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发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Nuclear energy is a controversial topic.There has been widespread public debate over itIt seems that the nuclear energy is either a gigantic disaster waiting to

  happen or the all-powerful way of the future.

  It is often believed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society with a huge demand for commercial products of all kinds. Besides, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase assumes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe nuclear energy provides an endless and economical source of power and that it is therefore fundamental for an industrially developing society. Among other advantages is that nuclear power, except for accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents a great step in our scientific evolution and, whatever the anti-nuclear group says, it is wrong to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel.

  However, opponents(people who oppose something)of nuclear energy point out that nuclear power stations bring a direct danger not only to the environment but also to civil liberties. Environmentalists argue in the long run nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology to an extent which could bring about the destruction of the human race. Furthermore, it is questionable whether nuclear power is a cheap source of energy when everything is considered. There have, for example, been very costly accidents in America, in Britain and, of course, in Russia. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium(铀)in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions(设施)could price nuclear power out of the market.

  In spite of the case against nuclear energy above, nuclear energy programmes are expanding, which assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments in both sides, it seems that there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.

  56.What’s the writer’s attitude toward nuclear energy?




  D. Appreciative

  57.According to the opponents, which of the following is true of nuclear energy?

  A.Primitive. B.Endless C.Cheap. D.Unsafe.

  58.Some people believe that nuclear energy is the most important because


  A.unclear power stations can be run and maintained by relatively few staff.

  B.it can meet the growing demand of an industrially developing society.

  C.it represents a huge step forward in our scientific evolution..

  D.it provides a perfect way out to increase employment

  59.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?




  Hi, I'm Michael J. Lindell, Inventor, Manufacturer, and President of My Pillow Corporation. Years ago, like you, I found myself extremely frustrated with my pillow going flat. Most pillows are designed to break down. I would wake up in the morning with a sore arm, my neck would hurt, my fingers would be numb, and I would toss and turn all night not knowing why. I tried many different pillows on the market and none of them worked. So, I started to research pillows and

  study sleep disorders. I was determined to create the world's healthiest, most comfortable, and

  strongest pillow. My Pillow uses our unique, patented medical fill that stays cool, corresponds to

  your exact individual needs regardless of sleep position, and stays healthy for your full 10year

  guarantee. It is nonallergic, and you can wash and dry it as easily as your favorite jeans.

  My Pillow is not available in stores. I have spent the last seven years selling My Pillow

  facetoface at fairs, expos and events.

  Hundreds of experts and medical doctors carry and

  recommend them for their patients. I have been featured on medical talk shows that air around

  the world. I have sold hundreds of thousands of pillows and have received great gratitude from

  satisfied customers regarding how My Pillow has changed their lives and provided a more

  comfortable, restful sleep.

  And, My Pillow comes in different sizes and is fit for your size and sleeping pattern. So you

  can be assured that you will have the most comfortable pillow for you.

  I truly believe it is the best pillow in the world and that if everyone had one and got better

  sleep, the world would be a much nicer place.

  文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。作者介绍了自己研发的枕头My Pillow。这种枕头使用独特的获得专利的药品当作填充物,能够保持凉爽,该枕头有各种尺寸,适合各种睡姿,另外,也可以随便拆洗烘干。My Pillow有着很好的销路,同时也获得了购买者的一致好评。

  1.What makes My Pillow unique?

  A.It is easily washed and dried.

  B.It suits your sleeping position.

  C.It contains special cooling medicine.

  D.It helps you stay healthy for 10 years.

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句“My Pillow uses our unique, patented medical fill that stays cool... of sleep position”可知,这种枕头使用独特的、获得专利的药品当作填充物,从而能够保持凉爽。故答案选C。

  2.Where can people probably buy My Pillow?

  A.At fairs.

  B.In stores.

  C.In markets.

  D.On the Internet.

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“I have spent... at fairs, expos and events.”可知,答案选A。

  3.What is the author's purpose in writing this article?

  A.To introduce a comfortable pillow.

  B.To encourage people to buy My Pillow.

  C.To give some advice on sleeping problems.

  D.To tell us how to select a comfortable pillow.

  答案:B 写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了作者自己研发的枕头的特别之处以及功效,还有购买者的反馈,说明作者在鼓励人们购买这种枕头。故答案选B。


  There are various aspects that go into making a successful school, and success can be measured in various ways. Often, the teachers are praised for a school’s success and blamed for its failure. Yet, in order for a school to be effective, it must be a place where teaching and learning can easily take place, and that requires the hard work of more than just educators. Students must take learning into their own hands and feel as if what they are doing is as important as it actually is. This can only be done with the cooperation of every adult that is involved in the students’ life. Some of these individuals often go unnoticed, yet the role they play in the students’ lives is immeasurable.

  In the school, administrative assistants greet students at the start of the day and answer a large quantity of questions. When an assistant remembers a student’s name or even something special about that student, it communicates to him that he is cared for. The assistant can also give that extra encouragement for a student to make better choices, especially when they are visiting the principal’s office.

