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2017届高考英语一轮复习基础巩固学案:Unit 1《Friendship》(重大版必修1)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship Ⅰ.语境填词 1.________ (德国) is one of the ________(power) countries in the world. 2.Please tell me the more ________(精确的) time.That’s ________(exact) what I want to know. 3.She got frightened and excited,but she is much ________(calm) now. 4.The boy soon ________(痊愈) from the bad cold,which made the __________(全部的) family very happy. 5.I ________(同意) to his proposal and finally reached an ________(协议)..选词填空 1.The street lights go on ________________. 2.Most of the holidaymakers ________________ and go on a holiday in spring. 3.The city is attractive. I ________________________ it the first time I visited it. 4.I don’t think that was an accident. I think he did it ________________. 5.The students ________________________ the examinations, because they are held once a week. .完成句子 1.昨晚我直到足球比赛结束才睡觉。 I_________ go to bed ________ the football match was over. 2.我想在中午前将我的工作完成。 I want to ________ my ________________ by noon. 3.马克思去了英国,把伦敦作为他的革命工作基地。 Marx went to England and ________ London ________________ his revolutionary work. 4.过马路时,你应当小心。 ________________ the street,you should be careful. 5.不知您是否能帮我的忙? ________________ you can help me. .单项填空 1.I am ________ to you for your kind offer. A.glad B.grateful C.hopeful D.helpful 2.With good treatment and care,Professor Smith unbelievably ________ from heart attack in a week. A.remained B.returned C.retired D.recovered 3.Although she was frightened,she answered with a ________ voice. A.calm B.still C.quiet D.peaceful 4.—Is this the dictionary you want? —Oh,that’s not ________ what I want.I mean the new English­Chinese Dictionary. A.possibly B.probably C.exactly D.generally 5.A dam has been built to stop the river ________ produce electricity by water power. A.in order that B.in order to C.so that D.in case 6.To set out early the next morning,he ________ and got everything ready. A.picked up B.speeded up C.packed up D.looked up 7.They set out at dawn and arrived at their destination ________.It was really a long journey. A.at dusk B.in the day C.in the morning D.before daybreak 8.Although he knew it would annoy her,he did it ________. A.with care B.on purpose C.by accident D.patiently 9.You can’t get off the bus ________ it has completely stopped. A.if B.as C.until D.after 10.________,she would go to visit her father,who was over 70 years old. A.Whenever necessary B.Whenever possible C.However necessary D.However possible 1.calm .(心情)平(镇)静的;(天气)平静无风的;v.(使)平静;(使)镇静【归纳拓展】 calm sb.down使某人平静下来 keep/be calm保持镇定 calm down平静/镇静下来 (1)Emergency line operators must always stay calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.(2007·湖北,22) 急救热线的接线员必须时时保持镇静,确保得到实施救助所需的一切信息。 (2)Facing the sudden disaster,he said to himself,“Keep calm.” 面对突如其来的灾难,他心里想,“要镇静。” 【活学活用】 (1)She ________________________________ by giving him some milk. 她给婴儿牛奶喝,使他安静下来。 (2)用calm,quiet,still,silent填空 The great scientist lives a ________ life and always keeps ________ about what others think of him. ②Keep ________ while I am cutting your hair. ③She remained ________ even in the face of danger. (3)When asked why she did so,she remained________ all the time.(2011·青岛月考) A.calm B.quiet C.still D.silent 2.suffer 遭受;忍受;经历;受苦;变糟 【归纳拓展】 (1)suffer vt.遭受,蒙受;后常pain/defeat/loss/poverty/hunger/punishment/hardship/damage等。 (2)suffer vi.后常跟介词from,表示“受……折磨;受……之苦;患某种疾病”。 People obviously have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit.