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2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:综合卷 一(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  综 合 检 测 卷 (一)


  Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

  Section A (22.5 marks)

  Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.

  You will hear each conversation TWICE.

  Conversation 1

  1. What are the two speakers?

  A. Teachers.

  B. Students.

  C. Doctors.

  2. What do you know about the man?

  A. He got a full mark in yesterday's physics test.

  B. He has spent a lot of time in his lessons.

  C. He didn't pass yesterday's physics test.

  Conversation 2

  3. How is the woman feeling now?

  A. Worried.

  B. Puzzled.

  C. Moved.

  4. What does the woman intend to do?

  A. To have a rest.

  B. To lose weight.

  C. To go on diets.

  Conversation 3

  5. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. In a school.

  B. At the airport.

  C. In a shop.

  6. Where does the woman come from?

  A. Hunan University.

  B. The U. S. A.

  C. The U.K.

  Conversation 4

  7. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Colleagues.

  B. Classmates.

  C. Couples.

  8. How did the boss feel earlier today?

  A. Very happy.

  B. Very angry.

  C. Very sad.

  9. Why did Mike try to cover his mistake?

  A. Because he thought he was very smart.

  B. Because he was afraid he would be fired.

  C. Because somebody else asked him to do so.

  Conversation 5

  10. According to the woman, how has the number of smokers in the USA changed?

  A. It has increased.

  B. It has decreased.

  C. It has stayed the same.

  11. By how much has the percentage of men smokers fallen from the 1980's to 2017?

  A. 20%.

  B. 40%.

  C. 60%.

  12. What do you know about the woman?

  A. She used to smoke.

  B. She has never smoked.

  C. She still smokes now.

  Conversation 6

  13. When would the man probably like to take an overseas trip?

  A. In August.

  B. In October.

  C. In December.

  14. Why doesn't the man choose Mozambique?

  A. Because it is too warm there.

  B. Because there are many mosquitoes there.

  C. Because it is not safe enough there.

  15. How will the man go to Dublin?

  A. By plane.

  B. By ship.

  C. By train.

  Section B (7.5 marks)

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  You will hear the short passage TWICE.

  American expressions with the word “dog”

  Expressions Meanings

  to lead a dog's life to have an 16.__________ life

  We live in a dog­eat­dog world. Many people are 17.__________ the same things.

  to work like a dog

  to work very, very hard

  Every dog has its day. Every person enjoys a 18.__________ period in life.

  You can never teach an old dog 19.__________. Older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.

  the dog days of summer

  the hottest days of the year

  to rain

  20.__________ to rain too heavily

  Part Ⅱ Language Knowledge (45 marks)

  Section A(15 marks)

  Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

  21. It is required that the new employees ______ safety training before they start to work.

  A. must provide

  B. provides

  C. be provided

  D. shall be provided

  22. — I intend to set up a company of my own. I'm fed up with working for others.

  — You ______ this for two years.

  A. would say

  B. have been saying

  C. had said

  D. are saying23. Desertification is the name for ______ happens when land that can be used to grow crops turns into desert.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. how

  24. — Bruce has recently been promoted to the sales manager.

  — Oh, ______ his great contributions to the company, he is really worthy of the position.

  A. being considering

  B. considered

  C. to consider

  D. considering

  25. — It is nine o'clock, but Mike hasn't come to his office!

  — It is too unusual. Seldom ______ late for work.

  A. he is

  B. is he

  C. was he

  D. he was

  26. — Mike failed the English exam again.

  — What else did you expect? Don't you think he ______ have spent more time in studying English?

  A. must

  B. can

  C. might

  D. should

  27. The worried mother posted the letter of asking for help online, ______ kind netizens to help her find her missing son.

  A. call for

  B. calling for

  C. called for

  D. to have called for

  28. ______ is a waste of time trying to persuade him to change his mind. As is well­known, he is so stubborn.

  A. It

  B. What

  C. As

  D. That

  29. U­KISS, a famous Korean boy band, ______ by both Koran and Japanese media groups in 2008.

  A. created

  B. has created

  C. was created

  D. has been created

  30. The market strategy ______ “product modification” involves changing product quality, features, or styles to attract new users.

