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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元提升:必修3 Unit 3 Back to the past(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  必修 Unit 3

  1. (2017·天津模拟)It remains to be seen North Korea will remain stable under its new young leader.

  A. whenB. whetherC. whyD. that

  2. —How did he break his head while swimming?

  —my warnings, he dived straight into the shallow water.

  A. To ignore B. Ignored

  C. Ignoring

  D. Being ignored

  3. The book was writtencareful observations and detailed studies.

  A. on the ground of B. on behalf of

  C. on average

  D. on the basis of

  4. —Have you heard that Jones, along with her parents, to Hainan for the winter vacation?

  —Really? No wonder I haven’t seen her these days.

  A. has been B. have been

  C. has gone

  D. have gone

  5. is some doubtTom will come to see me this weekend as usual.

  A. It; that B. It; whether

  C. There; that

  D. There; whether

  6. On May 10, 2017, Ma Yun resigned as CEO of Alibaba, and Lu Zhaoxi it over.

  A. took B. handed

  C. got

  D. came

  7. —Mom, can we go to the bakery for some cake?

  — . Can’t you see I’m busy with the draft?

  A. Take it easy B. Forget it

  C. Don’t mention it

  D. Yes, go ahead

  8. (2017·聊城模拟)The young couple will have to rent a house, for their newly bought one .

  A. was decorated B. is being decorated

  C. will decorate

  D. had decorated

  9. (2017·济宁模拟)After the earthquake I went there, I saw the whole town , and now everything has changed.

  A. in ruins B. in poverty

  C. in disorder

  D. in rags

  10. (2017·辽宁模拟)—She has done rather well in Independent Enrollment(自主招生)exams.

  — she seems to be very happy and relaxed.

  A. No doubt B. No way

  C. No wonder

  D. No chance

  11. (2017·株洲模拟)Now the Great Wall is, so the Chinese authorities are working on a monitoring and warning system along the wall to preserve it in the future.

  A. on good condition B. in good condition

  C. in poor condition

  D. on bad condition

  12. (2017·菏泽模拟)People built a bridge over the riverthose who died in the floods while saving others.

  A. in need of B. in memory of

  C. in charge of

  D. in praise of

  13. —Happy birthday!

  —Thank you! It’s the best present I for.

  A. should have wished B. must have wished

  C. may have wished

  D. could have wished

  14. Tony lent me the money,  that I’d do as much for him.

  A. hoping B. to hope

  C. hoped

  D. having hoped

  15. Tsinghua University,  in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.

  A. found B. founding

  C. founded

  D. to be founded

  Ⅱ. 完形填空

  The True Story of Treasure Island

  It was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson’s imagination.  1 , recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.

  Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived 2 for many years. In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a 3 . With him were his American wife Fanny and his son 4 .

  Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long 5 over the hills. They had been 6 this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Kept indoors by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days 7 . To keep the boy happy, Robert asked the boy to do some 8 .

  One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island. Robert 9 that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of 10 . “What’s that? ”he asked. “That’s the 11 treasure, ”said the boy. Robert suddenly 12 something of an adventure story in the boy’s 13 . While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make a twelve-year-old boy, just like Lloyd the 14 . But who would be the pirate(海盗)?

  Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the 15 of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to 16 such a man in a story.  17 Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was 18 .

  So, thanks to a 19 September in Scotland, a friend with a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy, we have one of the greatest 20 stories in the English language.

