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发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Russ was a lovable kid with a variety of communication challenges—a speech impediment(言语障碍), dyslexia(诵读困难), and auditory(听觉的)problems.  1 today he is walking confidently, standing tall to make an acceptance 2 for having been chosen as one of the“Outstanding Young Citizens”in Ocean County, New Jersey 3 his remarkable volunteer service in the town of Toms River.

  As I listened, I closed my eyes. I found myself 4 those memorable moments. My mind was full of warm images of Russ as a loving, caring youth, a gentle soul,  5 his challenges. And now, as he stood at the platform, I knew his heart 6 be racing. As Russ continued to speak, I thought about the fateful day when he was diagnosed with all those impairments(缺陷)and how 7 his tutors(家庭教师)would be if they could see him today. Here he was twenty-nine, being honored for ten years of service as a volunteer 8 . Russ was 9 for organizing clothing for the homeless, teaching preschool children about fire safety, and for playing Santa Claus for very sick children by driving up in a fire truck.

  Russ thanked his parents for providing him with dignity and teaching him about morals. Then, pausing for a few seconds, he 10 us by surprise by touching lovingly on the 11 of his nephew, Austin. Austin was just three years old when he died from an incurable disease. At that moment, I had to close my eyes again 12 a different set of tears ran down my cheeks. A silence 13 the room as Russ owed his volunteer award to Austin. He 14 his address by lifting the audience up with these words, “Austin taught me how to love. ”

  I have never thought of this day.  15 , no one had ever thought that Russ would make 16 as the star of the football team, and he had never been voted“most likely to succeed”, but he 17 to be a true“star”in his community. Russ became a man of strong character 18 his unselfish service to others. With so many impairments, Russ now sees and acts 19 with his heart. His words and deeds inspire everyone who knows him. It is Russ, our son, who has shown us what 20 is.

  【文章大意】一位被诊断为有言语障碍、诵读困难和听觉问题的少年敢于面对自己的困难, 最终成为社区的明星, 被授予“优秀年轻市民”称号。那么, 是什么促使他取得这一切的呢?

  1. A. And B. When C. As D. But

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。此句与前一句在逻辑上是转折关系。Russ虽然是一个有多种交流障碍的人, 今天却当选为Ocean县“优秀年轻市民”, 现在站在台上演讲。

  2. A. point B. speech

  C. call

  D. appeal

  【解析】选B。词汇复现题。make an acceptance speech意为“做领奖致辞, 做获奖演讲”。和下文的As Russ continued to speak中的speak是同根词。

  3. A. in spite of B. regardless of

  C. because of

  D. in the face of

  【解析】选C。短语辨析题。Russ当选“优秀年轻市民”是因为他卓越的志愿服务。because of因为, 符合上下文语境; A项尽管; B项无视, 不考虑; D项面对着。

  4. A. recalling B. recording

  C. seizing

  D. expecting

  【解析】选A。背景常识题。我情不自禁地回忆过去一些难忘的时刻。根据memorable和以下作者回忆的内容, 可知A项正确。

  5. A. putting up with B. concerning about

  C. escaping from

  D. facing up to

  【解析】选D。短语辨析题。face up to意为“勇敢面对”。作者回想起Russ是一个有爱心、乐于助人又温和的人, 他敢于面对自己的交流障碍。put up with忍受; concern about关心; escape from逃避。

  6. A. could B. must

  C. would

  D. might

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。我想他现在在台上演讲, 心跳一定很快。此处的must表示推测, 意为“一定”。

  7. A. nervous B. excited

  C. proud

  D. surprised

  【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。Russ小时候被诊断为有言语障碍、诵读困难和听觉问题。现在, 29岁的他被授予荣誉称号, 他的家庭教师们知道后一定会感到自豪(proud)。

  8. A. policeman B. tailor

  C. fireman

  D. tutor

  【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据下文的about fire safety和driving up in a fire truck可知Russ义务做了10年的消防志愿者。

