3.He made a mistake at work.As a consequence,he lost his position.(改为强调句) →He did make a mistake at work.As a consequence,he lost his position.
现在完成时与现在完成进行时 单句语法填空 1.Hello! I’m calling to cancel the appointment I have made(make) with Dr.Smith. 2.People have been receiving(receive) financial aid since they lost their homes,jobs and businesses
in the storm last month. 3.—John,why are you so upset? —I have been looking(look) for my cell phone all morning but it is nowhere to be found. 4.In the past few centuries,the lighthouses along North Carolina’s coast have been recognized(recognize) as signs of safety for travelers at sea. 5.Lucy has changed a lot since she got her new job.Recently she has been doing(do) her work quite well. 阅读理解解题样板(二) 饮食与健康类 [精读语篇](湖北高考阅读理解C) We’ve reached a strange-some would say unusual-point.While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance according to a recent report from the World Health Organization(WHO),more people now die from being overweight,or say,from being extremely fat,than from being underweight.It’s the good life that’s more likely to kill us these days. Worse,nearly 18 million children under the age of five around the world are estimated to be overweight.What’s going on? We really don’t have many excuses for our weight problems.The dangers of the problem have been drilled into us by publichealth campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through-up to a point. In the 1970s,Finland,for example,had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweight was its main cause.Not any more.A publichealth campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent over the past three decades. Maybe that explains why the percentage of people in Finland taking diet pills doubled between 2001 and 2005,and doctors even offer surgery of removing fat inside and change the shape of the body.That has become a sort of fashion.No wonder it ranks as the world’s most bodyconscious country. We know what we should be doing to lose weight-but actually doing it is another matter.By far the most popular excuse is not taking enough exercise.More than half of us admit we lack willpower. Others blame good food.They say: it’s just too inviting and it makes them overeat.Still others lay the blame on the Americans,complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much Americanstyle fast food. Some also blame their parents-their genes.But unfortunately,the parents are wronged because they’re normal in shape,or rather slim. It’s a similar story around the world,although people are relatively unlikely to have tried to lose weight.Parents are eager to see their kids shape up.Do as I say-not as I do.