  1. A. However B. Therefore

  C. Besides

  D. Finally

  2. A. alone

  B. next door

  C. at home

  D. abroad

  3. A. meeting

  B. story

  C. holiday

  D. job

  4. A. Lloyd

  B. Robert

  C. Henley

  D. John

  5. A. talk

  B. rest

  C. walk

  D. game

  6. A. attempting

  B. missing

  C. planning

  D. enjoying

  7. A. quiet

  B. dull

  C. busy

  D. cold

  8. A. cleaning

  B. writing

  C. drawing

  D. exercising

  9. A. doubted

  B. noticed

  C. decided

  D. recognized

  10. A. the sea

  B. the house

  C. Scotland

  D. the island

  11. A. forgotten

  B. buried

  C. discovered

  D. unexpected

  12. A. saw

  B. drew

  C. made

  D. learned

  13. A. book

  B. reply

  C. picture

  D. mind

  14. A. star

  B. hero

  C. writer

  D. child

  15. A. help

  B. problem

  C. use

  D. bottom

  16. A. praise

  B. produce

  C. include

  D. accept

  17. A. Yet

  B. Also

  C. But

  D. Thus

  18. A. read

  B. born

  C. hired

  D. written

  19. A. rainy

  B. sunny

  C. cool

  D. windy

  20. A. news

  B. love

  C. humorous

  D. adventure

  Ⅲ. 阅读理解

  (原创)On March 25, 2017, two pandas were shipped from China to Canada. The pandas received a warm welcome to the North America from Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Chinese ambassador(大使)Zhang Junsai.

  The pandas will spend five years at the Toronto Zoo, and then spend another five years at the Calgary Zoo. This is the first time in 20 years that pandas have been sent to a Canadian zoo. “I want to offer my sincere thanks to the government of China for sharing these two pandas, symbolizing peace and friendship, with all Canadians, ”said Prime Minister Harper.

  The pandas are named Er Shun and Da Mao. Er Shun, a five-year-old female, came from the Chongqing Zoo, in southwest China. Da Mao, a four-year-old male, traveled from Chengdu. The panda passengers were given plenty of snacks throughout the flight. Each panda received more than 200 pounds of bamboo and 100 pounds of apples.

  The number of pandas is decreasing and now there are only 1, 600 pandas left in the wild. And this is partly due to the loss of their primary food source, bamboo. According to a recent study, warming temperatures are causing a shortage of bamboo in at least one region of China where pandas live.

  The climate in Er Shun and Da Mao’s new home in Canada isn’t perfect for growing bamboo. Twice a week, the Memphis Zoo, in Tennessee, will ship about 700 pounds of the green plant up north to the Toronto Zoo. While the pandas are far from China, zookeepers plan to make Canada feel like their home.

  1. We can know from the second paragraph that .

  A. China often sends pandas to Canada

  B. Canada is very thankful for China’s help

  C. the two pandas will spend ten years in Canada

  D. the two pandas will only live in one place.

  2. According to the passage, the two pandas .

  A. are both four years old

  B. are from the same Chinese zoo

  C. can eat as many as 100 pounds of apples in a day

  D. were given over 400 pounds of bamboo on the flight

  3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

  A. The reason for the decreasing number of pandas.

  B. The primary food source of pandas.

  C. The lifestyle of pandas in the wild.

  D. The effects of warming temperatures on bamboo.

  4. It can be learned from the passage that .

  A. pandas eat nothing but bamboo and apples

  B. the climate in Toronto is unfit for bamboo to grow

  C. the animal that all Canadians like best is pandas

  D. China lent the two pandas just in order to help Canada

  【技法导练】多学一点 棋高一着


  在完形填空题中, but一词前后通常会设题。文中一出现but, 应该马上想到前后语意有转折, 只要知道其中一方的语意, 就可以推出另一方的意思, 所以在做题时, 遇到类似but的词, 如however, nevertheless, whereas, yet等, 也可以同样处理, 以便于从文中找到解题的依据。

  题 号 选 项 内 容

  1 It was always thought. . . . 和recent research has found the true story. . . 是转折关系

  14 根据But可知the和是转折关系

  【语篇随练】多练一点 技高一筹

  根据完形填空内容和译文, 补全经典句式

  1.Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson’s imagination.


  2.his American wife Fanny and his son Lloyd.


  3. by the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days dull. 由于大雨, 待在屋内, Lloyd觉得日子很无聊。

  Ⅰ. 1. 【解析】选B。句意: 朝鲜在它新的年轻领导人的领导下, 是否能继续稳定还要拭目以待。it remains to be seen whether. . . “是否……还要拭目以待”。从句句意完整, 结构完整, 因此选whether。


  Nothingafter the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed.

