解析:选B.句意:我们极力劝说他待在家里,但大都是徒劳的,尽管他生着重病,最后还是去了工地.in vain(=vainly)徒劳地,白费力气地. 3.At last she wiped________the jar and filled it with clean water. A.off
B.up C.out
解析:选C.考查wipe短语.wipe out“擦净……的内部”;wipe...off“擦掉”; wipe...up“擦净(液体等)”;wipe...away“擦去(眼泪)等”.
4.It is not a good habit to state your opinion________ and you’d better think it over before you act. A.at all
B.full of faith C.at once
D.at random
解析:选D.从“you’d better think it over before you act”看出要“三思而后 行”.空白处应该填入at random,前半句“随便发表你的观点不是一种好习惯”,与后半句相吻合.
句型巧析 1(教材P39)Meanwhile,governments worldwide have also underlined the_fact_that thorough and systematic medical research on Bird Flu... 同时,全球各国政府也重视这个现实,那就是,对禽流感进行全面有序的医疗研究……
【句法分析】 the fact that...,that引导的为同位语从句,用来解释说明某一名词的内容和实质;同位语从句一般用that而不用which引导,但也可以用连接代词(what,which,who)、连接副词(when,where,why,how)或whether引导。 ①The young man made a promise to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation. 这位年轻人向他的父母许诺说毕业之后他将努力自食其力. ②I have no idea how he did it. 我不知道他是如何做的.
③The news_that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging.我们应邀去参加那个会议的消息很令人鼓舞.
2(教材P34) It_is_compulsory_for_winners_to_be tested but other participants are only tested at random. 对于获胜者可以强迫其进行检测.而对其他参赛选手,则只能随意抽测.
【句法分析】It is +adj./n.+(for sb.)+to do...,句式中it是形式主语,代替后面真正的主语——不定式。 ①It’s hard to get a dozen CEOs to agree about anything but most agree with the Waiter Rule. 很难让十几个CEO们一致赞同任何事情,但大多数都同意侍者规则. ②It is amusing_to_listen_to music in the evening. 晚上听音乐真有趣. ③It’s fun to go out for a drive on such a nice evening. 在这样一个晴朗的夜晚开车出去兜风真是太有趣了.
跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.要弥补已失去的时光是不可能的. It________________for lost time____________________. is impossible to be made up 2.他们面临着是否应该继续这项工作的问题. They are faced with the problem ___________________________the work. whether they should continue 3.很难想象,它们在这么短的时间内完成了这项工作. ____________________________how they could finish the work in such a short time. It’s hard to imagine 4.他一直撒谎的事实让我们很吃惊. The fact
________________________ makes us surprised.
that he tells lies all the time Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2011·高考天津卷)Modern science has given clear evidence________smoking can lead to many diseases. A.what B.which C.that
2.________is not necessary for you to have told her about the bad news. A.There
B.It C.That
D.This 解析:选B.it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式.
3.Evidence has been piled up_____ drinking water after getting up in the morning contributes to one’s health. A.what
B.which C.if
4.The chairman thought________necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. A.that
B.it C.this
解析:选B.it代替后面的不定式to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting,此句式为:think+it+adj.+(for sb.)to do sth.结构.
温馨提示 请做课时作业 选修七 Unit 21 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 解析:选B.句意:一开始我不喜欢肥皂剧,但是当我开始看的时候,我立刻就被吸引住了.be accustomed to习惯于;be addicted to迷上,上瘾;be opposed to反 对,与……对立;be allergic to对……过 敏.
8.The old lady came to the police station and claimed________of her purse when she was shopping. A.to be robbed B.to be robbing C.to rob D.to have been robbed 解析:选D.考查rob的用法.句意:这位老妇人来到警局,声称在购物时钱包被抢了.rob sb.of sth.抢某人某物,the old lady与rob之间存在逻辑动宾关系,故用不定式的被动式,且被抢动作发生在claim“宣称”之前,故用不定式的完成被动式,D项正确.
9.Nobody can________his rude behavior,and that’s why he has no friend. A.accustom
B.understand C.cover
解析:选D.句意:没有人能容忍他的粗鲁行为,所以他没有朋友.tolerate容忍,忍受;accustom习惯于;understand理解; cover覆盖.
短语细解 11in vain 徒然,白费力气 (教材P34)Floyd Landis made several lame excuses blaming medicine he had been taking for an injury but these were all in_vain. 弗洛伊德·兰蒂斯做了几次站不住脚的辩解,责怪他因伤服用的药物,但是这些都是徒劳的.