[题目试做](建议用时:7分钟) 59.What is the “strange” point mentioned in the first sentence? A.The good life is a greater risk than the bad life. B.Starvation is taking more people’s lives in the world. C.WHO report shows people’s unawareness of food safety. D.Overweight issue remains unresolved despite WHO’s efforts. 60.Why does the author think that people have no excuse for being overweight? A.A lot of effective diet pills are available. B.Body image has nothing to do with good food. C.They have been made fully aware of its dangers. D.There are too many overweight people in the world. 61.The example of Finland is used to illustrate
. A.the cause of heart disease B.the fashion of body shaping C.the effectiveness of a campaign D.the history of a bodyconscious country 62.Which would be the best title for the passage? A.Actions or Excuses? B.Overweight or Underweight? C.WHO in a Dilemma D.No Longer Dying of Hunger [读文样板] 一、理清文章脉络 本文从另一个角度阐述了肥胖问题。 第一、二段:摆事实,提观点——世界变得奇怪了:一方面,我们在与全球性饥饿问题作斗争,另一方面,肥胖却成为人类健康的杀手。 第三至五段:举事例,析原因——对于肥胖,我们不能有太多借口。 第六至八段:举事例,析原因——我们知道要减肥,但做起来却是另一回事。 第九段:做总结,得结论——人们想成功地减肥相对来说不太可能。 二、破解阅读障碍 (一)怎样破解生僻词汇 1.bodyconscious有形体意识的 破解方法:利用构词法。body(身体,形体)+conscious(有意识的):有身体上的意识的即注意形体的,有形体意识的=bodyconscious。 2.inviting adj.诱人的 破解方法:利用构词法。invite(邀请)+ing(形容词后缀):能邀请人的即诱人的=inviting。 (二)怎样破解长难句
译文:也许那可以解释为什么芬兰服用减肥药片的人的百分率在2001年和2005年间翻了一倍,以及医生们甚至做抽取体内脂肪和身体整形的外科手术。 [解题样板] 59.第一句中的“奇怪”的地步是指什么? 信息源 选项特征 A.生活太好带来的危害比生活太苦带来的危害更大。 第一段最后一句 合理推断 B.饥饿使世界上更多的人死去。 第一段 曲解文意 C.WHO的报告表明人们没有意识到食品安全问题。 第一段 无中生有 D.尽管WHO在努力,肥胖问题依旧没有解决。 第一段 混淆视听 [分析] A 第一段指出一个奇怪的现象:一方面,WHO的报告表明应对世界性的饥饿问题至关重要,另一方面,因肥胖而死的人比因过瘦而死的人多,由此判断选A“生活太好带来的危害比生活太苦带来的危害更大”。 60.为什么作者认为人们不能为肥胖找借口? 信息源 选项特征 A.人们可以买到大量有效的减肥药片。 第五段 第一句 曲解文意 B.体形与好食物无关。 第五段 颠倒是非 C.他们已完全意识到肥胖的危害。 第三、六段 合理推断 D.世界上肥胖的人太多了。 第一段 混淆视听 [分析] C 根据第三段可知,2001年开始的公众健康运动已经使人们深刻意识到了肥胖的危害,因此在芬兰,人们通过吃减肥药,做抽脂手术来减肥;根据第六段可知,我们知道要减肥该做什么,但做不做又是另外一个问题了。从这些信息看,作者认为不能为肥胖找借口是因为人们知道肥胖的危害。 61.举芬兰的例子是为了说明
。 信息源 选项特征 A.心脏病的起因 第四段 曲解文意 B.塑身的时尚 第五段 曲解文意 C.运动的效果 第四、五段 合理推断 D.形体意识之国的历史 第五段 曲解文意 [分析] C 根据第四段可知,在芬兰,20世纪70年代由肥胖引起的心脏病发病率世界最高,通过公共健康运动,心脏病的死亡率在过去30年下降了80%。因此作者介绍芬兰不是为了说明心脏病的起因、塑身的时尚、形体意识之国的历史,而是说明这个国家掀起的健康运动的效果。 62.哪一项是文章的最佳标题? 信息源 选项特征 A.行动起来还是找借口? 全文,特别是最后一段 综合概括
B.肥胖还是过瘦? 第一段 混淆视听 C.进退两难的WHO 第一段 以偏概全 D.不再死于饥饿 第一段 以偏概全 [分析] A 本文作者以嘲讽的口吻探讨肥胖问题,说人们都知道肥胖的危害,却不愿意采取措施减肥。把肥胖归咎于缺乏毅力、快餐、遗传基因等,因此本文的主题应该是A项:是行动起来,还是继续为自己找借口?这种归纳具有高度的概括性、针对性和简洁性。文中提到的“肥胖和过瘦”只是一种表象,它不是作者想要点明的中心。 [阅读积累] 一、考纲重点词汇复现 1.extremely adv.非常,极其;极端地 2.be likely to...
