.(2017 江西 阅读理解 C) ORBIS是一个非盈利的国际组织,该组织经营世界上唯一一个能飞行的 眼科培训医院。 He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imag- ination.(2017广东 阅读理解A) 他靠控制自己的想象力经历了好几次手术也经受了很多的痛苦。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)The woman moved about outside the operation room,because her son was on.
这位妇女在手术室外来回走动,因为她儿子正在做手术。 (2)We’re all ready to .In other words,we’re going to take action as fast as possible.
我们准备把它付诸实施。也就是说,我们会尽快采取行动。 (3)There are several factors in the economy which makes it difficult to predict the future.
有好几个因素在经济中起作用,这就使得预测未来困难了。 答案 (1)being operated (2)put it into operation (3)operating 4 rescue When Boat 5 was hit by a shell,most of the men were rescued from the wa- ter.当5号船被炮弹击中后,大多数人从水里被救了出来。 (教材原句P73) 考点释义 发散思维 Last summer,two nineteenth-century cottages were rescued from remote farm fields in Montana...(2017 浙江 阅读理解 C)
去年夏天,在蒙大拿州偏远的农场上,两座19世纪的村舍被拯救了出来… … Let the soldiers sleep for a while because they have been rescuing the in- jured for twelve hours nonstop. 让这些战士们休息一下吧,因为他们已经连续不停地营救伤员12个小时了。
活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Charles did what he could the drowning man,although he himself was in danger.
尽管查尔斯自己也处在危险之中,但是他还是尽全力去营救那个快被淹 死的人。 (2)All their attempts to the child the burning building were in vain.He died soon. 他们试图从燃烧的大楼里救出那个孩子的努力都白费了,他很快就死 了。 (3)Hundreds of people are still in the water,waiting . 好几百人仍在水中等待救援。 答案 (1)to rescue (2)rescue;from (3)to be rescued 5 company
The other two,Private Jake Shefer and Private Thomas Lovejoy,joined a group from another company and fought with them.另外两个士兵杰克·谢 弗和托马斯·洛夫乔伊加入了另一个连队中并和他们一起作战。 (教材 原句P73) 考点释义 发散思维 陪伴某人;与某人做伴
与某人在一起 It’s easy to overlook the pleasure we get from the company of friends,the freedom to live where we please,and even good health.(2017天津 阅读理解 D) 我们很容易忽略有朋友陪伴带来的乐趣,忽略我们生活在自己满意的地 方的自由,甚至忽略了我们健康的身体。 The theater rules state that no child shall be allowed in unless accompanied by an adult. 剧院的规章要求如果在没有成人陪同的情况下孩子们不能进入。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Betty’s parents are away for the week,so I think I’d better go over to . 贝蒂的父母这周不在家,我想我最好过去陪着她。 (2)Can you your little brother to the post office now? 你现在可以陪你弟弟去邮局吗? 答案 (1)keep her company (2)accompany 高分靓句 例句:这个女孩被警告说晚上路上有危险后,她不得不在一个朋友的陪伴 下回家。 Having been warned of danger on the road at night,the girl had to go home with a friend accompanying her. 仿写:亲爱的,今晚陪我去看电影好吗? 答案 Darling,what about accompanying me to see a movie tonight? 6 quote His speeches are still remembered and quoted today,and remain some of the finest examples of spoken English.他的很多演讲今天仍被人们记着并引 用,而且还是英语口语中最好的一些例子。 (教材原句P81) 考点释义 He finished his speech with a quotation from Shakespeare. 他用莎士比亚的语录结束了自己的讲话。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)More than 5,000 people had been confirmed dead from Friday’s mas- sive earthquake and tsunami,Japanese media quoted police as saying early on Thursday. (2)The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion. (3)He is quoted as having said that there will be an election this fall. 答案 (1)日本媒体在周四早些时候引用警方的话说,在周五的大地震 和海啸中已经证实有五千多人死亡。 (2)这位法官引用了各种案例来支持自己的观点。 (3)有人引用他的话说,今年秋天将会有一次选举。 7 despite The UN couldn’t stop a terrible civil war in the African state of Rwanda in 1995,despite warnings of the dangers from nearby states.尽管有来自附近国 家的危险警告,但是联合国还是没能够阻止1995年非洲卢旺达地区的激 烈内战。 (教材原句P83) 考点释义 Despite what it promises,GM technology actually has not increased the pro- duction potential of any crop. 不管它许诺要怎么样,事实上转基因技术并没有增加任何庄稼的产量潜 力。 She went to Spain despite the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.尽管医 生告诉她应该休息,她还是去了西班牙。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1) the wet weather,they managed to arrive at the worksite before daybreak. 尽管天下着雨,他们还是设法在天黑前到达了工作地。 (2) your poor record in school,we think you should study harder. 鉴于你在学校糟糕的成绩记录,我们认为你应该更加努力学习。 答案 (1)Despite/In spite of (2)In view of
高分靓句 例句:总的说来,除了几个小问题外,这项工程被完成得很好。 All in all,the project is well carried out despite some minor problems. 仿写:尽管雪下得很大,清洁工们仍然在工作着。 答案 Despite the heavy snow,the cleaning workers are still working. 虚拟语气 1.But for these interruptions,the meeting (finish)half an hour ago. 2.I forget where I saw the skirt,otherwise I (tell)you the shop’s name now. 3.It was recommended that children (offer)chances to get close to na- ture. 4.—Did Jack take the doctor’s advice that he (lie)in bed for another three days? —If only he had. 5.My suggestion is that a plan for study (make)at first. 6.Don’t you think it necessary that he (not send)to Miami but to New York? 单元语法答案 1.would have finished 句意:要不是有这些打岔的话,会议在半个小时前 就结束了。 2.would tell 句意:我忘了是在哪儿看到的那条裙子了,否则的话,我现在 就告诉你商店的名字了。 3.(should)be offered 句意:建议指出,应该提供给孩子们接近大自然的机 会。 4.(should)lie 句意:——杰克听从医生让他再卧床休息三天的建议了吗? ——要是他听了就好了。 5.(should)be made 句意:我的建议是首先要制订一个学习计划。 6.(should)not be sent 句意:你难道不认为有必要把他派往纽约而不是迈 阿密吗?
