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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  M:Why did you return the dress to the shop?

  W:I liked its color and style but I forgot to check the size.

  What made the woman return the dress?

  A.Wrong size. B.Wrong color. C.Wrong style.


  2.W:How do you usually get to work?

  M:First I cycle 15 minutes to the subway station and then I take the subway for half an hour to the nearest stop.Then a five-minute walk gets me there.

  How long does it take the man to get to work?

  A.About half an hour.

  B.About an hour.

  C.About one and a half hours.


  3.M:Wow,I have never seen a more beautiful garden.

  W:Thank you.Gardening is my hobby—it’s a good way to get exercise and also get close to nature.

  M:Exactly,and I guess it can give a real sense of achievement as well.

  What is one advantage of gardening,in the man’s opinion?

  A.It gives one a chance to exercise.

  B.It gets one close to nature.

  C.It gives one a sense of achievement.


  4.W:Dad,here’s a message for you.Here you are.

  M:Who is this MSK?

  W:That’s Ms Kim.Uncle Tom called to tell you Ms Kim had lost her cell phone and asked you to call her back at this number.


  Who left the message?

  A.Uncle Tom. B.Ms Kim. C.Mr Kim.


  5.M:Don’t put it in the water.That won’t help.

  W:So how can I get rid of all this sand and mud?I really can’t wear such a dirty blouse.

  M:That’s why I suggested spending the weekend in the countryside.

  W:But I can’t collect so many shells in the countryside,can I?

  Where did the man suggest spending their weekend?

  A.At the seaside.

  B.In the countryside.

  C.In the mountains.




  W:Pasadena Traffic School.How can I help you?

  M:I would like to sign up for some classes.I need to take a driver’s course.

  W:You’ll have to make an appointment.

  M:All right.Can I make an appointment right now?

  W:When are you available?

  M:Can I make it for tomorrow at 9:00 am?

  W:Sorry—that time has been taken already,but I can schedule you tomorrow for an hour earlier or an hour later.Which one suits you?

  M:How about 10:00 am tomorrow?

  Why is the man calling?

  A.To change an appointment.

  B.To sign up for a course.

  C.To ask for his driver’s license.


  7.When will the man come to the school tomorrow?

  A.At 8:00 am. B.At 9:00 am. C.At 10:00 am.



  W:I am trying to pack for my flight on October 4th,but I don’t know what the luggage limits are.

  M:Why don’t you call your airline?They can tell you how much you can bring.

  W:Oh,I don’t want to go to all that trouble.I just want to know what most airlines do.

  M:Well,unless you fly on a discount carrier,you usually have to pay a fee for checked luggage.

  W:Do I also have to pay on an international flight?

  M:Some international airlines charge a fee for extra bags or extra weight but they should all allow you to check one free bag.

  W:How much carry-on luggage can I bring?

  M:Usually just one piece of carry-on luggage,in addition to a handbag or a computer bag.

  W:Any final advice on packing?

  M:Well,don’t bring anything you don’t really need.I hope you enjoy yourself.I’ll see you in a week!

  What are the speakers talking about?

  A.The luggage limits on airlines.

  B.Booking a discount ticket.

  C.Choosing the best airline.


  9.When will the man see the woman again?

  A.In four days. B.In seven days. C.In eleven days.



  W:Hello.Helping Hand Office.

  M:Hello,Miss.My name is Adam.I’m interested in volunteering at your place.

  W:Oh good!We can always use more volunteers.Where do you want to volunteer?

  M:I’m not really sure.What are the choices?

  W:Well,we need volunteers in the garden and in the storeroom.

  M:Hmm ...I don’t have any experience doing either.I’ve only worked part-time in our school’s library.

  W:That’s all right.

  M:OK,well,where do you need the most help?

  W:Good question.Probably in the garden.

  M:What would I need to do?

  W:Well,we’ve planted about half of the crops,but the rest still need to be planted?

  M:Will someone be able to show me how to do that?

  W:Of course.You will also be watering and weeding?

  M:Can I help with weeding in the garden this Sunday?


  M:How do I get there?Should I ride my bike there?

  W:No,our bus will pick everyone up from their homes,so I just need to get your address.

  Where did the man work part-time?

  A.In the garden.

  B.In the storeroom.

  C.In his school’s library.


  11.What does the man want to do this Sunday?

  A.Plant crops. B.Weed crops. C.Water crops.


