4.表示伴随状况或行为方式,这种用法没有相应的状语从句可以代替,但可以用并列复合句或两个简单句代替 Thousands of students stood there,watching. (=Thousands of students stood there and watched.)成千上万的学生站在那儿观看着。 They came into the classroom,singing and laughing. (=They sang and laughed,and came into the classroom.)他们又唱又笑地走进教室。
5.表示结果,作结果状语,没有相应的状语从句代替 The child fell,striking his head against the door and cutting it.小孩摔了一跤,头在门上碰破了。
【温馨提示】 (1)当v.ing形式作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语。如果v.ing短语的逻辑主语和句子主语不一致,即为错句。 Standing on the top of the mountain,I found the houses below looked like tiny toys. 当我站在山顶上时,我觉得下面的房子就像小玩具一样。 (2)有时动词的ing形式或动词的ing短语有自己的逻辑主语,它们之间有逻辑上的主谓关系,称之为独立主格结构。 Class being over,the children could play football. 下课了,孩子们可以踢足球了。
(3)v.ing为短语在句中作插入语,对全句作解释,此时不存在其逻辑主语必须和句子主语一致的问题。 Generally speaking,newspapers follow the American way. 一般地说,报纸采用美国英语的拼法。 Frankly speaking,I don’t enjoy the performance. 坦率地说,我并不喜欢这场演出。
(4)v.ing形式的否定式 not doing/not having done Not knowing Tom’s telephone number,Mary was very anxious.不知道汤姆的电话号码,玛丽很着急。 Not having finished my shopping,I couldn’t go home. 还没买完东西,我不能回家。
(5)v.ing的完成式 having done表示分词所表示的动作先发生。 Having lived in the city for ten years,he got tired of the noisy life. 在城市里住了十年后,他厌倦了这种喧闹的生活。 Ⅰ.用动词的ing形式改写下列句子 1.After the students had cleaned the classroom,the students went to the playground to watch the football match. 【答案】Having cleaned the classroom,the students went to the playground to watch the football match.
2.Our town has dozens of factories,which includes several saw mills. 【答案】Our town has dozens of factories,including several saw mills. 3.She is writing a letter to a friend of hers,for she wants to invite him to attend the meeting. 【答案】She is writing a letter to a friend of hers,inviting him to attend the meeting.
4.After the city had been flooded for several weeks,the city needed food. 【答案】Having been flooded for several weeks,the city needed food. 5.The secretary worked late into the night.She prepared a long speech for the president. 【答案】The secretary worked late into the night,preparing a long speech for the president. 6.I fell ill,which worried my parents. 【答案】My falling ill worried my parents. Ⅱ.根据提示翻译句子 1.在完成了我的家庭作业之后,我去了当地的自然保护区。(Having done … ) 【答案】Having finished my homework,I made my way to the local nature reserve. 2.感到很疲倦,他一回家就上床睡觉了。(v.ing) 【答案】Feeling exhausted,he went to bed as soon as he got home. 3.由于已经去过那里几次了,我昨天就没有跟朋友一起去。(Having done … ) 【答案】Having visited the place for many times,I didn’t go there with my friend yesterday. 4.我不知怎样找到地铁,就去找警察帮忙。(v.ing) 【答案】Not knowing how to find the subway,I asked a policeman for help. 5.布朗先生刷过牙,就下楼来吃早饭。(Having done … ) 【答案】Having brushed his teeth,Mr.Brown came downstairs for breakfast. 读写任务(五) 记叙文的叙事结构 一、记叙文的基本知识 记叙文的要素包括:时间、地点、人物、事件(开头、发展、高潮、结束),它们是构成一篇完整的记叙文不可以缺少的要素。具体的叙述过程可以体现在下面的“武松打虎”的故事里。 叙事结构 故事 说明 点题 Mr.Wu Song was a famous hero in China,who killed a tiger barefisted 900 years ago. 点明了故事的主题 指向 With a meneating tiger in the forest,no one dared to cross the hill alone.But Wu tried it by himself. 介绍故事的缘起,一般包括时、地、人、事等等 叙事结构 故事 说明 进展1 He felt tired in the forest and fell asleep under a big tree …