很可能…… eg.He is likely to get hurt because he always trusts people easily. 他很有可能受到伤害,因为他通常很轻易地就相信人。 3.drill into
反复地将……灌输给/教授给…… 4.rank
n.等级;军衔v.排列;把……分等;列为 eg.He is above me in rank. 他的级别比我高。 5.get through
通过,穿过;接通电话;做完 eg.It’s hard to get through to students who don’t want to learn. 要想让那些不想明白的人懂是很难的。 6.admit
v.承认,允许,容纳 eg.I have to admit that we need further training. 我得承认,我们还需要进一步训练。 7.no wonder
难怪 8.blame
vt.责备;归咎于 eg.Bad workmen often blame their tools. 拙匠常怪工具差。 9.complain
vt.抱怨,控诉 10.relatively
二、文中小语法 why引导的宾语从句 原句:Maybe that explains why the percentage of people in Finland taking diet pills doubled between 2001 and 2005. 点拨:本句为why引导的宾语从句,它可以作动词或介词的宾语。另外why引导的从句还可在句中作主语、表语、定语和同位语。如: The road is covered with snow.I can’t understand why they insist on going by motorbike. 道路上盖满了雪,我不明白他们为什么坚持骑摩托车去。 Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed to win the game. 玛丽在写一篇关于这个队为什么没有赢得比赛的报告。 相似句式比较: ①Why the fire broke out at night remains a mystery.(主语从句) ②There was something wrong with his car.That was why he came late.(表语从句) ③The reason why(=for which)he did not come is quite clear.(定语从句) ④Xiao Wang has solved the problem why the TV was out of order.(同位语从句) [学以致用] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Large amounts of money were(be) spent on the magnificent building,but the poor were(be) not allowed to have a single room. 2.Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more sensitive(sense) to,and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems. 3.I would appreciate it if you could teach me how to use the computer. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.If the time is figured out(计算出)exactly,the paper can be finished on time. 2.Our new house is very convenient for(对……来说很方便)me as I can get to the supermarket in five minutes from here. 3.Her shoes match(匹配)her dress;they look very well together. Ⅲ.多维演练 1.benefit(介词填空) ①It will be of great benefit to those wishing to learn Chinese. ②I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom. ③Sunshine and rain are beneficial to the crops in the field. ④I want you to live and learn for the benefit of mankind. 2.argue (1)介词填空 ①We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey. ②They strongly argue against going there next Sunday. ③The kids are arguing with each other over/on/about which TV programme to watch. ④His father tried to argue him into taking part in such an important activity. (2)用argue的相关短语完成小片段 The workers,who ①argued for(为……而争论)their own rights,②argued with(同……争论)the boss for a few days,but failed to ③argue him into(说服……做某事)giving them a rise in wages because the boss ④argued against(反对)it and insisted that it was ⑤beyond argument(无需争论)that their pay had already been OK. 3.addict (1)用addict的适当形式填空 ①I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted. ②These nuts are addictive—I can’t stop eating them. ③His addiction to drugs propelled(驱使)him towards a life of crime. ④The young generation should addict themselves to science. (2)完成句子 ①Addicted to computer games,he had no time to study. 沉溺于电脑游戏,他没有时间学习。 ②The young generation should addict themselves to science. 年轻一代应当对科学入迷。 ③Once you are addicted to smoking,it is difficult to give it up. 一旦你吸烟上瘾,就很难戒掉。 4.admit (1)用所给词的适当形式填空 Only ticketholders were admitted to(admit)the stadium for the concert given by Jay Chou,so many of his fans were turned away. (2)句型转换 The meeting room can hold 200 people. →The meeting room can admit 200 people. (3)一句多译 她承认违反了交通规则。 ①She admitted having broken the traffic rules. ②She admitted that she had broken the traffic rules. 5.occupy (1)介词填空 ①I occupied myself in writing and I couldn’t spare any time to play with you. ②Helen was fully occupied with business matters yesterday. (2)用occupy的适当形式填空 ①Reading occupies most of my free time. ②This game will keep the children occupied. ③He carried on several occupations at a time. ④Occupied with her children,Mrs White can’t go shopping with us.
(3)完成句子 ①Fully occupied in looking after three children at home,she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club. 完全忙于在家照看三个孩子,她不再有时间参加俱乐部里各种各样的活动。 ②While she waited,she tried to occupy her mind with pleasant thoughts of the vacation. 等待的时候,她尽量让自己沉浸在对假期的美好想象中。
1.work out锻炼身体,做运动;解决,解答,计算出;产生结果,发展;制订出 [高考佳句] To work out the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor Russell several times.(2017·陕西高考单项填空) 为了算出那道数学难题,我已经咨询Russell教授好多次了。 [一词多义] 写出下列句中work out的含义 ①The basketball players are working out at the gym.锻炼,运动 ②Neither the teacher nor his students know how to work out the problem.解决,解答 ③The area can be easily worked out if you know the length and the breadth.计算出 ④It wasn’t too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all.制订出 ⑤She said the plan would work out well. That’s just where I disagree.产生结果 【名师指津】 work out作“解决,制订”讲时,是及物动词短语,可以带宾语;作“锻炼,产生结果”时,为不及物动词短语,没有被动形式。 [链接高考] (2011·江西高考改编)You can’t predict everything.Often things don’t work out(发展) as you expect. 2.rely on依赖,依靠 [高考佳句] Pygmy rabbits also rely on winter cover by digging tunnels through the snow to escape predators,but lesser snowfall is leaving them exposed.(2017·浙江高考阅读A) 冬季,侏儒兔还依赖于在积雪中挖隧道来躲避捕食者,但较小的降雪使他们容易暴露。 rely on/upon sb./sth. 依靠某人/某物 rely on/upon sb.to do/doing sth.