(2009·安徽,阅读理解E) 人们显然需要我们从砍伐树木中获得的资源,但我们遭受的损失将比我们受益的要多。【活学活用】 (1)The city ________________________________ the earthquake. 这个城市在地震中遭受了巨大的损失。 (2)The region continues to ________________ serious pollution. 这个地区依然遭受着严重的污染。 (3)________ heart trouble for years,Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes. A.Having suffered B.Suffering from C.Having suffered from D.Being suffered3.recover .痊愈;找回;重新获得;恢复________ n.恢复健康,康复;重获,复得【归纳拓展】 recover from从……中恢复 recover oneself清醒过来 recover one’s losses弥补损失 In the good care of the nurses,the boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation.(2009·浙江,19) 心脏手术后,在护士们的精心护理下,这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。【活学活用】 (1)She soon ______________________ the shock. 她很快从打击中恢复过来。 (2)She ________________________ soon after the accident. 事故发生后不久,她便恢复了知觉。 (3)—Has Mr.Robbie________? —It will take a period of two weeks after his operation. A.recovered B.uncovered C.discovered D.restored 4.settle 安家,定居;安排;解决 ________ n.协议;定居点;解决 ________ adj.固定的; 坚定的;已付清的【归纳拓展】 settle down稳定;定居;舒适地坐下;平静下来;专心做 settle in定居;习惯于;适应(新工作)(新居) settle back to使处于舒适的位置 Rolling down the windows to let in fresh air,she settled back to enjoy her lunch.(2008·湖北,完形填空) 她摇下窗户,让新鲜空气进入,又坐下来享受她的午餐。【活学活用】 (1)They ________ their differences in a friendly way. 他们用一个友好的方法解决了他们的分歧。 (2)I hate all this travel;I want to ________________________________. 我讨厌到处跑,我想结婚过安定的日子。 (3)She________ in a chair with a book and a cup of tea,watching TV.(2011·银川统考) A.seated B.settled down C.settled on D.settled5.concern 关心,关注;(利害)关系;.涉及;关系到;(使)担忧 ________ adj.关心的,担忧的;焦虑的;相关的 ________ prep.有关;关于【归纳拓展】have no concern for毫不关心 as far as sb.is concerned在某人看来 be concerned about/for对……担忧/关心 be concerned with sb./sth.与某人/某事有关 We’re rather concerned about father’s health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。【活学活用】 (1)Professor Li ________________________ world peace and human progress. 李教授很关心世界和平与人类进步。 (2)We ________________________ accomplishing the task at hand. 我们参与完成了手边的这项任务。 (3)Mike works far away from home and he is always________ his parents.(2010·济南期终) A.concerned B.concerned about C.concerns D.concerned with6.add up sth./add sth.up把……加起来 ________ v.增加,添加;补充说【归纳拓展】 add up to加起来共计/达(不用于被动语态) add to增加,增添(后多接抽象名词) add...to...把……加到/进……里 (1)The music added to our enjoyment in the party. 音乐使我们在晚会上享受到了更多的乐趣。 (2)These figures in the bill don’t add up right. 账单上的这些数字加起来得到的结果不对。【活学活用】 (1)The money she spends on clothes a month ________________ $1,000. 她每个月花在衣服上的钱加起来总共有1 000美元。 (2)The pleasant weather________ our pleasure.We had a wonderful time in Europe. A.added to B.added in C.added up to D.added up7.set down放下;记下;登记;让……下车 【归纳拓展】 set about (doing sth.)着手(做某事) set out (to do sth.)开始,着手(做某事) set off动身;引爆(炸弹等);引起;激发 set up开办;建立;设立;创设 (1)They set out to work as soon as they arrived. 他们一到就开始工作。 (2)You had better set down your idea before you forget it. 你最好把你的想法写下来,以免忘记。【活学活用】 (1)Confused,she ________________ her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits,only to return to find that her drink had disappeared. 她感觉疑惑不解,放下她的饮料,回到厨房又拿了些饼干,结果回来发现她的饮料已不见了。(2)The boys stopped and________ digging holes to plant the trees.(2011·福州统考) A.set off B.set out C.set about D.set up 8.I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 句式提取:It is/was...that...强调句型 (1)基本结构为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分(若被强调的是人,可用that或who;若被强调的部分是其他时,一律用that)。另外要注意:原句的谓语动词不能被强调。 (2)强调句的一般疑问句句型:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who...? (3)强调句的特殊疑问句句型:疑问词+is/was it+that/who...? It is they who often help me with my English. 