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2017届高考英语(课标全国)一轮复习课件:语法突破 第7讲

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  情态动词 主要用法 典句示例 have to 表示“必须;不得不” It’s getting dark.We have to go home now. shall 用于第一、三人称的疑问句中,表示征求对方的意见和向对方请示 Shall we put off the sports meeting until next week? 用于第二、三人称的陈述句,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁;此外,当颁布法律、规定时也用shall You shall get an answer from me by tomorrow. It has been announced that candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 情态动词 主要用法 典句示例 should 表示劝告和建议,作“应该,应当”讲 He should learn to be more polite. 表示推测,意为“按理说,应该,应该会” It should be a good movie—its reviews were very good. 用在if条件句中,表示可能性很小,但也不是完全不可能 If anyone should phone,tell him I’m in conference. (与疑问词连用,表示意外,纳闷,惊讶等)到底……,究竟是…… (用于表示感情,意志等句中的that从句)竟然……,居然…… Why should I help him?He’s never done anything for me. I’m surprised that you should speak in such a way. I’m glad that your story should have won the first prize. 情态动词 主要用法 典句示例 will/ would 用于表示意志或意愿 He will give his girlfriend anything she wants. 表示请求,建议。用would比will委婉、客气些 Would you like to come to my party? 表示习惯:will可表示主语现在的习惯,常译为“总是,习惯于”。表示过去的习惯性动作时用would She will sit for hours reading in the afternoon. When he was young,he would listen to music alone in his room. 表示预料或猜想 That will be the postman ringing. 表示事物的某种性质或倾向 Wood will float on the water. 情态动词 主要用法 典句示例 need 表示需要;必要。用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句中 —Need we make the test? —No,we needn’t. dare 意为“敢;敢于”,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中,一般不用于肯定句。I dare say是习惯说法,意为“我想,大概” How dare you talk like that? ought to 表示义务、忠告等,意为“应当,应该” The dish is delicious.You ought to try some. 表示推测、可能性,意为“应该” He ought to be feeling better by this evening. 特别提醒: 1.表示经过努力而成功地做成某件具体事情时,一般用was/were able to,不用could。 The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out. 尽管大火迅速蔓延到了整个宾馆,但是每个人都逃了出去。 2.can的一些常用固定搭配: cannot but do sth./cannot help but do sth./cannot choose but do sth.表示“不得不,只好”。 cannot/can never...enough/too再……也不为过,越……越……。 3.may的一些常用固定搭配: may well+动词原形意为“完全能,很可能”,may/might as well+动词原形意为“最好,满可以,倒不如”。 4.must开头的问句,其否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to代替。 5.mustn’t表示“禁止、不许做某事”。 二、表示推测的情态动词用法比较一览表 情态动词 适用句式 适用时态 意义 典句示例 must 肯定句 一般时、进行时、完成时 一定、肯定 You must be hungry after the long walk. He must be sleeping in the dormitory. can(could) 疑问句,否定句 一般时、进行时、完成时 可能,能够 She can’t be reading in the reading room now. Can/Could this be an excuse for that? 情态动词 适用句式 适用时态 意义 典句示例 may (might) 肯定句,否定句 一般时、进行时、完成时 也许,可能 He may not be happy. He may be playing basketball on the playground. should(ought to) 肯定句 一般时 待,“应该” He should be around sixty years old.(确定) It’s nearly seven o’clock,Jack should be here at the moment.(期待) will(would) 肯定句、否定句、疑问句 一般时、进行时、完成时 大概 He will have forgotten me.I left him 18 years ago. It would be about ten when he left home. 三、“情态动词+have done”用法 类型 构成 主要用法 句式 典句示例 对过去 的推测 must have done 表示对过去已经发生的行为进行推测,意为“想必/准是/一定做了某事” 肯定句 You must have gone to bed late last night.Your eyes are red. can/could have done 表示对过去发生的行为的怀疑和不肯定 否定句、疑问句 He cannot have forgotten it. may/might have done 表示对过去已发生的行为的推测,意为“也许/或许/已经(没有)……” 肯定句、否定句 It’s too late.I think he may have gone to bed. 类型 构成 主要用法 句式 典句示例 表示后 悔、责备 或遗憾 could have done 表示虚拟意味,意为“本来能够(可以)……”(但实际并没有做) 肯定句 The accident could have been avoided. might have done 表示本来应该或可以做某事,含有轻微的责备语气 肯定句 You might have given him more help,though you were busy. should/ought to have done 表示本该做某事而实际上未做,否定形式表示做了本不应该做的事 肯定句、否定句 You are late.You ought to have arrived five minutes earlier. You shouldn’t have told her the news. 类型 构成 主要用法 句式 典句示例 表示后 悔、责备 或遗憾 needn’t have done 表示做了本来不必做的事 否定句 I actually needn’t have bought so much wine—only three people came. had better have done 用于事后的建议,含轻微责备的口吻,意为“当时最好做了某事” 肯定句、否定句 You had better have started earlier. You had better not have scolded her. would rather have done 表示“宁愿当时做了某事”(但事实上过去并未做) 肯定句、否定句 I would rather have taken his advice. I would rather not have said that. would have done“本愿意做而没做” would like/love to have done sth.过去愿意做但未做成 I would have gone to see the film with you but one of my friends came. I would love to have gone to the party last night,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. 特别提醒: didn’t need to do表示过去不必做,也没做某事 He was only 5 years old and didn’t need to go to school.