依靠/指望某人做某事 rely on/upon sb.for sth.
依赖某人做某事 rely on/upon it that ...
相信……;指望…… ①You can’t just rely on your parents lending you the money. 你不能只指望父母借钱给你。 ②You may rely on it that the work will be finished ahead of time. 你可以放心,这项工作将提前完成。 3.pull up(车辆)停止,停车;(在比赛中移动到领先的位置或地方)超前 [经典例句] The driver pulled up his car immediately when the traffic light turned red at the crossing.(牛津P1962) 十字路口的红灯一亮,那位司机立刻把车停了下来。 pull down拉下(遮帘、帘子等);
拆毁,拆掉(建筑物) pull off
(费力气)脱掉(衣服) pull out
驶出 pull through
渡过难关,摆脱危险 ①Plans have been put forward to pull down and rebuild the area. 已提出计划,要把这个地区的房屋拆掉重建。 ②Pull off your wet clothes and let me dry them over the fire. 快点脱下你的湿衣服,让我在炉火上为你烘干。 ③Tom is popular with his colleagues,which helps him pull through the poverty of his family. 汤姆在同事中很受欢迎,这一点帮助他渡过了家里的贫困时期。 [学以致用] Ⅰ.选词填空 take place, work out, pull up, pull out, rely on 1.Working out for an hour every day is good for your health. 2.Great changes have taken place in my hometown over the last ten years. 3.The driving instructor told me to pull up at the post office. 4.The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort. 5.When I hurried to the station,the train had just pulled out.
Ⅱ.多维演练 1.rely (1)用rely的适当形式填空 ①I have been convinced that the print media are usually more accurate and more reliable than television. ②Millions of Chinese rely on bicycles as their important means of transportation. (2)一句多译 你放心,他肯定会按时来的。 ①You may rely on him coming on time. ②You may rely on him to come on time. ③You may rely on it that he will come on time.
2.pull up(写出下列句中pull up的含义) ①He didn’t pull his car up at the red light.停车 ②Don’t pull him up about this;it’s not really his fault.责怪 ③He told the children not to pull up the young plants.拔出 ④If you study hard,you’ll soon pull up your French.提高,改进
Before 1908,when Ford’s cars became available to the public,it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car. 1908年福特汽车问世之前,只有非常有钱的人才能买得起汽车。 此句使用了强调句式。强调句式的构成:It is/was+被强调部分+who/that... (1)当被强调的部分指人时,句子的连词可用that/who,否则就用that。 (2)当被强调的部分为主语时,句子的谓语动词与被强调的主语保持一致。 ①It is I who am invited to attend the opening ceremony of the meeting tomorrow. 我被邀请出席明天会议的开幕式。 ②It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most. 能给我们的工作带来最大益处的不是我们做了多少,而是我们对于自己所做的事情付出了多少爱。 (3)强调句的一般疑问句:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who ...? ③Was it fifteen years ago that we worked in the small village? 是十五年前我们一起在这个小村庄工作的吗? (4)强调句的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+is/was it+that/who ...? ④What was it that made his parents so happy? 到底是什么事使他父母这么高兴? (5)对含有“not ...until ...”句型中的时间状语进行强调,应将not until放在一起进行强调,构成“It is/was not until
...that ...”。 ⑤It was not until he took off his dark glasses that I realized he was a famous film star. 直到他摘下墨镜我才认出他是一位著名的影星。 【名师指津】 (1)强调句通常用来强调主语、宾语、状语等,不能强调谓语。对句子的谓语动词强调时用“do/does/did+动词原形”强调句型。 ⑥I do get up very early every morning. 我每天早上确实起得很早。 (2)判断句子是否为强调句的方法:把it is/was和that/who去掉,再把被强调部分归位到它本来的位置,句子完整,则为强调句。
[链接高考] (2017·湖南高考改编)It’s not doing the things we like,but liking the things we have to do that makes life happy. [学以致用] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.—So you know Della? —Yes,it was last week when I surfed the Internet. 2.—Who is making so much noise in the garden? —It is the children. Ⅱ.句型转换 1.After hearing what the young man said,Mr.Black left the room,and he was angry and sad. →After hearing what the young man said,Mr.Black left the room,angry and sad. 2.He didn’t meet the girl he would like to marry until he came back from Africa that year. →It was not until he came back from Africa that year that he met the girl he would like to marry.