是他们经常帮助我学习英语。【活学活用】 (1)__________________________ the rain stopped __________ I went home. 直到雨停了我才回家。 (2)—What did he want to know,Anne? —________ I could finish writing the report. A.When was it B.It was when that C.It was when D.When it was that9.The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power;it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face...___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 句式提取:It is the+序数词+time+that...(现在完成时) It/This/That the first/second...time/day/week...that从句(现在完成时) It/This/That was the first/second...time/day/week...that从句(过去完成时) 注意:在上面的句型中,that可省略,时态必须用完成时。【活学活用】 (1)It is __________________________________ Beijing. 这是我第一次参观北京。 (2)This was ________________________________ you for money. 这是我最后一次给你要钱。 (3)This is the first time we________ a film in the cinema together as a family.(2011·沈阳调研)A.see B.had seen C.saw D.have seen [写作句型公式]1.主语+谓语+such+名词+that从句 He made such rapid progress that he was praised by the teacher. 他取得如此大的进步以致于得到了老师的表扬。 It is such an interesting book that we all like to read it.=It is so interesting a book that we all like to read it.这本书如此有趣以致于我们大家都愿意读。 2.Such was+主语+that从句 Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken. 爆炸的力量如此强大以致于所有的窗户全都震坏了。 3.主句+only+to do sth. He hurried to the station only to find the train had already left. 他匆忙去了火车站,结果却发现火车已经离站了。[日常交际用语]1.not to worry:(spoken,especially BrE) used to say that something is not important[口,尤英]没关系 Not to worry,we can always go another time. 没关系,我们总能找别的时间去。 2.to a certain extent/degree:in a limited way,but not complete在某种程度上 I agree with you to a certain extent but there are other factors to consider. 在某种程度上我同意你的看法,但还有其他一些因素需要考虑。课前准备区 .1.Germany;powerful 2.exact;exactly 3.calmer 4.recovered;entire 5.agreed;agreement .1.at dusk 2.pack up 3.fell in love with 4.on purpose 5.have got tired of .1.didn’t;until 2.get;work done 3.made;the base for 4.When crossing 5.I wonder if Ⅳ.1.B [grateful意为“感激的”。] 2.D [recover意为“痊愈”。] 3.A [考查形容词辨析。calm意为“平静的,镇定的”。] 4.C [考查副词辨析。exactly意为“正是”,符合句意。] 5.B [in order to 为了,后跟不定式,而in order that 后跟从句。] 6.C [pack up 符合句意,意为“(为出发而)装好行李”。] 7.A [at dusk 意为“在黄昏”,符合句意。] 8.B [句意为:虽然他知道会惹恼她,但他故意那样做。] 9.C [not...until 直到……才,符合句意。] 10.B [省略句,whenever possible意为“每当可能的时候”,符合句意。] 课堂活动区 1.活学活用 (1)calmed the baby down (2)quiet;silent still calm (3)D [由asked可知是指语言的交流,即此处指她一直沉默不语,故用silent。] 2.活学活用 (1)suffered huge losses from (2)suffer from (3)C [suffer from后跟疾病,且由for years可知应用完成时态,故选C项。] 3.recovery 活学活用 (1)recovered from (2)recovered consciousness (3)A [由下句可知,此处应是“恢复健康”;recover恢复,符合语境。] 4.settlement;settled 活学活用 (1)settled (2)get married and settle down (3)B [句意为:她拿着一本书,端着一杯茶,舒服地坐在椅子上看电视。settle down舒服地坐下,符合句意。] 5.concerned;concerning 活学活用 (1)is concerned about (for) (2)were concerned with (3)B [句意为:迈克在远离家乡的地方工作,他很挂念父母。be concerned about关心,挂念;be concerned with与……有关。] 6.add 活学活用 (1)adds up to (2)A [句意为;宜人的天气增加了我们的快乐。我们在欧洲玩得很开心。add to增加;add in把……加进去,包括;add up to总计为;add up加起来。] 7.活学活用 (1)set down (2)C [set about doing...开始做……。] 8.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。活学活用 (1)It was not until;that (2)D [此句属强调句型,且此强调句作know的宾语,即其前省略了He wanted to know,故应用陈述语序,选D项。] 9.漆黑的夜晚,风雨交加,电闪雷鸣,我全然被这种力量镇住了,这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚…… 活学活用 (1)the first time that I have visited (2)the last time I had asked (3)D [This is the first time (that)...句型中从句应用现在完成时。]课时规范训练 Ⅰ.