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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修四 10

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空replace, advance, enthusiasm, approximate, defeat, earn, balance, contain, behave

  1.Have you ever dreamed of becoming a businessman to earn lots of money?

  2.He was enthusiastic about sports,for he was an extraordinary athlete.You cannot afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself.

  4.You must learn to keep your balance

  in skating.

  5.He thought that freedom and happiness were of great importance and nothing could replace them.

  6.After years of hard work,Charlie had approximately $2 million.defeat is a beneficial warning before the World Cup.

  10.I signed to him to keep away,but he continued

  to advance.完成句子,would you like to give away your money to (把钱捐赠给) those who are out of work (失业)?(从……中退出) the rich. (厌倦了) that kind of life for fame and fortune. aware that he was always concerned about (总是担心……) his fortune,he felt ashamed of (对……感到羞愧) his greed.(对他有吸引力) and annoy him (使他烦恼) any more. 联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)你曾梦想成为商人赚很多的钱吗?如果你的梦想成真,你愿意把你的钱捐赠给那些失业的人吗?查利就是一个这样的人。经过多年的辛苦劳动,他大约有两百万美元。前几天他决定退出富人的圈子。当记者采访他时(用时间状语从句的省略),查利答案 Have you ever dreamed of becoming a businessman to earn lots of money? If your dream came true,would you like to give away your money to those who are out of work? Charlie was such a person. After years of hard work,he had approximately $2 million. The other day he determined to drop out of the rich. When interviewed by the journalist,Charlie said that he was tired of that kind of life for fame and fortune. When he was aware that he was always concerned about his fortune,he felt ashamed of his greed. Besides,he thought that freedom and happiness were of great importance and nothing could replace them. Now money doesn’t appeal to him and annoy him any more.阅读理解,who was so fat that she couldn’t climb the stairs to her lectures,is top of the class after losing 10 stone(英石)—to become a cookery teacher.“Thinking back,it was terrible.I would eat fatty foods on a daily basis without care.I knew I was putting on weight,but I didn’t want to think about it.”ley’s weight shot up while she was studying home economics in university.She became addicted to fatty cheese and hooked on(迷junk food.As she put on the weight,she became depressed,sleeping up to 15 hours a day and nodding off during lectures.Lesley realized she had to slim down.She visited her doctor in 2011 after feeling ill,and was told the fat ,“The shock jolted(唤醒)me into finally doing something.I started gradually,by going on a diet—and eventually began going to the gym,which helped a lot.I no longer eat cheese and only have bread once a week.In a normal exercising session,I use the cross­trainer for half an hour and then hit the exercise bike for 10 minutes before finishing off with rowing and running.”

  It’s amazing that her life has been turned around after losing her extra weight.Lesley has undergone her first successful period as a cookery teacher in a 10­week placement.She is now in the final year of her degree in food and consumer science,and will then go on to teacher training.,healthier and more confident.I’m training to be a home economics teacher.I’ve got so much more confidence and enthusiasm about life now.”Lesley said,“I still have takeaways and chocolate,but just not as much.Everything is proper.I can wear any dress I want now.It’s amazing.”

  1.What was the matter with Lesley?

  A.She lost confidence in her life totally.

  B.She was too fat to walk upstairs.

  C.She couldn’t pass the exam in university.

  D.She had a hard time in giving lectures.

  B [由第一段第一句的内容可知Lesley过胖,以致无法爬楼梯而去听讲课。].B.Rose. [由第二段内容可知Lesley的体重“迅速增长”。],Lesley realized it was time to

  . [由第三段第一句可知。],Lesley did all the things EXCEPT

  . [A、B、C都在原文中有体现,而D项明显未提及。] a diehard online shopper stayed up until 2 am on Sunday,looking through the Internet to buy products being sold at half price before they could be snapped up by other shoppers. Tens of millions of the Internet users were crazy to take advantage of the half­price promotion,started by the e­commerce giant Alibaba Group on Sunday,Nov. 11,which is known as Singles’ Day in China,and is the Chinese answer to Cyber Monday in the United States.,14.1 billion all. com and taobao. com. That could make Singles’ Day the biggest e­commerce sales day on record. The research company comScore said US online retailers (零售商) saw $ 1.25 billion of sales during last year’s Cyber Monday,the day after Thanksgiving weekend and the busiest day for online retailers as US shoppers start to prepare for Christmas. ,and was later adopted by e­commerce companies as a promotional opportunity. E­commerce companies,including Jingdong Mall and Amazon China,also took part in the promotion.“In the past,people only shopped online occasionally,but now,online shopping is a lifestyle embraced by many,” said Zhang Yong,Tmall president.n 2009,and last year,its sales totaled 5.2 billion ,but I don’t think we could earn much on this day by selling goods at half price,” said Hao Hongfeng,chairman of Beijing Jiuxian E­Commerce,a liquor retailer in Beijing who took part in the 解题导语 光棍节给众多网络商家带来了巨大的商机。淘宝、京东和亚马逊等网络商家都利用这一天进行商品促销。ers in comScore.

