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发布时间:2017-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  多媒体教学系统 使教与学更为方便有趣,在课堂上获取更多信息,学到更多知识

  信息中心 向师生开放



  远程教学系统 只要家中有电脑,任何人都可以学习本校的课程





  多媒体教学系统:Multimedia Teaching System

  信息中心:Information Center

  远程教学系统:Long Distance Teaching System


  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Welcome to our New Century Net-school!












  Modern technology has many advantages. While we enjoy the fun and convenience of the Internet, we also experience some new problems. This caricature describes one of them.


  二、 书面表达(满分20分)



  ① 台数不足;

  ② 部分键盘、鼠标已损坏,软件过时;

  ③ 关门时间太早。

  注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 书信的格式已给出;3. 可适当发挥。

  Dear Principal,




  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua

  4.假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。针对目前一些地方血库纷纷告急这一情况,请参照以下提示,用英文写一份倡议书,提倡无偿献血(donate blood for free)。

  ● 社会上对献血的错误认识;

  ● 指出献血的意义;

  ● 开展相关活动。






  Boys and girls,

  Recently some blood banks across the country are reported to be short of blood supplies.

  Students Union


  (1) 姓名:刘进,年龄55岁,上海一家工厂的工程师。

  (2) 1978年毕业于南京大学,后来留学日本东京大学,攻读化学工程。

  (3) 1982年科研成果显著,获博士学位。

  (4) 日本一家公司想用高薪聘用他,但他拒绝了。

  (5) 为了报效祖国,他于1983年毅然回国。

  现状 每四个人就有一个一生中会有心理健康问题,它会导致各种疾病。

  原因 成年人:工作压力、子女教育;学生:学习压力。

  解决办法 找到问题根源;放松自己,如参加运动、娱乐活动、交友;咨询心理医生。


  1. 语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。

  2. 词数120左右。

  3. 参考词汇:心理健康问题 psychological problem



  参考范文:Our Net-school is made up of three parts.Multimedia Teaching System makes teaching and learning easier and much more interesting.Students can get more information and knowledge in class.Information Center,where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world and get the latest information from Internet,is open to both teachers and students.Long Distance Teaching is for the students who are not studying in our school.They can study at home if they have a computer.

  【解析】1、说明网络系统的构成以及各个部分的功能。2、合理使用连接词,使文章衔接自然。3、可能用到的短语:be made uo of; be open to sb。4、建议学生尝试使用不同的句式,比如倒装句、各种从句,强调句等。

  2.One possible version:

  Modern technology has many advantages. While we enjoy the fun and convenience of the Internet, we also experience some new problems. This caricature describes one of them. It shows that the teenage boy is enjoying chatting online so much that he refuses to talk to his parent. I think it might be common, but it is totally unacceptable. Nothing can replace face-to-face communication no matter how easy or interesting it is for us to chat with people from across the world on the Internet.

  In most Chinese families, there is only one child. Obviously, we are the centre of our parents’ attention. Many parents are willing to do anything to make sure that we live a good life. It is understandable that they want to know what’s happening to us, what kind of friends we make and how we are getting on with our studies.

  I think we should let them know us well. For example, we can tell them what’s going on in school when we have dinner or turn to them for advice when we have problems.

  In that way, I’m sure the relationship between us and our parents will become better and better



  Dear Principal,

  I'm writing to you to tell you about some problems with our computer room。

  I think there are three problems。First ,there are not enough computers ,and as a result when we have computer classes we have to share computers。Second ,many keyboards and mice are broken,and the software is out-of-date 。Third ,the computer room closes too early 。We only have free time after finishing our homework,but sometimes when we go to the room it has already been closed 。

  I also have some advice for these problems。Firstly ,more computers should be bought 。Secondly,broken and old equipment should be replaced 。Thirdly,it might be a good idea for the computer room to stay open for a longer time ,especially on weekends ,when we have more free time。

  I am looking forward to seeing changes in our computer room.

  Best wishes,

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua



  Boys and girls,

  Recently some blood banks across the country are reported to be short of blood supplies. Some people hold the wrong idea that donating blood does harm to the donators’ health so we shouldn’t donate our blood to others. But the truth is that when a small amount of blood is taken out, the body will make a quick adjustment to work normally.

  As we know, donating blood is of great importance. Blood is important to patients, without which many of them can’t survive. And to the youth in the new age, not only is donating blood for free a social responsibility, but also it is the spirit of cooperation and sharing.

  We senior high school students who have a better understanding of medical knowledge should set a good example to other people. From now on, our school will hold a series of activities to tell people the benefits of donating blood. Do it now, starting from you and your family.

  Students Union



  There are great varieties of TV shows every evening.I never go to bed without watching some of the shows, among which Night News, Sports and Animal World are my favorite ones.

  I like to watch the Night News show, because I can know what is going on at home and abroad.Without watching this show I cannot learn the national and international affairs.

  The Sports Show is very exciting.I can enjoy various sports events that take place everywhere in the world without going out of my house.

  The Animal World Show is also wonderful from which I can learn something very amusing.The show really widens me scope of knowledge about animals.

  The Sports Show is very exciting.I can enjoy various sports events that take place everywhere in the world without going out of my house.

  The Animal World Show is also wonderful from which I can learn something very amusing.The show really widens me scope of knowledge about animals.


  One in four people will experience some kind of psychological problem during his or her life. When they fail to deal with these problems, they are likely to lead to various illnesses.

  The causes of mental health problems often vary greatly. Nowadays, a good number of people in the society are suffering from heavy pressure. Most adults’ pressure is due to the stress of work or the worry about their children’s education while many adolescents are also troubled by the pressure coming from their study.

  Fortunately, there’re a lot of ways to cure the mental problems. Firstly, find the real cause of your psychological problem and see whether you can solve it thoroughly. Secondly, do something to relax yourself, such as having sports, taking part in some entertainments or making some friends. Finally, do not hesitate to turn to your psychological consultant if you find all the above methods not effective.


  试题分析:考查提纲类书面表达的写作。要点都已经给出,根据要点写一篇关于心理健康问题的结题报告,要点包括:现状,原因,解决办法,具体内容表格中都已经给出来了,写作时要把要点都包括进去,不要有遗漏,审题时注意本文使用的时态,运用合适的语法规则和词汇把各要点都准确表述出。难点在于选择词汇和句型,可以灵活运用省略句,倒装句和强调句型准确表述。如范文里面的Most adults’ pressure is due to the stress of work or the worry about their children’s education while many adolescents are also troubled by the pressure coming from their study.还有要用适当的关联词把文章串联起来:Fortunately, Firstly, Secondly, Finally,等等。


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