单项填空(建议用时8′) 1.When________ into a warm house,a piece of ice becomes smaller and smaller,until in the end it disappears completely. A.takes B.taking C.took D.taken 2.The police chief advised his men to keep________ and not lose their tempers.(2011·济南模拟) A.calm B.quiet C.still D.silent 3.I wanted to have a word with her,but she________ me and went away. A.saw B.calmed C.told D.ignored 4.There is much chance that Bill will________ from his injury in time for the race.(2011·永嘉二中月考) A.restore B.cureC.treat D.recover 5.—Do you know anyone in Paris? —No,I’ll make friends once________.(2010·江苏六合中学调研) A.I’m settled B.I have settled C.I’ll be settled D.I’m settling 6.The comments which he made________ marketing bothered his boss greatly. A.concern B.concernedC.to concern D.concerning 7.All the information we have collected in relation to that case ________ very little.(2011·青岛调研) A.makes up for B.adds up to C.comes up with D.pulls up with 8.The doctor had almost lost hope at one point,but the patient finally________. A.pulled out B.pulled through C.pulled up D.pulled over 9.The moment she came back from work,she________ to clean the kitchen thoroughly. A.set out B.set about C.set off D.set up 10.—Where did you find the wallet? —It was at the stadium________ I played football. A.that B.where C.which D.there 11.He left a good impression on me________ I saw him.(2010·黄冈统考) A.for the first time B.the first time C.first time D.it’s the first time 12.Johnson had made up his mind to give it up,but on________ second thought he determined to try________ third time. A./;a B./;/ C.a;a D.the;a 13.—Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend? —________. A.I don’t believe B.I don’t believe it C.I believe not so D.I believe not 14.Did you ask whose computer________? A.this blue one was B.is this blue one C.it was this blue one D.this blue one is 15.________ from heart trouble for years,Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes. A.Suffered B.SufferingC.Having suffered D.Being suffered.完形填空(建议用时17′) It was a cool October evening.Excitement and family members __16__the hall.I was only a 7­year­old girl,but I was the center of __17__.Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would __18__all my hard work in a dance performance.Everything would be __19__— so I thought.I waited backstage all __20__in my black tights with a golden belt.In a loud and clear voice,the master of ceremonies__21__that my class was next. My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet,facing the__22__.All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box.It really was an__23__move.I was concentrating so much on__24__the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look__25__I was going.I missed my partner’s box altogether and__26__.There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes.I could hear giggles(咯咯笑) coming from the audience,and I felt the __27__rush to my face.I remembered my dance teacher had told us,“If you make a mistake,keep smiling so the audience will not __28__.” I did my best to follow her__29__as I continued with the routine. When the curtain dropped,so did my__30__for the evening.I__31__bitterly,tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.I ran backstage,but no one could __32__me down. Recently I realized I had been a__33__that night.I was__34__,but I fought the urge to run off the stage.__35__,I finished the routine with a smile on my face.Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance,I can laugh too.