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2017届高考英语一轮复习梯级训练: Unit 1(人教版必修1)

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Ⅰ. 完成句子

  1. (2017·山东高考)The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers.

  听说他信任的两个工人要离开, 经理很忧虑。

  2. (2017·新课标全国卷Ⅱ)It wasMr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.


  3. (2017·浙江高考)There are some health problems that, , can become bigger ones later on.

  有些健康问题, 如果不及时治疗, 日后会变成大问题。

  4. All these gifts must be mailed immediatelyin time for Christmas.

  为了(所有的礼物)能在圣诞节前被及时收到, 所有的礼物必须被马上寄出。

  5. I have never heard of the names youthe list.


  6. The meetingreforms and everyone present____________ their own interests.

  会议与改革有关, 出席会议的每个人都担心自己的利益。

  1. were leaving

  2. only after he had read the papers that

  3. when not treated in time

  4. in order to/so as to be received

  5. added to

  6. was concerned with

  was concerned for

  Ⅱ. 用所给单词和短语的适当形式填空

  entirely, upset, ignore, concern, grateful, settle down,

  on purpose, get along with, go through, add up to 1. How much money I earn is none of your_______.

  2. She was very_______ to hear that she failed in the exam again.

  3. I said hello to her, but she_______ me completely and walked on!

  4. The big earthquake that happened in Ya’an destroyed the city_______.

  5. I am_______ to you for your great help.

  6. The old lady_______ two world wars.

  7. —Did he break it accidentally?


  He did it_______.

  8. The money she spends on clothes a month_______ 1, 000 yuan.

  9. How is he_______ his new classmates?

  10. He has_______ in America for 20 years after he moved there in 1994.

  答案: 1. concern

  2. upset

  3. ignored

  4. entirely

  5. grateful

  6. went through

  7. on purpose

  8. adds up to

  9. getting along with

  10. settled down

  Ⅲ. 语篇完形

  Anne was a little girl who lived in the capital of Netherlands during World WarⅡ. Her family was Jewish, 1. they had to hide to avoid 2. ______ (catch)by the German Nazis. They hid away for about two years 3. ______they were discovered. During that time Anne formed the habit of keeping a diary, 4. ______she made her best friend. She set down how she 5. ______ (feel)in her diary.

  Not having been able to be outdoors for long, Anne grew crazy 6. ______ everything to do with nature. One evening, for example, she stayed awake on purpose 7. ______ late into the night so as to have a good 8. ______ (look)at the moon. Another time she happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. She didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. 9. ______ was the first time in a year and a half that she’d seen the night face to face. Sadly, she was only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very 10. ______ (dust)windows.

  答案: 1. so

  2. being caught

  3. before

  4. which

  5. felt

  6. about

  7. until

  8. look

  9. It

  10. dusty

  Ⅳ. 话题写作

  根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。

  1. 我的朋友李明, 经常为一些小事而心烦, 不能冷静。同学们都很厌烦他, 不理睬他。(be upset about, calm, get/be tired of, ignore)

  2. 老师们很关心他, 多次和他进行了面对面地交谈。所有的努力都是白费力气。(be concerned about, face to face)

  3. 一天黄昏时刻, 他突然肚子疼。老师和同学们立刻把他送到医院并看护他。(at dusk, suffer from)

  4. 康复之后, 他非常感激老师和同学们。(recover, be grateful to)

  5. 他再也不扰乱同学们了, 经常加入到他们当中来解决一些问题。(join. . . in. . . , settle)

  6. 他和同学们现在相处得很好。(get along with)

  7. 在我看来, 正是老师和同学们的爱和关心完全地改变了他。(as far as sb.

  be concerned, it is. . . that, entirely)


  My friend Li Ming is always upset about some small things and couldn’t keep calm. His classmates are tired of him and ignore him.

  Teachers are concerned about him and often talk with him face to face, however, all the efforts are in vain.

  One day at dusk, he suffered from a stomachache.

  The teachers and students sent him to hospital without delay and took good care of him.

  After he recovered, he was grateful to the teachers and classmates.

  From then on, he no longer disturbs his classmates and often joins them in settling some problems.

  He is getting along well with his classmates now.

  As far as I’m concerned, it’s the love and care from the teachers and his classmates that has changed him entirely.


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