归纳拓展 ①We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机. ②We tried vainly to persuade her not to go. 我们劝她别去,她不听.
③He was vain about his looks,spending hours in the gym. 他对自己的外表很自负,在健身房里一呆就是几个小时.
12at random 随便地,随意地 (教材P34)It is compulsory for
winners to be tested but other participants
are only tested at_random. 获胜者要强制性地进行检查,而其他参与者只是随意地检查.
归纳拓展 ①(牛津P1637)My phone seems to switch itself off randomly. 我的手机好像随时自动关机. ②He was not listening and made a random answer to the teacher’s question. 他没有在听讲,对教师的问题瞎答一通.
③Fortune numbers are chosen at_random on the computer. 幸运号码是在电脑上随意选出来的.
13at all costs 不惜任何代价;无论如何 (教材P34)The Olympic spirit—the spirit of competition which emphasises taking part rather than winning—has been violated by the desire to succeed at_all_costs. 人们不惜任何代价来获胜的愿望违背了重在参与而不是获胜的奥林匹克精神.
归纳拓展 ①I must finish the work by tomorrow at_all_costs. 我无论如何得在明天之前完成这项工 作. ②The new building’s going up at a cost of $82 million. 修建这座大楼要花费8,200万美元.
③He saved his son from drowning but only at_the_cost_of his own life. 他救了溺水的儿子,但自己却丢了性命.
14at any rate 无论如何,至少 (教材P137)If trends continue the way they’re going,then in my opinion,yes—in developed countries at_any_rate. 在我看来,如果照目前的趋势发展下去,会是这样的——至少发达国家是这样.
归纳拓展 ①We may miss the next bus, but at any rate we’ll be there before midday. 我们可能赶不上下一趟公共汽车,但无论如何,中午以前我们总可以到那里. ②At_this_rate,_we will soon be bankrupt. 照这样下去,我们很快就会破产.
15wipe out 彻底毁灭;全部摧毁 (教材P38)Epidemics can wipe_out up to half of the population in urban areas. 流行病能毁灭城市地区的一半人口.
归纳拓展 ①A summer fire can wipe out all the grass. 夏季的一场火可把草都烧光. ②He wiped_away the grease from the windshield of the car.他擦去了汽车挡风玻璃上的油渍.
③She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face. 她站起来擦擦脸上的汗珠. ④(牛津P2644)The heat had wiped us out. 炎热使我们精疲力尽.
跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空 at all costs,get down to,get through,miss out,focus on,put off,bring up,at random,at any rate,straight away 1.She took a book ______________and sat down with it open on her lap. 2.Creative people
can always________________new ideas. 3.You must be on time for your work________________. at random bring up
at all costs 4.Mary________________her work early on that morning. 5.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said all countries needed to show confidence,cooperation,and responsibility to___________the crisis. got down to get through 6.She keeps________________going to the dentist. 7.Well,if I were you,I’d go to the police station________________and report it. 8.I’ll do nothing until I hear from you,________________. putting off straight away at any rate 9.Just turn up the music on your radio and__________that. 10.I notice that the advertisement________________the price of the product. focus on misses out Ⅱ.单项填空 1._______,he would make special mention of it in the report,for he has given us many hints about it in advance. A.At any rate B.At any moment C.At any time
D.At any price 解析:选A.句意:无论如何,他会在报告中特别提到这件事的,因为他已经事先暗示我们多次了.和后面的信息一致,应该为“无论如何”.B项“随时”;C项“在任何时候”;D项“不惜任何代价”.
2.We tried________to persuade him to stay home, but at last, he went to the construction site in spite of his bad illness. A.vain
B.in vain C.in fact
D.in vainly
虽然医生们并没有完全明白昏迷及其恢复过程,但是他们普遍认为病人持续昏迷的时间越长,会降低他们恢复的可能性. 归纳拓展 辨析
decline,refuse,reject decline 作“拒绝”之意时,常指有礼貌地回绝,婉言谢绝,其主语只能是人. refuse 语气比decline重,主语可以是人也可以是物. reject 比refuse语气更重,意为“抛弃,拒收,不采纳”. ①(朗文P439)I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了. ②An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.汽车的增加导致了公共交通的减少.