1.benefit vi.& n.得益,好处 [教材原句] People have been enjoying the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years. 多年来阿姆斯特丹的人们一直享受着骑脚踏车的好处。 ①Benefits please like flowers,while they are fresh. (谚)恩泽让人欣喜,犹如鲜花使人心醉。 (1)benefit sb.使某人受益 benefit from/by
从……中受益 (2)be of(great)benefit(to ...)
(对)……(大)有裨益 for the benefit of
为了……的利益 get benefit from ...
从……中受益 (3)beneficial adj.
有益的;受益的 be beneficial to sb.
对某人有益 ②I hope we students will benefit from your presence.(2017·陕西高考书面表达) 我希望,我们这些学生,将因你的到来而受益。 ③Your recommendation will be of great benefit to the development of our company. 您的建议对我公司的发展大有裨益。 [链接高考] (2017·福建高考改编)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals for the benefit of(为了……的利益) all its citizens. 2.convenient adj.方便的,便利的 [高考佳句] Besides,it is,on some occasions more convenient to use English words.(2017·湖北高考书面表达) 另外,在许多场合,使用英语词汇将会更方便。 (1)It is convenient for sb.to do sth. 做某事对某人来说方便 (2)convenience n.
[U]便利,方便;[C]方便好用的东西 for one’s convenience
为了某人的方便,为了某人的实用 to one’s convenience
对某人方便 at one’s convenience
在某人方便的时候,在合适的时候 ①It will not be convenient for me to have a meeting tomorrow. 明天开会对我来说不方便。 ②A guest should suit the convenience of the host. (谚)客随主便。 ③Come by to pick me up at your convenience. 在你方便的时候来接我。 【名师指津】 有些形容词作表语时,通常不可用“人”作主语。常见的有convenient/inconvenient,possible/impossible,necessary/unnecessary等。 [链接高考] (2017·天津高考改编)The secretary arranged a convenient(安排合适的……) time and place for the applicants to have an interview. 3.argue vi.争辩,争吵vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 [高考佳句] Thus,I would argue against copying previous architectural styles and choose something fresh and different,even though that might be the more risky choice.(2017·安徽高考阅读) 因此,我将反对模仿以往的建筑风格,而选择某些新颖迥异的东西,即使那将是一个更冒险的选择。 (1)argue with sb.on/about/over sth. 就某事与某人争论 argue for/against ...
为赞成/反对……而辩论 argue sb.into doing sth.
说服某人做某事 argue sb.out of doing sth.
说服某人不做某事 (2)argument n.
争论,辩论;论据,论点,理由 have an argument about/over/with
争论…… ①They argued with each other about the best place for a holiday. 他们彼此争论关于度假最好的地方。 ②Mr Williams argued strongly against taking any form of military action at the conference. 在会议上,威廉姆斯先生强烈反对采取任何形式的军事行动。 ③You want to argue me into agreeing to your proposal? 你想说服我同意你的建议吗?
4.appreciate vt.欣赏,鉴赏;感激;理解,体会;感谢 [高考佳句] It was then that I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on balancing family and work.(2017·天津高考完形填空) 直到那时我才开始感激母亲在不得不权衡家庭和工作时所做出的艰难的选择。 (1)appreciate sth. 欣赏某物;感谢某事(不能接人作宾语) appreciate doing sth.