连续多个(进展+评议)的叙事结构反复套用,推动故事情节的发展,不知不觉地渗透了作者的情感与价值观念。这个写作手法很常用,叫做“夹叙夹议” 评议1 But he didn’t know he was in great danger! 进展2 Suddenly out jumped an eyehanging and whiteforehead tiger from the big tree …
评议2 What a great hero Wu was.Alive or dead,he would fight barefisted a ferocious beast. 结果 Finally,the beast was beaten to death …
故事结束,满足了读者的好奇心 回应 It is important to keep calm and be brave before danger. 故事的寓意 (教育功能)
从上述的故事来看,采用的是第三人称Wu Song,作者没有出场,作者是隐藏的,不出现在文章中,但是他(她)更像一位无所不知的旁观者,等待适当的时机向读者“抛售”他(她)隐藏的情感与价值观念(例如“What a great hero Wu Was”强烈暗示了对武松的褒扬,读者的情感不自觉地被引导到某个目标),这些隐藏的情感与价值观念就是写作的动机,也就是写作目的。写作目的制约写作过程的所有方面,如图: 制约下位因素 写作目的 被制约地位,为写作目的服务 1记叙文的要素 2叙事的结构 3修辞过程 a时间 a点题 a精心构思情节 b地点 b指向 b主题句安排 c人物 c进展 c句型选择 d事件(开头、发展、高潮、结束) d评议 d用词选择 e结果和回应 ……
二、记叙文的主要特点 故事“武松打虎”的写作目的是赞扬武松的英勇无畏,临危不惧的精神。为了达到这个写作目的,作者作了如下安排。 第一,选择特殊意义的事件 叙述故事属于文学性的创作,最重要的素材内容,武松打虎是一个优秀的材料,充分体现了英雄气概,因为打虎几乎没有人能够做到。 第二,令人难忘的情节 叙事的开头就要抓住读者的兴趣。武松单人过冈,究竟有没有老虎?老虎来了,命运如何?情节发展要快,情理之中,意料之外。 第三,形象生动的描写 语言应该具体、生动、新鲜、形象(例如Suddenly out jumped an eyehanging and whiteforehead tiger from the big tree … ),人物形象跃然纸上。 这三个要求反映到高考写作的过程,我们建议用“事件时空叠加法”创造合适的故事素材。 三、记叙文的内容构思——“事件时空叠加法” 【例题】 请根据以下的任务说明和写作要求,写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 【阅读材料】 Mother’s Day When Mother’s Day was coming.Many good children were trying to find a good present for their beloved mothers.
Danny,aged 16,studied as a top student in a Indian middle school.He finally decided to buy a dishwasher for his mother.Firstly,dishwasher could set his mother free from daily dishwashing.Then more time could be spared for rest and to do things she liked to do.Secondly,dishwasher could protect mother’s hands from detergent(洗涤剂).The boy put the machine in the kitchen without being noticed.He left a message on which he wrote down words like this: Happy mother’s Day!
Xiao Hong,aged 15,was a monitress in a mountain village school.She was about to visit her friends when she found her mother washing clothes in the courtyard.They didn’t have a washing machine.Seeing her mother look tired,she picked up the phone to cancel the appointment.She smiled and helped her mother with washing and the other housework …
然后以120词写一篇记叙文,描写在母亲节给妈妈送礼物的一次经历,并包括以下的内容要点: (1)叙述一次在母亲节给妈妈送礼物的真实或虚构的经历; (2)你送礼物的经过; (3)你对这件事情的感想。
【写作要求】 1.可以参照阅读材料的篇章结构,组织例子或故事,但不得直接引用原文的句子; 2.标题自定
四、学生样本分析 1 That day was Mother’s day.But my mother couldn’t spend the day with me because she was ill in hospital.2 I got up early to see her.When I got to her room,I found she was still sleeping,so I decided to go to buy breakfast for my mother. 1.开头缺少了“点题”,可以加上“This year’s mother’s day is the most unforgettable day for me”点明主题。 2.“指向”部分有味道,感人,吸引人。 3.总结评论:第一段交代清楚了记叙文的基本要素:时间、地点、人物、事件。 After I bought her some breakfast,4 it rained heavily suddenly. I had to wait until the rain stopped in the shop.Half an hour past,it still rained heavily.I thought my mother might get up and wait for me.So I decided to run to the hospital without an umbrella.I was wet and felt cold when I was running in the heavy rain.Suddenly I fell down because I stepped upon skins of banana.All the breakfast were fallen on the street at the same time,so I had to buy another breakfast for her again.When I went back to mother’s room with breakfast,my mother felt surprised for my wet and dirty clothes.5 I found her eyes was filled with tears.
