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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 选修七 19

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空,ensure,approve,inform,fluent,congratulate,absent,surround,embarrass,adjustwas_informed that he had to negotiate with an important company.

  2.He needed to_congratulate a new firm on its opening.

  3.It took my parents quite a while to_adjust to living in the apartment.

  4.Surrounded by hills,our village makes itself a livable place.ost is that the little girl can speak English accurately and fluently.o live on the moon.

  10.Most of the officers approved of the plan put forward by Mr.Smith.

  Ⅱ.完成句子(……不在时) the boss,Li Hua is_always_surrounded_by (被……环绕) business.Whether he was willing or_not (不管是否……),he had to drink a lot on purpose to_ensure (以确保) the guests were pleased.(取得进步),he is_ready_to_adjust_himself_to(乐意适应) such a busy life.(大多数的学生将会) admitted into university is a trend.(人们认为) practice makes perfect.联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)老板不在期间,李华总是业务缠身。今天答案 In_the_absence_of_the_boss,Li_Hua_is_always_surrounded_by_business.This_morning,he_was_informed_that_he_had_to_negotiate_with_an_important_company.Then,he_needed_to_congratulate_a_new_firm_on_its_opening.At_noon,whether_he_was_willing_or_not,he_had_to_drink_a_lot_on_purpose_to_ensure_the_guests_were_pleased.Provided_that_the_business_of_their_company_gets_ahead,he_is_ready_to_adjust_himself_to_such_a_busy_life.阅读理解ngs when they started their companies that would catapult them and their enterprises to some of the biggest successes ever known.Conside this:many of the truly remarkable innovations of the latest generation—a list that includes Google,Facebook and Twitter—were all founded by people under 30.

  “People under 35 are the people who make change happen,”said Vinod Khosla,a venture capitalist(VC) in 2011.“People over 45 basically die in terms of new ,”Khosla,who believes that old industrialists can’t innovate because they keep“falling back on old habits”,said at the NASSCOM Product Conclave in Bengaluru,India.He wasn’t alone in his views.Silicon Valley VCs talked openly about their bias toward young industrialists.Some argued that Internet industrialists peaked at the age of 25.Khosla and those who think like him are wrong.The young may have good ideas,but there is no substitute for experience.experienced people.In 2008,I led a research team in

  exploring the backgrounds of 652 US­born chief executive officers and heads of 502 successful engineering and technology companies established from 1995 to 2005.ot just the start­ups founded by the college dropouts(辍学者).These senior managers have ideas for solving real­world problems.In addition,they not only want to build wealth before they retire,but also like the idea of being their own bosses.According to the survey,we learned that the average and median age of successful founders is 39.,we looked at the backgrounds of 549 successful entrepreneurs in twelve high­growth industries.The average age of male founders in this group is 40,and the average age of female founders is 41.The majority had two or more kids.Kauffman Foundation director of research,Dane Stangler,built his idea on our findings by analyzing Kauffman Firm Survey data and Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity,which uses data from the United States Census Bureau.He found that the average age of .,shifting to the 55~64 age group.,the contacts they have made,the networks they have formed,their ability to hire good management teams and their education give them greatest advantages.Young ?Benjamin Franklin certainly didn’t.He invented the lightning rod when he was 44.He discovered electricity at 46.He helped draft ,and he invented bifocals after that.Some of the most creative people of the century were also not young.解题导语 本文作者通过事实和例子证明一个人的创新能力与________”. B.dishonest behavior [词义猜测题。根据第三段的内容可知,作者用实例推翻了风险投资家们所认为的年轻人才是创新主力军的看法,由此可推断出,此处disservice意为“有害的行为”,下文中的ignoring也是解题的关键。do sb.a disservice意为“损害,伤害”。]nt about it.

  D.He thinks it bears much wisdom.

  B [作者态度题。根据第二段中的“Khosla and those who think like him are wrong.The young may have good ideas,but there is no substitute for experience”可知,作者对Vinod Khosla的观点持否定态度。] Benjamin Franklin,the author is trying to show ________. when they reach middle age

  A [推理判断题。最后一段作者引用Benjamin Franklin的例子是为了证明自己的观点:一个人的创新能力与他的年龄无关。最后一句“Some of the most creative people of the century were also not young”是解题关键。],which of the following is NOT the advantage older industrialists have over the younger innovators?er industrialists keep falling back on old habits.

  D [细节理解题。根据第六段中的“The experience elder entrepreneurs have gained,the contacts they have made,the networks they have formed,their ability to hire good management teams and their education give them greatest advantages”可知A、B、C三项是那些年龄稍大的成功企业家所具有的优势,D项不是。故选D。],one of the most popular ways to communicate is called instant messaging (IM).In any instant messaging system, you


  a little

  text message

  on your computer,press the “Send” button,and your message instantly shows up on your friend’s screen.But how does it work?