  A. to call

  B. to be called

  C. calling

  D. called31. The fire was so big that it was several hours ______ firefighters could get it under control.

  A. after

  B. before

  C. when

  D. since

  32. The taxi driver, ______ car was seriously damaged in the crash, was responsible for the accident.

  A. who

  B. whom

  C. whose

  D. which

  33. After long hours of tiring work, ______ the fresh air outdoors, and you will feel refreshed at once.

  A. smell

  B. smelling

  C. to smell

  D. smelled

  34. She ______ on business early the next morning, so she worked overtime the night before to fulfill the unfinished task.

  A. goes

  B. had gone

  C. was going

  D. has gone

  35. Deer ______ able to live in a variety of climates, which ______ them distributed widely all over the world.

  A. is; makes

  B. are; makes

  C. is; make

  D. are; make

  Section B (18 marks)

  Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

  From an early age I was brought up to love animals. Cats and dogs used to hang out with me when I was a child. When a dog gave birth to 12 baby dogs, I, along with a couple of neighbor kids, __36__ her daily with the left food from lunch.

  When I became a __37__, I met a wonderful colleague Mevlija Trgi, with whom I shared a __38__ language — animals. In our country, it is very common that animals are mistreated and killed cruelly. We decided to change this inhumane practice. We managed to found an animal protection society called “Warm Paw(爪子)”. Since then, we've made incredible __39__ in the way people treat animals here. We've organised several activities to __40__ the awareness of animal rights. We have even made our voice for animals __41__ all the way to the mayor's office. Even those who don't like animals __42__ what we try to do and don't dare to harm animals any longer. “Warm Paw” is in the mouths and ears of every citizen here when it __43__ to animals.

  Two years ago, “Warm Paw” raised enough money to __44__ a shelter for stray(走失的) dogs. This is the first step towards a humane __45__ to the problem of stray animals in our country, where they often die from __46__, cold and lack of medical treatment.

  Since many of our members are teachers, we're trying to teach children to love animals. It is fun to see how cheerful children are while playing with animals. If my pupils learn how to love and care for animals, they will surely grow up to be the __47__ members of our society.

  36. A. supported

  B. cleaned

  C. guided

  D. fed

  37. A. teacher

  B. doctor

  C. driver

  D. manager

  38. A. different

  B. foreign

  C. common

  D. beautiful

  39. A. fun

  B. progress

  C. peace

  D. balance

  40. A. reduce

  B. witness

  C. respect

  D. raise

  41. A. heard

  B. promoted

  C. attracted

  D. rejected

  42. A. refuse

  B. respect

  C. follow

  D. notice

  43. A. refers

  B. leads

  C. contributes

  D. comes

  44. A. make up

  B. pick up

  C. set up

  D. give up

  45. A. approach

  B. entrance

  C. attitude

  D. solution

  46. A. starvation

  B. addiction

  C. conservation

  D. nutrition

  47. A. enjoyable

  B. flexible

  C. changeable

  D. responsible

  Section C (12 marks)

  Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

  A carbon footprint refers to the effect that human activities have on the environment. A low­carbon life helps 48.__________ reduce our carbon footprint. A low­carbon life is aimed 49.__________ cutting down on the energy in our daily life, thus reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide. It is well­known 50.__________ the air pollution is often caused by carbon gases.

  How can we live 51.__________ low­carbon life? Firstly, we should take buses, walk or ride bikes instead of driving cars. 52.__________ people's living standard has improved, there are more and more people driving private cars. This is 53.__________ of the causes for air pollution. Secondly, when we leave our house or classroom, we had better turn off the lights and electrical fans. Last but not least, we should recycle as much as 54.__________. Metal products and paper products require a lot of energy to produce, so we should recycle them instead of throwing them away.

  Make small changes in life 55.__________ we will make a big difference to the environment.

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

  (30 marks)

  Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


  Volunteers for Halloween

  Saturday & Sunday, October 26 & 27

  It's time for Prospect Park's ghosts to come out! Join the community tradition of Halloween in Prospect Park and sign up to become volunteers for the events.

  We are now looking for 10,000 volunteers to help the Carnival(狂欢节), the Haunted Walk and various other children's activities around the Park. We're counting on your help to make the 2017 celebration the best one in history. You can read each position description below and follow the link to sign up!

  Creepy Crawly Halloween at the Boathouse: Help prepare the Audubon Center's educational exhibits and /or assist with children's activities. There are two shifts(轮班) on both Saturday and Sunday. Please sign up for however many shifts you would like to work.

