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2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M8 Unit 1《The written word》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 8


  1. He seldom comes here now, ______?

  A. doesn't he

  B. seldom he

  C. do he

  D. does he

  2. Some people prefer ______ old version of the software to the new one. In my opinion, it's ______ matter of taste.

  A. /; a

  B. /; the

  C. the; the

  D. the; a

  3. — I don't like surfing the Internet for a long time.

  — Me ______. It makes my eyes uncomfortable.

  A. so

  B. nor

  C. neither

  D. also

  4. Jane pulled her brother to the side ______ no one else could hear their conversation.

  A. as soon as

  B. now that

  C. as long as

  D. so that

  5. — When will we meet at the entrance to the theatre?

  — Will three o'clock be ______ for you?

  A. convenient

  B. characteristic

  C. punctual

  D. effective

  6. — You look worn out, Alice.

  — Yes. You know, I ______ on the run ever since I got up.

  A. was

  B. have been

  C. would be

  D. had been

  7. In the center of the room ______, which is big enough to seat at least 20 people.

  A. is a round table

  B. has a round table

  C. a round table is

  D. a round table has

  8. People who have a sweet tooth and can't resist ______ chocolate and ice cream.

  A. to eat

  B. to eating

  C. having eaten

  D. eating

  9. ______ in the valley for a whole night, the hikers were tired and hungry when the policemen came to their rescue.

  A. Trapping

  B. Being trapped

  C. To have trapped

  D. Having been trapped

  10. The restaurant has earned a good ______ for its food over the years and is always crowded with people.

  A. reputation

  B. theme

  C. connection

  D. principle11. In order to send their children to college and help them receive a good education, many families are heavily ______.

  A. in charge

  B. in debt

  C. in place

  D. in sight


  — What's wrong with you, Tom?

  — How ______ I work with all this noise going on?

  A. can

  B. may

  C. must

  D. will

  13. Surfing has many hidden dangers, ______ must be taken notice of before one takes it up.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. which

  D. why

  14. Amy sometimes gets annoyed with her son about his bad behavior although she ______ him and is always buying him whatever he wants.

  A. adores

  B. abandons

  C. addresses

  D. abuses

  15. — Have you informed Jack about the party?

  — I ______ his telephone number but the line was busy.

  A. have dialed

  B. dialed

  C. am dialing

  D. would dial



  Ever since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated by the fantastic world J.K. Rowling created with her words. She is my role model.

  She is a(n) __1__ to many women. When Rowling published her first Harry Potter novel, she was a single mother trying to __2__ her family on her own. She proved that she did not need a man to survive. Rowling also shows that a woman does not need to have good __3__ or a beautiful voice to become successful. Her story inspires many other women.

  Another reason why I admire Rowling is how __4__ in charities she is. She has donated millions of pounds to __5__ charities. But most of her donations have gone to organizations that are trying to find a __6__ for multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症), to which Rowling lost her mother. I know what it feels like to know there is nothing medicine can do to save your __7__ one. A cousin of mine has suffered from this illness for a few years. How __8__ his parents feel, since there is no known treatment. I am thankful Rowling donated some of her money to helping scientists develop and test new drugs — maybe it will __9__ my cousin.

  The most important reason why I __10__ Rowling is her confidence in herself. At the end of eighth grade, I felt miserable because I could not afford a private high school. Nevertheless, when I heard about the scholarship at NOVA, I __11__ applied. Even though many of my classmates told me I would never get it, I still believed. Finally I won the __12__. That is what I learned from Rowling: always believe in yourself.

  Rowling has had a great impact on me. And she will be my role model forever.

  1. A. star

  B. novelist

  C. inspiration

  D. lecturer

  2. A. support

  B. establish

  C. maintain

  D. protect

  3. A. jobs

  B. looks

  C. manners

  D. brains

  4. A. interested

  B. absorbed

  C. lost

  D. involved

  5. A. various

  B. generous

  C. curious

  D. famous

  6. A. doctor

  B. means

  C. cure

  D. cause

  7. A. respected

  B. abused

  C. honored

  D. loved

  8. A. endless

  B. hopeless

  C. useless

  D. careless

  9. A. preserve

  B. ruin

  C. save

  D. damage

  10. A. come up with

  B. look down on

  C. put up with

  D. look up to

  11. A. immediately

  B. cheerfully

  C. naturally

  D. excitedly

  12. A. victory

  B. scholarship

  C. award

  D. game


  Lori Anne Madison is a smart girl. 1.__________ the age of six, she won the 34th Prince William County Spelling Bee(拼字比赛).