  Ⅱ.虚拟语气 一、虚拟语气在条件句中的应用 虚拟条件句 主句 典句示例 与现在事实相反的假设 If+主语+动词的过去式(be动词用were) 主语+should/would/could/might+动词原形 If I were you,I should seize the chance to go abroad. 如果我是你,我就抓住这次出国的机会。 与过去事实相反的假设 If+主语+had+过去分词 主语+should/would/could/might+have+过去分词 If you had taken my advice,you would not have failed in the exams. 如果你早听了我的意见,你就能通过考试了。 与将来事实相反的假设 1.If+主语+动词的过去式 2.If+主语+were to+动词原形 3.If+主语+should+动词原形 主语+should/would/could/might+动词原形 If he should not come tomorrow,we should put off the meeting till next Monday.如果明天他不来,我们就把会议推迟到下周一了。 二、虚拟语气的其他应用 类型 构成或用法 典句示例 用于 宾语 从句 中 用于表示要求,命令,建议,意图,决定,推荐等意义的动词,如order,require,demand,suggest,advise,propose,command,request,insist,recommend等后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词为(should+)动词原形 The teacher ordered that all of the students be here on time. He insisted that we(should)attend the meeting. wish+宾语从句的虚拟语气有三种表达方法: 过去时→表现在 过去完成时→表过去 could/would/might+动词原形→表将来 I wish she were here. I wish you had come to the lecture. I wish I could fly to the moon some day. would rather(would sooner)后的宾语从句,谓语用一般过去时表现在或将来要做的事。如谈到过去的动作,则用过去完成时 I’d rather you paid the money yourself. I’d rather you hadn’t done that. 类型 构成或用法 典句示例 用于 主语 从句 中 It is desired/suggested/proposed/necessary/important/possible/best/better/ strange/natural/essential/a pity+that从句,从句中的谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形” It is suggested that the meeting(should)be put off till next week. It is strange that he(should)have acted towards his parents like that. 用于 表语 从句 和同 位语 从句 中 在suggestion,proposal,order,plan,idea,request,advice等名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中要用虚拟语气。其构成是“(should+)动词原形” My suggestion is that you(should)visit China. We all agreed to his suggestion that we(should)go to Dalian for sightseeing. as if/though引导的表语从句 过去时→表现在 过去进行时→表现在进行 过去完成时→表过去 could/might/would+动词原形→表将来 It looks as if he were 10 years younger today. It looks as if he hadn’t had a meal for a week. It looks as if he could live for another century. 类型 构成或用法 典句示例 用于 定语 从句 中 在It is(high)time(that)...句型中定语从句的谓语动词用过去式或should+动词原形。(其中should不可省略)此句型意为“(现在)该……,是……的时间了”,用来表示建议 It is(high)time that you went/should go to school. 用于 状语 从句 中  as if/though引导的方式状语从句及even if/though引导的让步状语从句中: 过去时→表现在 过去进行时→表现在进行 过去完成时→表过去 could/might/would+动词原形→表将来 He talks as if he knew all about it. Even if he were here,he couldn’t solve the problem. 类型 构成或用法 典句示例 用于 简单 句中 hope,expect,think,mean,plan,want,intend,suppose等动词的“过去完成时”或它们的“过去时+不定式的完成时”表示过去未曾实现的希望、打算或用途。 We hoped to have stayed there a week. We had hoped to stay there a week. “if only+陈述句”表示现在的愿望用过去时;表示过去的愿望用过去完成时;表达将来的愿望用过去时或过去将来时。 If only

