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2017届高考英语语法集训:8 情景交际

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  情 景 交 际

  1. (2017·临沂二模)—Why not invite Jane to our party?

  —! Every time I try to talk to her, she gives me the cold shoulder.

  A. Of course B. No way

  C. Go ahead

  D. Out of question

  2. —Do you understand what I am talking about?

  —, but not very clear.

  A. Thanks, no problemB. Sort of

  C. Not a littleD. Yes, all right

  3. —May I say something about the problem, sir?

  —Sure, .

  A. good idea B. forget it

  C. go ahead

  D. no way

  4. (2017·北京模拟)—Sorry, I haven’t got any apple juice, but I’ve got you some orange juice.

  —Thanks a lot.

  A. That’ll do me.

  B. Don’t mention it.

  C. That’s right.

  D. It’s up to you.

  5. —How much should I pay for the dinner?


  A. You are welcome B. That’s my pleasure

  C. It’s my treat

  D. It’s my charge

  6. (2017·山西四校联考)—I’ve decided to quit the job, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to find a better one.

  —. You never know until you try.

  A. Forget it.

  B. Go for it.

  C. Good luck.

  D. Never mind.

  7. (2017·吉林检测)—Why don’t we just leave it until tomorrow?

  —I’m dead tired today.

  A. Forget it.

  B. I couldn’t agree more.

  C. It all depends.

  D. Don’t mention it.

  8. (2017·昆明模拟)—I will treat you to a big meal another day.

  —Oh, ! You cannot be serious.

  A. go ahead B. thank you

  C. come on

  D. please don’t

  9. —Thank you for showing me the way!

  —I live nearby, so I am familiar with this area.

  A. It’s easy.

  B. Never mind.

  C. All right.

  D. My pleasure.

  10. (2017·绍兴模拟)—Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it.

  —. He’s very good at this sort of things.

  A. Don’t worry B. I couldn’t agree more

  C. Of course

  D. A piece of cake

  11. (2017·安庆三模)—I wonder if I could use your washroom.

  —Of course. Just.

  A. be cautiousB. make yourself at home

  C. take your time

  D. go upstairs

  12. —I hear you are to go to Tibet alone?

  —. It’s my dream to go on an adventure there.

  A. You got it B. I can’t agree more

  C. Come on

  D. I’d like to

  13. (2017·嘉兴模拟)—Do you think you will be able to finish your writing by five o’clock today?

  —. I’ll be busy with experiments all day.

  A. Not a chance B. Not a little

  C. Not to mention it

  D. Not a big deal

  14. (原创)—Harry’s wearing Adidas!

  —He looks very cool. .

  A. It all depends B. Never mind

  C. I bet

  D. Go ahead

  15. —Word came that Kitty will go to Tibet to work as a volunteer teacher.

  —She hasn’t finished college yet.

  A. Sounds great!

  B. It’s out of the question!

  C. Not really.

  D. I couldn’t agree more

  16. —Hi, Tommy. Are you busy now?

  —. I have done my work, and I’m going out for shopping.

  A. Don’t mention it B. Nothing serious

  C. Not really

  D. Never mind

  17. —I’m sorry to have dialed the wrong number and disturbed you.


  A. That’s all right.

  B. You’re welcome.

  C. There is no need.

  D. You got it right.

  18. —Would you mind if I named my dog after your little son?

  —! My wife and I will both be proud of it.

  A. Not a little B. Not in the least

  C. Nonsense

  D. Don’t you dare

  19. —Sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic.

  —. You’re here now. Come in and sit down.

  A. You are welcome B. That’s right

  C. I have no idea

  D. Never mind

  20. (2017·温岭中学提优卷)—I’m afraid I’ve been a bother these past few days.

  —. You know, we’re old friends.

  A. With pleasure B. At your service

  C. Don’t mention it

  D. Don’t bother

  21. (原创)—What are you going to do this summer?

  —. Time permitting I might go to London with my friends.

  A. Don’t mention it B. Nothing much

  C. Not exactly

  D. All right

  22. (原创)—John, why do you look pale? What’s wrong with you?