  Actually,the whole process is very cool.In the 1980s,you could sit down at a computer at any big university.Up to 100 people would be logged in and share the computer because these computers were very expensive.You could type a command to send an instant message to anyone logged in the same computer.It felt like everyone was connected together no matter where they were sitting.

  Today,you can communicate with anyone in the world.All you need is an instant messaging program installed on your computer.There are many programs to choose from.AOL’s instant messenger is probably the most popular right now.MSN has one.Google has Google Talk.,you create an account.Next,you need to figure out the IM names your friends use.Add their IM names to your IM program.Click on the friend you want to talk to and then type away.When you click “Send”,your friend gets the message instantly.,amazing things are happening.Your IM program is communicating with a computer,called a server,which could be just down the road or ,too.Your computer is constantly chatting with it to make everything happen.The network called the Internet makes it all possible.解题导语 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了目前网上最流行的交流方式——即时通信。munication

  C [考C项作标题最合适。]________. [考查细节理解。根据第三段IM程序,并且有很多这样的程序供你选择,故Google Talk是一个IM程序。]________”. [考查代词指代。根据上文中的“Your IM program is communicating with a computer,called a server”以及“All your friends’ computers are communicating with a server,too.”可知,此处的it指的就是前面提到的a server。]s?

  A.Your computer.

  B.Your friend’s computer.

  C.Your server.

  D.The Internet.

  D [考查细节理解。根据文章的最后一句可知,因特网使这一切成为了可能,因特网在发送即时信息中发挥了最重要的作用。]阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 A:Anne,come and sit here,please.:Thank you,Wang Pei.I’m really __1__ bit nervous now.I know nothing of your table manners.:Don’t worry.As for table manners,__2__ is only one rule you must obey.That is to make yourself __3__ home.:No __4__ people say the Chinese are very friendly.:Something to drink?Which do you prefer,coffee __5__:Just a cup of tea,please.:Well,__6__ your health.:And to yours.:Help __7__,please.:Thank you.These dishes all taste delicious,__8__(especial)the beancurd with hot pepper.:I’m glad you like __9__.May I serve you some __10__(many)?:Thank you,just a small helping.Wang Pei,what do you say in Chinese for bottoms up?:We say Gan Bei.:To our friendship,Gan Bei.答案 1.a 2.there 3.at 4.wonder 5.or 6.to 8.especially 9.them 10.more(自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空mer.I was on my way back home from school,feeling __1__.As I was terribly tired,I went to a tree where I thought I could __2__.,one of my friends saw me and __3__ to me.He was drinking some kind of fruit juice and holding a memento(纪念品)in his right hand.He __4__ told me that he was awarded first prize in a competition just half an hour ago.I congratulated him,__5__ I was not in a position to speak to him much,due to my tiredness.He __6__ talked about his memento with joy.Suddenly the __7__ he was holding spilled over my shirt.__8__ and upset by this act,I scolded him.__9__,I didn’t listen to him,and went on __10__ him.He felt unhappy and left.,I gradually became __11__.Then I thought,I should not have scolded him too much for such a little __12____13__ him next time.

  A few days later,on my way to school,I saw another friend who was running hurriedly on the same road;I __14____15__,after knowing that the person whom I scolded __16__ an accident and died on the road.I rushed to the __17__ and eventually after seeing him dead,I started crying.__18__ myself for not getting a chance to apologize to him.I thought for days after this incident happened,and then I learned one of the greatest __19__ of life—don’t wait for the next chance.Do it now.Sometimes,you don’t get a(n) __20__ to regret.解题导语 世上没有后悔药吃,因此我们做每件事一定要谨慎,不要留下遗憾。 B.exhausted [根I was terribly tired”可知,这里强调作者非常累,故用exhausted“疲惫不堪的”。] [作者感觉很累,因此他想在树下休息(relax)一下。] [有个朋友看到了作者,因此他朝作者走过来。]A.impatiently

  B.happily [既然是在比赛中获得了一等奖,那么这个朋友应该是非常高兴地(happily)告诉作者。] [“I congratulated him”和“I was not in a position to speak to him much”之间是一种转折关系,因此用although。] [这里强调作者的朋友一直在讲自己获奖的事情。still“仍然”。] [根据第二段第二句中的“drinking some kind of fruit juice”可知,此处选C项。] [这位朋友打扰了作者休息,并且把果汁弄到了作者的衬衫上,作者感到非常生气(angry)。] [作者的朋友不小心把果汁弄到了作者的衬衫上,因此作者的朋友肯定会道歉(apologizing)。]hanging

