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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  If so, we can absorb 6 ___large amount of knowledge. After class, we should read more English passages, which is important for the English learners. By doing this, we are not only informed what happens in 7 ____world, but we can also review 8____ large number of former words. After 9____ period of time, we should also sort out our notes and go over what we have learned. In 10 __word, English isn’t difficult to learn, as long as we do what he told us. a





  本文主要是讲同学们通过听Albert教授的讲座,学到了一些学习英语的方法。 1. a 泛指,是指一个报告。

  2. an 因ordinary是元音音标开头的。an ordinary man意思是“一位普通人”。

  3. a 泛指, 这里指Albert是北京大学的“一名”教授。

  4. the 由普通名词构成的专有名词前用定冠词。 5. the 受表示特指的of短语修饰,form the habit of意为“养成……的习惯”。 6. a 因a large amount of意为“许多”,与不可数名词连用。 7. the 世界上独一无二的事物要用定冠词。 8. a 因a large number of意为“许多”, 与可数名词连用。 9. a 因a period of 意为“一段时间”。 10. a 因in a word意为“总之”。 三、单句改错

  1. In China, more and more children are learning to play piano nowadays. play后加the

  因为play 后加西洋乐器时要带 the。

  2. There is no doubt that little Tom is a honest boy. a→ an

  因honest 的读音以元音开头,故用an。 3. Out of the curiosity, he opened the novel. 删除out of后的the

  因Out of curiosity (出于好奇)是固定搭配。

  4. I didn’t have own room till my sister left for college. 在own前加my

  因为own习惯上总是与形容词性物主代词连用的。 5. The moment he saw her, he opened arms and hugged her. 在arms前加his


  6. A selfie(自拍) is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with hand-held digital camera or camera phone. with后加 a

  因为camera是单数可数名词,用不定冠词表示泛指。 7. The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wondered what a boy would do.

  a→ the


  8. 70% of students surveyed hold the view that rules can help the public make the right choices, and remain safe.


  特指被调查的“那些”学生。 9. Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in same home?



  10. Karl Marx began to learn English in the fifties.

  the→ his

  表示“在某人几十几岁时”,用in one’s fifties。 * * * * 冠



  Tom, a[1] classmate of mine, is a[2] Lei Feng in our class, who is always ready to help others. Henry, whose father is a[3]teacher, is considered to be the[4]most diligent student in our class, who is the first one to get to school and the[5]last one to leave every day. He believes the harder you study the[6] more knowledge you’ll get. Tom likes watching TV while Henry enjoys listening to the [7]radio. Both of them are working for the[8]Students’ Union. They are of an[9]age and I am a[10]year older than they are. We are good friends because we have a[11]lot in common. First of all, three of us were born in the[12]1990s. Secondly, we all like playing the[13]violin and love sports. We play football twice a[14]week even if we are now in Senior Grade Three. Thirdly, we not only respect teachers and the elderly but also care for the[15]disabled. For example, we often go to a village near our school to look after the[16]Browns, both of whom were lamed in an accident. I remember that on a[17]Saturday afternoon we chatted with the Browns so happily that we didn’t go back home until the[18] sun set.




  学的知识就越多。 汤姆喜欢看电视,而享利喜欢听收音机。他们两人都在学生会工作。他们的年龄相同,


  我们是朋友,因为我们有许多相同的地方。首先,我们三个都出生在九十年代。第二,我们都喜欢演奏小提琴和喜欢运动,即使我们读高三了,也依然每周踢两次足球。第三,我们不但尊敬师长而且也关心残疾人。例如,我们常常去学校附近的一个村庄去照看布朗夫妇,他们两个都在一次事故中腿瘸了。我记得在一个星期六的下午,我们同布朗夫妇谈得非常开心,直到日落才回家。 1.泛指的一个,用不定冠词。 2.表示“像……一样的人”,用不定冠词。 3.职业身份前,表示类别,用不定冠词。 4.最高级前用定冠词。 5.序数词前用定冠词。 6.构成句式: the more…the more…(越…就越…)。 7.习惯用语on the radio。 8.普通名词构成的专有名词前用定冠词。 9.表示“同一”,用不定冠词。


