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2017届浙江省高考英语一轮复习训练:必修四 Unit 5《Theme parks》

发布时间:2017-04-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 5 Theme parks


  1.(2017·重庆南开中学高三质检)Of all the universities in the world, those in the EU are ________ most attractive because they have ________ variety of cultures and teaching methods.

  A.the; the B.a; the

  C.the; a

  D.a; a

  答案:C 根据比较范围of all the universities in the world可知,第一个空用定冠词the,表示最高级;第二个空为固定短语a variety of“各种各样的”。

  2.(2017·山东四市联考)When the Eiffel Tower was erected in 1889, it was not very popular and came close to ________ down.

  A.be torn



  D.being torn

  答案:D come close to“差点”,其中to为介词,故后面用动名词;又因the Eiffel Tower与tear之间存在被动关系,故使用动名词的被动语态。

  3.(2017·东北育才中学高三质检)________ does he have to type the report on a computer, ________ he has to get the computer to translate it into sounds.

  A.Not only; but also

  B.Either; or

  C.Both; and

  D.Not; but

  答案:A 根据前一句采用了倒装语序来判断,应该选A项,因为not only...but also...连接两个句子时,not only放在句首则其引导的句子要采用倒装语序。

  4.(2017·南昌三中月考)Sherlock Holmes is famous ______ a detective as he is known ________ everybody ________ his quick thinking and careful observation (观察).

  A.as; to; for

  B.to; for; by

  C.for; to; as

  D.to; as; for

  答案:A 考查 be famous的用法。三个空格依次使用短语be famous as (a detective)“作为(侦探)而出名”;be known to everybody“为每一个人所熟知”;be known for his quick thinking and careful observation“因思维敏捷、观察仔细而出名”。

  5.(2017·阜阳高三质检)The old tower must be saved, ________ the cost is.





  答案:B 考查状语从句的连接词。句意:这座年代久远的塔必须保存下来,不管花费多少。whatever“无论什么”,在此处引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,符合句意。however“无论怎样”;whichever“无论哪一个”;wherever“无论在什么地方”。

  6.(2017·青岛高三质检)—Brad is Jane's brother.

  —________ he reminds me so much of Jane!

  A.No doubt

  B.Above all

  C.No wonder

  D.Of course

  答案:C 句意:——布拉德是简的哥哥。——难怪一看到他我就想起简来。no wonder“难怪;不足为奇”,符合句意。no doubt“无疑”;above all“首要的是;最重要的是”;of course“当然”。

  7.(2017·潍坊高三质检)Speaking of all the songs he has written, we all think this is his ________ one.





  答案:C 句意:说起他写的歌曲,我们都认为这是最出名的一首。best­known“最出名的”,与句意相符。

  8.(2017·江西九校联考)Only a ________ of the children are fond of doing housework while most of them enjoy playing games.





  答案:B 句意:只有少数孩子喜欢做家务,而大多数喜欢玩游戏。while表示对比关系,minority“少数”和most相对应,符合题意,part of前不加a;a few后直接加名词;most前不加a。

  9.(2017·山东实验中学诊断)Only by improving education and high science technology can a country become a(n) ________ one.

  A.advanced B.bored



  答案:A 考查形容词词义。句意:只有通过改善教育和提高科学技术,一个国家才能变得先进。advanced“高级的;先进的”,符合句意。bored“厌烦的”;astonished“感到惊诧的”;convinced“信服的;确信的”。

  10.(2017·九江一中月考)She has succeeded in gaining ________ to the university, which the whole family are pleased with.





  答案:B 考查名词词义。句意:她顺利考入大学,全家人都感到很高兴。admission“允许进入”,gain admission to“获准加入”,符合句意。congratulation“祝贺”;cooperation“合作;协作”;reaction“反应;回应”。

  11.(2017·济南模拟)American Indians try to ________ their customs from the effects of the modern world.





  答案:A 考查动词词义。句意:美洲印第安人设法保存他们的习俗,以免受现代社会的影响。preserve...from...“保护……免受……”,符合句意。swing“摇摆;摆动”;greet“迎接;问候”;advance“前进;促进”。

  12.(2017·兰州高三质检)Our country is developing at an amazing speed, which is ________ makes me feel so proud.





  答案:A 在which引导的非限制性定语从句中包含一个表语从句,且这个表语从句中缺少主语,故用what引导。

  13.(2017·江西师大附中月考)—I have told Jane that I'll help her.

  —________ are better than words. You mustn't disappoint her again.





  答案:C 答语前句句意:行动胜于言语。deed“行动;事迹”,与句意相符。activity“活动”;performance“表演;表现”;movement“动作;活动”。

  14.(2017·兖州高三质检)The children ________ the moment they heard that there would be a three­day holiday. Some of them even jumped up with joy.

  A.moved off

  B.came to life

  C.settled down

  D.held their breath

  答案:B 考查动词短语。句意:一听说要放假三天,孩子们一下子就活跃起来了。有些人甚至高兴得跳起来。come to life“活跃起来”;move off“离开;启程;出发”;settle down“安定下来;定居”;hold one's breath“屏住呼吸”。

  15.(2017·宝鸡高三质检)She found a lot of ________ were ________.

  A.passers­by; grown­ups

  B.passer­bys; growns­up

  C.passer­bys; grown­ups

  D.passers­by; growns­up

  答案:A passer­by“过路人”,复数为passers­by;grown­up“成年人”,复数为grown­ups。




  The National Park Service in the United States will mark its one hundredth anniversary in 2016. As it nears its second century, the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers.

