The day was cold and stormy,but Anderson still wanted to see the sights,so she jumped aboard a streetcar. 那天很冷还下着暴风雪,但是安德森还是想看看风景,于是她跳上了一辆 有轨电车。
形象记忆 发散思维 The plane crashed,killing all 200 people aboard.飞机失事了,机上200人全 部遇难。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)He (登上)the plane and just a few hours later he (到了国外)—far away from his parents. (2)All the passengers (在飞机上),please fasten your seat belts and remain seated when the plane is landing. (3)It’s really a challenge for a teenager to (国外留学)after high school. (4)Please the ship quickly.There’s only 10 minutes left.
答案 (1)went aboard;arrived abroad 句意:他上了飞机,几个小时后就 到了国外,远离了父母。 (2)on board 句意:飞机上的所有乘客请注意:在飞机着陆时请留在座位 上并系好安全带。 (3)study abroad 句意:对一个青少年来说上完高中就出国留学确实是一 个挑战。 (4)go aboard 句意:请赶快上船,只剩下10分钟的时间了。 3 else I am glad there is somebody else in space with us.我很高兴在太空中还有 别的人和我们在一起。 (教材原句P43) 考点释义 (1)else常放在不定代词或疑问代词后,意为“别的”; (2)else也常放在疑问副词when,where,how等的后面; (3)与or连用,构成固定结构or else,表示“否则,不然的话”。 A man can fail many times,but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. 一个人可以失败很多次,但是直到他开始责怪别人时他才是一个失败的 人。 When else shall we meet again,if Friday is not convenient for you? 如果星期五你不方便的话,那我们另外什么时候再见面? 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Since Mary is absent today,let’s get to take up the work where it was left off. 既然玛丽今天没有来,那我们就找另外一个人从她停下来的地方接着干 活吧。 (2)You may keep the book a further week if requires it. 如果没有别人要这本书的话,你可以再保留一周。 (3) do we need for the trip besides food to eat and special clothes to wear?
这次旅行除了吃的食物和穿的特殊衣服外,我们还需要别的东西吗? (4) ,as his mother told us,did he go except the cabin in the backyard. 就像他母亲告诉我们的一样,除了后院那间小屋外他没去别的地方。 答案 (1)someone else (2)no one else (3)What else (4)Nowhere else 4 replace In the first sentence,the word when can be replaced with as soon as.在第一 个句子中,when可以被as soon as代替。 (教材原句P44) 发散思维 (1) (2) Your glasses may someday replace your smartphone,and some New Yorkers are ready for the switch.(2017 福建 阅读理解 B) 有一天你的眼镜可能会取代你的智能手机,并且有些纽约人已经做好了 这种转换的准备。 The house I grew up in has been pulled down and replaced by an office building. 我在那里面长大的那座房子被拆掉了,取而代之的是一座办公楼。 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take place of George. (2)A researcher removes the card and (replace)it by another. 答案 (1)the 句意:Sam 已被任命为工程部的经理,以取代George。 (2)replaces 句意:研究人员拿掉卡片,然后用另外一张卡片代替它。 5 a success The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was a “complete suc- cess”.北京太空控制中心说这次飞行是一次“完全成功”的飞行。 (教 材原句P43) 发散思维 I must have been a great comfort to my parents in those days,for I never failed to live up to their expectations. 在那段日子里我一定是我父母最大的安慰,因为我从来没有辜负他们的 期望。 It is a pleasure for us to make a graduate address in the presence of thousands of students in the graduation ceremony.对我们来说在毕业典礼上当 着众多学生的面做毕业讲话是一件令人愉快的事。