  Haunted Carousel: At the Haunted Carousel, assist children on and off horses and direct them to the correct entrance and exit gates. There are two shifts available on each day; please sign up for one or more shifts.

  Lefferts Historic House: At Lefferts, Craft Assistants will enjoy encouraging creativity in children by working with crafts. Crowd Control Assistants are expected to help manage the flow of people through the house. There is a shift on Saturday and Sunday; please sign up for one or both.

  Halloween Carnival: Game Leaders assist children with games and hand out prizes. Carnival Greeters assist with traffic control and answer questions from the public. The Carnival will take place on Saturday on the Nethermead.

  Halloween Haunted Walk: Volunteers will dress up as costumed (戏装的) characters, working as walking guides. The Haunted Walk will take place on Saturday on Lookout Hill.

  Volunteer Policies

  Every potential volunteer must complete a volunteer application (click below to complete your application form). Please note that some volunteer opportunities may require an interview or additional training due to special skill requirements.

  ▲Teenagers under 18 must submit a signed parental agreement form with their online application.

  ▲Children under 14 years old may volunteer if they are accompanied by an adult.

  ▲Children 14 — 17 years old are welcome to volunteer on their own. However, before they may begin their work, their application must be signed by a parent.

  56. The 2017 celebration will last ______.

  A. one day

  B. two days

  C. four days

  D. a week

  57. At the Haunted Carousel, volunteers are expected to ______.

  A. sign up for two shifts

  B. dress up as costumed characters

  C. help children on and off horses

  D. answer questions from the public

  58. If you are good at the fine arts, which of the following positions will be the most suitable for you?

  A. Craft Assistants.

  B. Carnival Greeters.

  C. Crowd Control Assistants.

  D. Game Leaders.

  59. Before becoming a volunteer, you must ______.

  A. pass an interview

  B. receive the skill training

  C. fill up an application form online

  D. submit a signed parental agreement form

  60. We learn from the advertisement that a 13­year old boy ______.

  A. is not allowed to volunteer in the 2017 celebration

  B. can become a volunteer in the company of a parent

  C. is permitted to become a volunteer on his own

  D. may volunteer with his application signed by a parent


  A plane recently made an emergency return to Tennessee's Nashville International Airport after hitting birds at take­off. A few weeks ago, there was a similar incident at Chicago's O'Hare Airport involving an Alaska Airlines flight that made an emergency landing in Oakland. According to a report by the Federal Aviation Administration, the number of bird strikes has increased nearly six times since 1990 to a record 10,343 in 2017.

  This is blamed on three major factors. There are larger populations of birds — for example, there are twice as many Canada geese in North America now as there were in 1990. And many birds find airports to be attractive habitats. Besides, there are more flights at the airport. And quieter engines also contribute to the increasing incidents.

  As bird strikes are increasing rapidly, airports are coming up with many imaginative ways of dealing with bird strikes.

  Every airport in the US uses pyrotechnics daily to drive the birds away. Pyrotechnics involves using fireworks. The bang caused by fireworks gets birds' attention and pushes them away. Bangers make a loud explosion while screamers make a whistling sound — different birds respond to different fireworks.

  A dog called Sky has been chasing birds for five years at Fort Myers, Florida. Since 1999, when dogs were first used, there has been a 17% drop in bird strikes. While the egrets, herons and moorhens can get used to pyrotechnics, they never adapt to the presence of a natural killer like Sky, says Ellen Lindblad, at Southwest Florida International Airport. “She seems to love it,” said Ellen.

  Pigs have been used to disrupt the habitat of the 10­15 California gulls that used to routinely fly over Salt Lake City airport twice a day. The airport had tried driving them away without success. Then a pilot came up with the idea of putting pigs on their island habitat, near the airport. The pigs ate the gulls' eggs and are now used for a few weeks every spring as a deterrent(威慑物). When the migrating gulls return in spring and see the pigs waiting to eat their eggs, they leave at once in search of another location.

