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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 选修七 21

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空,tolerate,fundamental,postpone,submit,abuse,fortune,equip,prohibit,declinee thick fog.

  3.The police immediately blocked the main roads and prohibited the suspect from the suspect cars from escaping.

  4.All the parents want to equip our children with some special skills,thus,they can live better in the future.,it is strongly that the manager is_opposed to the plan.完成句子(被认为抢劫了银行) a large fortune yesterday.,we should try to get good results by studying hard rather_than_cheating_in_exams (而不是考试作弊).If_there_hadn’t_been (如果没有) the war,people would_have_lived (将会过着) a better life then.(难以 and must be wiped out at_all_costs (不惜任何代价).The_police_are_seeking (警方正在搜寻) the information about the case and urge the criminal to submit_to_the_police (投案自首).联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以答案Three_robbers_were_believed_to_have_robbed_a_bank_of_a_large_fortune_yesterday.The_police_immediately_blocked_the_main_roads_and_prohibited_the_suspect_from_the_suspect_cars_from_escaping.The_authority_said_that_such_crimes_were_hard_to_tolerate_and_must_be_wiped_out_at_all_costs.At_present,


  Ⅳ.阅读理解ses who shout and send insulting emails to employees can cause conflict throughout their team,researchers claimed.,they concluded.The study from Michigan State University,conducted in China and the United States,suggested the toxic effect of nonphysical abuse by a boss is much broader than believed.,the article written by Crystal Farh said supervisors who belittle workers not only negatively affect those workers’attitudes and behavior.but also cause members of the team to act in a similar hostile manner toward one another.ims now,but about creating a context where everybody suffers,regardless of whether you were individually abused or not,”she said.,assistant professor of management at MSU,said the finding could likely be explained by social learning theory,in which people learn and then model themselves on others.in this case on the boss.,she said,so it only makes sense that they would follow negative behaviors as well.,Farh and Chen Zhijun from the University of Western Australia studied 51 teams of employees from 10 firms in China.r service,technical support and research and development.me time,the entire team “fell into conflicts”,Farh said,which also reduced contributions of other workers.,” Farh said,“are hostile toward other members,and they will mistreat others,speak to others rudely and experience negative 解题导语 研究发现,老板冲着员工吼叫、向员工发送侮辱性的邮件不仅会影响员工的态度和行为,还会让团队里的成员用同样充满敌意的方式对待彼此。B.Employees. [推理判断题。研究发现,坏老板的粗暴会传染给其他人,让整个团队的人都变得痛苦。由此可推知老板是从这篇文章中学到最多的人。故选A。]yers to behave themselves.

  C [推理判断题。由第六段中叙述的员工模仿老板以及第七段中的“For the study,Farh and Chen Zhijun from the University of Western Australia studied 51

  teams”可推知,研究的目的是证明发现的正________”. [词义猜测题。

  由下文中的“so it only makes sense that they would follow negative behaviors as well”,尤其是关键词follow和“as well”可推知答案为B。]send insulting emails may ________.C [细节理解题。根据上下文语境以及倒数第三段中的“felt devalued and contributed less to the team”可知答案为C。]Smoking is the worst thing you can do for your health.Fortunately,it’s never too late to get the benefits of quitting.If you’ve tried to quit before and failed,it’s time to make up your mind and try again.

  Smoking is responsible for one of every five deaths.That includes 29% of all cancer deaths,87% of all lung cancer deaths,and nearly 20% of all deaths are from cardiovascular disease.But long before smoking kills you,it ages you.You can see that smoking accelerates the drying and wrinkling of the skin.But there are fewer obvious effects as well.Indeed,smoking takes years m cancer or heart disease,smoking can cause lung disorders.People who smoke (肺炎) than that of non­smokers.By lowering levels of estrogen (雌性激素) in men and women,smoking speeds bone less.If a woman smokes a pack of cigarettes every day,she will enter menopause (更年期) with 5% to 10% less bone mass than a non­smoker.,you’ll live longer if you quit today.The Coronary Artery Surgery Study examined nearly 2,000 long­term smokers over the age of 54.Those who quit had significantly lower death rates six years later than those who didn’t.Even the oldest ex­smokers had a higher survival rate.

  Not only will you live longer if you quit,but you’ll feel better,breathe easier,and find that you have more energy.You’ll




  infections,headaches,and stomachaches.What’s more,you’ll save money.Your clothes and breath won’t smell unpleasant any longer.And your habit won’t annoy,or threaten the health of the people who live and work with you.解题导语 这是一篇说明文。吸烟有害健康,而戒烟会使身体更健康,精力更充沛,进而使你长寿。e.