  A. remained B. left

  C. continued

  D. kept

  【解析】选A。remain意为“剩下, 留下”, 是不及物动词。leave是及物动词, 应该用被动结构。句意: 在那场因有人在床上抽烟引起的严重的火灾之后, 任何东西都没有留下。

  2. 【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句子的主语he与ignore构成逻辑上的主谓关系, 所以用现在分词ignoring表主动。

  3. 【解析】选D。句意: 这本书是在仔细观察与细致研究的基础上撰写的。on the ground of因为, 由于; on behalf of代表; on average平均; on the basis of“在……基础上”, 符合题意。

  4. 【解析】选C。考查主谓一致和词义辨析。主语中心词是Jones, 是单数, 所以谓语动词要用单数形式; 根据应答句中no wonder后的从句意思可知所填词意思是去了还未回来, 动词用go, 故选C。

  5. 【解析】选D。There is some/no doubt. . . 为固定句型; doubt用于肯定句时后跟同位语从句不能用that引导, 应用whether引导。所以选D。

  6. 【解析】选A。句意: 2017年5月10日, 马云辞去阿里巴巴的首席执行官职务, 陆兆禧接替他担任首席执行官。take over接管, 接替; hand over交付给, 让给; get over克服; come over过来。

  7. 【解析】选B。考查情景交际。句意: ——妈妈, 我们能去面包房买些蛋糕吗? ——算了吧(得了吧)。难道你没看到我正忙着这份草稿吗? Take it easy“别着急”; Forget it“得了吧, 算了吧”; Don’t mention it“不用谢”; Yes, go ahead“好的, 请自便”。根据上下句意思可知B项正确。

  8. 【解析】选B。decorate是及物动词, 应用被动语态。根据句意“这对年轻夫妇必须租房子, 因为他们新买的房子正在装修中。”及will have to可知, 要用现在进行时的被动语态。

  9. 【解析】选A。考查介词短语。句意: 地震过后, 我去了那儿, 我看见整个城镇都成了废墟, 现在一切都改变了。in ruins成为废墟; in poverty处于贫困中; in disorder混乱; in rags衣衫褴褛。

  10. 【解析】选C。句意: ——她在自主招生考试中成绩相当好。——难怪她看起来那么高兴和轻松。No doubt毫无疑问; No way绝不; No wonder难怪; No chance不可能。只有C项符合上下句的语境。

  11. 【解析】选C。句意: 现在长城状况不好, 所以为了将来保护它, 中国政府正沿长城安装一项监视警告系统。on. . . condition在……条件下; in poor condition状况不好, 符合句意。

  12. 【解析】选B。句意: 人们在河上建了一座桥, 以纪念那些在洪水中救人时死去的人们。in memory of为了纪念; in need of需要; in charge of负责; in praise of为了赞扬。只有B项符合句意。


  (2017·抚州模拟)Many buildings in our university have been built important people in history.

  A. in the hope of

  B. in memory of

  C. in charge of

  D. in the shape of

  【解析】选B。句意: 为了纪念历史上的重要人物, 我们大学里已经建造了很多建筑。in memory of为了纪念……, 符合句意; in the hope of希望……; in charge of负责……; in the shape of以……的形状。

  13.【解析】选D。考查情态动词。句意: ——生日快乐! ——谢谢! 这是我所能期盼的最好的礼物。A项使用should have done表示“本应该做但是没做”, 是虚拟语气; B项表示推测, 放入句中意为“这一定是我期盼过的最好的礼物”, 句意不通; C项表示推测, 放入句中意为“这是我可能期盼过的最好的礼物”, 句意不通; D项表示能力, 放入句中意为“这是我所能期盼的最好的礼物”, 符合句意。

  14. 【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意: 托尼把钱借给了我, 希望我也为他做同样多的事。hoping为现在分词作状语, 表示托尼借钱给我时的心理状态。

  15. 【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意: 建立于1911年的清华大学是大量杰出人物的母校。Tsinghua University和found之间是被动关系, 故用过去分词作后置定语, 选C。


  (2017·苏州模拟)in 1922, Jiangsu Hua Luogeng High School, home to a great number of outstanding figures, celebrated her anniversary this year.

