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2017届高考英语一轮复习检测:Unit2 Healthy eating (人教版必修3)Word版含答案

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2017·江西九江高三模拟)—The car exhibition will be open on Sunday, which must be interesting!

  —I'm not going with you, so ________.

  A.forget it B.I agree

  C.no problem

  D.don't worry

  2.(2017·银川一中第四次考试)When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ________ it.

  A.got off

  B.got across

  C.got on

  D.got over

  3.(2017·青岛质检)While prices are rising so fast, many people are working

  out ways to ________ their expenses.

  A.cut down

  B.put down

  C.turn down

  D.settle down

  4.Generally speaking, almost all the kids are ________ about how everything around them works.





  5.(2017·杭州高三质检)Both China and the United States

  ________ from their growing business ties over the past four decades.

  A.had benefited



  D.have benefited

  6.(2017·芜湖模拟)You'd better take into account your own ________ and weaknesses before choosing a major.





  7.(2017·平顶山模拟)—Have you moved into your new house?

  —Not yet.I've no time to get it ________.




  D.to furnish

  8.—Did you enjoy yourself at the party?

  —Yes, I've never been to ________ one before.

  A.a more excited

  B.the most excited

  C.a more exciting

  D.the most exciting

  9.(2017·沈阳高三质检)She is annoyed with obesity, so she has decided to go on ________ diet to lose ________ weight.

  A.the; the

  B.a; /

  C.an; the

  D.the; a

  10.(2017·安徽亳州市模拟)She ________ your birthday party, but she had to look after her mother in hospital.

  A.should attend

  B.ought to have attended

  C.can have attended

  D.must have attended

  11.(2010·福建高考)—In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.

  —I can't agree more. It's great to have the two ________.





  12.(2017·成都第二次诊断)On seeing ________ gift they wanted, the kids screamed with ________ delight.

  A./; a

  B.a; the

  C.the; /

  D.the; a

  13.(2017· 济南模拟)The school needs to ________ the interests of different levels of students to create a better learning environment.





  14.(2017·安徽江南十校联考)The children were having so much fun at the beach.They ________ have wished for a more pleasant holiday.





  15.Before making any decision, ________ your family to find out which activities are most important to you.






  (2017·淮北一模)I grew up with a fat dad — 450 pounds at his heaviest. Every week he would try a new diet, and my family ended up eating whatever strange food he was trying at that moment.

  After my third­grade year, my dad landed a life­changing job in Manhattan. My mom, my little sister and I had to move away from our hometown, Chicago, and leave my grandmother and her beautiful food behind.

  Leaving my grandmother was far more frightening than the move to New York City. There would be no more special weekends at my grandmother's house, the only place I can remember feeling happy, safe and nourished (有营养的). It was what I desired. In this new city, I felt extremely alone and lost, and I missed my grandmother terribly.

  My grandmother knew just how I felt — And she knew the cure. Every week, she would send me a card with a $20 bill, a recipe and a list of what to buy at the market. It kept us bonded, and her recipes filled my body and soul.

  Over the years, I have grown to better understand my father's struggles with weight and the toll (代价) it took on him and those who love him. I have come to realize he was driven not by vanity (自负) or selfishness as much as by a deep pain. And in spite of growing up in such an unhealthy eating environment (or perhaps because of it), as an adult I found a passion and a career as a nutrition consultant.

  Today, my father weighs 220 pounds and is a vegan (素食者). How he got there is a story I hope to share in the coming weeks. More importantly, food is no longer a barrier that keeps us apart, but a bridge that keeps us connected. There is nothing my dad enjoys more than talking with me about dietary theories and his weight­loss victories. And now I am the one regularly sending recipe cards to my father's house, just as my grandmother did for me.

  1.What kind of person was actually the author's father?

  A.He was a man of vanity and selfishness.

  B.He didn't like to eat with his family.

  C.He was more painful than selfish.

  D.He forced his family to eat what he liked.

  2.The author desired to go to his grandmother's ________.

  A.to see his father

  B.for tasty food

  C.for pocket money

  D.to avoid his family

  3.The author became a nutrition consultant mainly because ________.

  A.his father often talked with him about dietary theories

  B.he was determined to change his own daily habits

  C.he wanted to study the recipes his grandmother had given him

  D.his childhood experiences gave him too deep an impression

  4.What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph?

  A.He often quarreled with his father about food.

  B.His father will tell him his story in the following weeks.

  C.The most he talks about with his father is nourishment.

  D.He often sends recipe cards to his grandmother in return.


  (2017·皖北协作区高三联考)In 2000, the world's first mobile phones with cameras were put on the market in Japan.








  in Australia, Europe and the United States.

  A market research shows that there has been a sharp rise in worldwide sales from 80 million mobile camera phones in 2003 to 1.14 billion by 2017.

  Camera phones have not only been used for entertainment. In Sweden, a grocer snapped a shot of a robber and downloaded the photograph to his computer, which allowed the police to catch the suspect. In Italy, the same thing was done when a shop owner snapped pictures of two robbers. In Wales, doctors send photos of X­rays to consult a more experienced specialist about medical treatment for their patients. In Japan, the police have set up a website for citizens to send pictures of suspicious activities.

  Now, newspaper reporters can use camera phones to take pictures of important events.