感激做某事 appreciate sb./sb.’s doing sth.
感谢某人做某事 I would appreciate it if ...
如果……,我将不胜感激 appreciate that/wh
意识到/理解…… (2)appreciation n.
欣赏;感激 ①I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me the application forms as soon as possible. 若能尽快寄来申请表格,我将不胜感激。 ②I appreciate having been given the chance to study abroad two years ago. 我很感激两年前给我出国学习的机会。 [链接高考] (2017·陕西高考改编)I’d appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 5.amount n.数量,数目,总额 [高考佳句] Power refers to the amount of control a person has over other people.(2017·陕西高考阅读C) 权力指的是一个人对控制别人的数量。 (1)a large/small amount of 大/少量的 large/small amounts of
大/少量的 in large amounts
大量地 (2)amount vi.
合计,共计 amount to
合计;共计;等同于 ①She spends a large amount of money on clothes every year. 她每年花大量的钱买衣服。 ②Their traveling expenses amounted to five hundred dollars. 他们的旅费共达500美元。 【名师指津】 an amount(of),amounts(of)作主语或其修饰的名词作主语,谓语动词常根据amount的单复数形式而定。 ③Large amounts of water have been polluted. 大量的水被污染了。
6.addicted adj.沉溺于……的;上瘾的 [教材原句] I admit: I’m addicted to my car. 我承认:我沉迷于汽车难以自拔。 (1)be/become/get addicted to 对……上瘾,沉溺于……
(to是介词) (2)addict vt.& n.
使沉溺,沉溺于;瘾君子 addict oneself to
沉溺于…… (3)addictive adj.
令人上瘾的,使……入迷的 ①Parents must represent to their children the risk of getting addicted to the Internet. 父母必须向孩子说明沉迷网络的危害。 ②He was addicting himself to playing the violin and didn’t find someone walk into his house. 他醉心于拉小提琴,甚至没有注意到有人进屋。 ③The children who are addicted to playing computer games are all driven by curiosity at first. 玩电脑游戏上瘾的孩子们最初都是为好奇心所驱动。 7.admit vt.承认,供认;准许……入内;准许……加入;可容纳 [经典例句] You may not like her,but you have to admit that she’s good at her job.(朗文P28) 你也许不喜欢她,但你必须承认她很胜任她的工作。 (1)admit(to do/doing)sth. 承认(做)某事 admit that...
承认…… admit+n.+to be ...
承认……是…… admit sb./sth.into/to
允许某人/某物进入 (2)be admitted as
作为……被接受 be admitted in/into
加入;进入;被……录取 ①Alice put it in the newspaper,admitting that though she liked it,she didn’t know where it came from or what it really meant.(2017·广东高考阅读B) 艾丽斯把它放在了报纸上,同时承认虽然她喜欢它,但却不知道它的出处和真正含义。 ②He admitted taking the money but promised never to do it again. 他承认拿了钱,但他保证再也不干这样的事了。 ③We admit the best and brightest international students into our top universities. 我们录取最优秀和最具有发展前途的国际学生进入我们最好的大学。 ④Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有达到他们各自项目规定水平的运动员才被允许参加比赛。 8.occupy vt.居住;占有,使用;占领;使忙碌,使从事 [教材原句] On average,about forty people travel in one bus,while the same number occupy thirty three cars. 平均而言,大约40人乘坐一辆公共汽车,而同样数量的人要占用33辆小轿车。 (1)occupy sb./oneself with sth./(in)doing sth. 使某人忙于某事 sb.be occupied with sth./(in)doing sth.
某人忙于某事 (2)occupation n.
占领;职业 ①Linda was occupied with the work of redecorating her house. 琳达忙于重新装修她的房子。 ②They are occupying themselves in growing their own food. 他们自己正忙于种植自己所需的粮食。 ③I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure. 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。 【联想归纳】 我们学过的表示“忙于做某事”的短语还有哪些?请补全。 ①be engaged in sth. ②be busy with sth./(in)doing sth. ③be employed with sth./(in)doing sth. 9.suit vt.适合vi.相称n.一套衣服 [教材原句] Do whichever of these things that suit you. 做任何适合你的事。 (1)suit ...to ... 使……适合于…… suit yourself
随自己的意愿 suit sb.fine
很适合某人 (2)suitable adj.