  —I have a headache. So.

  A. I’m not myself B. I’m quite myself

  C. Fine, thank you

  D. I’m fine

  23. —May I use your new dictionary? I want to look up a word.

  —It’s over there. .

  A. No problem B. Got it

  C. Feel free

  D. It depends

  24. —Nice to meet you. You can call me Sarah.

  —Oh, ! My name is Sarah, too. We have the same name.

  A. what a shame B. what a small world

  C. what a joke

  D. what a coincidence

  25. —You dislike her, don’t you?

  —. I only just think she is a bit annoying. That’s all.

  A. Yes, I do

  B. No, I don’t

  C. Not exactly

  D. I couldn’t agree more

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解

  (原创)In December 2017, my parents asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told them I would get back to them once I thought of something. At that point, I had the full intention of asking for something, but for the first time, I realized how lucky I was to have been born in such a fortunate family. There was nothing I could ask for because there was nothing more I needed, materialistically nor emotionally. I was truly satisfied.

  This made me think about all the children who did not have families, homes, or food, much less gifts, for Christmas. With these thoughts in my mind, I told my parents in January that instead of getting me an expensive gift for the holidays, I’d love to use the money to get a bunch of small gifts for all the children that hadn’t gotten anything for Christmas.

  At first, they were shocked. Then they realized I was serious, and agreed to spend $500 on gifts for young kids of the families living at the homeless shelter. It was such an incredible experience. I remember going to the homeless shelter to hand out the toys to as many kids as we could give, asking them all to share. One of the children looked at me with his innocent eyes. I could see the astonishment in them. It was obvious that he had never gotten a Christmas gift before, so when he asked me where I got the gifts from, I told him what I knew he wanted me to say: that I was helping Santa.

  I explained that Santa was sorry he was so late, but that this gift had been made especially for him! The boy took the gift slowly, smiled the cutest smile I had ever seen and ran to his mother.

  The last thing I heard as I moved on to give a gift to the next hopeful child was the boy’s voice: “Mommy, Santa really does exist! And he didn’t forget about us this year! ”

  1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

  A. The author wanted a Christmas gift.

  B. The author is very happy.

  C. The author was worried to get nothing.

  D. The author’s family is in poor condition.

  2. When the author thought of those homeless children, he.

  A. wanted to stay with them

  B. wanted to spend Christmas with them

  C. wanted to buy gifts for them

  D. wanted to visit them

  3. How can you describe the children when they got Christmas gifts?

  A. Surprised.

  B. Excited.

  C. Interested.

  D. Depressed.

  4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Hearing he wanted to buy gifts for the homeless children, the author’s parents felt shocked.

  B. The author’s parents agreed to buy gifts for the homeless children.

  C. The homeless children never got Christmas gifts before.

  D. One of the boys thought Santa really doesn’t exist.

  Ⅲ. 书面表达


  目前青少年压力过大, 为排解压力, 一些青少年染上了一些恶习, 如吸烟、饮酒等, 请你以学生会的名义参照以下提示用英语写一封倡议书, 呼吁中学生要“养成好习惯, 健康过生活”。写作要点如下:

  1. 青少年中存在的恶习以及它们的危害。

  2. 好习惯的重要性和必要性。

  3. 呼吁你校学生养成好习惯, 过健康生活。


  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选B。考查情景交际。根据空格后面的句子Every time I try to talk to her, she gives me the cold shoulder. (每当我和她谈话时她都态度冷淡。)可知, 后者不愿意邀请Jane参加聚会, 因此答案选B。no way表示“不行; 没门”。

  2. 【解析】选B。考查交际用语。从下文的but not very clear可知, 不是很明白。sort of“有几分地”符合句意。not a little“非常”与句意不符。

  3. 【解析】选C。考查交际用语。第一个人是征求同意, go ahead意思是“继续进行(说或是做某事), 在此意为“说吧”。good idea意思是“好主意”; forget it意思是“忘了这事吧, 不用想了”; no way意思是“没门儿”。故选C。