  10. 表示数量“一”,用不定冠词。 11. 构成短语a lot。

  12. 在逢整数的基数词前表示年代,用定冠词。 13. 在表示演奏play后,西洋乐器名词前,用定冠词。 14. 表示“每一”,用不定冠词。 15. 用在形容词或分词前表示一类人,

  用定冠词。 16. 用在姓氏复数前表示某夫妇或一家人,用定冠词。 17. 表示“某一”,用不定冠词。 18. 在独一无二的事物前,用定冠词。


  语法填空中,若“(形容词+)名词” 前没有其他限定词时,很可能就是填冠词然后,根据下列三种方法确定用定冠词还是用不定冠词。 1. 理解法。不是特指,不用the。

  2. 观察法。若名词后有of短语、不定式或者定语从句等,一般用定冠词。 3. 翻译法。凡是可译作“一个,有一个,任何一个,每一,同一” 的,一般用不定冠词;凡是译文中有“这/那……” 字眼的,一般用定冠词。

  短文改错主要考查冠词的多用与少用,也会考查定冠词与不定冠词之间的混用。 一、单句填空

  用a, an或the填空。


  1. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had ___ amazing conversation. 作宾语的名词amazing conversation前应填限定词; 根据习惯搭配可知填不定冠词an, 因为have a conversation 意为“谈话”。

  an 2. A young man,while traveling through a desert,came across a spring of clear water.

  _____ water was sweet. 作主语的名词前应填限定语; 特指前面提到的clear water, 相当于“这”种清泉, 故填The。 The 3. Besides, shopping at this time of the year was not _____ pleasant experience: people stepped on your feet… 句中experience意为“经历”, 是可数名词;作表语的名词experience前应填限定词; 由冒号之后的内容可知, 一年的这个时候去购物并不是一次愉快的经历, 表示“一次”用不定冠词,故填a。

  a 4. …the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to __

  small town some 20 kilometres away where there was a garage. 作宾语的名词small town前应填限定语; 由句意可知,此处指将车拉到离那里大约有20公里远的“一个小镇”去修, 表示“一个”, 用不定冠词, small以辅音开头, 故填a。 a 5. —It’s said that John will be in a job paying over $60, 000

  ____ year.

  —Right,he will also get paid by ___ week. 第一空填不定冠词,表示“每”;第二空填定冠词, 表示单位, 其固定搭配是by the…, 如:by the hour (按小时), by the week(按周)等。 a

  the 6.Take your time—it’s just ____ short distance from here to _____ restaurant. 第一空填不定冠词, 表示“一”的意思,

  a short distance的意思是“一段很近的距离”; 第二空填定冠词, 表特指, 指说话双方都知道的那个餐馆。 a

  the 7.First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _____ second chance to make ______ first impression. 第一空用不定冠词,指在原有基础上增加一次, 含有another的意思;第二空序数词前用定冠词, 表特指, 即特指某一次。句中的a second chance相当于another chance。

  a the 8. We can never expect ____ bluer sky unless we create ____ less polluted world. 在通常情况下, 名词sky和world前面该用定冠词; 但是, 当它们受到描绘性定语的修饰时, 就应用不定冠词, 表示“一个……的天空/世界”。 a

  a 9. This area experienced _____ heaviest rainfall in ____ month of May. 第一空填定冠词,是因为其后的名词受最高级形容词的修饰;第二空也填定冠词,是根据“the + 普通名词 (地名/时间名) + of + 专有名词”。 the

  the 10. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was _____ three-hour journey. 由于 journey 为可数名词, 故其前应有不定冠词, 表示“一段三小时的路程”。 a

  Today our school organized all the students to take part in 1 ___report at the meeting room in our school. Albert, 2 ____ordinary man, delivered a speech on how to learn English. Albert, 3 ___ professor in Beijing University, graduated from 4 ____ English Department of Oxford University in 1985. He said we should form 5 ____habit of previewing English, and this would help to perform well in class. When we study English in class, we must be earnest and active.







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