  B.The online shoppers.

  C.Some college students.

  D.The online retailers.

  C [细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的“Singles’ Day originated with university students”可知,光棍节是由大学生发起的,故C项正确。]on?

  A.To sell more products.

  B.To make a lot more money.

  C.To make more business friends through the event.

  D.To make their names known to more people.

  D [细节理解题。根据最后一段的最后一句可知,网络零售商的主要目的是推广他们的品牌,故D项正确。]ess of this promotion?

  A.The quality of the products.

  B.The favorable price.

  C.The fame of the retailers.

  D.The after­sales service.

  B [细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知B项正确。] [主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了C项作本文的标题更合适。]阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。:I just can’t believe how quickly your brother’s


  (ill)took over.:


  can I. Just last month,we were on a picnic together


  he was fine.:How can someone die


  a disease so quickly?:Cancer is a


  (power) disease. People can die from it almost without warning.:It’s hard


  (imagine) our lives without him. I saw him almost every day.:I’m really worried about my family,


  (especial) my mother.:I’m just going to try to be there for your family as much as possible. It’s going to be the hardest for Christine. She and Dennis were childhood sweethearts.:My brother and I shared all the same hopes and dreams. He can’t be


  (go). He just can’t be!:We are just never ready when someone young dies. Dennis was only thirty­four.:Just before he got sick,we were talking about going into business together.:Life


  be so unkind.:This is the


  (sad) day of my life.答案 1.illness 2.Neither/Nor 3.and 4.from 6.to imagine 7.especially 8.gone 9.can(自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空,when I actually


  ,even more


  ,passed the test,I fancied being a free spirit at last.


  to the farthest horizons.But,gathering the courage to try new highways was next to


  for me.The time I tried,I got hopelessly


  and found myself going round in circles.When I eventually found the way home,I


  this was the end of the adventurous life.I


  the known routes.When a friend


  me to make the most of weekend when the traffic was


  to make new discoveries,I


  at her with horror.Was I going to


  a perfectly good weekend to raise my blood pressure or was I going to spend it doing as little as possible?


  ,I chose the latter option.


  ,I told myself it wasn’t worth


  my peace of mind.Now I had the Metro,buses and


  to choose from.Taking taxi was one of the best


  I have made from a traffic point of view.There was an unbelievable sense of lightness


  I jumped into a taxi,taken to my destination without being worried.ctions,I mean.And I am very


  when I issue these,with no effect on the part of the person driving.As soon as I sit inside,I start the description of the


  to be taken in great detail so as to


  the possibility of being taken for a ride.解题导语 作者是一个不喜欢冒险的人,因此他在选择交通方式上很谨慎,不会让自己做冒险的事情。B.picked up [第一句说作者是决不冒险的人,因此这里表示他鼓足勇气学了开车。pick up可表示“增强”。]ically



  A [这么害怕冒险的人,竟然通过了驾驶考试,这让他感到吃惊。] [通过驾驶考试就想开车到比较远的地方,因此该空应选drive“开车,驾驶”。] [下文作者的经历说明,鼓足勇气尝试走新的公路对作者来说几乎是不可能的。] [本句中的“going round in circles”说明,作者迷路了。] [因为迷路,所以最终找到回家的路时,作者发誓这是最后的冒险行动。]tuck to

  B.referred to [上文中的“this was the end of the adventurous life”暗示着作者以后只走自己熟悉的路。stick to“遵守,坚持”。] [下文表明,作者没有接受朋友的建议,故排除A项,Corder语气太强硬。故选D项。] [因为是周末,路上的车辆少,因此该空填light“少量的,程度轻的”。] [本句中的“with horror”暗示作者听到这个建议时感到不能接受,不可思议地盯着对方。glance at“匆匆一看,一瞥”;glare at“怒目而视”;stare at“盯着看,凝视”;peer at“仔细看,端详”。根据语境可知选C。] [本句中的“to raise my blood pressure”是结果状语,作者不想浪费好好的周末时间,结果使自己血压升高。] [当然,作者选择了后者。]13.A.system