  4. 【解析】选A。考查交际用语。句意: ——对不起, 我没有了苹果汁, 但我为你准备了桔子汁。——很适合我的口味, 谢谢。That’ll do me. (它)很适合我(的口味); Don’t mention it. 不值得一提, 不用谢; That’s right. 好吧; It’s up to you. 由你决定, 此处没有选择的意思, 是已经准备好的, 故不可取, 所以答案为A。

  5. 【解析】选C。考查交际用语。句意: ——这顿饭我该付多少钱? ——我请客。You are welcome“不客气”; It’s my treat“我请客”; That’s my pleasure“非常高兴为你服务”; It’s my charge没有这个用法。故选C。

  6. 【解析】选B。考查交际用语。从You never know until you try. 可知, 要尽力而为, 不试怎么能知道。forget it“别提了; 算了吧”; go for it“努力争取; 加油”; good luck“好运”; never mind“没关系”。故选B。

  7. 【解析】选B。考查交际用语。前者提出将事情推迟至明天, 后者表示赞同, 因为今天太累了。I couldn’t agree more. “我同意。”Forget it. “算了吧。”It all depends. “那得视情况而定。”Don’t mention it. “不客气, 不用谢或没关系; 不要这样说。”

  8. 【解析】选C。考查交际用语。由此语境You cannot be serious“你不是在开玩笑吧”可知, 对请客的人表示怀疑。go ahead“开始”; thank you“谢谢”; come on“得了吧”符合语境, 故选C。

  9. 【解析】选D。考查情景交际。分析语境可知, 后者乐意提供帮助, 因此选D项。

  10. 【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意: ——Tony说他能修好我的自行车, 但是我真的很怀疑。——别担心。他很擅长这类事情。A项意为“别担心”; B项意为“我非常同意”; C项意为“当然”; D项意为“小菜一碟, 轻而易举”。此处第二个说话者是安慰别人, 故选A。

  11. 【解析】选B。考查交际用语。make yourself at home“别拘束, 随便”, 符合语境。

  12. 【解析】选A。考查交际用语。句意: ——听说你要独自去西藏? ——是啊。到西藏探险是我的梦想。所以选You got it, 意思是: “正是; 你说对了”。

  13. 【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意: ——你认为到今天五点钟你能写完作文吗? ——不可能。我将一整天忙于做实验。not a chance不可能; not a little非常; not to mention it别客气; not a big deal没什么大不了。

  14.【解析】选C。考查交际用语。句意: ——哈利穿着阿迪达斯牌服装呢! ——他看起来很酷。我敢肯定。Never mind“不要紧”; It all depends“视具体情况而定”; Go ahead“请吧”。根据语境, C项符合。

  15. 【解析】选B。考查交际用语。句意: ——有消息说基蒂要去西藏当志愿教师。——那不可能! 她大学还没毕业呢。It’s out of the question! 意为“那不可能! ”Sounds great! 听起来很好! Not really. 事实上不。I couldn’t agree more. 我非常赞同。

  16. 【解析】选C。考查情景交际。句意: ——嗨, 汤米, 你现在忙吗? ——不忙。我刚做完工作, 准备出去购物。Don’t mention it不用客气, 不用谢, 没关系, 不用介意; Nothing serious不要紧; Not really事实上不是; Never mind不用担心, 别管, 不要紧, 没关系。根据题意可知选C项。

  17. 【解析】选A。考查情景交际。对于对方的道歉, 常用That’s all right. /That’s nothing. /That’s OK. /It doesn’t matter. /Forget it. 等回答。

  18. 【解析】选B。考查情景交际。结合答语中的“My wife and I will both be proud of it. ”可知, 对方并不介意, 所以正确答案应为B项。“not in the least”(也可以说not the least, not in the least bit)意为“一点也不”, 与“not at all”同义, 符合语境; A项意为“很, 非常”; C项意为“胡说(一派胡言)”; D项意为“你敢”(用于警告某人不要做某事以免惹你生气), 均与语境不符。

  19. 【解析】选D。考查情景交际。上一句表达歉意, 根据后面的语境, 此处应表示“没关系”, 用never mind表示。其他选项中, you are welcome回答thank you; I have no idea是“我不知道”; that’s right意为“那是正确的”, 都不符合语境。