  Meanwhile, though cafeteria workers have a short space of time to interact with students, they can make a big difference as well. Beyond meeting nutritional needs, cafeteria workers may also on occasion meet the emotional needs of the students they serve. Students benefit from positive interaction with adults, and cafeteria workers may give that extra bit of encouragement that a child needs.

  Custodians (管理员) are usually underappreciated for what they offer to schools. They have to be knowledgeable about everything from cleaning to fixing the most intricate (复杂的) tools. They get to school early in the morning before teachers arrive and lock up late at night after the last student has left from the after-school event. They also make sure teachers are equipped with the necessary items and prepare the rooms so that they are ready for learning. A great custodian also gives that kind word or extra smile to that student who needs it most.

  67. The purpose of the passage is to _______.

  A. emphasize the role teachers play in a school

  B. highlight the contributions of other staff at school besides teachers.

  C. tell us who make the greatest contributions to a school

  D. explain what contributes to the success of a student

  68. If an assistant remembers a student’s name, the student will feel that _________.

  A. he is paid particular attention to

  B. he is special

  C. he has done something wrong

  D. he has made progress in study

  69. Which of the following is TRUE about cafeteria workers?

  A. It’s enough for them to cook for the students.

  B. It’s hard for them to interact with the students.

  C. They have the most interaction with students at school.

  D. They can also meet the emotional needs of the students.

  70. How does the author feel about the staff mentioned in the text?

  A. Disappointed.

  B. Dissatisfied.

  C. Appreciative.

  D. Doubtful.




  I began writing poems fifteen years ago while I was in college. One day I was in the library, working on a term paper, when I came across a book of contemporary poetry. I don't remember the title of the book or any of the titles of the poems except one:“Frankenstein's Daughter.” The poem was wild, almost rude, and nothing like the rhymeandmeter poetry I had read in high school. I had always thought that poetry was flowery writing about sunsets and walks on the beach, but that library book contained direct and sometimes shocking poetry about dogs, junked cars, rundown houses, and TVs. I checked the book out, curious to read more.

  Soon afterward, I started filling a notebook with my own poems.

  At first I was scared, partly because my poetry teacher, to whom this book is written for, was a serious and strict man who could see the errors in my poems. Also, I realized the seriousness of my devotion. I gave up geography to study poetry, which a good many friends said offered no future. I ignored them because I liked working with words, using them to reconstruct the past, which has always been a source of poetry for me.

  When I first studied poetry, I was singleminded. I woke to poetry and went to bed with poetry. I memorized poems, read English poets because I was told they would help shape my poems, and read classical Chinese poetry because I was told that it would add clarity to my work. But I was most taken by the Spanish and Latin American poets, particularly Pablo Neruda. My favorites of his were the odes—long,

  shortlined poems celebrating common things like tomatoes, socks and scissors. I felt joyful when I read these odes, and when I began to write my own poems, I tried to remain faithful to the common things of my childhood—dogs, alleys (小巷), my baseball mitt (手套) and the fruit

  of the valley, especially the orange. I wanted to give these things life, to write so well that my poems would express their beauty.

  I also admired our own country's poetry. I saw that our poets often wrote about places where they grew up or places that impressed them deeply. James Wright wrote about Ohio and West Virginia, Philip Levine about Detroit, Gary Snyder about the Sierra Nevadas and about Japan, where for years he studied Zen Buddhism (禅宗佛教). I decided to write about the San Joaquin Valley, where my hometown, Fresno, is located.

  Some of my poems are absolute observations and images of nature—the orange yards, the Kings River, the Sequoias (红杉). I fell in love with the valley, both its ugliness and its beauty, and quietly wrote poems about it to share with others.


  4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.The author's experiences with poetry.

  B.The author's method of writing poetry.

  C.The author's appreciation of poetry.

  D.The author's interest in studying poetry.

  答案:A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了作者写诗的经历。故答案选A。

  5.From the first paragraph, we can learn that ________.

  A.“Frankenstein's Daughter” was a flowery poetry

  B.the author was able to memorize most poems he read

  C.the author began to get in contact with poetry of different styles

  D.the author was curious to read more of rhymeandmeter poetry

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句中的“that library book contained direct and sometimes shocking poetry about...”可知,作者开始接触到不同类型的诗歌。C项与文章内容相符。故答案选C。

  6.Which of the following would the author most probably write about in his poem?

  A.Moving love stories in history.

  B.Observations of classical poems.

  C.True feelings of human friendship.

  D.Appreciation of wild valley flowers.

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段尤其是最后一句中的“I fell in love with the valley”并结合全文可知,作者在他的诗中最有可能表达对野山谷花的喜爱。故答案选D。

  7.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The author's friends all encouraged him to give up geography to poetry.

  B.The author became devoted to poetry because of his teacher's strictness.

  C.The author loved to find sources of poetry from nature and from the past.

  D.Spanish and Latin American poems influenced the author as much as Chinese ones.

  答案:C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句中的“using them to reconstruct the past... a source of poetry for me”并结合文章最后三段可知,作者擅长在过去和自然中寻找写诗的资源。故答案选C。


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