  12.How will the man get to the volunteer location?

  A.By bus. B.By bike. C.By car.



  M:Hi,Jane.I just came over to drop off the DVDs you wanted ...Hey,wow!New TV,new DVD player—where did you get all of these?

  W:I bought them.

  M:But where did you get the money?You didn’t borrow money from Mom and Dad again,did you?Or did you win a big prize?

  W:Of course not.I got it with my student credit card.I applied for it last month.

  M:Why did you get one in the first place?

  W:Well,having a credit card helps you control spending,and even buy things that you can’t pay for with cash,like the plane ticket I got recently.

  M:What plane ticket?

  W:Well,my roommate and I are going to Hawaii over the school break,and of course,I needed some new clothes for that so ...

  M:So how does having a student credit card control spending?It sounds like you’ve spent yourself into a hole.

  W:Don’t worry.By the way,here’s your birthday present—a new MP4 player.

  M:Listen.I don’t think having a student credit card is a bad idea,but this is ridiculous.How are you going to pay off your credit card bill?

  W:With my birthday money.

  M:Hmm ...Let’s sit down and talk about this.

  Why did the man come over to the woman’s house?

  A.To borrow a DVD from her.

  B.To bring some DVDs to her.

  C.To give her a new DVD player.


  14.How did the woman get all her things?

  A.She borrowed money from her parents.

  B.She won a big prize last month.

  C.She used her student credit card.


  15.What did the woman think she needed to do?

  A.Book a plane ticket soon.

  B.Visit her roommate in Hawaii.

  C.Buy some new clothes.


  16.What does the man seem most concern about?

  A.How the woman will pay off her bill.

  B.What birthday present he can get.

  C.When he can have a talk with the woman.



  My name is Randall Davis,and I’m originally from the state of Indiana in the United States.When I was 19 years old,I moved to Venezuela,and later returned to the United States,where I attended Brigham Young University in the 1980s.I majored in Spanish education and TESOL,or teaching English to speakers of other languages.After graduating from college,my wife and I moved to Beijing,where we lived for eight years.Now,I work back in the States in Utah.

  Years ago,I wanted to make something of myself in my profession.Later on,I realized my kids wouldn’t remember me for the work I did outside of the home;they would only remember the moments we spent together and today,I try to put them first.

  Therefore,I enjoy spending time with my family.I have four children,and we go hiking and camping together,usually in Utah.On our hikes,we often talk about life,and I tell stories or share personal experiences.When we do activities like this together,I can really focus on the kids without being disturbed by video games or the Internet.

  This doesn’t mean we don’t have problems.However,we try to talk openly about our problems,and we try to solve them together.Building a strong family takes time,but it is worth the effort.

  Where did the speaker get his college education?

  A.In the USA. B.In Spain. C.In China.


  18.What does the speaker value most today?

  A.His career. B.His family. C.His hobby.


  19.What does the speaker often do with his children?

  A.Get close to nature.

  B.Write stories.

  C.Play video games.


  20.What can we learn from the talk?

  A.The speaker lived in Venezuela for eight years.

  B.The speaker met and married his wife in China.

  C.The speaker’s family solves their problems together.





  Spring is coming,and it is time for those about to graduate to look for jobs.Competition is tough,so job seekers must carefully consider their personal choices.Whatever we are wearing,our family and friends may accept us,but the workplace may not.

  A high school newspaper editor said it is unfair for companies to discourage visible tattoos(纹身)nose rings,or certain dress styles.It is true you can’t judge a book by its cover,yet people do“cover”themselves in order to convey(传递)certain messages.What we wear,including tattoos and nose rings,is an expression of who we are.Just as people convey messages about themselves with their appearances,so do companies.Dress standards exist in the business world for a number of reasons,but the main concern is often about what customers accept.

  Others may say how to dress is a matter of personal freedom,but for businesses it is more about whether to make or lose money.Most employers do care about the personal appearances of their employees(雇员),because those people represent the companies to their customers.

  As a hiring manager I am paid to choose the people who would make the best impression on our customers.There are plenty of well-qualified candidates,so it is not wrong to reject someone who might disappoint my customers.Even though I am open-minded,I can’t expect all our customers are.

  There is nobody to blame but yourself if your set of choices does not match that of your preferred employer.No company should have to change to satisfy a candidate simply because he or she is unwilling to respect its standards,as long as its standards are legal.