  They can then send the pictures to their newspaper office. As the quality of camera phone pictures increases, we can expect to see camera phones used more and normal cameras used less.

  More people are using their camera phones to take pictures of their trips, or just small unexpected things that happen in their daily lives. They can then send these pictures to friends anywhere.

  However, camera phones have also been used to commit crimes. To prevent spying, these phones are not allowed in government buildings in the United Kingdom. Some car companies don't allow their employees to use their phones because they want to prevent some employees watching new car models and sensitive information secretly.

  In Italy, to prevent dishonest voting, people are not allowed to use mobile phones while they vote.

  It appears that although there are many advantages to the new technology, we still have to be careful.

  Title : Camera Phones

  Introduction The sales of camera phones have


  sharply since they came into the market.

  Advantages of camera phones •People can use camera phones for (2)________.

  •The pictures taken with camera phones can lead to

  robbers being


  •Doctors can get some advice by sending photos of

  X­rays to


  •Newspaper reporters


  camera phones


  take pictures of events that are of


  •Camera phones are used to take pictures of unexpected things


  in people's daily lives.

  (7)________ of camera phones •Some people use camera phones to do some (8)________ things.

  •In the UK, camera phones are sometimes used to (9)________ on sensitive information.

  •In Italy, some people use camera phones to vote (10)________.



  Ⅰ.1.选A 根据答话人的话“我不跟你一起去”可知,应选A项。forget it意为“不可能;休想”,表示对别人要求的拒绝,符合语境。

  2.选D 句意:我小时候特别害怕上学,但很快就克服了。get over表示“克服”,符合句意。前三项分别表示“离开”“被理解;把……讲清楚”“进展”,都与句意不符。

  3.选A 句意:当价格飞涨时,许多人做出了削减费用的举措。cut down“削减;缩短;砍倒”;put down“放下;写下;批评;奚落;贬损”;turn down“关小;调低;拒绝”;settle down“安顿下来”。与费用(expenses)有关时,常用削减(cut down)费用。

  4.选A 句意:一般来说,几乎所有的孩子都对周围所有一切是怎么发生的感到好奇。curious“好奇的”;careful“细心的”;anxious“着急的;担忧的”;excited“激动的”。

  5.选D 题干中含有现在完成时的时间状语over the past four decades。

  6.选A 句意:在选专业之前你最好考虑你的强项和弱项。strength“强项;优势”,符合句意。

  7.选B 句意:“你已经搬进新家了吗?”“还没有。我没有时间布置家具呢。”根据it和furnish的被动关系可判断使用get sth.done结构。

  8.选C 比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意义。答句句意:是的,我以前从未参加过比这个更激动人心的晚会。

  9.选B 句意:肥胖让她烦心。她决定节食减肥。go on a diet“节食”;lose weight“减肥”。

  10.选B 句意:她本该来参加你的生日宴会,但她必须在医院照顾母亲。表示本该做但却未做用should/ought to have done。

  11.选D 答句句意:我非常同意。把这两者结合起来真是太伟大了。link ...to ...“把……与……连接起来”;relate ...to ...“把……与……联系起来”;connect ...with ...“把……与……连接”,这三个一般为固定短语,强调“连接”的意义。combine意为“结合”,可单独使用,故选D。

  12.选C 第一空后可数名词gift被“they wanted”修饰,意为“他们想要的礼物”,表示特指,所以用定冠词the;第二空处with delight意为“高兴地”,为固定短语。故选C项。

  13.选D 句意:为了创造一个更好的学习环境,学校需要平衡不同水平学生的兴趣。seek“寻找;探索”;include“包括”;identify“识别;鉴别”;balance“平衡”。

  14.选C 句意:孩子们在海滩玩得很开心,这是他们最愉快的假期了。couldn't wish for a more/better“没有比这更多、更好的了”,为习惯用法。故选C。

  15.选A 句意:在做任何决定之前,咨询一下你的家人哪些活动对你来说是最重要的。consult“咨询;商讨”,符合句意。contact“联系”;content“使……满足”;concern“使关心”。

  .1.选C 推理判断题。根据第五段第一、二句“Over the years ... I have come to realize ... as much as by a deep pain.”可知,这些年来,作者逐渐理解了父亲,意识到他苦苦地与自己的体重作斗争,不是虚荣和自私,而是对于自己的体重感到深深的痛苦。由此可知,C项内容与题意相符。

  2.选B 细节理解题。根据第二、三段内容可知,作者和家人一起搬到了曼哈顿,离开了祖母还有她做的精致美食,以致作者非常想念祖母,特别渴望去她的家里品尝美味佳肴。故答案选B。

  3.选D 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“And in spite of ...

  a nutrition consultant.”可知,尽管在一个如此不健康的饮食环境中成长(也许正是因为这一点),作者长大后成为了一个营养咨询师。由此可知,作者童年的经历给他留下了很深的印象,因此,作者后来成为一名营养咨询师。故答案选D。

  4.选C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第四句“There is nothing ... weight­loss victories”可知,作者和父亲谈论最多的应该是食品方面的内容。故答案选C。

  .(1)risen (2)entertainment (3)caught (4)specialists (5)importance (6)happening (7)Disadvantages (8)illegal(9)spy (10)dishonestly


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