活学巧用 单句填空: (1) operation was very successful indeed,which was comfort to the concerned mother. (2)The boy didn’t come back to life and the method to start his breathing ended up as failure. 答案 (1)The;a 句意:这次手术的确非常成功,这对那位非常担心的母 亲来说是一个巨大的安慰。第一个空特指大家都知道的事情,应该用定 冠词the。第二个空a comfort意为:一件令人安慰的事。故选D项。 (2)a 句意:这个男孩没有活过来,用来启动他呼吸的办法最后以失败而 告终。第一个空考查固定搭配come back to life苏醒过来,活过来。第二 个空a failure表达:一件失败的事。 6 take off When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday...昨 天上午9点,杨利伟在中国西北的酒泉起飞时…… (教材原句P43) 考点释义 You’d better move the large case away;it takes up too much room. 你最好把这个大箱子搬走,它占空间太多。 After the children put up Christmas decorations,the whole room took on a holiday appearance. 孩子们把圣诞装饰品张贴好后,整个房间呈现出了节日的样子。 活学巧用 用合适的介词或副词填空: (1)E-shopping will really take when people make sure that it is safe. (2)After studying law in a college for four years,Tom took his job as a lawyer in his hometown. (3)Unfortunately,people are often taken by the text messages that tell them they have won the shocking prize. (4)Since Mr.Evans took the firm last month,he has adapted to the busy schedule. (5)These teenagers don’t know much of the world yet;that’s why they are so easily taken . 答案 (1)off 句意:当人们确信其安全的时候,网上购物将会蓬勃发展 起来。 (2)up 句意:在大学里学习了四年的法律后,汤姆在他的家乡开始了律师 的工作。 (3)in 句意:不幸的是,人们经常被那些告诉自己获得大奖的短信欺骗。 (4)over 句意:自从上个月接手这个公司以来,Evans先生已经适应了这 紧张忙碌的日程表。 (5)in 句意:这些青少年对世界了解还很少,这就是为什么他们那么容易 被欺骗。 7 now that Now that I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many more times.既 然我已经有了这第一次参观,我希望我能多来几次。(教材原句P45) 发散思维 (1) (2) I was late this morning because I didn’t catch the early bus. 今天早上我来晚了,因为我没有赶上早班车。 Now that we’ve discussed our problem,are people happy with the deci- sions taken? 既然我们把问题都讨论了,那么大家对我们作出的决定满意吗?
活学巧用 完成句子: (1)— you like that latest type of car so much,why not buy it? —Well,I can’t afford so expensive a car.It is worth 200,000 yuan. (2)You have to take some necessities such as ropes,a flash,boots, you may get lost in the mountain if going hiking. 答案 (1)Now that/Since 句意:——既然你那么喜欢那款最新车,为什 么不买呢?——哦,我买不起那么贵的车。它值20万元。 (2)in case 句意:你一定要带上像绳子、手电筒和靴子这样的必需品,以 防在远足的时候在山里迷路。
高分靓句 例句:这个年轻人在专心写东西,只是偶尔停下来查阅这本或那本书。 The young man is absorbed in writing something,only stopping now and then to refer to a book or another. 仿写:珍妮经常不来上学,我想这就是为什么她时不时地受到批评。 答案 Jenny is always absent from school,which I suppose is why she is
criticized now and then. 8 believe in You don’t believe in aliens,do you?你不相信有外星人,对吧? (教材原句P 48) 考点释义 You have to believe in yourself.No one else will,if you don’t. 你一定要相信自己。如果你不相信自己的话,别人是不会相信你的。 Since no one believes what he said,he no longer says anything. 既然没有人相信他的话,他就不再说什么了。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1) the harder you work,the better result you’ ll get. 人们相信,你学习越努力,得到的结果就越好。 (2)In terms of his ability,I him,but sometimes I don’t what he says. 就他的能力而言,我信任他,但是有时候我不太相信他说的话。 (3) ,one’s personality can be reflected by one’s hand writing. 信不信由你,一个人的个性可以通过他的书法反映出来。 答案 (1)It is believed that (2)believe in;believe (3)Believe it or not 9 was looking at...when... Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his tele- scope last night when he got a big surprise.昨天晚上,业余天文学家David Bates正在用自己的望远镜观测月球,就在这时他大吃了一惊。 (教材原 句P45) 考点释义 We were having a meeting when someone broke in. 我们正在开会,这时有人闯了进来。 The game had hardly begun when it started to rain. 比赛刚刚开始,天就下起雨来。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)One Friday,we to leave for a weekend away my daughter heard cries for help.