  22.What can be inferred from the text?

  A.Candidates have to wear what companies prefer for an interview.

  B.What to wear is not a matter of personal choice for companies.

  C.Companies sometimes have to change to respect their candidates.

  D.Hiring managers make the best impression on their candidates.



  23.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

  A.Employees Matter

  B.Personal Choices Matter

  C.Appearances Matter

  D.Hiring Managers Matter



  24.The author’s attitude towards strange dress styles in the workplace may best be described as  . 


  C.positive D.sympathetic






  While studying social insect behaviour,researchers from the Agricultural University of Krakow,Poland,discovered a remarkable example of self-sacrifice in a species of ants found in Brazil.They found that the ants sacrifice themselves in order to avoid a possible threat.

  When the sun sets,the ants seal up the entrance to their nest,but in doing so a few remain outside to kick sand over the entrance hole until it becomes invisible.These ants then die due to the cold,or get blown away in the wind.This door-sealing activity of these ants represents the first recorded case of insects sacrificing themselves through a preventive procedure.The ants sacrifice their lives every evening even if the nest isn’t under attack by enemies.The task takes about 50 minutes and the technique the ants use to kick sand backward over the hole with their hind legs is unique to the chore,strengthening the evidence that this is a premeditated activity instead of casual action.Once their task is completed,they usually quickly walk away.

  In order to learn of the fate of these ants,the researchers placed sheets of thin plywood (胶合板) containing false openings over some real nest entrances.The ants carried on working until they had finished and were then left to wait for the dangers of the night.The researchers found that out of 23 ants working at night,only six survived until morning.The bodies of 10 were recovered,and the other seven were missing,most likely blown away and probably dead.The researchers said that the ants are probably older workers approaching death who are more unimportant than their younger nest mates.


  Thispassageismainlyabout . 







  26.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.The nightly entrance-closing activity of the ants lasts no more than half an hour.

  B.The ants stuck outside stand a good chance of surviving the dangers of the night.

  C.The ants participating in the door-sealing activity are believed to be young and healthy.

  D.For the first time insects are seen sacrificing themselves even when there’s no direct threat.



  27.The sheets of plywood are used to  . 

  A.save the lives of the ants left out in the cold

  B.store the bodies of the self-sacrificing ants

  C.know what will happen to the ants remaining outside

  D.cover the real nest entrances for protection



  28.The underlined word “premeditated” is closest in meaning to “ ”. 

  A.planned B.random

  C.abnormal D.exciting






  What is Friendship Force International?Friendship Force International provides opportunities to explore new countries and cultures from the inside by bringing people together at the personal level.Through the signature program of home hospitality,local hosts welcome international visitors into their culture,sharing with them meals,conversation,and the best sights and experiences of their region.

  In a typical Friendship Force program,a local club prepares a series of cultural activities,inviting members from clubs in other countries to come and stay with them in their homes for up to a week.

  There are many ways to explore the world through Friendship Force.For example,you may:

  —Join a group making a cultural exploration of another country or of another region of your own country.

  —Bring the world to your doorstep by hosting international visitors in your home.

  —Join a cultural travel program formed around common interests such as gardening,hiking,wine and many others.

  —Get involved with a Friendship Force club in your city,or organize one yourself.


  Accordingtothepassageabove,FriendshipForceInternationalwillhelpyou . 







  30.In a typical Friendship Force program,visitors will probably live  . 

  A.in local hosts’ homes B.in hotels

  C.on campus

  D.on the doorstep



  31.The aim of this passage is to  . 

  A.argue about the future of Friendship Force

  B.attract people to take part in Friendship Force programs

  C.introduce the history of Friendship Force

  D.explain the reasons for setting up Friendship Force







  Hearst Castle is a park on the central California coast and a National Historic Landmark.It was designed by Julia Morgan for William Randolph Hearst from 1919 until 1947.In 1957,the owner donated the fortune to the state of California.Since that time it has been a state historic park where its large collection of art and antiques are open for public tours.Despite its location far from any urban center,the site attracts roughly one million visitors per year.


  ●Tour 1 is recommended for first-time visitors.It now includes the movie,HearstCastle:BuildingtheDream. 

  ●Tour 2 gives visitors a closer look at the main house’s upper floors,Mr.Hearst’s private suite,the libraries,and the kitchen.

  ●Tour 3 looks at the Castle’s North Wing,guest rooms and guest house Casa del Monte.

