Science can't explain the power of pets, but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure (血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.
Any owner will tall you how much joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress (紧张) levels and blood pressure in people - half of them pet owners –while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. Subjects completed the tasks alone, with a husband/wife, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did
It best .Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned
Most quickly to baseline heart rates .With pets in the room ,people also made fewer math mistakes
Than when doing in front of other companions. It seems people feel more released (放松)around
Pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets don’t judge.
A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits. Researchers at Northwesterm Memorial Hospital spent aYear studying 36 fat people and were put on a diet-and-exercise programs; a separate group of 56 fat people without pets were put on a diet program. On average,people lost about 11 pounds,Or 5% of their body weight .Their dogs did even better,losing an average of 12 pounds,more then 15%of their body weight .Dog owners didn’t lose any more weight than those without dogs but ,say Researchers,got more exercise overall –mostly with their dogs –and found it worth doing.
) 1. What does the text mainly discuss?
A.What pets bring to their owners
B.How pets help people calm down
C.people’s opinions of keeping pets
D.Pet’s value in medical research
) 2. We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if ____________
A.he has a pet companion
B.he has
less stress of
C.he often dose mental arithmetic
D.he is taken care of by his family
) 3. According to Allen, why did the people do better with pets around when facing stressful tasks?
A.They have lower blood pressure.
B.They become more patient.
C.They are less nervous.
D.They are in higher spirits.
) 4. The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports that
A.people with dogs did more exercise
B.dogs lost the same weight as people did
C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did
D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful
Passage Twelve (We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy) Here’s a familiar version of the boy-meets-girl situation. A young man has at last plucked up courage to invite a dazzling young lady out to dinner. She has accepted his invitation and he is overjoyed. He is determined to take her to the best restaurant in town, even if it means that he will have to live on memories and hopes during the month to come. When they get to the restaurant, he discovers that this ethereal creature is on a diet. She mustn’t eat this and she mustn’t that. Oh, but of course, she doesn’t want to spoil his enjoyment. Let him by all means eat as much fattening food as he wants: it’s the surest way to an early grave. They spend a truly memorable evening together and never see each other again. What a miserable lot dieters are! You can always recognize them from the sour expression on their faces. They spend most of their time turning their noses up at food. They are forever consulting calorie charts; gazing at themselves in mirrors; and leaping on to weighing-machines in the bathroom. They spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, protruding tummies and double chins. Some wage all-out war on FAT. Mere dieting is not enough. They exhaust themselves doing exercises, sweating in sauna baths, being pummeled and massaged by weird machines. The really wealthy diet-mongers pay vast sums for ‘health cures’. For two weeks they can enter a nature clinic and be starved to death for a hundred guineas a week. Don’t think it’s only the middle-aged who go in for these fads either. Many of these bright young things you see are suffering from chronic malnutrition: they are living on nothing but air, water and the goodwill of God. Dieters undertake to starve themselves of their own free will; so why are they so miserable? Well, for one thing, they’re always hungry. You can’t be hungry and happy at the same time. All the horrible concoctions they eat instead of food leave them permanently dissatisfied. Wonderfood is a complete food, the advertisement says. ‘Just dissolve a teaspoonful in water…’. A complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak. And, of course, they’re always miserable because they feel so guilty. Hunger just proves too much for them and in the end they lash out and devour five huge guilt-inducing cream cakes at a sitting. And who can blame them? At least three times a day they are exposed to temptation. What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you munch a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice! What’s all this self-inflicted torture for? Saintly people deprive themselves of food to attain a state of grace. Unsaintly people do so to attain a state of misery. It will be a great day when all the dieters in the world abandon their slimming courses; when they hold out their plates and demand second helpings! 