(2)Hardly he of the court the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.
他刚走出法庭记者就问了他很多问题。 (3)I had just got up and my breakfast the telephone rang loudly. 我刚起床正想做早饭,就在这时电话铃大声地响起来。 (4)No sooner to Hangzhou he bought a fine house and settled down there.
他刚一回到杭州就在那儿买了一栋好房子定居了下来。 答案 (1)were packing;when (2)had;got out;when (3)was about to cook;when (4)had he returned;than
高分靓句 例句:他在听这首歌,这时那段在国外留学的记忆出现在了他的脑海里。 He was listening to the song when memories of staying abroad as an ex- change student came into his mind. 仿写:汤姆正在高兴地玩电脑游戏,这时他爸爸走进房间。 答案 Tom was playing computer games happily when his father entered
the room. 10 There be句型中的v.-ing形式作后置定语 There are probably aliens living here on earth.地球上也有可能生活着外星 人。(教材原句P48) 考点释义 该句属于There be句型,注意在名词aliens后是非谓语动词作后置定语,修 饰前面的名词。考生往往会在写作时出错,误写为动词原形。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)There was a football match then when I passed the playground. 我经过操场时正好有一场足球赛在进行。
(2)There are many museums life was like in ancient times. 有很多博物馆能向人们展示远古时代的生活到底是什么样子。 答案 (1)going on (2)showing what 高分靓句 例句:我愿意周五去听音乐会,可是还有很多问题仍需被解决。 I’d like to go to the concert on Friday,but there are many problems remain- ing to be solved. 仿写:街上停放着很多车,消防车无法通过。 答案 There were a lot of cars parking along the street and the fire trucks
couldn’t pass through.
原因状语从句和时间状语从句 1.—How long will it be the professor makes another visit to China? —It all depends. 2.There was no point persuading me, I thought your reason would be nonsense. 3.I won’t mind the heat in Greece I won’t have to move about much. 4.—How long do you think it will be the sports meet in our city comes to an end? —Don’t you know it was over on October 28th? 5.The flight to London was delayed the bad weather,which made my wife worried. 6. we have not enough evidence,we can’t win the case. 单元语法答案 1.before 句意:——这位教授要在多久之后才会再次访问中国呢?—— 那要看情况而定了。 2.for 句意:劝说我一点意义也没有,因为我认为你的理由都是废话。 3.because 句意:我不会在意希腊的热天气,因为我不用到处走动。 4.before 句意:——你认为我市的运动会还有多久才能结束?——你难 道不知道10月28日运动会就结束了吗?
5.because of/due to/owing to 句意:由于天气恶劣,飞往伦敦的航班推迟 了,这让我妻子很担心。 6.Since 句意:由于我们没有足够的证据,我们不可能打赢官司。
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines Ⅰ.重点单词 1. n.名人 2. n.宇宙 adj.普遍的;全世界的 n.大学 3. n.照片;相片 4. n.经济;经济状况 adj.经济的;经济上的 单元课前检测 5. n.政治;政治事务 adj.政治的;政府的 6. n.航班飞机;飞行 7. n.祝贺;恭贺 vt.祝贺;向……道贺 8. adv.在(飞机、火车)上 adv.到/在国外 9. n.成就;功绩 vt.取得;实现;达到 10. vt.取代;代替 n.替换;替代品 11. n.信念;信心 vt.相信;认为真实 12. n.证据 13. adj.文化的 n.文化 14. adj.财政的;金融的 n.财政;金融 15. adj.皇家的 16. adj.业余的 Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 在太空 2. 总共;合计 3. 既然
4. 相信;信任 5. 给……拍照
6. 集中;全神贯注于 7. 加油;赶快;得了吧 8. 一件成功的事;一个成功的人
Ⅲ.重点句型 1.Amateur astronomer David Bates at the moon through his telescope last night he got a big surprise.