  61. According to the report, the number of bird strikes in 1990 was ______.

  A. about 1,200

  B. about 1,750

  C. about 4,500

  D. 10,343

  62. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

  A. The causes of the increasing bird strike incidents.

  B. The causes of larger populations of birds at airports.

  C. The problems caused by more flights at the airports.

  D. The rising number of Canada geese in North America.63. Pyrotechnics is used to drive the birds away by ______.

  A. producing much smoke

  B. eating up birds' eggs

  C. copying the dog's barks

  D. making very loud noises

  64. We can infer that the egrets, herons and moorhens are ______.

  A. fireworks

  B. dogs

  C. birds

  D. pigs

  65. When do the migrating gulls probably return to their island habitat near the airport?

  A. In March.

  B. In July.

  C. In October.

  D. In December.


  Polar bears are dying out! They are dying because they are losing a great deal of habitat due to human incursion(侵入) and global warming. They are dying because of starvation as well. With the sea ice they depend on for survival shrinking(缩小), it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to find food.

  An ecosystem is highly dependent on all of its parts, and removing even a single species can result in serious consequences. Polar bears are at the top of the predators(食肉动物) where they live. They play an important part in the ecosystems. They feed on seal, fish and deer. Several other carnivores depend on the kills of polar bears. The failure to save polar bears might result in loss of these predators.

  In addition, all large predators perform a very important function in their habitat: helping to control the populations of other species. When an animal group loses its natural predators, its population will rise rapidly, having a direct result in under­populating other groups. A huge boom in population of Arctic seals would have a direct effect on the prey of seals, and could reduce numbers of certain types of fish.

  This could also have a direct effect on humans, who might have to compete with Arctic seals for food supplies from fish. Lack of polar bears could eventually affect human food supply. Human beings shall save Polar bears to ensure the food supply.

  There is no doubt that we should save polar bears. However, there is still another question: can they be saved? This is a matter that scientists debate because of rapid degradation(恶化) of the polar bears' environment in recent years due to warming temperatures. It is estimated that if the bears cannot adapt to changing climates, they might die out before the end of the 21st century, with about 50% of the animals disappearing by 2050. So time is running out!

  There are some things that may help slow down global warming and help delay extinction(灭绝) of polar bears. These include finding new energy sources that don't give off greenhouse gases and not making any more incursions on polar bear territory.

  66. What is the main idea of the passage?

  A. Why should we save polar bears?

  B. How can we save polar bears?

  C. Where can we find polar bears?

  D. When will polar bears die out?

  67. Which of the following is NOT the cause threatening the survival of polar bears?

  A. Habitat loss.

  B. Global warming.

  C. Cold weather.

  D. Lack of food.

  68. The underlined word “carnivores” refers to ______.

  A. grass­eating animals

  B. meat­eating animals

  C. polar bears

  D. Arctic seals

  69. It is estimated that by the middle of the 21st century we will probably have lost ______.

  A. most of polar bears

  B. few of polar bears

  B. all of polar bears

  D. half of polar bears

  70. We can infer that ______.

  A. using solar energy can help save polar bears

  B. drilling for oil in the Arctic should be encouraged

  C. polar bears can surely adapt to changing climates

  D. nothing has been done to save polar bears so farPart Ⅳ Writing (45 marks)

  Section A (10 marks)

  Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

  As a young child, one of my favorite summertime hobbies was catching fireflies(萤火虫) in a jar. We'd watch them flash all night long, and then set them free the next morning. Not only was it inexpensive entertainment, it served as a lesson in science as well. But today things are different for the firefly, as their numbers seem to be decreasing.

  Fireflies are not flies at all. They are actually soft­winged beetles(甲壳虫). There are about 170 different species in the United States. Most species flash to attract a mate and each species flashes in their own unique way.

  Evidence suggests that firefly populations are declining. It is thought that habitat loss and pesticide poisoning contribute to their decline. An interesting possible cause, however, may actually be light pollution from businesses, homes and cars. Since fireflies flash to attract mates, light pollution might interfere with that flashing, making it difficult or impossible for fireflies to find a mate and breed.

  As with any problem resulting from an upset balance of nature, there are things we can do to correct the imbalance. First, don't catch them in a jar and instead, admire them from a distance. Second, turn off your outside lights. Turning off lights can help the fireflies find each other and continue their cycle of life. Third, leave fallen leaves and rotting wood undisturbed. Many species of firefly larvae(幼虫) feed and shelter in leaf litter and rotting wood. Leaving this material to break up naturally will help support firefly populations. Last but not least, avoid using chemicals on your lawn. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides(杀虫剂) have been proven to kill beneficial insects in great numbers. Instead, use organic fertilizers to reduce pest insects.

  Title: 71.__________ firefly populations

  Ⅰ. One of my favorite hobbies

  Enjoying fireflies in a jar:

  ◆being inexpensive entertainment

  ◆serving as 72.__________

  Ⅱ. Ecology of the firefly

  ◆Fireflies are not flies but soft­winged 73.__________.