  ●Tour 4 includes the impressive gardens and grounds,the largest guest house,the wine basement,and the Hidden Terrace.

  ●The evening tour is a special tour that allows visitors to experience the Castle at night as one of the Hearst’s own visitors might have.


  Hearst Castle accepts VISA,MasterCard,American Express and Discover.Free day-use parking is available for automobiles,motorcycles,tour buses and recreational vehicles.

  Tours Adult Aged 6-17

  Tour 1 $24 $12

  Tour 2,3 or 4 $24 $12

  Evening tour $30 $15

  *Children under 6 are free when accompanied by a paying adult.


  While tickets may be purchased at the Visitor Center upon arrival,tour reservations can be made online now or by calling 1-800-444-4445.See below for times.

  Reservation Call Center Hours

  Dates Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday

  March-September 8 am to 6 pm 8 am to 6 pm

  October-February 9 am to 5 pm 9 am to 3 pm

  Visit www.hearstcastle.org for more information.



  A.WilliamRandolphHearst. B.JuliaMorgan.

  C.TheHearstCorporation. D.ThestateofCalifornia.



  33.If you are quite interested in wine,which tour will you choose?

  A.Tour 1. B.Tour 2.

  C.Tour 3. D.Tour 4.



  34.If a couple take Tour 1 with their 5-year-old son,how much will they pay for the tickets?

  A.$36. B.$48.

  C.$60. D.$75.



  35.Which of the following is the available time to book tickets by phone?

  A.At 8 am on Monday in February.

  B.At 9 am on Sunday in March.

  C.At 7 pm on Friday in September.

  D.At 6 pm on Saturday in October.





  Everyone needs a break,and vacations are not meant for serious study.36 The Spring Festival is around the corner,so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey.Before getting into the recommendations,you need to determine your English reading comprehension level.If you’re at the primary level,there are two options:reading a children’s book or reading a book that you’ve read in Chinese translation.37 If you’re at the intermediate level,popular books like pop fiction,mysteries and thrillers are good options.For advanced readers,classic works of literature or modern prize winners (Nobel,Pulitzer) are good options. 

  38 When I pick up a book I like,even though the first few chapters are really hard to get through,I would try to get accustomed to the language the author uses.Generally,after the first few chapters,things get a lot easier,especially if I get involved in the story. 

  Another great way to keep yourself motivated is to find a friend who’s interested in reading the same book.You can make goals that you both want to achieve.39 

  Some quick recommendations:HarryPotter,start with the first book and go on from there;the ChroniclesofNarnia series;anything by US writer Michael Crichton;and if you like horror,US writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun.40  Happy reading! 

  A.If you pick a book which is so challenging,it will be too stressful.

  B.The most important thing is to pick a book that you’re really interested in.

  C.You may also enjoy your reading when hanging out with your family.

  D.You should just find a topic or author you’re interested in,and the rest will go from there.

  E.You can also discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or e-mail.

  F.Instead,they’re a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book.

  G.This will help you get over any unfamiliar word or phrase,since you’re already familiar with the story.

  答案:36~40 FGBED




  My friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to pour heavily.When it became lighter,I decided to brave the rain drops to get my  41 ,which was parked at my office three streets away. 

  My friends argued that I shouldn’t  42 ,mainly because I had a small operation on my left leg several  43 ago.I assured them that I’d be very  44 .One of them wanted to come with me but I insisted that she stayed with another friend who needed help  45  her baby. 

  I walked out of the  46  and started making my way to the car.At the traffic junction,a van stopped and the passenger got off with an umbrella. 47  I knew what was happening,he walked right beside me and told me he would walk with me to my destination.I was very  48  and lowered my head,but he was very persistent. 

  During our walk,he kept telling me to walk  49 ,as the ground was wet.When we got to the car-park,I 50  him and we parted ways.I did not get his name and may not even  51  him now.Did he  52  stop for me?I’ ll never know. 