(2010·山东高考) 16.A.filled B.visited C.attended D.decorated 17.A.pressure B.impression C.debate D.attention 18.A.take overB.show off C.look after D.give up 19.A.reasonable B.suitable C.obvious D.perfect 20.A.dressed upB.folded upC.covered up D.mixed up 21.A.suggested B.explained C.announced D.predicted 22.A.music B.audience C.curtain D.stage 23.A.easy B.active C.adventurous D.extra 24.A.containing B.hiding C.sharing D.keeping 25.A.why B.whether C.where D.what 26.A.wandered B.slipped C.waved D.skipped 27.A.blood B.pleasure C.pride D.tear 28.A.leave B.cheer C.believe D.notice 29.A.gesture B.example C.advice D.plan 30.A.doubts B.hopes C.voice D.patience 31.A.argued B.shouted C.begged D.sobbed 32.A.turn B.calm C.let D.put 33.A.star B.pioneer C.loser D.fool 34.A.satisfied B.moved C.embarrassed D.confused 35.A.However B.Instead C.In totalD.In return Ⅲ.阅读理解(建议用时7′) Michelle Obama has launched her campaign against childhood obesity in the US,saying that it is a problem that concerns her both as the first lady and as a mother. Mrs.Obama said that the campaign was designed to encourage people to live healthier lives,but_admitted_that_she_herself_was_not_immune_to_the_temptations_of_junk_food. “I love burgers and fries.And I love ice cream and cake.And so do most kids,” she said.But,she added,“We’re not talking about a lifestyle that excludes all that.” “The question is how we help people balance their diet so that they’re not facing life­threatening,preventable illnesses,but they’re enjoying their food,they’re eating their vegetables,they’re doing their running,walking and playing,and they still have time to get a good,fun meal every once in a while.” One in three American children are overweight or obese,putting them at the higher risk of developing diabetes(糖尿病),high blood pressure,high cholesterol(胆固醇) and other illnesses. Billions of dollars are spent every year treating obesity­related conditions. “None of us wants this future for our kids,” Mrs.Obama said at the White House. “We have to act,so let’s move.” Her campaign has four parts:helping parents make better food choices,serving healthier food in school vending machines(自动售货机) and lunch menus,making healthy food more available and affordable,and encouraging children to exercise more. The campaign,which Mrs.Obama starts,is aimed at solving the childhood obesity problem in a generation,so that children born today can reach adulthood at a healthy weight. “This isn’t like a disease where we’re still waiting for the cure to be discovered.We know the cure for this,” she said at the opening ceremony. President Barack Obama praised his wife for solving what he called one of “the most urgent health issues facing the country”. “This has enormous promise in improving the health of our children,in giving support to parents to make the kinds of healthy choices that are often very difficult,” he said. 36.The best title of the passage would be “________”. A.The first lady begins to fight against childhood obesity B.The most urgent health issues facing the country C.The Obamas care about the health of fat children D.The first lady can’t resist the temptations of junk food 37.Why did Michelle Obama launch the campaign? A.To fight against adulthood obesity. B.To help children to eat less junk food. C.To encourage Americans to live more healthily. D.To call on people to exercise more after work. 38.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean? A.She is addicted to buying junk food. B.She is also fond of junk food sometimes. C.Many people are able to resist junk food. D.Her immune system was not strong enough. 