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2017届高考英语(课标全国)一轮复习课件:写作提升 第4讲

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2.谓语 谓语表述主语的动作或状态,一般位于主语之后,由动词或动词短语充当。英语中动词一共分为四类:实义动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词,实义动词又分为及物动词和不及物动词。实义动词可以单独作谓语,其他种类的动词都不能单独作谓语,连系动词需要和表语构成谓语,情态动词和助动词需要和实义动词或连系动词一起构成谓语。如: Later land animals appeared.随后,陆地上出现了动物。 I bought a ticket at a discount and rode the underground three times. 我买了一张打折票,坐了三次地铁。 The scene looks real.场面看起来很真实。 3.表语 表语表述主语的特征、状态、身份等。表语位于系动词之后,与之构成系表结构。名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动名词、分词、从句等均可用作表语。如: My name is Jane.My ideal job is

  to be a journalist. 我的名字叫简。我理想的工作是当一名记者。 Both speakers seemed very knowledgeable about the Internet. 双方辩友看起来对互联网都很有见识。 The whole class is here.全班都在这。 This is how the story goes.事情的经过就是这样的。 4.宾语 宾语是动作的承受者,一般位于及物动词之后。名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、从句等均可用作宾语。如: We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. 我们经常一起做作业,乐于彼此帮忙。 I’ve tried and failed to make paper with these plants. 我尝试了,但是没能用这些植物造成纸。 特别提醒:①直接宾语与间接宾语:直接宾语一般指动作的承受者,多指物;间接宾语指动作所向者,多指人。间接宾语通常置于直接宾语之前,若放在直接宾语之后,一般须加介词to或for。能带这种双宾语的及物动词有:answer,bring,buy,do,fetch,find,get,give,hand,keep,leave,lend,make,offer,owe,pass,pay,play,promise,read,refuse,save,sell,send,show,sing,take,teach,tell,throw,wish,write等。如: My parents bought me a computer./My parents bought a computer for me.,我父母给我买了一台电脑。,He sent me a birthday gift yesterday./He sent a birthday gift to me yesterday.,他昨天给我寄了一份生日礼物。 ②it作形式宾语:think,find,make,take,consider,feel等动词后可接it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语之后。如: I find it interesting that American students have so many clubs.,美国学生有这么多社团,我觉得很有趣。 5.补足语 补足语有宾语补足语和主语补足语两种。它是补充说明宾语或主语的一种句子成分。 (1)宾语补足语 可由名词、形容词、数词、不定式、分词、介词短语等充当。如: They called him the prince of gymnasts. 他们称他为体操王子。 We found the ruins most interesting. 我们发现废墟极其有趣。 We invite you to bring your family and friends on that special day. 我们邀请您届时带上亲朋好友。 I’ve never heard the word used in spoken English. 我从未听到这个词用在英语口语中。


  (2)主语补足语 可由形容词、名词、数词、不定式、分词、介词短语等充当。如: As time went by,I was made smaller. 随着时间的推移,我被做得越来越小。 No one is known to have escaped.据说无人逃脱。 He was caught cheating in the exam. 他考试作弊被抓住了。 6.定语 定语修饰名词或代词,用来说明人或事物的品质或特征。形容词、名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动名词、分词、从句等均可用作定语。单个词作定语通常放在被修饰词的前面;短语或从句作定语则放在被修饰词的后面。如: Health care is free for everyone living in Britain. 每个英国居民都享有免费保健服务。 OK,I’m going to make a project book with lots of pictures in it. 好的,我打算制作一本项目手册,里面附上许多插图。 It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.,它含有一种强效的药物防治蚊虫叮咬。 特别提醒:①修饰some,any,every,no等构成的不定代词,其定语必须后置。如: Did I miss anything important? 我有没有错过什么重要的事? Everybody interested is welcome to attend this event! 欢迎所有感兴趣的人参加这项活动! ②副词here,there,above,below,yesterday,tomorrow等作定语时,必须后置。如: The water there is not safe for drinking. 那里的水不适合饮用。 The picture above is drawn by my son. 上面那幅画是我儿子画的。 ③形容词asleep,awake,alive,present(在场的)等作定语时,通常后置。如: She was the only person awake that night.,她是那天晚上唯一醒着的人。 His idea was accepted by all the people present. 他的想法为所有在场人员接受。 7.同位语 同位语用来说明或解释同一事物,通常放在其所说明的名词或代词之后。名词、代词、数词、动名词、从句等均可用作同位语。如: The first invaders,the Romans,left their towns and roads. 第一批入侵者是古罗马人,他们留下了城镇和道路。 We each have a computer.