  Lori Anne defeated 21 2.__________ elementary and middle school spelling participants — all of whom were 3.__________ than her — on Friday March 9th by correctly spelling the word “vaquero” (the Spanish translation of cowboy). Some children might have been scared by competing against participants over twice their age, 4.__________ Madison seemed calm. “I am confident 5.__________ I have been in spelling bees with older kids before and I judge them by who they are, 6.__________ by their ages,” she said.

  But her spelling talent didn't develop overnight. Her parents, Alex and Sorina Madison, have played a huge role in her education. They teach her at home. 7.__________ Madisons became Spelling Bee Parents, and helped Lori Anne practice her spelling skills continuously before the competition.

  Lori Anne seems content to take great delight 8.__________ the feeling of a job well done. As she told a reporter, “It's hard to put into words really…but at least I felt great.”


  Amanda Hocking's parents divorced when she was young. Money was tight and there was no cable TV at home. “So I read a lot and took up writing as a child,” she recalled. The first novel Dreams I Can't Remember was written when she was 17. She sent it to several publishers, from whom she got rejection letters. Yet she would not give up. She wrote one after another. By April, 2010, she had written 17 unpublished novels.

  Having spent years fruitlessly trying to interest traditional publishers in her work, Amanda Hocking was penniless and frustrated. To make matters worse, an exhibition about Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, was coming to Chicago later that year, but she couldn't afford to make the trip!

  Then an idea occurred to her. She decided to upload one of her unpublished novels to Amazon's online bookstore. There, people could download it to their e­readers for $0.99. With six months to go before the Muppets exhibition opened, she would surely make $300 needed for the desired journey to Chicago.

  April 15 2010 should be noted by historians. On that day, Hocking made her book available to Kindle readers on Amazon's website in her bid to raise the cash for the Muppets trip.

  “I didn't have a lot of hope on it,” she said. How wrong she was. Within a few days, she sold nine copies a day of My Blood Approves, a novel set in Minneapolis. By May she had posted two further books in the series, Fate and Flutter, and sold 624 copies. In July she posted Switched, the novel she wrote in barely more than a week. It brought in more than $6,000 that month alone, and in August she quit her day job as a carer for disabled children.

  In six months, Hocking raised not only the $300 she needed, but an additional $20,000 selling 150,000 copies of her books. Over the past 20 months Hocking has sold 1.5 million books and made $2.5 million all by herself. Not a single publishing house was in sight.

  Amanda Hocking did get to Chicago to see the Muppets. And along the way she helps to set off a revolution in global publishing. Now she is considered as a pioneer of the self publishing revolution, where direct contact between author and reader is but a few clicks away.

  1. How was her family when Amanda Hocking was a child?

  A. Wealthy.

  B. Traditional.

  C. Poor.

  D. Big.

  2. Which of the following words is most suitable to describe Amanda Hocking?

  A. Perseverance.

  B. Selflessness.

  C. Honesty.

  D. Greed.

  3. We can infer that ______.

  A. Amanda Hocking's friend paid for her trip to Chicago

  B. Jim Henson helped Amanda Hocking a lot in writing

  C. Jim Henson helped Amanda Hocking publish her first novel

  D. Amanda Hocking was a big fan of the Muppets

  4. Which of the following is the correct order of the events?

  a. She quit her day job as a carer

  b. She went on a trip to Chicago

  c. She posted Fate and Flutter online

  d. She posted Switched online

  e. She made My Blood Approveser available to Kindle readers

  A. a, b, c, d, e

  B. c, d, e, a, b

  C. e, c, d, a, b

  D. e, c, d, b, a

  5. Which of the following is the best title?

  A. Amanda Hocking, pioneer of the self publishing revolution

  B. Amanda Hocking, leader of the global publishing industry

  C. My Blood Approves, historic novel in publishing revolution

  D. Amanda Hocking, famous American writer in modern literature


  Reading helps children a lot. Children who love to read begin to develop both communication and thinking skills at a much younger age and are generally more creative and curious about the world around them. As a result, they are likely to be more successful when they grow up. Encouraging a love of the written word is an important part of any child's education.