  9. A. grateful B. responsible

  C. anxious

  D. fit

  【解析】选B。词语辨析题。Russ负责为无家可归者筹备服装、给学龄前儿童讲防火知识等事情。be responsible for. . . 负责……

  10. A. took B. got

  C. shocked

  D. moved

  【解析】选A。固定搭配题。take sb. by surprise为固定短语, 意为“使某人吃惊”。

  11. A. birth B. achievement

  C. loss

  D. disease

  【解析】选C。词汇复现题。loss和后面的died近义。此空前的touch on意为“提及, 谈及”, 他三岁的侄子因为生病而夭折了, 故此处用loss。

  12. A. since B. after

  C. when

  D. before

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。在那一刻, 我不得不再一次闭上眼睛, 以免失态(泪流满面)。

  13. A. dropped down B. fell over

  C. took off

  D. got up

  【解析】选B。短语辨析题。当Russ将他的获奖归功于侄子Austin时, 房间里所有的人都立即沉默下来了。drop down意为“落下”, fall over意为“笼罩”, take off意为“起飞; 脱下; (产品等)突然受欢迎”, get up意为“起床”。

  14. A. concluded B. wrote

  C. delivered

  D. started

  【解析】选A。词语辨析题。conclude his address意为“结束他的演讲”。

  15. A. Generally B. Surprisingly

  C. Actually

  D. However

  【解析】选C。词语辨析题。我从未想到Russ会有今天这样的荣誉和成就。事实上(actually), 没有人会想到过Russ会成为足球队的明星。

  16. A. it B. him

  C. one

  D. that

  【解析】选A。固定搭配题。make it为固定短语, 意为“成功; 达到预定目标”。

  17. A. happened B. rose

  C. appeared

  D. reduced

  【解析】选B。词语辨析题。但是他一步步地上来(rise)了, 最终成为社区一位真正的“明星”。happen碰巧; appear显得; reduce沦落为。

  18. A. at B. on

  C. by

  D. in


  19. A. cautiously B. generously

  C. closely

  D. clearly

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据上文, Russ现在知道了如何去爱, 所以他做事有着清晰的目标。

  20. A. sharing B. love

  C. sacrifice

  D. confidence

  【解析】选B。词汇复现题。上文中有how to love。



  A 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing.But the price—five dollars—was far beyond Reuben Earle's wealth.Five dollars would buy almost a week's groceries for his family.

  But hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an idea.

  He ran towards the


  and stopped at a construction site.People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails _32_ in hessian sacks()from a local factory.Sometimes

  sacks were _33_, and Reuben knew he could sell them back to the

  34_ for five cents a piece.

  Back home, he looked at his mother Dora and _35_.Sunlight from the window gilded her shoulder-length blonde hair.Slim and beautiful, she was the center of the home, the glue tha held it together.

  Every day after school, Reuben walked down the town, _36_ the hessian nail bags.On the day the school closed for the summer, no student was more


  than Reuben.Now he would have more time for his _38_.Then one day the _39_ had come.

  Reuben ran down Water Street to the store."Please, Mister.I have to sell the sacks now."The man took the sacks,


  his pocket and put four coins in Reuben's hand.Reuben murmureda thank you and


  , home.

  When he got home.Reuben _42_ the tin can.He poured the coins out and began to

  43 He had enough.

  Then, he headed for the shop, "I have the _44_," he told the owner.

  The man went to the window and took out Reuben's


  .He wiped the dust off and gently wrapped it in brown paper.Then he placed it in Reuben's hands.

  Racing home, Reuben _46_ the front door."Here, Mum! Here'." He placed a small box in her work-roughened hands.



  it carefully.A jewel box appeared.Dora lifted the cover,


  beginning to blurher vision.

  Dora had never received such a


  ; she had no jewellery except her wedding ring.


  ,she smiled and gathered her son into her arms.