  So how did I pay it  53 ?I was at home when I noticed two Indian  54  workers walking in the heavy rain.They were probably on their way to the construction site near my home,which was a long  55 I went out and passed them an umbrella.They were quite surprised by my behaviour, 56  I told them they should take the umbrella and  57 it.They were very  58  and like me,probably 59  why a stranger was offering such  60  


  A.umbrella B.babyC.carD.passenger



  42.A.stay B.stop C.sleep D.go



  43.A.years B.months C.weeks D.days



  44.A.careful B.confident C.comfortable D.convenient



  45.A.with B.to C.for D.out



  46.A.hospital B.hotel C.house D.market



  47.A.After B.Until C.Before D.Because



  48.A.excited B.exhausted

  C.encouraged D.embarrassed



  49.A.sooner B.faster C.slower D.quicker



  50.A.paid B.thanked C.refused D.answered



  51.A.recognize B.recall C.realize D.reward



  52.A.purposely B.naturally C.friendly D.evilly



  53.A.back B.forward C.off D.for



  54.A.conduction B.construction

  C.shipping D.transportation



  55.A.jump B.drive C.visit D.walk



  56.A.and B.or C.but D.though



  57.A.stop B.keep C.throw D.send



  58.A.surprised B.confused C.grateful D.careful



  59.A.suggesting B.doubting C.believing D.wondering



  60.A.bravery B.determination

  C.kindness D.perseverance





  At the turn of the century when jazz was born,America had no outstanding style of 61  own.It began to be heard in the early 1900s.Jazz is America’s contribution to popular music.Compared with classical music,62  follows formal European traditions,jazz appeared 63. (natural) with a free form.It is full of energy,64 (express) the moods,interests,and emotions of the people.In the 1920s jazz sounded like America,as it does today. 

  The origins of this music are as interesting 65  the music itself.American Negroes,or blacks,as they 66 (call) today,were the jazz pioneers.They were brought to Southern States as slaves.They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours.When a Negro died,his friends and relatives formed a procession to carry the body to the cemetery.In New Orleans,67  band often came with the procession.On the way 68  the cemetery,the band played slow,solemn music suited to the occasion.But on the way home the mood changed.Spirits lifted.69 (die) had removed one of their members,70 the living were glad to be alive.The band played happy music.This music made everyone want to dance.It was an early form of jazz. 


  61its ofone’sown“属于自己的”,形容词性物主代词与America一致,故用its。

  62which 所填词引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,故用which。

  63naturally 修饰动词appeared用副词形式。

  64expressing it和express为主动关系,句中谓语为is,故此处用动词-ing形式。

  65as 由前边的as可知填as,构成原级比较as...as...形式,表示“这种音乐的起源和音乐本身一样有趣”。

  66arecalled they指代blacks,和call为逻辑上的动宾关系;由时间状语today可知,此处用一般现在时的被动语态。

  67a band“乐队”为可数名词单数形式,且表示泛指意义,故用不定冠词a。

  68to onthewayto“在去……的路上”,为固定搭配。

  69Death 所填词在句中作主语,故用die的名词形式。

  70but 所填词连接的两个句子为转折关系,故此处用连词but。

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)








  One day I saw an advertisement in a local newspaper.I ring up the company,and I was given the job immediately.They asked me to take a tour around the city next morning.The manager just told me to say something which I could imagine about the city.My first tour was terribly.The old bus was not air-conditioned,but it was in the middle of summer,so that was really uncomfortable to be inside the bus.The tourist soon became very hot and bad-tempered.I had a very hard time calm them down.This was because I stayed there only for a few weeks.Then I left and joined in a better company.


  One day I saw an advertisement in a local newspaper.I ring up the company,and I was given the job immediately.They asked me to take a tour around the city next morning.The manager just told me to say something which I could imagine about the city.My first tour was terribly.The old bus was not air-conditioned,but it was in the middle of summer,so that was really uncomfortable to be inside the bus.The tourist soon became very hot and bad-tempered.I had a very hard time calm them down.This was because I stayed there only for a few weeks.Then I left and joined in

  a better company.








  Dear Adam,

  I’m deeply sorry but I have to let you know that  








  Looking forward to your reply.


  Li Hua


  Dear Adam, 

  I’m deeply sorry but I have to let you know that I lost the English novel GonewiththeWind which I borrowed from you a month ago.I like it so much that I took it with me wherever I went.Unfortunately,the other day during a trip to Beijing I was in such a hurry to get off the train that I forgot to put it back in my bag.I’m very sorry as I know the novel was a birthday present from your father. 

  Hard as I tried,I was not able to find the novel in any bookstore here.I wonder if you would like to take the Chinese-English version which will hopefully help improve your Chinese.

  Looking forward to your reply. 


  Li Hua 


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