  ◆170 different species live in the United States.

  ◆Most species flash to 74.__________.

  ◆Each species flashes 75.__________.

  Ⅲ. 76.__________ for declining populations


  ◆pesticide poisoning

  ◆light pollution from businesses, homes and cars

  Ⅳ. 78.__________ for correcting the imbalance

  ◆Admire them from a distance instead of 79.__________ them in a jar.

  ◆Turn off your outside lights.

  ◆Leave fallen leaves and rotting wood undisturbed.

  ◆Use 80.__________ fertilizers instead of chemicals on your lawn.

  Section B(10 marks)

  Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

  The herb cilantro(香菜) is an important part of Latin American and Southeast Asian cooking. Cilantro is loved for its taste. Now, it could possibly also have scientific uses. Scientists say the cilantro plant is able to drink up heavy metals that have leaked into ground water from factories.

  In the West, new technologies are being used to remove the heavy metals, including activated carbon. But these technologies are costly.

  Compared with activated carbon, cilantro costs very little to produce. The herb is plentiful in some of the most polluted countries in the world. These are countries in which industrial chemicals have polluted ground water supplies. The chemicals include arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and mercury. They can come from factories and waste collection centers.

  Douglas Schauer at Ivy Tech Community College in Lafayette, Indiana led a few of his students to the Tula Valley, near Mexico City earlier this year. They wanted to find low­cost and plentiful materials that could be used to filter, or separate, industrial pollutants in ground water.

  In the experiment, ten wild plants were tested. They were dried out and crushed. And then each of them was put into a solution(溶液) that has some lead in it. The researchers shook it up for a little, and then they let the particles settle out. Finally they tested the water to see how much lead was left behind. Mr. Schauer says his students' tests showed that, of the tested ten wild plants, cilantro was the most effective plant for pulling lead out of polluted water.

  He suggests that cilantro be used as a water purifier. It is especially important, he says, for people living near polluting factories such as the Tula Valley, where Mexico City leaves all of its untreated city waste.

  “Our hope is for somebody who lives in that region to simply be able go in their back yard and grab a handful of cilantro, maybe let it dry out for a couple days sitting on a rock in the sun, and then maybe a handful of that would purify a tank of water,” Mr. Schauer said.

  He believes dried cilantro could someday be sold like tea bags, or as reusable water filters to heavy metals.

  81. What is the disadvantage of activated carbon used as a water purifier? (No more than 3 words)


  82. What is Douglas Schauer by profession? (No more than 3 words)


  83. Why were ten wild plants tested in the experiment? (No more than 12 words)


  84. What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words)


  Section C (25 marks)

  Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.







  2.参考词汇:铁链 — iron chain; 被……绊倒 —

  fall over; 垃圾箱 — n. dustbin


  One day a two­year­old boy called Doudou is playing in a park with his parents. After a while he feels thirsty…



















  学海导航·新课标高中总复习(第1轮)B·英语参考答案配 套 试 卷


  1—5 BCABB 6—10 AABBB 11—15 BACBA

  16. unhappy 17. competing for 18.

  successful 19. new tricks 20. cats and dogs

  21. C 考查虚拟语气。动词required后面的主语从句要求用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词采用“(should)+动词原形”形式。employees和provide之间存在被动关系,故用被动形式。句意:雇员被要求在上岗前给他们提供安全培训。

