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上海市2016届高三英语一轮核心词汇复习:General Revision1

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:General Revision (1)

  1. I _____ $5 to have my radio repaired.

  A. took

  B. cost

  C. paid

  D. spent

  2. Now in big cities of China, parents often let their children have their own ___ of living.

  A. way

  B. method

  C. manner

  D. fashion

  3. Can you tell us the local conditions and _____ of that country?

  A. customs

  B. habits

  C. practices

  D. usages

  4. Please _____ the milk until it boils and then turn off the gas.

  A. observe

  B. watch

  C. notice

  D. look

  5. The greater _____ of what you heard is only rumor.

  A. part

  B. one

  C. field

  D. piece

  6. Are you brave _____ to tell him what you think?

  A. sufficient

  B. adequate

  C. plentiful

  D. enough

  7. She tried to explain _____ simple language.

  A. by means of

  B. in honor of

  C. instead of

  D. in favor of

  8. She _____ the hard words when she read.

  A. scanned

  B. skimmed

  C. skipped

  D. observed

  9. When do the new driving laws come into _____?

  A. effect

  B. use

  C. service

  D. existence

  10. The new salary increases will take _____ from January onwards.

  A. begin

  B. start

  C. effect

  D. effort

  11. His _____ is to spend a month in Moscow.

  A. impression

  B. direction

  C. mention

  D. intention

  12. _____ driving to work, Paul usually goes to his office by train.

  A. Without

  B. Rather than

  C. Instead of

  D. In spite of

  13. I’ll certainly be _____ to go to the dance if Carrol is there.

  A. tempted

  B. tended

  C. longed

  D. enjoyed

  14. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _____ of her heart.

  A. hitting

  B. beating

  C. rushing

  D. striking

  15. Don’t _____ the poor child. It isn’t all his fault. Anyway, he is only eight.

  A. spoil

  B. squeeze

  C. stimulate

  D. scold

  16. When you get to the highway, follow the _____ for Notting Hill.

  A. marks

  B. spots

  C. signals

  D. signs

  17. My wife is going with me to help me _____ a new suit.

  A. pick out

  B. pick up

  C. work out

  D. work at

  18. It was a great ______ for him to be pleasant to people he didn’t like.

  A. trouble

  B. sorrow

  C. effort

  D. horror

  19. I wonder how _____ the letter will reach him. In a week, I hope.

  A. long

  B. soon

  C. fast

  D. quick

  20. You’ll _____ getting burnt if you don’t keep away from the fire.

  A. make up

  B. take up

  C. end up

  D. come up

  21. John insisted on going on with the program _____ the setback.

  A. although

  B. in spite of

  C. despite of

  D. though

  22. In order to save young men’s jobs, some of the older workers were _____early.

  A. withdrawn

  B. retreated

  C. retired

  D. returned

  23. For them, the main _____ of the house lies in its quiet country location.

  A. need

  B. value

  C. cost

  D. money

  24. Walters was not properly _____ of the reason for her arrest.

  A. informed

  B. assured

  C. provided

  D. offered

  25. When he retires, he will be able to look back over a brilliant _____.

  A. career

  B. ambition

  C. work

  D. employment

  26. Those small businesses have _____ greatly from the fall of interest rates.

  A. protected

  B. benefited

  C. defended

  D. recovered

  27. His elegant clothes _____ with hi9s rough speech.

  A. contracted

  B. contrasted

  C. contacted

  D. related

  28. I have two daughters, and the _____ is married.

  A. eld

  B. elder

  C. old

  D. oldest

  29. This part of the book is not very interesting, so I am going to _____ it.

  A. skip

  B. survey

  C. skim

  D. simplify

  30. At school, his early interest in music developed into a strong _____.

  A. passion

  B. interest

  C. expectation

  D. appreciation

  31. He was not _____ enough to give the old woman his seat on the bus.

  A. modest

  B. considerate

  C. mild

  D. conscious

  32. I’d like to _____ her to you for the job. She is a very clever and hard-working girl.

  A. recommend

  B. propose

  C. suggest

  D. refer

  33. The doctor _____ his fear that she was seriously ill indeed.

  A. confirmed

  B. agreed

  C. approval

  D. appointed

  34. This suit fits me well _____ the trousers are a bit too long.

  A. except for

  B. except that

  C. besides

  D. except

  35. The dictionary was too expensive for her. She couldn’t _____ it.

  A. pay

  B. cost

  C. afford

  D. offer

  36. They worked hard and got their living conditions _____ step by step.

  A. developed

  B. raised

  C. improved

  D. increased

  37. Of course she behaved awfully, but _____ , she is your younger sister.

  A. above all

  B. after all

  C. first of all

  D. all the more

  38. ---Did they make one more _____ last year?

  ---Yes, it will have great effect upon modern science.

  A. experiment

  B. progress

  C. research

  D. discovery

  39. As I felt better, the doctor _____ me to take a three-day rest.

  A. considered

  B. suggested

  C. hoped

  D. advised

  40. ---It’s _____ difficult a question, isn’t it?

  ---Yes, it is.

  A. such

  B. too

  C. rather

  D. quite

  41. Adam and Pam are a nice _____. Let’s invite them to dinner.

  A. double

  B. friend

  C. pair

  D. part

  42. Will you show me some _____ suitable for a costume?

  A. clothes

  B. cloths

  C. cloth

  D. clothing

  43. He is a _____ fellow.

  A. handsome

  B. beautiful

  C. pretty

  D. ugly

  44. She could not bear going back work so soon after her holiday; the ___was too awful.

  A. comparison

  B. competition

  C. contrast

  D. combination

  45. Her heart was _____ violently when she heard someone strange knocking at the door.

  A. hitting

  B. beating

  C. striking

  D. jumping

  46. We shall go through the city, and on the _____ we can have some lunch.

  A. way

  B. path

  C. highway

  D. lane

  47. She stood by the entrance to _____ her guests as they passed.

  A. accept

  B. receive

  C. serve

  D. agree

  48. We had a long wait, but it was _____ because we got the tickets.

  A. worth

  B. worthy

  C. worthwhile

  D. deserve

  49. He’s sitting _____ the car with the driver.

  A. in front of

  B. in the front of

  C. at the front

  D. on the front of

  50. I would have done the work myself, but I did not have the _____ equipment.

  A. real

  B. proper

  C. cheap

  D. clear

  General Revision

  1 .答案

  1. C

  2. A

  3. A

  4. B

  5. A

  6. D

  7. A

  8. C

  9. A

  10. C

  11. D

  12. C

  13. A

  14. B

  15. D

  16. D


  18. C

  19. B

  20. C

  21. B

  22. C

  23. B

  24. A

  25. A

  26. B

  27. B

  28. B

  29. A

  30. A

  31. B

  32. A

  33. A

  34. B

  35. C

  36. C

  37. B

  38. D

  39. D

  40. B

  41. C

  42. C

  43. A

  44. C

  45. B

  46. A

  47. B

  48. C

  49. B

  50. B


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