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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业18 Unit 3(人教版必修4)

发布时间:2017-04-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  必修4 Unit 3

  Ⅰ. 阅读理解


  One of California’s poorest school districts, the Coachella Valley Unified southeast of Los Angeles, is currently rolling out iPads to every student. But, as with tablet efforts across the country, this one faces skeptics(怀疑)and obstacles(障碍). Some wonder if its projected benefits are being grossly oversold.

  Darryl Adams talks about his school district’s latest project. “Everyone will have an iPad! ”he says with a broad smile. “It’s going to be exciting! ”He argues that school districts have often failed to inspire kids. Instead, he says, they’ve been teaching them how to take tests. “And that’s not what education is about. So for the first time in our history as a nation, I think in the world, we’re going to be able to personalize education, ”Adams says.

  But some districts have publicly stumbled(绊倒)with their initiatives(为解决困难采取的行动). Los Angeles Unified students easily got around restrictions on their district-issued iPads: They simply deleted their personal profile info and then could surf the Web without restriction.

  Coachella Valley is trying to learn from LA’s problems. It’s working to strengthen profile security and will block harmful and inappropriate online contents. Some security measures should be a classroom management issue. Kids should have digital citizenship and proper use of the iPad.

  At Coachella Valley High School, one of two high schools in the district, junior Cheyenne Hernandez says she’s open to new media in the classroom but wonders if the iPad money might be better spent on other things. She says people will most likely steal them, break them or wear them out. “And in a student’s opinion, most of the kids are going to go on Facebook, Twitter. ”she says.

  But Rebecca Flanagan wonders which ones the district will use, how well it will work and how it will all be integrated into a coherent plan. “That’s where I see the difficulty. The disconnect is between giving students an iPad to use and then making it relevant for the classroom, ”she says. “I mean, it’s a toy for them. ”

  Large parts of the Coachella Valley are not covered by high-speed Internet. And even where it is available, many families here simply can’t afford the service.

  【文章大意】本文主要介绍了美国的一个地区给所有学校的孩子们一人一台iPad的情况, 以及老师、学生等对这个问题的看法。

  1. In the opinion of Adams, iPad makes it .

  A. possible to individualize education

  B. exciting for students to take tests

  C. important to inspire kids in school

  D. practical to understand education

  【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段的So for the first time in our history as a nation, I think in the world, we’re going to be able to personalize education可知, 他认为使用iPad真正做到了教育个性化。

  2. What lesson did Coachella Valley learn from LA’s problems?

  A. Social media sites are blocked in classrooms.

  B. Kids aren’t able to surf harmful online contents.

  C. Students build their personal profile information.

  D. A digital citizenship should be used properly.

  【解析】选B。推理判断题。结合第四段的It’s working to strengthen profile security and will block harmful and inappropriate online contents. 可知, 这个学校采取了措施防止孩子们浏览一些有害的内容, 故选B。

  3. According to Cheyenne, the iPad plan .

  A. was completely a waste of time

  B. kept a new media open to everyone

  C. didn’t achieve what was expected to do

  D. improved academic achievement greatly

  【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第五段的she’s open to new media in the classroom but wonders if the iPad money might be better spent on other things. She says people will most likely steal them, break them or wear them out. 可知, 她认为花在iPad上的钱是否用在别的地方更好, 因此选C。

  4. What problem did Rebecca think the tablet plan has?

  A. The understanding of parents.

  B. The support of schools.

  C. The shortage of money.

  D. The lack of connectivity.

  【解析】选D。推理判断题。结合倒数第二段的But Rebecca Flanagan wonders which ones the district will use. . . The disconnect is between giving students an iPad to use and then making it relevant for the classroom可知, 他认为问题是网络的连接性还达不到标准, 有的孩子无法使用iPad同网络进行连接, 故选D。


  As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly can’t remember where we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance’s name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain fades, we refer to these occurrences as“senior moments”.

  This loss of mental focus can potentially have a disadvantageous effect on our professional, social, and personal well-being.

  It happens to most of us, but is it inevitable(不可避免的)?

  Neuroscientists are increasingly showing there’s actually a lot that can be done. It turns that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental exercise can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions. Thinking is essentially a process of making neural connections in the brain. Scientists believe intelligence can expand according to mental effort and practice.

