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2016届高三英语(北师大版)一轮复习能力自评:Unit 15 Learning15-3

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section Ⅲ 沙场点兵,能力自评

  (时间:45分钟 满分100分)


  Most people give little thought to the pens they write with, especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very__1__things are handwritten. All too often, people buy a pen based only on__2__, and wonder why they are not satisfied__3__they begin to use it. However, buying a pen that you’ll enjoy is not__4__if you keep the following in mind.

  First of all, a pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be__5__to use. The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征)__6__comfort. Having a small hand and thick fingers, you may be comfortable with a thin pen. If you have a__7__hand and thicker fingers, you may__8__a fatter pen. The length of a pen can__9__influence comfort. A pen that is too__10__can easily feel topheavy and unstable.

  Then, the writing point of the pen should__11__the ink to flow evenly(均匀地)while the pen remains in touch with the paper. __12__will make it possible for you to create a __13__line of writing. The point should also be sensitive enough to__14__ink from running when the pen is lifted. A point that does not block the__15__may leave drops of ink,__16__you pick the pen up and put it down again.

  __17__, the pen should make a thick, dark line. Fineline pens may__18__bad handwriting, but fine, delicate lines do not command__19__next to printed text, as,__20__, a signature on a printed letter. A broader line, on the other hand, gives an impression of confidence and authority(权威).