  我们每个人都有一台电脑。 They two went,and we three stayed behind. 他们俩去了,我们仨留了下来。 The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people.远洋船能去那里,这一事实使许多人感到吃惊。 8.状语 状语修饰动词、形容词、副词以及全句。形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、不定式、从句等均可用作状语。状语的位置很灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末。按其用途,状语可表示时间、地点、原因、结果、目的、条件、让步、方式、伴随情况等。如: I like talking on the phone.我喜欢电话聊天。 She went back to China,to study journalism at Peking University. 她回到中国,在北京大学学习资讯。 Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system. 世界上的每个人都可以用他的万维网系统访问互联网。 Personally,I think the team that won first place cheated. 我个人认为得第一名的那个队作弊了。 9.独立成分 句子的独立成分是一种与全句没有语法关系的成分。感叹语、呼语和插入语一般都充当独立部分。 (1)感叹语 多置于句首,也可置于句中或句末。如: Oh, look,here’s your bus.哦,看,你要坐的车来了。 In about ten minutes,OK? 十分钟以后,好吗?

  (2)呼语 可置于句首、句中或句末。如: Yes,Your Majesty.是的,陛下。 Hi,Waled,I see you are giving a lecture again! 嗨,瓦利德,我看你又在作演讲了!

  (3)插入语 插入语是指插入句中的词语。如: Oh,by the way,I don’t have many friends yet. 哦,顺便说一下,我的朋友还不多。 I eat a lot of sweet things,for example,chocolate. 我吃很多甜的东西,比如巧克力。 Believe me,I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how hard it is to stop. 相信我吧,我知道吸烟容易戒烟难。 二、标点符号 符号名称 形式 常见用法 例句 句号(Full Stop/Period) . 表示句子结束 Some are history or culture theme parks. 用于缩略词中 a.m. B.C. U.S.A. Mr. Dr. 用于互联网和电子邮件地址中 My email address is bookfun@126.com. 用作小数点 I just bought this shirt for £6.5. 问号(Question Mark) ? 表示提问 She asked,“Would you like a glass of wine?” 符号名称 形式 常见用法 例句 感叹号(Exclamation Mark) ! 表达喜怒哀乐等强烈感情 Help!Help!Please come over here! 逗号(Comma) , 表示短暂的停顿 Just before he died,aged 70,Marco was asked the question,“Was it all true?”,to which he replied,“I have only told half what I saw!” 用于日期、地址、数字等的表示 He left Paris on May 15,2007. She lives at 416 West Henley Street,Olean,New York. Dolwyn Bay is a small fishing town(population

  8,000). 符号名称 形式 常见用法 例句 分号(Semicolon) ; 表示两个分句隔开 The heavy clouds were hanging in the sky;it would soon rain. 引号(Quotation Marks) “” 表示文中的直接引语 “I understand you,”said Ann. 表示特指的词或短语 NSFNET became known as the Inter-Network,or“Internet”. 破折号(Dash) — 表示思路的中断或转移 This is a Class A hike — you have to be fit. 表示对前文的解释 I’d love to hear from you—comments,corrections or questions are welcome. 符号名称 形式 常见用法 例句 圆括号(Parenthesis) () 表示句子的补充内容 These preserved bodies are known as mummies.(page 42, lines 10-11) 省略号(Ellipsis) … 表示省略或删节 It’s got some really pretty parks... 撇号(Apostrophe) , 表示所有格 Robert is the girl’s closest friend. 表示缩写中字母或数字的省略 I’d guess that your son was born in the 90’s. 连字符(Hyphen) - 用于构成某些合成词 She used to take weight-loss pills. 请注意观察下列句子的标点符号。 He is a student.He likes sports. He is a student and he likes sports. He is a student,who likes sports. He is a student;he likes sports. 谢谢观看! 第四讲

  句子成分和标点符号 句子成分和标点符号在作文中占有重要地位。很多学生因不了解什么词和形式能作什么成分,写作时错误百出,严重影响了作文成绩,故学生应该掌握一些基本的相关知识。标点符号也是一些学生的薄弱之处。乱用标点符号,使句子混乱不堪,同时也造成大、小写的混乱,故必须正确使用标点符号,才能使文章锦上添花,获得较好的成绩。 一、句子成分 句子的组成部分叫作句子的成分。总体说来,句子分为主语部分和谓语部分;具体说来,句子的成分分为主语、谓语、表语、宾语、补足语、定语、同位语、状语、独立成分等。 1.主语 主语是一个句子的主体,一般位于句首。名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、从句等均可用作主语。如: To find a best friend is difficult.找到一个好朋友不容易。 No one knows for sure,and making predictions is a risky business. 谁也说不准,并且预测也是件冒险的事。 What is even more unbelievable is the fact that some murderers

  are let out of prison after three or four years. 更不可思议的是一些杀人犯三四年后被释出狱。 特别提醒:不定式、动名词或从句等作主语时,有时借助it作形式主语,而将真正的主语移到句末,以保持句子平衡。如: It is impolite to make unfavourable comments on a person’s appearance.,对他人的外表作否定评价是不礼貌的。



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