  D.admiring [根据第三段中的“I scolded him...I didn’t listen to him,and went on”可知,作者在继续责怪(blaming)自己的朋友。] [根据空后的“Then I thought,I should not have scolded him too much”可知,作者慢慢地变得平静(calm)了,觉得他不应该那样责怪他的朋友。] [这位朋友把果汁洒到了作者的衬衫上,这只是一个小小的失误(mistake)。] [这里表示作者要在下一次看到(saw)这位朋友的时候向他道歉。]B.refused



  A [根据空前的“was running hurriedly on the same road”及空后的“asked him what had happened”可知,作者拦住他问他发生了什么事情。] [作者知道他以前责怪的那位朋友因为一场事故突然去世了,他感到非常震惊(shocked)。] [这里指那位朋友遭遇(met with)了事故而丧生。] [根据下文中的“seeing him dead”可知,作者跑向事发地点(spot)。]omforted

  D.hated [作者此时感到非常后悔,恨(hated)自己没有机会向朋友道歉。] [这里指作者学到的一生中最重要的教训(lessons)之一。] [这里指没有后悔的机会(chance)。]阅读理解,so these novels sell thousands of copies each year.And many readers regard famous mystery author Agatha Christie as Queen of Crime,whose stories are known for their tense atmosphere and strong psychological suspense and have a great effect on the English mystery novels.

  Christie was born in September 1890 in England.When she was growing up,her mother often told her stories.Christie loved these stories,which took her into a world of fantasy.Christie’s mother also encouraged her to write from a young age and also took her to travel a lot.,Christie wrote her first detective storyThe Mysterious Affair at Styles.She chose the crime,and then invented a detective named Hercule Poirot,ranking second to Sherlock Holmes,to solve it.She sent the book to a publisher,but it was rejected.,Christie sent her book to more publishers,and finally,in 1920,one published it.She earned just $25 for it.Over the next few years,Christie wrote more books and short stories,gaining experience as a writer.In spite of her literary success,life was not going well at home.In 1928,Archie and Agatha got a divorce (离婚).A short time later,she met a young archaeologist,Max Mallowan.After getting married in 1930,they began to spend some time each year in the Middle East,which provided settings for some of Christie’s novels,such as ge (1930),(1934) and Death on the Nile (1939).,readers around the world mourned (哀悼) her death.But her tales of mystery continue to be loved by new generations of readers.They’ve been translated into hundreds of languages and are selling well today and outsold_only_by_the_解题导语 本文是一篇人物传记。文章主要介绍了英国著名侦探悬疑小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的生平和她在写作上取得的成As a whole,this text________. [主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了英国著名侦探悬疑小说家阿加莎·A项正确。] [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“...and then invented a detective named Hercule Poirot,ranking second to Sherlock Holmes,to

  solve it.”可知,C项正确。],we can learn that ________. [句意理解题。B项正确。]Her marriage to Archie ended in divorce.

  ⑤She wrote Murder on the Orient Express.





  D [细节理解题。综合全文信息可知,“她母亲鼓励她写作”最先发生,由此可排除选项C;由第三、四段可知,②先于①发生,①先于④发生,由此可排除A、B两项。故D项正确。]任务型阅读,we’ve all heard that we should get more sleep.The realities of life often make it become “we should get more sleep later”.__1__ The result is that you wake up the next day feeling like a role of

  in order to pay less for staying up.

  ●Move around.

  Exercising before bed is a sure way to keep awake.That’s why you shouldn’t do it when you want to go to sleep,and it is also why hitting the gym,or even some fast push­ups can tell your body that it’s not time for bed.Being physically exhausted isn’t fun when you are trying to stay up late.__2__ an all­nighter,you’re going to need a lot more food than you are used to eating.__3__To stay ,plan to eat larger meals than normal and to eat them more frequently.(诱人的)to switch to sugary caffeine drinks like Red Bull,but the sugar will lead to a crash.Instead,if you want to use caffeine,drink early in the evening so it’ll wear off by the time you want to sleep.__4__ Don’t make it worse by drinking sugar.__5__

  Turn the lights down at night because bright lights keep you awake.For three or four hours after you’re exposed to bright white light,your body won’t make melatonin,a must for deep sleep.You will sleep better if you turn the lights a little bit down. off.

  B.Just do enough to get energetic.

  C.And your body can never bear something like that.

  D.Your brain can use up to 25 percent of your total calories.

  E.When you stay up late,your blood sugar becomes abnormal.more work to be done,or more fun to be had,or both.答案 1~5 FBDEG


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