  1. A. many 

  B. few

  C. pleasant

  D. important

  2. A. looks

  B. reason

  C. value

  D. advantages

  3. A. once

  B. if

  C. because

  D. though

  4. A. convenient

  B. practical

  C. strange

  D. difficult

  5. A. heavy

  B. easy

  C. hard

  D. safe

  6. A. taking

  B. finding

  C. determining

  D. seeking

  7. A. stronger

  B. weaker

  C. smaller

  D. larger

  8. A. prefer

  B. recommend

  C. prepare

  D. demand

  9. A. hardly

  B. also

  C. never

  D. still

  10. A. thick

  B. light

  C. long

  D. soft

  11. A. change

  B. allow

  C. reduce

  D. press

  12. A. They

  B. One

  C. This

  D. Some

  13. A. thin

  B. rough

  C. black

  D. smooth

  14. A. prevent

  B. free

  C. protect

  D. remove

  15. A. way

  B. sight

  C. flow

  D. stream

  16. A. so

  B. as

  C. and

  D. yet

  17. A. Meanwhile

  B. Generally

  C. Afterwards

  D. Finally

  18. A. show up

  B. differ from

  C. break down

  D. compensate for

  19. A. attention

  B. support

  C. respect

  D. admission

  20. A. at most

  B. for example

  C. in brief

  D. on purpose



  1. B 现代化家庭和办公室中的打印机意味着“很少”有手写的东西。

  2. A 时常,人们购买钢笔仅仅凭借其“外观”。

  3. A 由于人们仅凭外观购买钢笔,“一旦”开始使用,就想知道为什么对它不满意。

  4. D 人们常常对购买的钢笔不满意,可是,如果你记住以下几点,买一支称心如意的钢笔并不“困难”。

  5. B 首先,钢笔握在手中应该非常舒服而且“容易”使用。使用钢笔一般不涉及安全问题,所以D项错误。

  6. C 钢笔的粗细是“决定”舒适度的最重要的特征。其他选项不符合语境。

  7. D 此处与上一句中的small是反义词,且与a fatter pen相照应,所以用larger。

  8. A 如果你的手比较大,手指比较粗,你可能“更喜欢”比较粗大的钢笔。

  9. B 上文讲的是钢笔的粗细与其舒适度密切相关,此处是说钢笔的长度也会影响舒适度,由此可知选B。10. C 此处讲的是钢笔的长度问题。太“长的”钢笔容易感觉头重脚轻并且不稳定。

  11. B 当钢笔接触到纸面时,笔尖应该能够让墨水均匀地流出来。此处allow“允许,使可能”,符合语境。

  12. C 此处的This指代上一句中提到的内容。

  13. D 流畅的笔尖可以让你写出“流畅的”线条。前三项都与上文中提到的均匀出墨在逻辑上不符。

  14. A 笔尖应该能够让钢笔书写的时候均匀地出墨;也应该足够敏感,当钢笔停止书写被提起的时候,可以“阻止”墨水流出。15. C 不能阻止墨水“流出”的笔尖可能留下墨滴。此处与本段第11空后面的flow相呼应。

  16. B 当你拿起钢笔,再次放下的时候,不能阻止墨水流出的笔尖就会流出墨滴。as表示“当……时候”。

  17. D 结合第二段中的“First of all”以及第三段中的“Then”可知此处表示的是先后顺序,所以选择D项。

  18. D 本句中的but表示的是转折含义,由此可知前半句叙述的是细线条钢笔的好处,这样的钢笔也许可以“弥补”拙劣的书法,故用D项表示“弥补”。A项表示“使显示出,出现”;B项表示“不同于”;C项表示“打破,分解”,都不符合语境。

  19. A 但是,纤细的线条不能引起别人的“注意”,attention表示“注意”。此处与本段最后一句中的“gives an impression of confidence and authority”相呼应。

  20. B 此处是用打印书信上的手写签名作为例证。A项表示“至多”;C项表示“简单地说”;D项表示“故意”,都与所给语境不符。


  A national memorial service was held on April 21,2010 for those killed in the 7.1 magnitude quake that struck Yushu, Qinghai Province, the State Council announced.

  On April 21, flags flew at halfmast nationwide including in Chinas embassies and consulates(领事馆), and

  public recreational activities were stopped as a sign of mourning.

  As of 8 p.m. Monday (April,19), the death toll had climbed to 2,039 in the destructive earthquake in Northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, with 195 people still missing, according to rescue headquarters.

  As truckloads of food, water and tents poured in severe weather, a state of relative peace had begun to return to Gyegu. Vendors returned to the streets, selling daily necessities and other goods to the people in need for the first time since the 7.1 magnitude earthquake—China?s strongest in nearly two years—which destroyed nearly 90 percent of buildings.

  Badly­needed daily necessities as well as a lot of television sets arrived Monday morning from Xining, the provincial capital 840km away. Earlier efforts to send aid to this remote plateau town, home to 100,000 people, had been prevented by poor road and weather conditions as well as heavy traffic.

  Survivors packed temporary phone rooms on Gyegu?s main street, trying to make free calls to relatives and friends or recharge their cellphones.

  Although most survivors are housed in government­issued tents, some people were still staying in the open by the side of their flattened homes.

  Evening temperatures dropped to below freezing point in Yushu, and there was a little snow and rain on Monday afternoon.

  The Ministry of Commerce said in Beijing that it had sent 3,000 stoves and some mobile shops to the quake­hit region. The stoves arrived in Xining on Tuesday, the ministry said.

  Electricity supply had been restored to pre­quake levels as of Monday morning, according to Gu Junyuan, chief engineer of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

  Miao Wei, vice­minister of industry and information technology, said telecommunications were back to normal in all six counties in Yushu prefecture(自治洲). Every village and township had been equipped with at least one means of direct contact with the rescue and relief headquarters.

  In Beijing, authorities began to draft plans for a new Yushu, with “ecological tourism” as its pillar(支柱)industry.

  1. How can we know the exact number of the deaths according to the passage?

  A. From the State Council.

  B. From Qinghai Province Government.

  C. From Yuhu Prefecture Government.

  D. From rescue headquarters. 2. What does the word “vendors” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

  A. Salespersons.

  B. Residents.

  C. Rescue workers.

  D. Villagers.

  3. What’s the topic of the passage? A. A terrible earthquake.

  B. A national service for the dead.

  C. Serious damage caused by earthquake.

  D. A new Yushu with “ecological tourism”.

  4. This passage is probably taken from________.

  A. an economic journal

  B. a science story

  C. a travel magazine

  D. a news report



  1. D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句知道准确的死亡人数是从救援中心来的。

  2. A 词义猜测题。根据本句后面的“..., selling daily necessities and other goods to the people in need”可以看出,vendors意思为“商贩”,相当于salespersons.

  3. B 主旨大意题。本篇为资讯报道。此类文章的主旨大意或标题通常在文章的第一段,再结合所给的图片不难知道正确的答案。

  4. D 推理判断题。本文为资讯类报道,可以从所给的时间、地点、人物、内容等推知。











  Good morning, everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts on becoming a grown-up”.








  Thank you for listening.


  Good morning, everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts on becoming a grown-up”.

  As a child, I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could have whatever I wanted and do whatever I liked. Now I’m a grown-up, but I find things do not go as I expected. Although I can enjoy more freedom, at the same time I realize that being a grown-up not only means this, but also more responsibilities. I hope to do more for my parents and society in the future to make my life more meaningful. To reach the goal, I must first try my best to pass the college entrance examination and enter a good university. (106 words)

  Thank you for listening.


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