  A. Found B. Having founded

  C. Founded

  D. To be founded

  【解析】选C。Jiangsu Hua Luogeng High School和found之间是被动关系, 因此用过去分词founded; To be founded表示将来的被动动作。句意:建于1922年, 很多著名人物的母校江苏华罗庚中学今年庆祝了她的周年纪念日。

  Ⅱ. 【文章大意】《金银岛》这部书总被认为是斯蒂文森的思维产物, 其实该作品的思路来源于他儿子的一幅画。

  1. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由上句可知人们一般认为的和最近的一项研究调查结果是不一致的, 故选转折副词however。

  2.【解析】选D。反义词复现。和下句的returned及上句的Scotsman相反, 可知他一直在国外生活。故选D。

  3.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。通过下文他每天早上带妻子和儿子去爬山也可看出, 他回来唯一的可能是度假。

  4.【解析】选A。原词复现题。由下段倒数第二句Lloyd felt the days 可知。

  5.【解析】选C。背景常识题。他们一家三口每天早上去爬山over the hills可知, 他们走了很长的路。

  6. 【解析】选D。词义辨析题。本句指在天气变得糟糕之前他们一直很享受这段时光。故选D。

  7.【解析】选B。反义词复现。因为下雨待在家中, 所以他儿子可能会感到心情很郁闷。和后句的happy相反。

  8. 【解析】选C。派生词复现。由下文the boy had drawn a large cross可以看出, 他让孩子画点儿东西。

  9. 【解析】选B。词义辨析题。当儿子拿着一张地图过来时, 他注意到孩子在地图上画了一个大大的十字。

  10. 【解析】选D。原词复现题。由本段首句的a beautiful map of an island中的island可知答案。

  11. 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。财宝应该是埋在此处的, 故用buried“埋藏的”。


  13.【解析】选C。近义词复现。picture和上文的map是近义词。他是从儿子的画中得到了灵感, 而不是儿子的回答。

  14.【解析】选B。背景常识题。既然是冒险, 那就有小英雄。他想让像儿子一样的一个12岁的男孩当探宝的小英雄。

  15.【解析】选A。固定搭配题。with the help of在……的帮助下。他的朋友的腿是假肢, “在一个木制腿的帮助下”才能走。

  16.【解析】选B。词语辨析题。罗伯特一直想在他的作品中塑造一个这样的人, produce“塑造”; 而praise“赞扬”, include“包括”, accept“接受”, 均不合题意。

  17.【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。和上文是因果关系。由上文可知, 就这样, 他创造了这样一个海盗形象。

  18. 【解析】选B。近义词复现。上文有produce, 这样的一个海盗形象被创作出来或诞生了。

  19. 【解析】选A。派生词复现。从第三段和第四段都可看出当时的天气不好——下雨的(rainy), 故选A。

  20. 【解析】选D。原词复现题。由第四段中的an adventure story可知。

  Ⅲ. 【文章大意】本文讲述了2017年3月25日, 两只大熊猫从中国被运到了加拿大, 并对他们在加拿大将要度过的十年以及两国的动物园将要做什么样的工作来使他们适应在加拿大的新家做了描述。

  1. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句The pandas will spend five years at the Toronto Zoo, and then spend another five years at the Calgary Zoo. 可知它们将会在加拿大一共待10年。

  2. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知, 在运送过程中每只熊猫被给食200多磅竹子, 两只熊猫就是400多磅。

  3. 【解析】选A。段落大意题。根据第四段The number of pandas is decreasing and now there are only 1, 600 pandas left in the wild. And this is partly due to. . . 可知本段主要讲述了野外大熊猫数量在减少及其原因。故选A。

  4. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知多伦多的气候不适宜竹子生长, 故选B。


  题 号 选 项 内 容

  1 However It was always thought. . . . 和recent research has found the true story. . . 是转折关系

  14 hero 根据But可知the 14 和pirate是转折关系


  1. It was always thought that

  2. With him were

  3. Kept indoors


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