  With the constant distraction(分心) of video games, Internet and television, it is important to make time to promote a love of reading among children. The following tips will help young readers develop a lifelong love of books.

  Encourage them to draw. Drawing is an important gateway skill that, when promoted at an early age, has been shown to increase literacy(读写能力) in children.

  When children begin to read, encourage them to form a habit of reading. Schedule time every day to read and make trips to the library a regular occurrence.

  Let children read books that they like best. Don't be judgmental if your children prefer romantic novels. Often they will get more out of something they're reading for joy than they would read something they're forced to read. A true love of literature is something that lasts a lifetime — there will be plenty of opportunities to read the classics later.

  Make books a reward. You can promise to buy children a new book in exchange for getting good grades or helping around the house.

  Inspire their creativity. Reading encourages children to think creatively about the world around them. Encourage them to write stories of their own.

  Remember that when you take the time to encourage children to read, you are giving them the gift that benefits them all their life.

  Title: Encourage children to 1.__________

  Ⅰ. 2.____ of the reading

  ◆Children develop communication and thinking skills 3.__________.

  ◆Children are generally more creative and curious about the world around them.

  ◆Children are likely to be more successful as 4.__________.

  Ⅱ. Factors distracting children from reading

  ◆video games.



  Ⅲ. Tips 6.__________ a lifelong love of reading in children

  ◆Encourage them to draw.

  ◆Encourage them to form 7.__________.

  ◆Let children read their 8.__________ books.

  ◆Reward them with a new book if children 9.__________ or help around the house.

  ◆Inspire their creativity by encouraging them to write stories of their own.

  Ⅳ. 10.__________

  ◆Children benefit from love of reading all their life.

  Module 8

  Unit 1

  Ⅰ.1. D 考查反意疑问句。陈述句部分包含否定副词seldom,附加问句要用肯定形式。

  2. D 考查冠词。第一空特指“旧版本的软件”,故用定冠词the; it's a matter of taste意为“这是兴趣问题”,为固定搭配。

  3. C 考查否定陈述。此处用neither, 表示同意对方的否定说法。Me neither此处意为“我也不喜欢”。

  4. D 考查连词辨析。根据句意可知简把她哥哥拉到一边,目的是为了防止别人听到他们的谈话,故用so that 引导目的状语从句。

  5. A 考查形容词辨析。由语境可知,双方在商量见面时间,故选convenient, 意为“方便的”。characteristic典型的,特有的; punctual 准时的; effective 有效的,生效的。

  6. B 考查时态。ever since 引导的时间状语从句常与现在完成时连用。

  7. A 考查倒装。表示地点或方位的介词短语位于句首,句子需倒装,故排除C和D两项;再根据句意可知选A项。

  8. D 考查resist的用法。 can't resist doing sth.为习惯用法,意思是“忍不住做某事,情不自禁做某事”。

  9. D 考查非谓语动词。the hikers 与trap之间是逻辑上的被动关系,且trap这个动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,故用其v.­ing 形式的完成式作状语。