1.The best title for this passage is [A] On Fat. We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy. [C] Many Diseases Are Connected with Fat. [D] Diet Deprives People of Normal Life. 2.Why do they never see each other again? [A] Because it is a memorable evening. Because she lets him eat as much fattening food as he wants. [C] Because she does not eat this and drink that. [D] Because eating fattening food is the surest way to an early grave. 3.Which of the following ways is NOT mentioned for diet? [A] Doing exercises. Not eating sugar. [C] Not eating fat. [D] Taking sauna baths. 4.What is the author’s attitude toward diet? [A] Persuasive. Critical. [C] Indifferent. [D] Adversative. Vocabulary 1.ethereal 优雅的,飘渺的 2.sour 愁眉不展的 3.tummy 肚子 4.protrude 突出的,突起的 5.wage 作(战),实行 6.all-out 全面的 7.sauna bath 桑拿浴 8.pummel = pommel 用拳头连打 9.massage 按摩 10.weird 不可思议的,离奇的 11.monger 商人,贩子 12.fad 一时流行的风尚 13.concoction 调制品,荤素混合菜,调和物 14.wonderfood 奇妙的食物 15.lash out 痛斥,鞭打 16.at a/one sitting 一口气 17.munch 用力嚼 18.inflict 予以打击,使遭受 19.slim 苗条的,不足取的,无价值的 写作方法与文章大意 文章论及“减肥及痛苦”。以先声夺人的男女约会入手,引入减肥的痛苦过程:首先是各种减肥的方法(全面战斗);其次是痛苦的难熬;最后点出减肥的目的。号召人放弃减肥。三段式文章:引言,正文和结论。以讽刺的笔调,步步深入的手法劝人放弃减肥,过愉快的生活。 答案详解 1.B 我们都该长得胖乎乎,心情愉快。这是文章的目的,也是文章最佳标题。答案见最后一段:“这一切自我折磨为了什么?圣洁的人们不吃饭菜是为了身材优美,不圣洁的人们不吃饭菜得到的是痛苦。当世界上所有的节食者都抛弃这减轻体重显得苗条的课程时当他们伸出盘子,要求再来一份(第二份食物)时,这将是一个伟大的日子。” A. 论脂肪。似乎有点儿接近文章的内容。但文章涉及到的各个方面并不是单讲脂肪食品或饮食问题。C. 许多疾病和脂肪有关。文内第一段提到这方面的问题。D. 节食剥夺了人们正常生活。文内提到,但不是文章的总目的和内容。 2.D吃脂肪食品早死。答案就在第一段“当他们来到饭店,他发现这位优雅的少女(飘逸的少女)是个忌口节食者。决不能吃这个,一定不能喝那个。喔,当然,她不想扫他的兴,让他想吃多少脂肪的食品就尽量吃。这是早早接近死亡的最有把握的途径。”这里传递两点信息。一个吃,一个不吃已经是格格不入,再加上“多吃脂肪东西早死亡”姑娘怎能嫁他,他一个人吃而那位姑娘瞧着,确实是难以忘怀的夜晚,他受得了?所以D是最接近不再见面的原因。 A. 因为这是一个值得纪念的夜晚。B. 她让他爱吃多少脂肪食物就吃多少。C.因为她不吃这个也不吃那个。这三项都是单独的事实或情况。 3.B不吃糖。答案再第二段第二句开始“他们大部分时间对食品都不屑一顾。他们永远向热量表讨教咨询,照镜子,跳到浴室的磅秤上称重量。他们一声都在向臀部大,肚子突出,双下巴绽开一个准输无疑的战斗。有的对脂肪开展了全面战斗。光节食是不够的,他们运动以消耗体重,洗桑拿浴出汗,用奇异的机器按摩和击打。” A. 运动做操。C.不吃脂肪。D.洗桑拿浴。 4.B批评的态度。这在第二、三段都有明显的表示。第二段开始:“这些节食者是多么可怜的一群人啊!你总是可以从他们愁眉不展的表情上认出他们。”第二段倒数第四句开始:“这些真正有钱的节食大款为健康治疗支付大笔的款项。他们进到“自然门诊”。两个星期饿得要死,每星期付一百畿尼。别以为仅仅是中年人参与这种时尚活动。你可以见到许多青年正由于长期营养不良而遭罪。他们就靠空气、水和上帝的善意而活着。”第三段,“节食者甘愿忍饥挨饿,那么他们为什么那样难受悲惨呢?得,首先,他们总是感到饥饿。你不可能饿着肚子高兴。他们吃的不是食物,全是搭配好的东西,这永远不能使他们满意……”第三段倒数第三句“饥饿确实令他们感到太受不了了。最终,他们破釜沉舟,一口气就吞下了五大块使人内疚的奶油蛋糕。谁能责怪他们!他们一天至少三次面对引诱,老是看着别人大口吃着馋涎欲滴的食品,而你自己用力嚼一口水饼干和喝一口没有甜味的柠檬汁。这是一种什么样的折磨啊!” A.劝导的。 C.漠不关心。这两项不对。D. 敌意的。不合适。
Feel tired lately?Has a doctor said he can’t find anything wrong with you?Perhaps he sends you to a hospital,but all the advanced equipment there shows there is nothing wrong with you.
Then,consider this:you might be in a state of sub-health(亚健康).
Sub-health,also called the third state or gray state,is explained as borderline state between health and disease.
According to the investigation by the National Organization,over 45 percent of sub-health people are middle-aged or elderly.The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam-week.
Symptoms(征兆)include a lack of energy,depression,slow reactions,insomnia(失眠),agitation, and poor memory.Other symptoms include shortness of breath,sweating and aching in the waist and legs.
The key to preventing and recovering from sub-health,according to some medical experts,is to form good living habits, alternate work and rest, exercise regularly,and take part in open air activities.
As for meals,people are advised to eat less salt and sugar.They should also eat more fresh vegetables,fruits,fish because they are rich in nutritional elements—vitamins and trace elements(微量元素)—that are important to the body.
Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化道).They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub-health.
36.When you are in a state of sub-health,you should ________.
A.stay home and keep silent
B.go to a doctor and buy some medicine
C.not consider it very serious
D.find out the reasons and relax yourself
37.Middle-aged people may be easy to get sub-health because ________.
A.they have used up their energy
B.they have lost their living hopes
C.they have more pressure in life and work
D.they have changed their way of life
38.The key to preventing you from falling into a state of sub-health is to ________.
A. keep on working regularly
B. go to sleep a bit earlier
C. form good living habits
D. take medicine if necessary
答案:C 文章倒数第三段第一句“…is to form good living habits”
39.The underlined word “alternate” in this passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A. arrange by turns
B. cause to take place
C. make up for
D. keep away from
答案:A 从文中可看出:形成好的生活习惯,要劳逸结合,即轮流工作与休息
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