合适的,适合的 be suitable for sb./sth.
适合于某人/某物 be suitable to do sth.
适合做某事 ①If you want to go by train,that suits me fine. 你要是想坐火车去,那对我很方便。 ②It doesn’t matter to me where you sit;suit yourself!
你坐在哪儿都行,请自便! ③The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children. 这本书简单易懂,适合儿童。 【辨析比较】 suit,fit,match 试一试 选择以上单词填空 ④When and where will it suit your convenience for our next meeting? ⑤The new coat fits her well.It is neither too big nor too small. ⑥The color of the curtains doesn’t match that of the sofa. 辨一辨 suit 颜色、式样、需要、品味、条件、地位合适;衣着使某人看上去有吸引力,用于比喻意义时也多用suit fit 大小、尺寸、形状合适 match (多指大小、颜色、式样等)相一致、相匹配 [间考词汇] 1.sensitive adj.敏感的;善解人意的 be sensitive to 对……敏感的 be sensible about/of
觉察到/意识到…… Make sure that you are sensitive to her feelings. 请你务必要体贴她的感受。
2.likely adj.可能的,有希望的 It is likely that ...很可能…… Sb.be likely to do sth.
某人很可能做某事 It’s likely/probable/possible that she’ll come to see me off at the airport. =She’s likely to see me off at the airport. 她可能到机场为我送行。 3.content n.容纳的东西;目录adj. 满足的,满意的vt.使满足,使满意 be content to do sth.愿意做某事 be content with sth.
对某事满意/满足 content oneself with ...
满足于……,对……感到满意 True happiness comes when we learn to be content with what we have. 真正的幸福感会在我们学会对我们拥有的感到满足时来到。 4.figure n.数目,数字;图;人物;体形v.计算;认为 figure out 理解,想出,计算出 figure in
包括进,算进 People aren’t walking any more—if they can figure out a way to avoid it.(2017·天津高考阅读D) 如果人们能想出避免它的一种方法的话,人们将不再需要走路了。 经典佳句 1.因此,我要求一个月之内你们发给我一部同款的新手机。 Therefore,I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month. 2.如果没有你的帮助,我不会通过这次考试的。 Without your help,I would have failed in the examination. 3.因此,早就应该立即采取措施了。 Thus,it’s high time that immediate measures were/should be taken. 4.看一下我们现在的路况。很多行人和骑自行车的人表现得就像是根本没有交通规则一样。 Take a look at the road conditions today.Quite a few pedestrians and cyclists behave as if there were no traffic rules at all.
热身体验 完成句子 1.It would be a great honor if I were accepted(如果我被接受的话). 2.It’s high time that we did/should do(我们早就该做)something to educate every citizen to respect others.
Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1.
/'ðeəfɔ/ adv.所以,因此 2.
/In'diːd/ adv.当然,确实 3.
/'kɒnsIkwəns/ n.后果,结果 4.
/ə'rest/ vt.逮捕,拘留 5.
/'sensItIv/ adj.善解人意的;敏感的 6.
/'dʒentəl/ adj.和善的,温和的 7.
/və'kæbjʊləri/ n.词汇(量) 8.
/ʃedjuːl/ n.时间表;进度表 9.
/'taImˌteIbəl/ n.时间表 therefore indeed consequence arrest sensitive gentle vocabulary schedule timetable 10.
/'kɒntent/ n.容纳的东西;目录;adj.满意的 11.
/Im'preʃən/ n.印象,感觉 12.
/ə'maʊnt/ n.数量 13.
/'fIzIkəl/ adj.身体的;物质的 14.
/'fIɡə/ n.数字,数目;认为 15.
/'sʌmhaʊ/ adv.以某种方式 16.
/'dæmIdʒ/ vt.& n.损害,损失 17.