  B.atmosphere [下文中的“the Metro,buses”指交通方式,因此选traffic。] [从下文作者选择乘出租车来看,作者认为交通的问题不值得打扰他头脑安宁。disturb表示“打扰”;restore“恢复”;reserve“预订”;weigh“权衡,认真考虑”。根据语境可知选A。] [下文中的“I jumped into a taxi”说明,这里指包含出租车在内的三种交通方式。cab“出租车”,符合语境。] [此处17.A.until

  B.while [依据下文的准确地告诉出租车司机目的地可知,当作者坐上出租车时,便有了一种令人难以置信的轻松感。由于“jump”是短暂性动词,故选D项。] [上文中的“I am good at that”说明作者19.A.map

  B.design [作者向司机师傅描述要走的路线,故选route“路线”。] [作者详细地描述要走的路线,为了减少被欺骗的可能性。minimize“把……减至最小量”,符合语境。increase“增加”;evaluate“评价extend“延伸”。句中的“being taken for a ride”表示“被欺骗”。]阅读理解,official figures showed. The special figures show a huge social change,with today’s children likely to survive far longer than their parents or grandparents. Of the 12.4 million children aged 16 and under,3. 3 million (27%)will become someone who is a hundred years old or older. In a class of 30 children,eight can live to be 100. And the rest of the children are likely to get to an old age,even though they will not make it to three figures.,but that they will not get their state pension until they are 70 or beyond. The state pension age is rising to 66 for both men and women by 2020,and the Government has warned it will continue to rise. Laith Khalaf,a pension expert,said,“Living to an old age is lucky if you can afford it,but a nuisance if you can’t. Those without

  state pension which will be changed.”

  It also increases the possibility of millions of people surviving until their 100th birthday with a poor quality of life because of poor health and little money.Millions of older people have no pensions,no savings and no plans about how they are going to pay for their retirement other than to carry on working. If the older population demands more resources,then they have to come from their own wealth or the government.,Millions of people will be spending over a third of their lives in retirement. It is high time that we reformed the state pension system. We want to make it fair for future generation.”

  解题导语 官方数据表明,现在的英国儿童会比他们的长辈活得更久。令人担心的是,这将会给政府带来巨大的养老负担。1. From the first paragraph we can learn that

  .ate their 100th birthday.

  A [考查细节理解。根据文章第一段的第二句“The special figures show a huge social change,with today’s children likely to survive far longer than their parents or grandparents”可知,现在的英国儿童可能会比他们的长辈活得更久,故选A。]2.What kind of life will people living to 100 probably face?

  A.A high quality of life because of the development of technology.

  B.A low quality of life because of bad health and limited money.

  C.A high quality of life because of the increase in food price.

  D.A low quality of life because of the present government.

  B [考查细节理解。根据第三段的第一句“It also increases the possibility of millions of people surviving until their 100th birthday with a poor quality of life because of poor health and little money”可知,活到100岁的人可能会面临因身体差、资金有限而造成生活质量降低的问题,即B项正确。] to do so.

  D.The present pension system is unfair for future generation.

  D [考查细节理解。根据第四段的最后一句“We want to make it fair for future generation”可知,目前的国家养老金制度对于后代来说是不公平的,因此政府要改革国家养老金制度,故D项正确。]The retirement age will be raised to 70 or beyond.

  B.The government will provide job chances for the retired.

  C.The state pension age for men is different from that for women.

  D.It will increase the government’s pressure if more children live to 100.

  D [考查推理判断。根据第三段的最后一句“If the older population demands more resources,then they have to come from their own wealth or the government”可知,如果人活得更久,就会需要更多的资源,这无疑会增加政府的负担,即D项正确。]任务型阅读appen in our lives.Instead of letting the world soften us,we let it drive us deeper into ourselves.We try to ignore the hurt and pain,but we can’t hide from ourselves.


  The items listed below are four tips you can open your heart more fully and completely.

  1.Breathe into pain

  Whenever a painful situation arises in your life,try to face it instead of running away.


  .When the sadness strikes,take a deep breath and accept it.By using our breath we soften our experiences and allow more newness.


  We’re often confused at the next step to take.Actually,we can try a new decision making process.To start this process,we may ask,“Heart,what decision should I make here?What action feels the most right?”See what comes up,then put it into practice and evaluate the outcome.:our friends,family members,and strangers.


  When you spend time in solitude(孤独),you’re free from the influences of other people.It might be painful at first,but eventually you’ll add a whole new layer of depth and understanding into your life.


  But in reality,they actually work hand­in­hand.After you’ve explored the depths of yourself,you come ,it’s time to share that not through telling others,but through being with others. often do we really spend time alone?

  E.This may seem a little contradictory to the last tip.

  F.We should open our hearts and take action to heal the wounds.

  G.When we run away from sadness,it gets stronger and more real.答案 1~5 FGBDE


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