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 6 War and Peace Ⅰ.重点单词 1. vt.声明;断言 n.声明;宣言 2. vi.溺死;淹没
3. v.忽略;不予理会;俯瞰
4. vt.& n.营救;援救 5. adv.之后;后来 6. n.形象;影像;印象 单元课前检测 7. adj.值得花时间 8. n.策略;战略 9. n.& v.引言;引用 10. prep.尽管 11. v.侵略;侵袭 n.侵略者 n.侵略;侵袭 12. vt.& n.牺牲 13. n.纪念物/碑 14. vt.解放;使获自由 n.解放 Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 取得重大突破/进展 2. 卷入;陷入;牵扯进
3. 考虑;思考;打算 4. 令某人惊讶的是 5. 提及;参考;查阅 6. 引起注意 7. 向……宣战 8. 在视野中;看得见
Ⅲ.重点句型 1.The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed they even the boats. 这次行动非常危险,很多士兵没来得及下船就牺牲了。 2.The survivors lay on the beach, . 死里逃生的士兵躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。 3.We gave stockings to the women,which they loved,and ,they gave us perfume for our girlfriends. 我们送给妇女们长袜,她们非常喜欢。作为回礼,她们拿出香水要送给我 们的女朋友。 1.Several miners are still in water,waiting to be (rescue). 2.The old couple have brought up two (abandon)children. 3.The little dog ran and ran and (eventual)reached home. 4.What (astonish)me most was his complete lack of fear. 5.I am (shock)at the news that many pupils were killed in the terrible traffic accident. 6.He (quote)some old Chinese sayings to explain his points. 7. (occupy)with designing the bridge,the engineer has no time to take care of his sick mother. 8.Loria said he and his sister make a good team, the fact that they sometimes argue. 9.Nobody knows the exact number of people and cattle that were (drown)in the flood. 10.The history of the Qing Dynasty is a history of suffering,also one of be- ing (invade). 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.declare;declaration 2.drown 3.overlook 4.rescue 5.afterwards 6. image 7.worthwhile 8.strategy 9.quote 10.despite 11.invade;invad- er;invasion 12.sacrifice 13.memorial 14.liberate;liberation Ⅱ.重点短语 1.make a breakthrough 2.be involved in 3.think about 4.to one’s as- tonishment/surprise/amazement 5.refer to 6.draw attention to 7.declare war on 8.in sight Ⅲ.重点句型 1.before;got off 2.exhausted and shocked 3.in return 单句填空题组答案 1.rescued 句意:好几个矿工仍在水中,等待被援救。 2.abandoned 句意:那对老妇夫已经抚养了两个被遗弃的孩子。 3.eventually 句意:那只小狗跑啊跑啊,终于跑到了家。 4.astonished 句意:最令我吃惊的是他一点儿也不恐惧。 5.shocked 句意:很多小学生在这次严重的交通事故中死亡的消息让我 感到很震惊。 6.quoted 句意:他引用了中国的一些古谚语来解释他的观点。 7.Occupied 句意:因为忙于设计这座桥,这位工程师没有时间去照料自 己生病的母亲。 8.despite 句意:Loria说他和妹妹尽管有时会争吵,但他们合作得很好。 9.drowned 句意:没有人知道在这次洪水中淹死的人和牲畜的确切数 字。 10.invaded 句意:清朝的历史就是一部苦难的历史,也是一部被侵略的 历史。 语言点用法过关 1 last The war,which lasted until 1945,is known as the Second World War.这场持 续到1945年的战争就是著名的第二次世界大战。 (教材原句P72) 考点释义 发散思维 Baby(or“milk”)teeth do not last long;they fall out to make room for big- ger,stronger adult teeth later on.(2017浙江,阅读理解B)奶牙不会持续长很 久,它们脱落后为更大更强壮的成人牙齿腾空间。 You are the last person to keep a promise. 你是最不守信用的人了。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)These colours if exposed to the sun. 这些颜色如果暴露在阳光下,其色彩不会持续很久。 (2)In our company the manager . 在我们公司,经理拥有最后的决定权。 (3)The pair of shoes didn’t a month and I will take them back to the store. 这双鞋穿了不到一个月就坏了,我要把它们退回商店。 (4) ,I want to be able to spend more time with family and friends. 最后但并非最不重要,我希望能够花更多的时间与家人和朋友在一起。 答案 (1)won’t last long (2)has the last word (3)last for (4) Last but not least 2 occupy During the war,Germany occupied many countries,including France.战争期 间,德国占领了很多国家,包括法国。 (教材原句P72) 考点释义 发散思维 Mom and Dad were occupied in the garden and Dad told the police to keep me,and they did!(2017 四川 阅读理解 B) 妈妈和爸爸在园子里忙碌,爸爸让警察照看我,他们竟然这样做了! Many of his colleagues have taken up other occupations.他的很多同事都从事了另外的职业。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)—How was the journey?
—Tiring!I caught the train at the last second but all the seats had been occu- pied.I stood all the way. (2)—I wonder if you are occupied this weekend.—I don’t have anything particular to do. (3)The mother,occupied in the kitchen,totally forgot the medicine on the table within the child’s reach.
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