  C.The benefits of quitting smoking.

  D.The relationships between smoking and diseases.

  C [主旨大意题。第一段的第二句点明了文章的主旨,即戒烟给人们带来的益处。故答案为C。],the percentage of deaths due to smoking is ________.29%

  D.87% [细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,答案为A。]________. [推理判断题。本文是一篇说明文,作者采用了列举数据、举例说明和比较的写作方法,但没有引用名言。故答案为B。],000 smokers who all quit smoking finally.onger.

  D.Quitting smoking has a bad effect on people’s health.

  C [细节理解题。根据第四段第一句以及后面对the Coronary Artery Surgery Study的介绍可知,答案为C。]阅3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。,Linda and James are talking on their way home.:I feel a bit tired after a whole day’s work.:So __1__I.What do you do to relax yourself?:I enjoy chatting online with my friends,going to the movies and doing many __2__ things.:What’s your favorite hobby?:I collect stamps.I try my __3__ to get stamps from other countries.What about you?:I enjoy riding my bike and looking at the scenery ,though __4__ (cycle) is a bit dangerous.I like playing tennis,too.:No wonder you are always so __5__ (energy).:Yes.__6__ we do exercise every day,we can keep our hearts and lungs in good shape.:Now I’m __7__ weight.Can you give me some tips on how to keep fit?:The best way __8__(keep) fit is to do some sports.I’m going cycling now.Do you want to go with me?:__9__ (sound) wonderful!Let’s go to __10__ countryside together.答案 1.do 2.other 3.best 4.cycling 5.energetic 6.If 7.putting on/gaining 8.to keep 9.Sounds 10.the(自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空versities to pursue education.With their __1__ in hand.graduates head off into the workforce.What do these young,modern women wear to celebrate their professional achievement?Wedding __2__,of course.No,they aren’t getting __3__.Rather,many Chinese women are renting wedding dresses simply for their __4__ pictures.

  Here’s __5__ some graduates have explained their decision to reject caps and gowns(长袍)to choose for the bride look:it’s just about creating a memory.__6__,we all want to preserve __7__ of our most beautiful selves.This way they will have multiple occasions __8__ which to preserve images of their most beautiful,wedding selves.The wedding dress makes things feel more meaningful.It also represents that our youth is __9__.__10__ how this bride clone phenomenon appeared at university graduations.It __11__ that Chinese graduation __12__ haven’t been big deals historically.Schools don’t line up big­name figures to speak,parents __13__(敷衍的)affair.__14__ of satisfactory tradition,young students have taken matters into their own hands with __15____16__ their self­images to social media and __17__ with their fellows for the hottest looks.

  Perhaps since the wear of western­style __18__ dresses for a wedding is a relatively recent phenomenon in China,the population doesn’t have such a firm association with these dresses serving,only the function of exchanging vows(婚誓)(or posing for the red carpet).In fact,in China white is traditionally a color for __19__,associated with death.But many young people are so ,“The feeling of wearing white is very __20__,like a goddess.”解题导语 这是一篇议论文,分析了最近许多女大学毕业生租用婚纱仅仅是为了照毕业照这一热点现象。 B.diplomas [根据“graduates head off into the workforce”可知,她们手里拿着的应是毕业文凭,diploma“毕业文凭,学位证书”;award“奖品”;permit“许可证license“执照”。故选B。] [根据下文中的“many Chinese women are renting wedding dresses”可知,此处表示“当然是婚纱”。故选A。] [根据上下文可知,她们不是要结married)而是为了照毕业(graduation)照,故选C。] [参见上题解析可知选D。] [本句是此段的过渡句,根据下文可知,作者介绍了一些毕业生是怎么(how)解释她们的这一行为的。故选A。] [根据空格前后的逻辑关系可知,此处表让步。after all“毕竟”,表让步;in all“总计”,用在数字的后面;above all“尤其重要的是”,讲述原因;at all“根本”,用于否定句。故选B。] [此处表示为了保存自己最美的形象。image“形象”,符合style“风格”;appearance“外貌”;character“性格”。] [定语从句中“介词+关系代词”中介词的确定要先看与从句中动词的习惯搭配,再看与先行词搭配的具体意义,先行词occasion的搭配为on the occasion“在……时刻或场合”。故选D。] [根据前一句可知,空格处意思为“这也意味着我们的青春在逐渐消逝”。fade“逐渐消逝”,符合语境。]D.acknowledge