  22. B 考查时态。此处用现在完成进行时态表示过去一段时间内一直发生并有可能继续发生的事情。句意:——我想开办自己的公司。我厌倦了给别人打工。——你说这样的话已有两年了。

  23. C 考查名词性从句。宾语从句缺少主语,故用what。句意:中国在治理沙漠化方面取得了不菲的成绩。沙漠化是指过去可以种植庄稼的土地变成沙漠过程的名称。

  24. D 考查非谓语动词。considering意为“鉴于,考虑到”,作评述性状语,属于一种固定用法,与后面的句子主语不存在任何逻辑关系。句意:——Bruce最近被提升为销售部经理了。 ——考虑到他对公司的贡献,他确实配得上这个职位。

  25. B 考查倒装。否定副词seldom提到句首,句子应部分倒装。因为此处讲一般性的情况,故用一般现在时态。

  26. D 考查情态动词。should have done sth.意为“本来应该做某事,但实际上并未做”。句意:——Mike英语考试又没有及格。 ——你还能指望他什么?难道你认为他不应该花更多的时间学习英语吗?

  27. B 考查非谓语动词。现在分词在此表伴随状态。句意:这位焦急的母亲把求助信放在网上,呼吁热心的网民帮助她寻找她失踪的儿子。

  28. A 考查代词。it作形式主语,代替后面的动名词短语trying to persuade him to change his mind。句意:试图想说服他改变主意简直是浪费时间。众所周知,他是如此的固执。

  29. C 考查时态和语态。动词create和主语a famous Korean boy band之间存在动宾关系,故用被动语态。根据后面的时间状语in 2008可知此处应用一般过去时。故选C项。句意:U­KISS,韩国著名的男子乐队组合,是由韩国和日本媒体集团创办的。

  30. D 考查非谓语动词。过去分词在此作定语,修饰the market strategy。句意:称之为“产品改进”的市场营销策略涉及改进产品的质量、特点或风格以吸引更多的新用户。

  31. B 考查连词。before在此意为“在……之前,……才”。句意:火如此之大以至于花了好几个小时消防队员才把火势控制住。

  32. C 考查定语从句。定语从句缺少定语,故用whose。句意:那位出租车司机为这起事故负责,他的车在碰撞中受损严重。

  33. A 本句考查“祈使句+and 陈述句”句型。句意:辛苦工作几个小时后,如果你在室外呼吸一下新鲜空气,你马上就会感到精神焕发。

  34. C 考查时态。此处用过去进行时表示过去将来。句意:第二天一早她要出差,所以她在前一天晚上加班做完她还没有完成的任务。

  35. B 考查主谓一致。deer单复数同形,此句中deer前面没有限定词,故可判断deer在此是复数意义,故谓语动词使用复数形式。定语从句中,先行词是整个句子所表达的内容,谓语动词用单数形式。句意:鹿能生活在各种气候条件之下,这使得它们在世界各地分布很广。

  36. D 后面一句with the left food from lunch有提示,可见作者和街坊小孩一起用中餐剩下的食品来“喂”母狗。

  37. A 后文If my pupils learn how to love and care for animals有提示,可以判断作者是位“老师”。

  38. C 作者和她的同事Mevlija Trgi 有着共同的语言:热爱动物。

  39. B make progress意为“取得进步”,符合句意。

  40. D “我们”组织了几次活动来提高人们的动物权力意识。

  41. A make one's voice heard意为“使别人听到某人的意见”,符合句意。

  42. B 即使那些不喜欢动物的人也尊重 “我们”的做法,再也不敢伤害动物。

  43. D when it comes to…为习语,意为“当说到……的时候”。

  44. C set up在此意为“建立”,符合句意。make up 编造,构成,和解;pick up 拾起,开车接某人;give up 放弃。

  45. D solution在此意为“解决方法”,符合句意。

  46. A starvation意为“饥饿”,符合句意。addiction 上瘾; conservation 保护,保存; nutrition 营养。

  47. D responsible意为“负责任的”的意思,符合句意。

  48. us 此处缺少动词宾语,可考虑填宾格代词。根据后面的our可知此处应填us。

  49. at 此处考查动词短语。be aimed at意为“目的是”。

  50. that 主语从句缺少连词。主语从句不缺少句子成分,故填that。

  51. a 根据上文的“A low­carbon life”可知此处填a。

  52. As/Because as/because 引导一个原因状语从句。

  53. one 此处意为“是造成空气污染的原因之一”,故填one。

  54. possible as much/good/many… as为固定搭配。

  55. and 考查句型。考查“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”句型。

  56. B 细节理解题。根据October 26 & 27可知2017年万圣节庆祝活动持续两天时间。

  57. C 细节理解题。根据At the Haunted Carousel, assist children on and off horses可知在the Haunted Carousel志愿者要做的事就是帮助孩子们上下马。

  58. A 推理判断题。根据Craft Assistants will enjoy encouraging creativity in children by working with crafts.可知工艺品助手岗位与美术有关,故A项最佳。

  59. C 细节理解题。根据Every potential volunteer must complete a volunteer application (click below to complete your application form )可知想成为万圣节庆祝活动的志愿者首先必须在网上填报申请表。