③Allen angrily declined_to discuss the matter.艾伦气愤地拒绝谈论此事. ④(2011·高考安徽卷)We learn from the text that in Ireland food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline in population.我们可以从这篇文章得出:十九世纪四十年代粮食的短缺导致了爱尔兰人口的下降.
9submit vt.递交;提交;顺从;屈服;认输 (教材P137)You were supposed to submit it on the 14th June. 你本应该在6月14日提交它(文章).
归纳拓展 ①All applications must be submitted by Monday. 所有申请必须在星期一前递交. ②Should you submit yourself to him? 你应该顺从他吗?
③She refused to submit_to his control. 她不屈服于他的控制. ④I submit that more proof is needed to support the case. 我认为这个案子需要更多的证据证实. 辨析
submit...to...,submit to submit...to... “呈交”,submit为vt. submit to “服从”,submit为vi. 助 记 He submitted to the headmaster’s order that all teachers should submit that report to the headmaster.他服从了校长的命令,所有的老师都应将那份报告呈交给校长. 10temporary adj.临时的,短暂的 (教材P40)...,Terri’s parents still believed that her coma was only temporary. ……,特瑞的父母仍然认为她的昏迷只是暂时的.
归纳拓展 ①(朗文P1589)Students often find temporary jobs during their summer holidays. 学生们常常在暑假打临工.
②(朗文P1589)We apologize for the temporary inconvenience caused by these building works. 对于建筑施工造成的短期不便,我们谨致歉意.
跟踪训练 Ⅰ.品句填词 1.The basketball game was __________until next week because of the bad weather. 2.She refused to __________being called a liar. postponed tolerate 3.My parents are _________to my giving up the job. 4.Our government has decided to eliminate all charges on rural students receiving the nine-year ____________education.
opposed compulsory 5.Let us __________to fight poverty and disease. 6.We all stood there in silence, __________(哀悼)the victims in the May 12 Earthquake. unite mourning 7.We made a __________(彻底的) search for drugs. 8.Pop music is now in __________(下降),while country music catches on.
thorough decline 9.It was __________(荒唐的)of you to suggest such a thing. 10.The man arrested by the police admitted his __________(未遂的) murder of his wife. absurd attempted Ⅱ.单项填空 1.It was an unpopular decision to postpone________the new school. A.building B.to build C.having built
D.to have built
解析:选A.考查postpone+v.-ing. postpone后跟动词-ing形式,build将要发生而非已发生,故用动名词的一般式.
2.We advised the hijackers(劫持者)to ________themselves to the police. A.submit
B.bury C.treat
3.I fear that a prior engagement will ________me from joining you at dinner. A.disagree
B.prohibit C.allow
4.Early editions of Shakespeare’s plays are much________after by collectors. A.run
解析:选B.考查动词词义辨析.句意:搜集家们大量搜寻莎士比亚戏剧的早期版本.seek after寻找,搜寻,追求,探索.
5.Looking from this hill,you may think the ________hill is higher. A.contrary
B.opposite C.objective
解析:选B.考查形容词词义辨析.根据句意,应该是对面的山,所以答案为B.contrary相反的;objective客观的; opposing对立的;对方的.
6.It has been revealed that some government leaders________their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A.employ
B.take C.abuse
解析:选C.句意:一些政府领导被揭露滥用职权,非法为个人谋利.abuse 滥用,妄用(权力等),(不当地)使用;employ 雇用,使用;take 拿,取;overlook 俯瞰,眺望;忽略.
7.I didn’t like the soap opera at first,but when I started watching one,I immediately became________it. A.accustomed to
B.addicted to C.opposed to
D.allergic to
考点串讲?讲练互动 单词精研 1abuse vt.滥用 n.滥用,恶习 (教材P34)Taking these drugs is known as “doping”and although they enhance performance,
they also cause serious health problems in later life for those who abuse them. 众所周知,服用这些药物就是服用“兴奋剂”,尽管兴奋剂有助于提高成绩,但同时也会给那些滥用兴奋剂的运动员招来日后生活中的严重的健康麻烦. 归纳拓展 ①The rude man abused his wife mercilessly. 那个粗鲁的男人对妻子无情地辱骂. ②The president should be prevented from abusing his power.总统应该被限制,以防他滥用权力. ③A stream of abuse came from his lips.他说了一些粗话.
