I saw a woman leaning against the wall looking tired and stressed and as though she’d been crying. 我看到一个妇女倚在墙上,看上去又累、压力又大,好像是一直在哭一样。 The life of a high school student is usually active,exciting and full of fun,but it can be stressful sometimes. 高中学生的生活通常是积极的、令人激动的,同时也充满了快乐,但有时 候可能有压力。
活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Chinese former Premier Wen Jiabao devel- oping Chinese economy in his speech at the University of Cambridge. 中国前总理温家宝在剑桥大学的演讲中强调了发展中国经济的重要 性。 (2)I think I’ve got one of the most . 我想我得到了最繁重的工作之一。 (3)New surveys suggest that people are and working longer hours than ever.
答案 (1)stressed the importance of (2)stressful jobs (3)more stressed 3 contribution contribution n.贡献,捐助,稿件 (教材原句P46) 考点释义 Pearson also made other decisions which he believed would contribute to the new Sparrow image.(2017 山东 阅读理解D) 皮尔森也作出了其他的一些决定,他认为这些决定会有助于树立斯帕罗 的新形象。 With our knowledge based on practice,we can make contributions to our so- ciety. 只要我们的知识建立在实践的基础上,我们就能为社会作出贡献。 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)Most experts agree that human activities such as clearing of large areas of forests and farming on a large scale are (contribute)to the problem of global warming. (2)The number of the foreign tourists to visit the US is expected to be more than 2 million by 2017, (contribute)14 billion dollars to the US econ- omy. 答案 (1)contributing 句意:大多数专家都同意:像大规模砍伐森林和 大规模农业种植等人类活动都加剧了全球变暖问题。 (2)contributing 句意:到2017年游览美国的外国游客有望超过2百万,会 给美国经济带来140亿美元的收入。 高分靓句 例句:我做服务员做了五年,这对我今天的工作非常有帮助。 I served as a waiter for five years,which contributes a lot to my today’s
work. 仿写:我认为你需要一些户外锻炼,充足的新鲜空气有助于身体健康。 答案 I think you need some outdoor exercise.Plenty of fresh air will con- tribute to good health. 4 condition Often,factory workers lived in poor and crowded conditions.工厂的工人们 通常生活在恶劣且拥挤的环境中。 (教材原句P49) 考点释义 In fact,it is many young people’s ambition to set up programmes or busi- nesses that improve social conditions.(2017 安徽 阅读理解 E) 事实上,正是许许多多年轻人创建自己的项目或者企业的雄心壮志改善 了社会现状。 The classrooms are in poor condition. 这些教室的条件很差。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)The students have been told that may they use the mobile phone in class. (2)I’ll lend you the book you return it to me next week. (3)—Why did you quit your job? —It was good in terms of its ,but the salary was too low. 答案 (1)on/under no condition 句意:学生们被告知他们决不能在课 堂上使用手机。
(2)on condition that 句意:如果你下周能还给我的话,我就把书借给你。 (3)working conditions 句意:——你为什么辞去你的工作?——就工作条 件方面来说很好,就是工资太低。 5 bring up His father died when he was young,and he was brought up by his mother.在 他小的时候他的父亲就死了,是他的母亲把他养大的。 (教材原句P43) 考点释义 All the nine Thomas’ children were brought up to value education,and all were expected to make something of themselves through working hard. 托马斯的9个孩子都是在重视教育的环境下抚养长大的,他希望所有这些 孩子都能通过自己的努力来获得成功。 Please make another sentence to bring out the meaning of the phrase. 请再造一个句子来阐明这个短语的意义。 活学巧用 用合适的介词或副词填空: (1)When it comes to bringing children,some people say strict control produces well-behaved children. (2)Earthquake sites should be regarded as a sad memory rather than a tool to bring money. (3)You needn’t add any explanation here because the meaning of that word will be brought very clearly in the next paragraph. (4)Some people fear that air pollution may bring changes in the weather around the world. (5)Our government has taken measures to bring the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable. 答案 (1)up 句意:当说到教养孩子时,有人说严管会培养出行为端正 的孩子。 (2)in 句意:地震发生的地方应该被看做是一个伤心的记忆而不是一个 赚钱的工具。 (3)out 句意:你没有必要在这儿补充解释了,因为那个单词的意思将在 下一段被清晰地阐述出来。 (4)about 句意:有人害怕空气污染会带来全球气候的变化。 (5)down 句意:为了保持市场稳定我们政府已经采取措施来降低日用品 高昂的价格。 6 in some ways In some ways,his beliefs were similar to those of Confucius.在某些方面,他 的主张和孔子的一样。 (教材原句P43) 考点释义 She got stuck in a traffic jam on the way,or she would be having dinner with us now. 路上她遇到了交通阻塞,否则的话她现在就会和我们一起吃晚饭了。 You have to move out of the way or the truck cannot get past you.你最好让 开,否则这辆卡车过不去。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1) ,I’m glad you made that mistake,for it will serve as a warning to you. (2)—Is that 110? A thief is in my house... —Ok,help is . (3)Our house is being knocked down to a new road. (4)These changes are beneficial ,but not in others. (5)Bad habits are easy to be removed;it needs your determina- tion and perseverance. 答案 (1)In a way 句意:在某种程度上来说我很高兴你犯了那个错 误,因为它可以当成是对你的警告。 (2)on the way 句意:——是110吗?我的房子里有一个小偷……——好 的,援救马上就到。 (3)make way for 句意:我们家的房子正被拆毁以筑新路。 (4)in some ways 句意:这些变革对某些方面有好处,但是对其他方面没 好处。 (5)no way 句意:不良习惯不可能轻易改掉,那需要你的决心和毅力。 7 a sense of responsibility a sense of responsibility责任感 (教材原句P45) 发散思维 Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues amused with her stories. 露西非常有幽默感,她总是用故事让她的同事们感到快乐。 Of all the animals I’ve ever had,these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word. 在我曾经拥有过的所有动物中,这两条狗是对语言最敏感的。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)In China,shaking hands with each other is when people meet for the first time. (2)The key word in the sentence has been left out,so it doesn’t to us. 答案 (1)common sense 句意:在中国,人们第一次见面时互相握手这 是常识。 (2)make any sense 句意:这个句子中的关键单词给漏掉了,因此它对我 们来说毫无意义。 8 the reason...is/was that... Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.孟子认为人不同于动物的原因是人性善。 (教材原句P43) 考点释义 (1)believe后是that引导的宾语从句;从句结构是the reason why...is that..., why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句。 (2)reason作先行词时,要先判断reason 在从句中充当什么成分,如果是作状语则要用关系副词why引导定语从句;如果reason作主语或宾语则要用 关系代词that/which引导定语从句。 (3)reason可作动词,意为“推理;思考”。 The reason why she didn’t get the job was that her English was not very good.她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不是很好。 I reasoned from his silence that he was not very happy. 我从他的沉默中判断出他不太高兴。
活学巧用 完成句子: (1)The reason he missed the class was quite different from the one he explained to me. 他旷课的原因和他向我解释的那个原因完全不一样。 (2)The reason he didn’t go to school yesterday was he was ill. 昨天他没去上学的原因是他病了。
(3)Does the suggestion sound that Mr.Smith be told about his physi- cal condition as soon as possible? 应该尽快告知史密斯先生他的身体状况,这个建议听起来合理吗? (4)The notice came around ten in the morning that the meeting would be put off . 早上十点左右得到通知:由于某种原因会议将被推迟。 答案 (1)why;that (2)why;that (3)reasonable (4)for some reason 答案 The reason why many rivers in this area have dried up recently is
that many trees have been cut down. 高分靓句 例句:他不能来的原因是他不得不工作到很晚。 The reason why he can’t come is that he has to work late. 仿写:近来该地区很多河流干枯的原因就是很多树木被砍伐了。 9 for the first time With the Industrial Revolution,factories appeared and mass production be- came possible for the first time.随着工业革命的发展,出现了工厂,而且第 一次使大规模的生产成为可能。(教材原句P49) 考点释义 The children gazed in wonder when they saw snow for the first time. 当孩子们第一次见到雪的时候,他们惊奇地注视着。 The first time I went abroad I could hardly understand what the foreigners said. 第一次出国时我几乎听不懂老外说的什么。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1) (第一次)I toured Beijing,I was deeply impressed with its culture.