昨天晚上,业余天文学家David Bates正在用他的天文望远镜观看月球,就 在这时他大吃了一惊。 2.There are probably aliens here on earth. 地球上可能生活着外星人。 3. I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many more times. 既然我已经有了这第一次参观,我希望我能多来几次。 4.You ! It would be terrible! 你不是认真的吧!那会更糟糕的! 1.I called the airline to confirm my (fly)reservation a week before I left for Canada. 2.As it was almost time for the flight,all the passengers got (board)the plane. 3.The town was (found)by the English settlers in the year 1790. 4.A US report predicts that in 15 years’ time the (economic)in Asia will be larger than that of North America and Europe combined. 5.The audience all clapped to (congratulation)him on winning first prize.
6.Such was Einstein,a man of great (achieve),but with a simple lifestyle. 7.The house I grew up in has been taken down and (replace)by an of- fice building. 8.There was no (evident)that either driver had been drinking. 9.On account of economic,political and (culture)differences,it is diffi- cult for China and America to fully understand each other. 10.Student loan is supposed to provide (finance)support for people who would otherwise not be able to go to college. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.celebrity 2.universe;universal;university 3.photograph 4.economy;economic 5.politics;political 6.flight 7.congratulation;congratulate 8.aboard;abroad 9.achievement;achieve 10.replace;replacement 11.belief;believe 12.evidence 13.cultural;cul- ture;finance 15.royal 16.amateur Ⅱ.重点短语 space total that 4.believe in 5.take photograph of... 6.concentrate on 7.come on 8.a success Ⅲ.重点句型 1.was looking;when 3.Now that 4.can’t be serious 单句填空题组答案 1.flight 句意:在去加拿大之前的一周,我给航空公司打电话确认我预定 的航班。 2.aboard 句意:由于快要到航班飞机起飞的时间了,所有的乘客们都登 上了飞机。 3.founded 句意:这座城镇是英国定居者在1790年建立的。 4.economy 句意:一份美国的报告预测15年后亚洲的经济将会比北美和欧洲合起来还要强大。 5.congratulate 句意:观众都鼓掌来祝贺他获得了一等奖。 6.achievements 句意:这就是爱因斯坦,一个取得了伟大成就、却过着简 朴生活的人。 7.replaced 句意:我长大的那座房子已经被拆掉了,取而代之的是一座办 公楼。 8.evidence 句意:没有证据表明这两个司机喝了酒。 9.cultural 句意:由于经济、政治和文化方面的差异,中美两国相互完全 理解是很难的。 句意:助学贷款应该为那些没有这些贷款就上不起大学的人提供财政方面的支持。
语言点用法过关 1 congratulation When Yang landed,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations.杨利伟着陆后,温家宝总理给控制中心打电话表 示祝贺。 (教材原句P43) 考点释义 发散思维
形象记忆 “Your partner can save your life—you can save your partner’s life,” Wellman said as the pair received congratulations from friends. “你的同伴能救你的命,你也能救你同伴的命,”威尔曼在这两个人接受 朋友祝贺的时候说道。 “I congratulate you once more;this is the best thing you could have done.” said Mr.Johnson in the end.约翰逊先生最后说:“我再一次祝贺你,这是 你能做的最好的事。” 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)People from every corner of the world China the successful launch of Shenzhou Ⅶ.
世界各地的人都祝贺中国成功发射神舟七号。 (2) your promotion!You really deserve it. 祝贺你高升!这确实是你应得的。 (3)We warmly Lily she had achieved in her study. 我们热烈祝贺莉莉在学习上取得的成绩。
答案 (1)congratulated;on (2)Congratulations on (3)congratulated;on what 2 aboard While he was travelling in space,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station...当他在太空飞行的时候,杨利伟和在国际太 空站上的两个宇航员通了话…… (教材原句P43) 考点释义
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