  10. A 考查名词辨析。由语境“这家餐馆总是宾客盈门”可知其声誉好。reputation 名誉,名声,符合句意。theme 主题; connection 联系; principle 原理,法则。

  11. B 考查短语介词。根据语境可知“为了让孩子上大学,许多家庭都债台高筑”。in debt 欠债,符合语境。in charge 负责,掌管; in place 在合适的位置; in sight 看得见。

  12. A 考查情态动词。根据语境可知答话者想说“这么大的噪音,我怎么工作?”。can可用于表示某条件使人可以做某事。意为“能”。

  13. C 考查定语从句。关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个主句内容,并在从句中作主语。

  14. A 考查动词辨析。根据语境always buying him whatever he wants 可知选A项。adore喜爱,符合句意。abandon 抛弃,放弃; address 向……说话,称呼某人; abuse 虐待。

  15. B 考查时态。根据the line was busy 可知,dial这一动作发生在过去,故选B项。

  .A 1. C 本段最后一句She inspires many other women有提示。inspiration 在此指“激励人的事或人”,符合语境。

  2. A support在此意为“赡养(家属)”,符合句意。establish 建立; maintain 维持; protect 保护。

  3. B 罗琳的故事也说明,妇女要成功,并不一定需要相貌好或嗓子好。looks 在此是“外貌”之意,符合句意。job 工作; manners 礼貌; brains 大脑,智力。

  4. D 这里讲罗琳积极参加慈善活动。be involved in 意为“卷入,参加”,符合句意。be interested in对……感兴趣; be absorbed in 被……吸收,浸泡在; be lost in 沉醉于,专心于。

  5. A 她给各种各样的慈善机构捐献了成千上万英镑。various意为“各种各样的”,符合句意。generous 慷慨大方的; curious 好奇的; famous 著名的。

  6. C cure在此用作名词,“治疗方法”之意,符合句意。

  7. D loved one在此指“亲人”,前面提到罗琳的母亲(亲人)死于多发性硬化症,故选D项。respect 尊敬; abuse 虐待; honor 以……为荣,尊重。

  8. B 这种疾病目前没有办法可治,可以判断堂弟的父母感到很绝望。hopeless意为“绝望的,没有希望的”,符合句意。

  9. C 这些药也许能救我堂弟的命。save “抢救”之意,符合句意。preserve 保护,保存; ruin 毁坏; damage 损坏。

  10. D look up to “尊重”之意,符合句意。come up with 提出; look down on 瞧不起; put up with 忍受。

  11. A 此处强调作者心情的迫切,故答案选A。

  12. B 前面I heard about the scholarship at NOVA有提示。

  B 1. At 考查介词短语。at the age of意为“在……年龄时”。

  2. other 考查代词。Lori Anne战胜了其他中小学校的拼字选手。

  3. older 考查句意理解。根据后面的than可知此处应填形容词比较级形式。后面讲到她的对手比她的年龄大(competing against participants over twice their age),故填older。

  4. but 考查连词。前后意义发生转折,故填转折连词but。

  5. because 考查逻辑关系。because引导原因状语从句。

  6. not 考查句意理解。这句话的意思是“我判断他们不是凭他们的年龄,而是看他们是谁”。

  7. The 考查冠词。the Madisons在此意为“Madison夫妇”。

  8. in 考查动词短语。take delight in意为“以……为乐”。

  .1. C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Money was tight and there was no cable TV at home可知小时候Amanda Hocking家里很穷。

  2. A 推理判断题。根据第一段倒数第二、三句Yet she would not give up. She wrote one after another中的内容可知用“锲而不舍”来描述Amanda Hocking最合适。

  3. D 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句she would surely make $300 needed for the desired journey to Chicago可知Amanda Hocking想尽办法凑足了前往Chicago看“木偶秀”作者展览的路费,可以判断Amanda Hocking是“木偶秀”的粉丝。

  4. C 细节理解题。要求排列事件顺序,可采用“首尾定位法”。第一个事件是e,最后一个事件是b,故最佳答案为C项。

  5. A 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了自我出版革命中的领军人物Amanda Hocking,故A项最佳。

  .1. love reading 概括信息题。根据Encouraging a love of the written word is an important part of any child's education可知本文主要讲激发孩子对阅读的爱好。

  2. Benefits 概括信息题。根据下面的信息可知本处讲阅读的好处。

  3. much earlier 整合信息题。根据Children who love to read begin to develop both communication and thinking skills at a much younger age可知热爱阅读的孩子更早地开发了交际和思维能力。

  4. adults 整合信息题。根据they are likely to be more successful when they grow up可知这些热爱阅读的孩子成年后会更容易成功。

  5. Internet 直接信息题。根据With the constant distraction(分心) of video games, Internet and television可知电子游戏、网络和电视是影响学生阅读、分散学生阅读精力的因素。

  6. developing 整合信息题。根据The following tips will help young readers develop a lifelong love of books可知下面是一些培养学生对阅读的终身爱好的建议。

  7. a reading habit 整合信息题。根据When children begin to read, encourage them to form a habit of reading可知当孩子开始读书时,要鼓励他们养成阅读习惯。

  8. favorite 整合信息题。根据Let children read books that they like best可知应让孩子们读他们最喜欢的书。名词前用形容词作定语,故用favorite。

  9. get good grades 整合信息题。根据You can promise to buy children a new book in exchange for getting good grades or helping around the house可知如果孩子得了高分或在家里做家务你可以奖励他们一本书。

  10. Conclusion 概括信息题。根据下面的内容可知本处是得出的结论。


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