  C [全文的主旨就是分析女大学生为什么在毕业季穿婚纱照毕业照。wonder“想要知道,感到疑惑”,符合语境。wander“走神”;realize“意识到”;acknowledge“承认,告知收到”。] [此句表示在中国的历史上,并不把毕业典礼当做大事来看待。turn out“结果是,证明是”,符合语境,come out“出版”;make out“理解”;figure out“弄懂,搞清楚”。] [根据本段内容可知,空格处ceremonies“典礼, 仪式”,符合语境。anniversary“周年纪念日”;movement“活动。运动”;campaign“战役,活动”。]arly



  C [根据前面的学校没有安排名人讲话可知,家长也很少(rarely)露面。故选C。] [A、B、D三个选项都有“缺乏,不足”的意思,但是从搭配角度来看只有absence符合,in the absence of“缺乏……”,故选B。presence“出席,存在”。]A.conventional

  B.contemporary [根据全文可知,毕业季抛弃传统的学士帽和学士袍而穿婚纱是最近的一种新的趋势,novel“新奇的,新颖的”,符合语境。conventional“contemporary“当代的,同时代的”;fictional“虚构的,小说的”。] [根据下文信息“to social media”可知,这里表示“上传”(upload)才符合逻辑。download“下载”;unload“卸货,摆脱”;load“装载”。故选A。] [根据下文信息“the hottest looks“可知同学之间在互相竞争,compete“竞争,争夺”,符合语境。argue“争论”;fight“打仗”;quarrel“吵架”。] [本段主要讲述白色婚纱在中西方文化中的差异,故选A。] [根据空格后“associated with death”(与死亡联系起来)可知,白色在中国的传统上是一种表示哀悼的颜色。mourn“哀悼”,故选B。]keptical

  B.innocent [根据空格后的“like a goddess”(像一个女神)可知,穿白色婚纱给人一种“高雅”的感觉。elegant“高雅的,优美的”;skeptical“怀疑的”;innocent“天真无邪的”;awful“可怕的”。故选C。]阅读理解at work,personal life,her failure and problems with children.,and was constantly crying.She was not a happy woman.She had suffered from continuing headaches,heart pain and jammed nerves in her back.,falling asleep only in the morning and getting tired very quickly during the day.Our relationship was on the verge of breaking up.yes,and stopped taking care of herself.She refused to shoot films and rejected any role.rth.She is the idol of more than half of men and women in the world,and I am the one allowed to fall ,hug her.,kisses and compliments.I surprised her and pleased her every minute.I gave her lots of gifts and lived just for her.I spoke in public only about her.I praised her in front of her own and our mutual friends.,but she blossomed.She became ,was no longer nervous and loved me even more than ever.I had no clue that she can love that much.And then I realized one thing:The woman is the reflection of her man.If you love her to the point of madness,she will become it.解题导语 本文讲述了作者通过爱改变妻子的故事,同时告诉我们一个道理:爱是爱的回报。________”. [句意理解题。由下文中的“She had bags under her eyes”可知,她有了眼袋,不如从前漂亮了。故选B。],________. [细节理解题。由文中的“Our relationship was on the verge of breaking up”以及“I lost hope and thought that we would get divorced soon”可知答案为D,how is the writer’s wife now?ne.

  C.She is in good condition.

  D.She is even more famous.

  C [细节理解题。由最后一段中的“You won’t believe it,but she blossomed.She became even better than before”可知他的妻子现在的情况不错。]________.mous doctor

  B.a well­known actress [推理判断题。由文中的“She refused to shoot films and rejected any role”,“She is the idol of more than half of...”可以推测出,作者的妻子是一位非常著名的演员。]短文改错(2017·东北三省四市高三联考)I have got a computer of my own at the last.It is a present for my grandparents.They say that use a computer is a must in the modern world.When they learnt that I was interesting in the machine but I did not have one,they immediately told me that they will offer me a laptop.Now with the machine in front,I feel gratefully to my grandparents.I promise him that I will do my best to make good use it.I will not only learn how to operate the computers,but also make programmes on it.If impossible,I will learn computer science at university.

  答案 第一句:去掉the第二句:for→from第三句:use→using第四句:interesting→interested; will→would第五句:gratefully→grateful第六句:him→them; use后加of第七句:computers→computer第八句:impossible→possible


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