  Now, a new San Francisco Web-based company has taken it a step further and developed the first“brain training program”to help people regain their mental sharpness. Called Lumosity, it was designed by some of the leading experts in neuroscience and cognitive psychology from Stanford University.

  Lumosity, is not only an online place to exercise your mental skills. That’s because they have integrated(整合)these exercises into a Web-based program allowing you to systematically improve your memory and attention. The program records your progress and provides detailed feedback on your improvement. Most importantly, it constantly modifies the games you play to build on the strengths you are developing—much like an effective exercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use.

  Does it work?

  Apparently it does. In controlled clinical trials, Lumosity was shown to greatly improve basic cognitive functions. One study showed students improved their scores on math tests by 34 percent after using Lumosity for six weeks, significantly greater gains than those made by other students in the same class, not training with the Lumosity program.

  The company says its users have reported clearer and quicker thinking, improved memory for names, numbers, directions, increased alertness, awareness, mood, and better concentration at work or while driving.

  Lumosity is currently offering a free trial of their program to new users so that you can see how well it works before you decide to subscribe.

  【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍一些中年人有时会突然忘事, 这会影响他们的工作、社会和个人生活, 科学家认为对大脑进行恰当的锻炼有利于提高记忆力和注意力, 还介绍了一家旧金山的网络公司设计了一种能提高记忆力的叫做Lumosity的程序。

  5. Many middle-aged people’s memory is decreasing because.

  A. their brains are injured

  B. their brains don’t have enough oxygen

  C. their brains aren’t supplied with enough blood

  D. their brains are growing old

  【解析】选D。细节理解题。从第一段的As the brain fades, we refer to these occurrences as“senior moments”. 可以看出, 是由于人的大脑在衰退的原因, 导致人的记忆力减退。

  6. What’s the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

  A. Our muscles need to exercise.

  B. Scientists believe our brain needs improving by running.

  C. Scientists believe proper mental practice can improve intelligence.

  D. Our muscles have connections with our brain.

  【解析】选C。主旨大意题。本段讲述了科学家认为人脑与人的肌肉一样也需要锻炼, 恰当的锻炼能提高我们的认知功能, 提高我们的智力。故选C。

  7. Which of the following is NOT the function of Lumosity?

  A. Improving your memory and attention.

  B. Increasing your resistance for diseases.

  C. Recording your advance and offering feedback in detail on your improvement.

  D. Modifying the games you play to build on the strengths you are developing.

  【解析】选B。细节理解题。从第六段可知A、C、D三项都正确, 从本段的最后一句可知B不正确。

  8. If you want to order Lumosity, what should you do first?

  A. You can get a free trial of their program.

  B. You can pay money for it first.

  C. You can first get it and then pay for it.

  D. You can think quickly.

  【解析】选A。细节理解题。从最后一段的Lumosity is currently offering a free trial of their program to new users so that you can see how well it works before you decide to subscribe. 可知“你进行体验是免费的”。故选A。

  Ⅱ. 阅读第二节

  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。


  My daughter Chloe is starting out in college in the fall. With her newfound independence will come the newfound responsibilities of dealing with money.  1 Now I have a few lessons I’d like to share with Chloe, and with anyone else starting out in college.

   2 OK, this is almost the only lesson you need. The biggest reason you get into money problems is that you spend money you don’t really have. Then you end up in the hole, and it’s hard to get out of the hole. You work too many hours to keep up with your spending. And you end up with a life that’s about nothing but trying to pay for all the spending on something you don’t really need.  3 

  Make a very simple budget. It’s a terrible thing for people who’ve never done a budget, but it will become very simple and easy if you know how to do it.  4 If the bills add up to more than the income, remove some bills.

  Pay bills right away. If you have the money, pay the bill as soon as it comes in. You can usually do this online, but if not, it’s just a matter of writing a check, putting it in an envelope, and writing out an address—two minutes.  5 If you let the bill-paying get pushed back, it becomes a terrible thing.

  That’s all you need to know. If you save when you’re in college, avoid debt, and pay bills on time, you’re golden.

  A. Why not enjoy your life in college?

  B. Spend less than you earn.

  C. So spend less, work less, worry less, be happier.

  D. Like many young people, she hates thinking about money.

  E. First, list your income, and then list your bills.

  F. Find ways to get things done you need to get done.

  G. Do this two-minute action at once, so you don’t have to worry about it later.

  答案: 1~5. DBCEG


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