  The plans include transportation support for one hundred thousand students each year to visit national parks to learn about nature and history. Yellowstone is believed to have been the world's first national park when it was established in 1872. Other students will get a chance to see parks in faraway places through Skype and other online programs.

  The National Park Service also works with partners to provide education. One of its partners

  is a nonprofit organization



  NatureBridge is celebrating its fortieth anniversary and says one million young people have taken part in its programs. The organization works with students from kindergarten through twelfth grade and uses national parks as its classrooms.

  It provides field science programs at Yosemite National Park and four other locations in California and the northwestern state of Washington.

  Now, NatureBridge is launching an East Coast center with a

  four­million­dollar grant from Google. The program will begin in April

  at the Prince William Forest Park in Virginia. Students stay for three to five days in NatureBridge programs.

  The activities are aimed at developing their science skills. For example, they learn about different soils and study water quality under a microscope.

  Jason Morris, executive vice president of NatureBridge says when they are not sleeping, eating or in a laboratory, the students spend their time outdoors.

  Julia Washburn is associate director of education and interpretation for the National Park Service. She says in a time of budget cuts, the agency has to find ways to still meet its goals. And one of the most important services that the Park Service provides every day is nature interpretation.


  1.The text is intended to tell us that ________.

  A.the National Park Service will celebrate its 100th anniversary

  B.more educational programs will be started in national parks

  C.NatureBridge plans to work with the National Park Service

  D.students are encouraged to learn about nature and history

  答案:B 主旨大意题。文章第一段第二句话“As it nears its second century, the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers.”是全文的中心句,即文章主要告诉我们更多的教育项目将会在国家公园里启动。故答案选B。

  2.Which of the following is TRUE of the National Park Service?

  A.It plans to make NatureBridge its branch.

  B.It provides programs for college students.

  C.It was established earlier than Yellowstone.

  D.It offered some educational programs before.

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的“the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers”可知,国家公园管理局计划增加教育项目。由此可推出,其之前就已经提供过一些教育项目。故答案选D。

  3.According to the text, NatureBridge ________.

  A.finances all the programs alone

  B.is aimed at laboratory activities

  C.has benefited quite a lot of students

  D.provides online field science programs

  答案:C 推理判断题。根据文章第三、四段可知,有一百万年轻人参加了NatureBridge项目,这一项目让学生在户外学习,旨在帮助他们培养科学技能,如通过显微镜观察不同的土壤并研究水的质量。由此可推出,NautreBridge项目应该是让许多学生获益匪浅。故答案选C。

  4.What will be further talked about after the last paragraph?

  A.Ways to raise money.

  B.Budget cuts.

  C.Nature interpretation.

  D.Better services.

  答案:C 推理判断题。文章最后一段最后一句话“And one of the most important services that the Park Service provides every day is nature interpretation.”是一句承上启下性的话语,则接下来的段落有可能会详细谈谈nature interpretation。故答案选C。

  5.You can probably read this text in the section of ________.





  答案:B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章的话题是有关教育方面的,主要讲了国家公园管理局计划为学生和老师提供更多的教育项目。所以,这类文章最有可能在教育板块上看到。故答案选B。



  Rae and Bruce Hostetler not only work very hard, they also relax just as well. Numerous vacations help the couple to maintain their health and emotional well­being—and it's no surprise to health care professionals.

  “Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for people's well­being and health. This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,” said primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York. Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction time as some of the benefits from taking some time off. “We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better,” said Withers.

  Psychologists confirm the value of vacations for the mind. “The impact that taking a vacation has on one's mental health is great,” said Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management.“Most people have better

  life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24­ hour time­out.”The trips could be good for their health, good for their family and good for their businesses.

  The online travel agency Expedia conducted a survey about vacation time in 2010, and

  according to their data the average American earned 18 vacation days—but only used 14 of

  them. France topped the list, with the average worker earning 37 vacation days and using all but two of them. Americans' responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued, but that's not always good for the individual, the family or the employer.

  Psychologists have also found that people who don't take enough time to relax may find it harder to relax in the future.“Without time and opportunity to do this, the nerve connections that produce feelings of calm and peacefulness become weaker, making it actually more difficult to shift into less­stressed states,” Mulhern said.


  6.How did the author introduce the topic of the text?

  A.By making comparisons.

  B.By giving an example.

  C.By raising questions.

  D.By providing data.

  答案:B 细节理解题。文章第一段以Rae and Bruce Hostetler两个人为例,引出了话题。

  7.According to Natasha Withers, vacations can ________.

  A.weaken reaction system

  B.cure serious diseases

  C.reduce the level of well­being

  D.decrease the risk of heart disease

  答案:D 细节理解题。由第二段“Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction time as some of the benefits from taking some time off.”可知,Withers认为休假可以降低心脏病发病率、提高反应时间。

  8.Expedia's survey shows that Armenians ________.

  A.dislike family gatherings

  B.have the shortest vacation

  C.enjoy as many vacations as the French

  D.think much of spending long hours on the job

  答案:D 推理判断题。由第四段最后一句话“Americans' responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued...”可知,Expedia的调查认为美国人很少休假是因为他们文化中认为加班工作很重要。

  9.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

  A.One should never wait to relax.

  B.Work and rest go against each other.

  C.Time and opportunity wait for no man.

  D.A relaxed mind determines everything.

  答案:A 推理判断题。最后一段提到不多拿时间去休假对人的未来不好,所以我们应该去休假。

  10.What is mainly talked about in the text?

  A.Ways to relax in one's free time.

  B.The benefits of taking time off.

  C.Different opinions on holidays.

  D.The Hostetlers always on the go.

  答案:B 主旨大意题。由文章大意可知。


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