(2)It was six years ago,when he came to China (第一次),that he began to learn Chinese. (3)It is the first time he has come here and now it is high time that he (show)around. 答案 (1)The first time 句意:第一次到北京旅游我就对它的文化印象 深刻。 (2)for the first time 句意:他是六年前第一次来中国时开始学汉语的。 (3)was shown 句意:这是他第一次来这儿,现在该领着他去转转了。 高分靓句 例句:贝蒂现在对这首诗很感兴趣,可是第一次读的时候她觉得这首诗很 乏味。 Betty shows great interest in this poem now,but she thought it boring the first time she read it. 仿写:第一次见到他的时候我以为他是一个热心肠、值得信赖的人。 答案 I thought he was a warm-hearted and trustworthy person the first
time I met him. “介词+关系代词”引导定语从句 1.Some passers-by witnessed the car accident five passengers were killed,a baby included. 2.Many cities in the world have been polluted heavily, Beijing is an example. 3.China is experiencing a new period respect for science and creativi- ty has become the guiding principle of society. 4.It’s hard to imagine how so many strange ideas occurred to him,none of are practical. 5.The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs they are being trained. 单元语法答案 1.in which 句意:一些过路人目击了这场车祸,车祸中五名乘客死亡,其 中包括一名婴儿。 2.of which 句意:世界上很多城市都被污染了,北京就是其中的一个例 子。 3.in which 句意:中国正在经历着一个新的时代,在这个时代中尊重科技 和创新成了社会的主旋律。 4.which 句意:很难想象他怎么会产生那么多奇怪的想法,其中没有一个 是切实可行的。 5.for which 句意:学校本身也承认并不是所有的学生都会在自己接受 过培训的工作中取得成功的。
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 5 Great People and Great
Inventions of Ancient China Ⅰ.重点单词 1. adj.平等的;相等的 adv.平等地;同样地 n.平等;相等 2. n.重要性 adj.重要的;重大的 3. n.原则;准则
单元课前检测 4. n.位置;职位
5. vt.强调;着重指出 n.压力;强调
6. adj.有影响的 n.影响 7. n.诚实;正直 adj.诚实的;正直的 adv.真诚地;公正地 8. n.正义;公正 adj.正义的;公正的 9. n.贡献;捐款;稿件 vt.捐款;撰稿 10. n.燃料 11. vi.辞职 12. n.皮;皮革 13. n.种类 Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 抚养;养育 2. 总之
3. 第一次
4. 听从某人的建议 5. 叫醒;醒来 6. 以……为自豪 7. 照顾;照料
8. 责任感
Ⅲ.重点句型 1.Mencius believed that man is different from animals is man is good. 孟子认为人不同于动物的原因是人性善。 2.Treat others you want to be treated. 己所不欲,勿施于人。 3.They say that you need to be a bit mad an inventor. 他们说你想成为一个发明家就需要有点疯狂。 1.He made another wonderful discovery,which I think is of great (im- portant)to science. 2.I can’t thank you enough for your (kind). 3.The teacher (stress)again that the students should not leave out any important details while retelling the story. 4.He is one of the most (influence)figures in the government. 5.What is obviously right is to give all children (equality)opportuni- ties to develop their special gift. 6.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes (contribution)to the increase of cancers. 7.They were in the middle of an (argue)but broke off when someone came into the room. 8.When caught cheating a second time,you will realize the value of (honest). 9.What the children dream about is the (free)to develop their special gift. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.equal;equally;equality 2.importance;important 3.principle 4.position 5.stress 6.influential;influence 7.honesty;honest;honestly 8.justice;just 9.contribution;contribute 10.fuel 11.resign 12.leather 13.category Ⅱ.重点短语 1.bring up 2.in conclusion 3.for the first time 4.follow one’s advice 5.wake up 6.be proud of/take pride in 7.look after 8.sense of responsibility Ⅲ.重点句型 1.the reason why;that 2.in the way 3.to be 单句填空题组答案 1.importance 句意:他又有了一项极好的发现,我认为该项发现对科学非 常重要。 2.kindness 句意:我怎么感谢你的善意都不为过。 3.stressed/stresses 句意:老师再次强调学生们在复述故事的时候不要漏 掉任何重要细节。 4.influential 句意:他是政府中最有影响力的人物之一。 5.equal 句意:很明显给每一个孩子平等的机会去开发他们自己特殊的 才能是正确的。 6.contributes 句意:医学研究发现香烟的广泛传播导致了癌症的增加。 7.argument 句意:他们争论到一半时因为有人进来就中止了。 8.honesty 句意:当你又被抓住作弊时,你就会意识到诚实的价值。 9.freedom 句意:孩子们的梦想就是自由发展自己的特长。 语言点用法过关 1 equal All human beings are equal.所有的人都是平等的。 (教材原句P41) 考点释义 adj. n. equal sb.比得上某人;与某人匹敌
形象记忆 If the constitution said that all people were free and equal,then she thought it should apply to her.(2017 山东 阅读理解 C) 如果宪法上说所有的人都是自由和平等的话,那她认为这条也应该适用 于她。 All people have the right to equality of opportunity. 机会面前人人平等。 活学巧用 用equal的适当形式完成句子: (1)Anyone,whether he is an official or a bus driver,should be respect- ed. (2)He doubted whether she would be to the task. (3)Black people had to fight for social and economic with whites. (4)All the teenagers living in the city have access to quality education regardless of their background and birthplace. 答案 (1)equally 句意:任何人,不管他是官员还是公共汽车司机都应 该得到同样地尊重。 (2)equal 句意:他怀疑她是否能胜任这项任务。 (3)equality 句意:黑人曾不得不为了社会地位和经济地位的平等而与白 人斗争。 (4)equal 句意:居住在该市的青少年,不管他们的背景和出生地如何,都 享有平等的受优质教育的权利。 2 stress He stressed the importance of kindness,duty and order in society.他强调善 良、责任和社会秩序的重要性。 (教材原句P43) 考点释义
2015年2月9日雅思口语预测Part 1
1月16日雅思阅读预测:安慰剂 Placebo
2015年1-2月雅思阅读预测:电视成瘾 Television addiction
2015年1-2月雅思阅读预测:挠痒与发笑 Tickling and laughter
2015年2月9日雅思口语预测Part 2
1月16日雅思阅读预测:Pacific navigation
1月16日雅思阅读预测:失落城市 Lost of the city
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