2seek vt.寻求;追求;探求;探索 (教材P34)Doping is not only a problem in athletics,it is part of every sport where athletes seek to achieve beyond their natural limits and are prepared to cheat to do so. 服用兴奋剂不仅仅是田径运动中存在的问题,而且是每个运动项目都存在的问题,体育运动员想在这些运动中取得超常的成绩而准备欺骗.
归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考重庆卷)The author convinces people to seek comforting worldviews. 作者说服人们去寻求正确的世界观.
②(2010·高考重庆卷)...we seek to understand and communicate with things that exist only in our imaginations or on a computer screen. ……对于仅存在于我们想象中或者在电脑屏幕上的东西,我们力图去理解并与之交流.
③We should constantly seek advice from the masses. 我们应当经常征求群众的意见.
④We should never seek_for fame and position. 我们决不应该追求名誉和地位.
3tolerate vt.容忍,忍受 (教材P34)The sports world does not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating. 由于它是影响力大的欺骗形式,所以体育界是不会容忍运动员服用兴奋剂的.
归纳拓展 ①(朗文P1628)I won’t tolerate your bad manners any longer. 我再也不能忍受你那种恶劣的态度了. ②The plants are tolerant of frost. 这些植物耐霜.
③(2010·高考广东卷)I can’t tolerate any more excuse.If I don’t receive the check immediately... 我再也无法容忍任何的借口,如果我不能尽快收到账单……
4oppose vt.反对 (教材P34)Gene-therapy is very controversial and many people oppose further research into it. 基因治疗是很有争议的,许多人反对对它做进一步研究.
助 记
①China and Canada,both important countries,should jointly oppose protectionism in all its forms while expanding trade and economic cooperation. 中国和加拿大这两个重要的国家,应该共同反对一切形式的保护主义,同时扩大贸易和经济合作. ②He is opposed by two other candidates. 他遭到了另外两名候选人的对抗. ③But the British government has said it is_opposed_to any fresh EU institutional changes. 但英国政府已经表示,它反对欧盟机构任何新的变革.
5contradict vt.与(其他事物)相矛盾;反驳 (教材P34)However,if a generation of sports stars with enhanced genes were created,it would contradict the whole spirit of sport. 然而,如果一代有强化基因的运动明星被造出来,这将有悖于整个运动精神.
归纳拓展 ①(朗文P472)Your behaviour is in direct contradiction to the principles you claim to have. 你的行为和宣称的原则相违背. ②What he did contradicted what he said. 他言行不一(相矛盾).
③The two statements contradict each other. 两种说法相互抵触.
6postpone vt.推迟;延期 (教材P37)Example 1 postpone 例1“推迟”
归纳拓展 ①They’ve decided to postpone having a baby for a while. 他们决定推迟一段时间要孩子. ②The summer sports meeting in our school has been postponed for several weeks for the heavy rain. 因大雨我们学校的夏季运动会被推迟了几个星期.
③The concert has been postponed_to Saturday. 音乐会延迟到星期六. 【重点提示】 postpone后接for表示延迟的时间;后接until/till/to表示延后到的日期.
7prohibit vt.禁止;阻止 (教材P38)...,scientists have been doing trials on treatments to prohibit any future outbreaks. ……,科学家们一直在做治疗实验以防止将来再次爆发. 归纳拓展 辨析 prohibit,forbid prohibit 只指以法律或官方行政手段,尤指以正式规章制度的形式加以禁止. forbid 既可指个人作出的约束,也可指有关方面如国家、政府、机关等作出的规定或准则. ①(2010·高考陕西卷)If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam,the problem will certainly get much worse.如果法律的制定者不尽快采取措施去禁止垃圾邮件,问题当然会更糟.
②We are prohibited_from drinking alcohol during working hours.工作时间内我们不得喝酒. ③The price prohibited us from buying it. 这东西价钱太高,我们买不起.
8decline v.下降;婉拒 n.下降;减少 (教材P40)Even though doctors don’t fully understand comas and process of recovery,it is generally agreed that a patient’s chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma.