  31.A.window B.Sound C.store D.school

  32.A.purchased B.produced C.delivered D.packed

  33.A.taken apart B.seta side C.sorted out D.thrown away

  34.A.people B.site C.factory D.shop

  35.A.wept B.hesitated C.smiled D.murmured

  36.A.collecting B.selling C.recycling D.carrying

  37.A.disappointed B.delighted C.determined D.devoed

  38.A.mother B.schedule C.burden D.mission

  39.Achallenge B.possibility C.time D.oppornity

  40.A.searched for B.reached into C.glanced through D.stared at

  41.A.ran B.walked C.left D.arrived

  42.A.sought B.buried C.broke D.uncovered

  43.A.laugh B.count C.judge D.observe

  44.A.jewel B.box C.money D.ring

  45.A.treasure B.coins C.present D.sacks

  46.A.got in B.slid into C.squeezed out D.burst through

  47.A.opened B.unwrapped C.unfolded D.fastened

  48.A.tears B.fog C.dust D.sunlight

  49.A.celebration B.wish C.gift D.blessing

  50.A.Thankful B.Breathless C.Unexpected D.Speechless

  【2017届·江苏南京四校联考】完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21~40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。


  numerous failures in his life. But he said, “One success is


  for me!”

  When he was five years old, his father died of illness without leaving him any


  . Since then, his mother worked outside


  he had to stay at home and take care of his siblings. He learnt cooking since then.

  When he was fourteen, he dropped


  and began his life of loving.

  When he was eighteen, he married a girl, who,


  , sold out all his properties and went back to her home several months after their marriage.

  When he was twenty, he


  his job from electrician to ferry staff to railway worker. All his jobs were


  for him.

  When he was thirty-five, misfortune again


  on him. When he was driving across a huge bridge, the steel ropes along the edge of the bridge were broken and he fell into the river with his car. He suffered such severe injuries that he could no longer continue his



  When he was


  , he opened a gas station in a town. However, he


  dispute (争端) because he beat his competitors


  the billboard hanging problems.

  When he was forty-seven, he


  his second wife, which had


  stricken his three children.

  When he was sixty-six, he made a living by


  his chicken-frying techniques to various restaurants in different places.

  When he was seventy-five, he felt


  to maintain his company, so he transferred his brand and patent to others. The new owner suggested giving him ten thousand stock shares as part of the purchasing price. But he


  the suggestion. Later the price of the stocks of the company soared and he lost the chance of being a billionaire.

  When he was eighty-eight, he achieved great success and became well-known to the whole world.

  He was exactly the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Ha Lunda Sandoz. He often said, “People always complain about the bad


  . Actually it is not bad at all. As long as you are


  and confident all the time, you will have a good weather every day. ”

  36. A. achieved

  B. undergone

  C. tried

  D. undertook

  37. A. great B. important

  C. valuable

  D. enough

  38. A. words

  B. money

  C. property

  D. families

  39. A. while

  B. but

  C. when

  D. so

  40. A. in

  B. out

  C. down

  D. up

  41. A. meanwhile

  B. moreover

  C. however

  D. therefore

  42. A. started

  B. took

  C. lost

  D. changed

  43. A. fit

  B. tough

  C. unusual

  D. adequate

  44. A. fell

  B. hit

  C. put

  D. rested

  45. A. life

  B. major

  C. job

  D. education

  46. A. forty

  B. thirty-five

  C. fifty-three

  D. seventy

  47. A. went through

  B. came into

  C. came about

  D. went against

  48. A. contributing to

  B. judging from

  C. owing to

  D. leading to

  49. A. changed

  B. married

  C. missed

  D. divorced

  50. A. deeply

  B. highly

  C. generally

  D. thickly

  51. A. learning

  B. promoting

  C. developing

  D. teaching

  52. A. powerless

  B. depressed

  C. disappointed

  D. hopeless

  53. A. turned up

  B. turned to

  C. turned down

  D. turned in

  54. A. difficulties

  B. misfortune

  C. life

  D. weather

  55. A. hard-working

  B. brave

  C. cautious

  D. optimistic








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