  I were a bird! If only

  we had listened to their advice. 类型 构成或用法 典句示例 特别 提醒 条件句中有were,had,should时,若省略if,则需把were,had,should放在主语前,构成倒装结构。如果省略的条件句的谓语动词是否定形式,不能用动词的缩略形式。 Were it not for the expense,I would go abroad now.(√) Weren’t it for the expense,I would go abroad now.(×) 虚拟条件句和主句动作若发生的时间不一致,主句和从句的谓语要根据各自所指的不同时间选用适当的虚拟语气形式,这种句子叫作错综时间条件句。 If I were you,I wouldn’t have missed the film last night.(现在→过去) If they had left home in early morning,they would arrive in half an hour.(过去→将来) 有时虚拟条件不用从句,而是通过上下文或用介词短语等表示出来,这种句子叫含蓄虚拟条件句。常用的介词有with,without,but for,otherwise等。 But for your help,we couldn’t have succeeded. Without electricity,life would be quite different today. I was ill that day,otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet. 类型 构成或用法 典句示例 特别 提醒 当suggest作“暗示,表明”,insist作“坚持认为”表示意见、看法解时,从句要用陈述语气。 Jane’s pale face suggested that she was ill,and her parents suggested that she(should)have a medical examination. as if/though引导表语从句时,若从句叙述的是真实的或出现的可能性很大的情况,从句要用陈述语气。 It looks as if it’s going to rain.(陈述语气)(事实如此) It seems as if the boy has lost his way. 谢谢观看! 第七讲

  情态动词和虚拟语气 情态动词是各地高考试题中的必考项目,每年高考单项填空必有一道考查情态动词的题目。考点依次是:推测(可能性),请求、允许,必要性等。其中对shall,should,must,can/could以及“情态动词+完成式”考查较多。 近几年高考对虚拟语气的考查并不太多,主要考查if条件从句和wish,as if等后面接的从句中,以及表示“坚持、建议、命令、要求”的词语,如:suggest,insist,demand,order等,及这些词的相应名词所跟的同位语从句和表语从句中的用法。有时会结合其它从句进行考查,把握语境是解决问题的关键。 Ⅰ.情态动词 一、常见的情态动词的基本用法 情态动词 主要用法 典句示例 can/could 表示能力 He can play table tennis quite well. 表示理论上的可能性,“有时候可能会” Even an experienced teacher can make mistakes. 表示请求和允许 —Can I go now? —Yes,you can. 表示请求,口语中常用could代替can Could you wait two days for the money? 表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信(主要用于否定句、疑问句和感叹句) Can the news be true? Can what he said just now be true? 表推测,译为“可能”(用于否定句和疑问句) Who can it be? He can’t come now.It’s

  raining so hard. 情态动词 主要用法 典句示例 may/might 表示允许、许可 May I use your mobile phone? 在表示请求、允许时,might比may的语气更委婉 She asked if she might open the window. 表示可能性的推测,含有“或许,可能”之意,用might代替may时,语气显得更加不肯定 Her appearance has changed so much that you may not recognize her. may用于祈使句中表示祝愿,句式需用倒装 May you return safe and sound. 情态动词 主要用法 典句示例 must 表示“必须;应该”。以must开头的问句,否定回答常用needn’t或don’t have to,肯定回答用must You must see the doctor. 表示有把握的推测,一般用于肯定句 She must be watching TV now. 表示“偏要,硬要”做某事 If you must smoke,please go out.


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