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2017届高考英语一轮复习配套课件:M3 Unit 3《Back to the past》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module3·Unit 3 Back to the past

  1、辨析remain, stay (1) remain与stay表示“留下,继续保持某一状态”时,常作连系动词,可以互换,其后接名词、形容词、介词短语等作表语。 (2) 当表示“剩下”(即其余的一切都被拿走、除去、破坏等),通常只用remain而不用stay。 (3) 当表示“在某处或在某处住下”时,常用stay而不用remain。 (4) remains n.(常用复数)所剩下的,遗留下的东西 (5)remain to be done 有待,尚得 ◆He stayed / remained outside while we entered the room.

  他留在外面,我们进了屋子。 ◆He wants to stay with a friend in the country for a week.

  他想和一个朋友在乡下待一个星期。 ◆The remains of the meal are in the fridge.

  剩下的饭菜在冰箱里。 ◆With only 20 dollars remaining in his wallet, he couldn't order even a decent supper.

  钱包里只剩下20美元了,他连一份像样的晚餐也买不了。 ◆It remains to be seen whether you are right.

  你是否正确,尚无定论。 ① Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ______ until the plane has come to a complete stop.

  A. seated

  B. seating

  C. to seat

  D. seat A 句意:女士们,先生们,请在飞机完全停下来之后再离开座位。考查非谓语动词作表语。remain“仍然是,保持不变”,是连系动词,后接不定式表示将要发生的动作,seat是及物动词,“使某人就座”为seat oneself,故用过去分词作表语。 ②No matter how bright a talker you are, there are times when it's better ______ silent. (2017·浙江)



  B. be remaining

  C. having remained

  D. to remain

  D 句意:不论你是多么能说会道,但有些时候保持沉默会更好。句中的it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语,即常见的it is+ adj.+to do结构。 ③The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building ________ now. A. remains B. is remained

  C. is remaining D. has been remained

  A remain表示“留下来,剩下来,继续存在”,无被动语态;此处作为“继续存在”无进行时态。

  2、 protect vt. 保护(使不受……的影响或破坏)

  其常用句型为:protect…from / against…,

  from / against后接能带来伤害或损害之物。 ◆He wore a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes (from / against) strong light. 他戴上太阳镜以保护他的眼睛不受强光影响。 ◆In this shelter, the injured birds are protected from human hunting. 在这个栖身之处,受伤的鸟儿们不会受到人类的猎杀。

  At minus 130℃, a living cell can be ______ for a thousand years.

  A. spared

  B. protected

  C. preserved

  D. developed

  C 句意:在-130℃,一个活细胞可以保存1000年。考查动词词义辨析。A抽出;B保护;C保护,保存;D发展,研制。根据句意选C。 3、influence

  v. 影响,感化 n. [U] 影响力,感化力,势力,权势 ◆Don't let me influence your decision.

  不要让我影响你的决定。 ◆Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.

  听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。 have a good / bad…influence on / upon / over 对……有好的/坏的……影响 under the influence of 受……的影响 influence sb. (to do sth.) 支配/左右某人做某事 表示“对……有影响”还可以用: affect

  have…effect on / upon…

  China has got a good ______ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.

  A. reputation

  B. influence

  C. impression

  D. knowledge A 句意:在抗击流感中,中国以细心和顺利的组织而获得良好的声誉。考查名词词义辨析。A声誉;B影响;C印象;D知识。注意它们与介词的搭配,have…reputation for…,have influence on,make an impression on,have a good knowledge of。

  4、aware adj. 意识到的,察觉到的 be aware of… be aware that… ◆I suddenly became aware of (= started to notice) him looking at me. 我突然注意到他在看着我。 ◆I was not aware of / was unaware of his anger then. 我当时没有意识到他的愤怒。 ◆The headmaster didn't seem to be aware that there should have been so much dispute about the decision. 校长好像没有意识到这个表决竟然有这么多分歧。 awareness n. 意识 ◆Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously. 公众对于这个问题的关注将会使政治家们认真对待它。  “be + adj. + of”结构短语常见的还有:

  be afraid of 害怕  be worthy of 值得  be proud of 以……为骄傲  be fond of 喜欢  be short of 缺少  be guilty of 犯(某种罪,过失)

  5、judge n.