栏目导引 基础盘点?自测自评 考点串讲?讲练互动 选修七 Unit 21 Human Biology——人类生物学 选修七 类型:发言稿 典例:假如你参加学校组织的“英语学习师生座谈会”,简单介绍自己英语学习的情况,并对学校今后的英语教学提出建议. 佳作晨背?文思泉涌 【佳作模板】 Dear teachers and schoolmates, ?It’s a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you.I’m interested in English and hope to be an interpreter in the future. Naturally it’s very important for me to learn English well.As everybody knows vocabulary is an important part of language,just like bricks in a building.I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible.After class, I often listen to English programs on TV and on the radio.Besides,I’ve learned a lot from the Internet and other sources. Now,I’d like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school. ?Firstly,we should be given more opportunities to use what we’ve learned in order to have a better grasp of it.Secondly,I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them.Finally, I suggest we have more English activities,such as English contests and festivals. Thank you for listening., 【佳句储备】 ?It’s a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you. I’m pleased to be here today and introduce my experience of learning English to you. ?Firstly,we should be given more opportunities to use what we’re learned in order to have a better grasp of it. Firstly,we should more often use what we’ve learned so as to learn it better.
基础盘点?自测自评 核心单词 1.__________vt.吸收;吸引 2.__________adj.各种各样的,不同的 3._________adj.以前的,从前的;n.前者 4.__________vt.消化;领会
absorb various former digest 5.__________vi.减少,减小 6.__________vt.推迟,延期 7.__________adj.常规的;n.惯例,常规 8.__________vt.揭露 9.__________adj.简洁的;短暂的 10.__________vt.不顾,不理,忽视→__________n.无知 decline postpone routine expose brief ignore ignorance 11.__________vt.告诉;通知→____________n.信息 12.__________n.&v.防御;防备→__________vt.保卫 13.__________vt.容忍→tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的→__________ n.容忍
inform information defence defend tolerate tolerance 14.__________vt.款待→_________n.治疗 15.__________n.储存→__________vi.储存,存放 16.Drinking is __________and the __________against drunk driving will save many lives. treat treatment storage store prohibited prohibition 17.You are__________(幸运的) because all of the__________(钱财)will belong to you in no time.
fortunate fortune 高频短语 1.________________
抢劫某人某物 2.________________
开始做 3.________________
永久地 4.________________
通过(考试);完成 5.________________
整理;解释;澄清 rob sb.of sth. get down to for good get through clear up 6.________________
仔细检查;复习 7.________________
不管多大代价,无论如何 8.________________
彻底毁灭 9.__________________
终止;消灭 go over at all costs wipe out stop sth.in its tracks 10.________________
立刻,马上 11.________________
无论如何;至少 12.________________
徒劳,白费力气 13.________________
straight away at any rate in vain at random 典型句式 1.与过去事实相反的虚拟语气 Many contemporary amateur athletes ______________________________(会打破世界纪录)if they had taken part in the first Olympic Games.
would have broken world records 2.It is/was+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth. it用作形式主语 Unfortunately,____________(是不容易的)to catch athletes using illegal drugs.
it is not easy
3.sb./sth.be believed to... 某人或某物被认为是…… Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months,with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old,the Spanish Flu_____________________ (被认为是)the most acute epidemic in history.
is believed to have been 4.It seems a pity that... “……似乎很遗憾” __________________________(似乎真是个遗憾)thousands of people who could have benefited from Traditional Chinese Medicine missed out because of ignorance.
It seems a real pity that 单元语法 虚拟语气 1.(2017·浙江金华十校3月联考)—Why don’t you come to Mike’s birthday party yesterday? —Well,I________,but I had something important to do at the moment.
B.must C.should have
D.must have 解析:选C.should have在这里相当于should have come to Mike’s birthday party yesterday即“昨天本应该去参加迈克的生日晚会的”.should have done表“本应该做的事(但实际上未做)”.
2.(2017·哈师大附中,东北师大附中,辽宁省实验中学联考)________it rain tomorrow,we would have to cancel the football match. A.Were
B.Would C.Will
解析:选D.句意:如果明天下雨,我们将不得不取消足球比赛.前半句是对将来情况的虚拟,补充完整为“If it should rain tomorrow”.省略if后,要将should提到主语之前,引起倒装.
3.(2017·浙江温州适应性测试)The story is so descriptive—I feel as if I________there. A.would be
B.were C.am
D.have been
4.(2017·江苏南京模拟)Look at the trouble we’re in.If only we________our teachers’advice! A.took B.would take C.would have taken D.had taken
解析:选D.根据句意可知我们已经陷入了困境,老师提建议是发生在过去,因此本题的虚拟语气是与过去的事实相反,故选择had taken.if only表示“要是……就好了”.
5.(2011·高考北京卷)—Where are the children?The dinner’s going to be completely ruined. —I wish they________always late. A.weren’t B.hadn’t been C.wouldn’t be D.wouldn’t have been
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