  60. B 细节理解题。根据Children under 14 years old may volunteer if they are accompanied by an adult.可知14岁以下孩子在成年人的陪同下可以成为万圣节庆祝活动的志愿者。

  61. B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句the number of bird strikes has increased nearly six times since 1990 to a record 10,343 in 2017可知飞机撞鸟事件从1990年到2017年22年间增加了近6倍,2017年达到10,343次,故B项正确。

  62. A 主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句This is blamed on three major factors.可知本段主要分析飞机撞鸟事件增多的原因。

  63. D 细节理解题。根据第四段第三句The bang caused by fireworks gets birds' attention and pushes them away.可知爆竹制造术是通过发出很大的爆炸声来吓跑飞鸟的。

  64. C 推理判断题。根据第五段第三句While the egrets, herons and moorhens can get used to pyrotechnics, they never adapt to the presence of a natural killer like Sky可以判断the egrets, herons and moorhens是鸟的名称。

  65. A 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知这些迁徙的海鸥在春天回到机场附近的小岛上来。

  66. A 主旨大意题。全文大部分篇幅论述了抢救北极熊的重要性,故A项最佳。

  67. C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句可知栖息地丧失、全球变暖及缺少食物威胁着北极熊的生存。C项没有提到。

  68. B 词义猜测题。后面一句The failure to save polar bears might result in loss of these predators.有提示。可见carnivores指“食肉动物”。

  69. D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段倒数第二句可知预计到21世纪中期约有一半的北极熊会灭绝。

  70. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句These include finding new energy sources that don't give off greenhouse gases可知使用清洁能源有助于减缓全球变暖从而有利于北极熊的生存,太阳能属清洁能源,故A项正确。

  71. Declining 概括信息题。本文主要讲萤火虫的数量正在日益减少。

  72. a scientific lesson 整合信息题。根据it served as a lesson in science as well可知欣赏这些瓶中的萤火虫起到了科学课的作用。

  73. beetles 直接信息题。根据They are actually soft­winged beetles(甲壳虫).可知萤火虫实际上是一种软翅甲壳虫。

  74. attract mates 直接信息题。根据Most species flash to attract a mate可知萤火虫闪烁的目的主要是为了吸引异性交配。

  75. uniquely 整合信息题。根据each species flashes in their own unique way可知每种萤火虫闪烁的方式都很独特。

  76. Reasons 概括信息题。根据下面的信息可知本处主要讲萤火虫数量减少的原因。

  77. habitat loss 直接信息题。根据It is thought that habitat loss and pesticide poisoning contribute to their decline.可知丧失栖息地是萤火虫数量减少的的原因之一。

  78. Tips 概括信息题。根据下面的信息可知本处主要讲解决问题的建议。

  79. catching 整合信息题。根据First, don't catch them in a jar可知不要去捉萤火虫并放到罐子里。

  80. organic 直接信息题。根据use organic fertilizers to reduce pest insects可知在草地里要使用有机肥料来减少害虫。

  81. It is costly. 细节理解题。根据第二段可知活性炭用作饮用水重金属除却剂时,不足之处是价格太贵。

  82. A teacher. 推理判断题。根据Douglas Schauer at Ivy Tech Community College in Lafayette, Indiana led a few of his students to the Tula Valley可以判断Douglas Schauer先生的职业是教师。

  83. To find out which plant was the most effective water purifier. 细节理解题。根据倒数第四段最后一句可知研究人员测试10种野生植物是为了弄清楚哪一种植物去除水中的重金属最有效。

  84. Cilantro may help make the water cleaner and safer./Cilantro may help remove heavy metals in water./ Cilantro may be used as a water purifier. 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一个最新的科学发现:香菜可以去除水中的重金属,净化水源。

  One possible version:

  One day a two­year­old boy called Doudou is playing in a park with his parents. After a while he feels thirsty so he asks his mother for a bottle of water. Having drunken up the water, the boy walks towards a nearby dustbin with the empty bottle in his hand. Unfortunately he falls over an iron chain. The boy doesn't cry. Instead, he crawls on and manages to throw the bottle into the dustbin.

  I am deeply touched. What an eco­friendly boy he is! Of course the boy may not be aware that he is protecting the environment. He learns from examples. So as adults, we should mind our manners and set a good example to children. On the other hand, now that a two­year­old boy can learn to protect the environment, why can't adults? If everybody contributes a little to preserving the earth, the earth will become cleaner and better.


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