  20. 【解析】选C。考查交际用语。句意: ——这几天恐怕给您添了不少麻烦。——别放在心上, 你知道, 我们是老朋友了。从第二句答语可以看出, 这里的意思是“别放在心上; 没关系, 别客气”。


  Don’t mention it. 还可以用对表示感谢的回答。意思是: 不用谢; 不用介意; 无足挂齿; 不必客气。例如:

  A: I really appreciate your help. I never could have made it without you. 我真的很感激有你的帮助。没有你我永远也不会成功。

  B: Don’t mention it. It’s my pleasure.


  21.【解析】选C。考查交际用语。句意: ——今年夏天你打算做什么? ——不确定。如果时间允许的话, 我可能和朋友们去伦敦。don’t mention it“别提了”; nothing much“没什么”; not exactly“不确定”; all right“好的”。

  22. 【解析】选A。考查交际用语。根据句中的I have a headache. 可知“我感到不舒服”, I’m not myself意思是“我感到不舒服”, 故选A。

  23. 【解析】选C。考查交际用法。由答语“It’s over there. ”可以看出, 答话者已经同意了对方的借词典的要求, 所以选feel free, 意思是: 请便。no problem意思是“没问题(不用谢); 小事一桩, 别客气”。got it“明白了”; it depends“视情况而定”。

  24. 【解析】选D。考查交际用语。句意: ——见到你很高兴。你可以叫我Sarah。——噢, 这真是太巧了! 我的名字也是Sarah,我们有同样的名字。what a shame“多可惜, 真丢脸”; what a coincidence“这是个巧合; 这真是太巧了! ”符合语境。故答案选D。

  25. 【解析】选C。考查交际用语。从后面的“I only just think she is a bit annoying(我只是觉得她有点讨厌)”可以看出, 对方说的“You dislike her”是不完全正确的, 所以选C, 意思是“不完全正确”。

  Ⅱ.【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要叙述“我”在过圣诞节的时候, 父母问“我”需要什么礼物, “我”什么也不缺少, 没有想要的礼物, 这使“我”想起那些在过圣诞节得不到礼物的无家可归的孩子们, “我”征得父母的同意, 买了许多的礼物送给那些孩子们。

  1. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。从第一段的There was nothing I could ask for because there was nothing more I needed, materialistically nor emotionally. I was truly satisfied. 可知, 作者的家庭条件不错, 作者感到没有想要的礼物, 感到很满意、很幸福。

  2. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第二段的instead of getting me an expensive gift for the holidays, I’d love to use the money to get a bunch of small gifts for all the children that hadn’t gotten anything for Christmas可知答案。

  3. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。从第三段的I could see the astonishment in them. It was obvious that he had never gotten a Christmas gift before可知, 这些孩子以前在圣诞节从没得到过礼物, 所以他们感到很惊讶。

  4. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。从第三段的At first, they were shocked. 可知A项是正确的; 从第三段的Then they realized I was serious, and agreed to spend $500 on gifts for young kids of the families living at the homeless shelter. 看出B项是正确的; 从第三段的It was obvious that he had never gotten a Christmas gift before可知C项是正确的。故选D。

  Ⅲ. 【参考范文】

  Dear students,

  In the present world, we teenagers are living under great stress. As a result, in order to relieve the stress, some of us have developed bad habits, such as smoking and drinking, which are not only bad for our health but also can do harm to our society. Besides, some students prefer junk food, causing obesity. What’s worse, some are even addicted to the net at the cost of their studies and future.

  Facing such serious situations, we must take measures to get rid of bad habits and form good ones, which is necessary and urgent. As we know, doing sports, reading books, living positively are all good habits and only by forming good habits can we be happy and make achievements. It’s commonly acknowledged that it’s good habits that have caused many people to be successful.

  Dear fellow students, let’s start right now and spare no efforts to keep physically and mentally healthy and form good habits, which I believe will benefit us all our lives.

  That’s all. Thank you!


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