  法官;鉴赏家 vt. 判断

  ◆His father used to be a judge.

  他的父亲曾是个法官。 ◆She's a good judge of wine.

  她是一个很好关于酒的鉴赏家。 ◆Don't judge a man by his looks.

  不要以貌取人。  judge sb. / sth. by/from 通过……判断……  judging from/by… 根据……判断  judge between right and wrong 判断是非  in one's judgement 依某人看;依某人判断 ◆Don't judge a book by its cover.

  不可凭外表作出判断。 judging from/by…是一个独立成分句型,一般地说,它只用其v.­ing形式作状语。

  1、no doubt

  毫无疑问 ◆No doubt she will call us when she gets there.

  她到达那里必定会给我们打电话。 ◆There is no doubt of his success. =There is no doubt that he will succeed. =I have no doubt that he will succeed. =He will succeed without doubt.


  2、 take over

  接管,接替,接任 ◆When she fell ill her daughter took over the business from her.

  她生病时她女儿接管了她的生意。 3、run through 跑着穿过……;(使)在……流过;反复练习,复习;匆匆阅读,贯穿于……之中;挥霍 ◆Run through your notes before class.

  上课前把笔记复习一下。 ◆This theme runs through the whole book.

  该主题贯穿全书。 get through 完成,到达,接通电话,结束,及格 go through 检查,审查,搜查,完成,做完,练习,遭受,经受,经历,穿过,通过 see through 看破,看穿 look through 浏览,快速查看 The girl is working very hard, expecting to ______ the test.

  A. get through

  B. see through

  C. look through

  D. run through A 句意:这女孩正在努力学习,希望通过考试。A通过,及格;B看穿;C浏览;D流过,贯穿。根据句意选A。 4、 stop sb. from doing sth. (=prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.) 防止/阻止某人做…… 在主动语态中,stop/prevent sb. from doing 中的from 可以省略,但是在被动语态中不可以省。keep sb. from doing sth. 中的from主动、被动语态中都不能省,因为keep sb. doing 意为“使某人不停地做某事”。 ◆The heavy rain stopped/prevented her (from) going out. = The heavy rain kept her from going out. →She was stopped from going out by the heavy rain.


  As citizens, we should do what we can to stop our river ______.

  A. from polluted

  B. from polluting

  C. polluting

  D. being polluted D 句意:作为市民,我们应该尽力防止我们的河流被污染。A中from后要加being才对。“河流被污染”表被动,故选D。 1、When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been, with stepping stones along the road so you did not have to step in the mud on rainy days! 当我在城中漫步时,我看到保持着原样的街道,沿路都有垫脚石,这样下雨天你就不用在泥泞中行走! 本句为并列复合句,以so为分界点,I saw streets…和you did not have to…为两个平行的句子,when引导时间状语从句,just as从句和with复合结构均为streets的后置定语。 2、By the age of thirty, he had already occupied more than land than anyone before… 到30岁时,他已经占领比以前任何人更多的土地…… 句子中有by +过去时间的时间状语以及by the time +过去时的时间状语从句,谓语动词使用过去完成时。 ◆By the time he was fourteen, Einstein had

  learned advanced mathematics all by himself.

  到爱因斯坦14岁时,他已经自学了高等数学。 C 句意:当我与奶奶在电话中交谈时,她的声音听起来很虚弱,但到我们挂断电话时,她的声音已经充满了活力。考查动词时态。据题干her voice had been full of life为过去的过去,因此我们挂断电话为过去的动作。by the time +一般过去时的从句,主句用过去完成时,表示“到……时候为止,已经……”。

  When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we ______ up, her voice had been full of life.

  A. were hanging

  B. had hung

  C. hung

  D. would hang * *


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