/'friːkwənt/ adj.时常发生的 content impression amount physical figure somehow damage frequent 18.
/'æktʃʊəli/ adv.实际地,真实地→
adj.实际的,真实的 19.
/'benIfIt/vi.& n.得益;好处→
adj.有益的,有利的 20.
/kən'viːniənt/ adj.方便的,便利的→
n.方便,便利 21.
/'ɑːɡjuː/ vi.争辩,争吵→
n.争论,辩论;论据,理由 22.
/rI ː spɒnsI'bIlIti/ n.责任,负责,职责→
adj.负责任的 actually actual benefit beneficial convenient convenience argue argument responsibility responsible 23.
/rI'laIəbəl/ adj.可靠的→
vi.依赖,依靠 24.
/ə‘pri ː ʃieIt/ vt.感激; 欣赏→
n.感激;欣赏 25.
/kən‘strʌkʃən/ n. 建筑(物)→
vt.建造,构建 26.
/əd'mIt/ vt.承认,供认→
承认;进入许可,入场许可;入场(入学、入会)费 27.
/ə'dIktId/ adj.沉溺于……的→
n.中毒者,成瘾者,……迷;vt.使中毒(上瘾);使沉溺(迷)于 reliable rely appreciate appreciation construction construct admit admission addicted addict 28.
/'ɒkjʊpaI/ vt.占用(空间、面积、时间等)→
adj.使用中,有人使用;忙于;被占领的,被侵占的 29.
/suːt/ vt.适合→
adj.合适的 occupy occupied suit suitable Ⅱ.重点短语识记 1.The Young Inspirations mentoring sessions take place(举行)each Friday in Banbury.(2017·福建高考阅读E) 2.So far the prices of many goods have been going up(上涨)so that many families live a hard life. 3.I didn’t know how to work out(解出)this problem. With matters worse,there was nobody who could help me. 4.Now that you are grownup,you should not rely on (依靠)your parents. 5.The driver had to pull up (停车)his taxi when he saw the traffic light turned red. 6.Just before we arrived at the station,the train to Xi’an pulled out (驶离车站)and soon disappeared in the distance. 7.On average(平均),I spend 100 yuan on books each month. 8.Kieran Hepburn,14,is one of a group of Banbury youth who has benefited from the program so far(到目前为止).(2017·福建高考阅读E) 【短语归纳】 1.fed up不愉快的,厌烦的 2.work out
做运动;算出,制订出 3.rely on
依赖,依靠 4.pull up
(车辆)停止,停车 5.pull out
(火车)驶离车站,出站 6.so far
迄今为止 7.take place
发生 8.go up
上升 9.on average
通常 10.get/be stuck in
困在……,陷入…… 11.be addicted to
沉溺于 12.be related to
与……有关 13.thanks to
由于,因为 14.take part in
参加 15.take action
采取行动 16.take place
发生 Ⅲ.经典原句默写 1.People have been enjoying the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years. 多年来在阿姆斯特丹人们一直在享受着骑自行车带来的好处。 2.Wherever someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for someone else to use. 每当有人完成一段旅程,他们就会把自行车放在那里以使别人使用。 3....the“white bike” is back in town—this time with a computer chip to record its every move! ……白色的自行车又回到了市里,这一次配有一个电脑芯片来记录它的每一次行程! 4.How often do we arrive at work or school stressed out,tired and angry? 我们多长时间有一次这样的感觉:到达学校或上班时感觉受压抑、疲倦和气愤? 5.Before you get into your car,think about whether you really need to make that journey. 在上车以前,考虑一下你是否真的需要做这次旅行。 6....it was an American man called Henry Ford who created the motor car as we know it today. ……是一个叫亨利·福特的美国人发明了我们现在知道的汽车。
7.Ford found a way to massproduce the motor car cheaply,making it possible for many more people to own one. 福特发现了一个很便宜地批量生产汽车的方法,这使得更多的人拥有一辆小汽车成为了可能。
父亲的职责(father's duties)
一个严重的社会问题-A Serious Social Problem
我高兴的一天My Happiest Day
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