39.What do we know about Americans? A.They all enjoy junk food. B.They don’t eat their vegetables. C.They have some time for exercise. D.Many have obesity­related illnesses. 40.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.People don’t know the cure for obesity. B.President Barack Obama supports his wife. C.The campaign has solved the problem. D.Obesity is the most urgent problem facing America..单项填空1.D 2.A [keep calm保持冷静,符合句意。] 3.D [ignore不理睬,忽视。] 4.D [recover from从……中恢复。] 5.B 6.D 7.B [add up to总计;总计共达。]8.B 9.A [set out to do sth.开始干某事。] 10.B [该句为强调句,强调地点状语at the stadium,其后是where引导的定语从句修饰stadium,整个句子省略了that I found the wallet,故选B项。] 11.B [此处the first time相当于连词as soon as。] 12.A [on second thought指“再次考虑”,系固定搭配。a third time表示“再试一次”,强调动作的重复而不是强调第三次,故选A。序数词前用a/an表示动作的重复,意为“再,又……”。] 13.D [以Do you think...?这样的句子来提问,用D项来表示否定,或将B项中的it改为so。] 14.A [由主句动词的过去时判断排除B、D两项;由宾语从句的语序应为陈述语序知选A项。] 15.C [suffer与Professor White构成主动关系,故排除A、D;又因两个动作有明显的先后顺序,故用完成时,答案应选C项。]得分策略单项填空是在特定的语言环境中考查考生综合运用语言的能力。一、做好单项填空题型的正确方法要想做好单选题,除了夯实基础知识外,更重要的是提高阅读理解能力,因为单项填空题是最小的阅读理解单位。只掌握基础知识而不注重培养阅读理解能力是治标不治本的做法,把掌握基础知识和提升阅读理解能力有机地结合起来,这才是提高单选题的解题能力和提升英语学习效率的正确做法。二、英语学习的一个误区单选题只是英语高考考查的一个题型。同学们应把英语学习的大部分时间和精力放在阅读、写作、听力训练上,利用听、说、读、写、记、背、练等多手段、多途径提高自己综合运用英语的能力。.完形填空16.A [演出大厅里面坐满了看演出的观众(家人),大家都很兴奋,所以选fill,意为“充满”。] 17.D [the center of attention意为“关注的焦点”。] 18.B [show off“展示”。经过数周的准备,“我”将在一个舞蹈表演中展示(这段时间来)“我”所有的努力。A“接管”;C“照顾,照看”;D“放弃”。] 19.D [从上文可知,作者已经做了充分的准备,所以她认为一切将万无一失,因此用perfect(完美的)。] 20.A [dress up装扮。“我”在后台等着演出,穿着黑色的紧身衣,搭配一条金黄色的腰带。] 21.C [这里是主持人宣布演员上场,所以要用announced。] 22.B [站在舞台上,面对的自然应该是台下的观众(audience观众)。] 23.A 24.D 25.C [这里指的是自己的脚移动的方向,所以要用where。] 26.B [这里指的是“我”没有踩到木箱,脚下一滑,就跌倒了。文章最后一段最后一句也有提示。] 27.A [由常识和语境可知,在舞台上出现了失误,应该是很尴尬,脸涨得通红,所以这里应该选择blood。“我”感到血液迅速涌向“我”的脸。] 28.D [notice注意到。] 29.C [上一句提到的是老师的一个建议,所以这里应该选advice。] 30.B [由下文语境可知,“我”的希望,也就是演出成功的希望随着幕布的落下而消失了,故选hopes。] 31.D [由后半部分的“tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face”可以看出,“我”一下台就痛苦地啜泣起来,所以选D项,意思是“啜泣”。] 32.B [从上文的描述可以看出,“我”的情绪失控了,所以很不冷静,因此这里要表达的意思是:没有人能使我冷静下来。calm down意为“使……平静、冷静下来”。 ] 33.A [“我”当时一直以为自己很失败,但从后面的描述来看,“我”现在意识到当时没有直接走下舞台,而是继续完成表演是成功的。] 34.C [这里描述的是当时在舞台上出现失误后的心情,自然应该是“尴尬的”,所以用embarrassed。] 35.B [instead代替,反而。相反,“我”仍然面带微笑地完成了表演。]得分策略一、完形填空题型考生失分原因根据2011年新课标地区的高考完形填空题的阅卷情况,该题型仍侧重在具体语境中对名词、动词、形容词、副词等实词的考查。针对考生在试卷中出现的一些错误,我们总结出如下原因: 1.孤立地就题答题,忽视上下文语境; 2.不会正确运用文化背景知识和生活常识进行解题; 3.不会正确把握句子之间的逻辑关系; 4.没有全局观,缺乏通篇意识; 5.不会正确把握文章的主旨大意; 6.忽视语篇中的语法现象; 7.犯经验主义错误(思维定式错误); 8.忽视语篇标志词; 9.没有掌握合理的做题顺序。二、2017年高考英语完形填空预测根据近两年高考英语完形填空的考查情况,我们可以预测2017年高考英语完形填空题型的命题将保持相对稳定,并继续体现新课程理念。选题时会注重选取贴近考生生活、时代感强、新颖的材料;设题时会注重考查考生英语学习策略、自主学习等方面的能力。 1.设空继续以实词为主,虚词为辅。为了提高试题难度,引导考生从整体上理解文章内容,全面把握信息,备选项多涉及实词,名词、动词、形容词、副词占80%~90%以上。 2.试题考查会继续以情景意义选择为主。大部分题目需要考生从全文出发,根据上下文语境或行文逻辑作出判断, 这体现了“突出语篇”的命题理念。考生需要根据文章的整体内容,从层次结构和内容的逻辑关系上,选择符合文章情节的答案。 3.会设置一些干扰性强,重细微辨析的备选项。这就要求考生要结合文章内容的具体情景或备选项词语的习惯用法选出正确的答案。 .阅读理解 36.A [标题归纳题。根据第一段的第一句可知:美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马在全国范围内发起了一项抵制儿童肥胖的运动。这就是全文的主题句,表明了本文的主要内容。因此最佳答案为A。] 37.C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Mrs.Obama said...”可知,她发起这场运动旨在鼓励人们选择更为健康的生活方式。] 38.B [细节理解题。根据文中的画线部分可知,第一夫人米歇尔承认,自己有时也抵挡不住垃圾食品的诱惑。可见,她有时也喜欢吃垃圾食品。] 39.D [推理判断题。根据第六段可知,美国每年用于治疗与肥胖相关疾病的费用高达数十亿美元。可见,很多美国人患有与肥胖相关的疾病。] 40.B [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马对妻子为儿童肥胖问题作出的努力大加赞扬,他称米歇尔应对的是“美国目前面临的最为紧迫的健康问题之一”。因此B项的陈述与文章的意思相符。] 得分策略高考阅读理解要求考生在规定的时间内完成对3至5篇不同题材、体裁的短文的理解,是整个高考试题中难度最大、区分度最高的题型。它不仅考查考生对语篇的整体把握能力,而且考查考生快速捕捉信息、准确理解特定细节以及复杂句子的能力。考生不仅要正确理解文章的表层意义,还要能通过表层意义去合理推断、挖掘文章的隐含意义和延伸意义,它是对考生知识和心理素质的综合检验。


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