4.“进展”的雨很及时,增加了文学味道,“孝心”经历了雨的洗礼。 5.“结果”达到了“孝心”写作目的。 6.总结评论:可惜整段没有“评论”。尝试把第三段的黑体画线句子插在“I found her eyes was filled with tears”之前,构成“进展+评论”的叙事结构。多2~3组效果会更好。
This story makes me think deeply.My mother has taken good care of me for over 18 years.7 It was first time for me to take good care of her for return.I think I should treat my mother better in the future.In the past 18 years,8 I seldom do something for her as buying breakfast for her.But she still loves me and takes good care of me.I must also take good care of her.
7.黑体画线句子调走后,第三段轻松些。 “回应”的议论性抒情画龙点睛,但要简短才能够发人深思。这段文字比较冗长。 8.斜体部分有语法错误,但并不影响表达。 我们来分析一下记叙文的要素与叙事结构: 经过一系列有目的的构思,因素有机组合,写成了上述一篇感人的好文章,作文有三难,内容,结构和表达。内容要有效,题材好,结构巧妙,才有好文章。 时间 地点 事件 母亲节的时候 在外面 看望母亲 母亲手术后 医院病房 发现她病在床上 母亲再次病了的时候 在雨中 给她买早餐,摔跤湿透 母亲不能照顾我的时候 在大街上 早餐是最好的礼物 五、写作练笔 以Mother’s Day为题目,描写在母亲节给妈妈送礼物的一次经历。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【答案】 【参考范文】 I will never forget that special day I spent with my mother. Mother could only wear soft shoes after the operation,But her old ones were worn out.It was Mother’s Day today.I bought my mother a pair of sport shoes with the money saved. “Mum,I am back.”But I received no answer.It was quite unusual.I stepped into mother’s room,only to find her in bed.She was finally ill with heavy work,unable to hear me in her sweet dream …
I put aside the box and tiptoed into the kitchen.After some time,I put a hot porridge beside her bed.Mother’s gray hairs spread on the pillow and shone in the sunshine from the window.I began to comb her hair.I felt sour in my throat.Suddenly mother woke up and found what I was doing. That day was the first time that I had fed my mother. I found guilty in the depth of my heart.I didn’t know what to do.But my mother has kept it as the best gift. Period 3 Grammar v.ing形式或v.ing短语作状语往往修饰谓语动词表示动作,相当于相应的状语从句或并列句。 1.表示时间,作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句 Walking along the street,I met my old classmate.(=While I was walking along the street,I met my old classmate.)我在街上走的时候碰到了老同学。 现在分词(v.ing)作状语 Turning on the light=(When he turned on the light),he was surprised to see his son lying on the floor. 他打开灯,惊讶地看见儿子躺在地上。 when/while+动词的ing形式强调其表示的动作和谓语动词动作同时发生。 Look out for cars when (you are) crossing the street.过街时注意车辆。 Don’t reach sideways while (you are) standing on a ladder.站在梯子上时,不要侧着身子伸手去拿东西。
2.表示原因,作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句 Being too young(=As he was too young),he couldn’t join the army.因为太年幼,他不能参军。 Not knowing how to get there(=As I did not know how to get there),I had to ask the way. 因为不知道如何到那里,我只得问路。
3.表示条件,作条件状语,相当于条件状语从句 Driving too fast(=If you drive too fast),you will damage the car.如果你开车太快,你会把车子弄坏的。 Having more time(=If I have more time),I will do the work much better. 如果我有更多时间,我会把工作做得更好。
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