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发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  Some trees can survive a long time without water. Think of trees that grow in the desert. But other trees may need more moisture (水分)than they can get from rainfall or from the air .

  Trees and other plants can look thirsty. Leaves can become weak and hang downward. They can also turn yellow. Yellowing can be a sign of too much water. But it can also be a warning sign of too little water.

  With a newly planted tree, the roots have not yet spread out from the root ball. The root ball can become dry faster than the dirt around it. So put water on the area of the root ball and the surrounding soil until the roots become established.

  Once a tree is well established, water deeply instead of watering often. The amount of water needed depends on the tree and the soil. Clay(黏土) soils hold water for longer periods while sandy soil holds less water. During the hottest season, a deep watering may satisfy a tree for anywhere from ten days to four weeks.

  Ted Swiecki is a plant scientist . He says people should not water established trees at the base of the trunk(树干). This can harm the tree. Too much water in the soil at the base of a tree can lead to the growth of fungi(菌类). If the area is too wet, harmful organisms have a better chance to invade the tree and cause disease.

  Mr. Swiecki says this is true especially in Mediterranean and semi-dry climates. Many trees in these climates have adapted to having a dry area near their base during the hottest season. He said, "Water displaces (取代,排出)air in the soil. And roots are aerobic(需氧的); they require oxygen for the soil to function properly. So if you keep the soil completely wet and there's no air there, then the roots are starving for oxygen."

  56.What is the passage mainly about?

  It introduces to us different kinds of trees

  It instructs us how to water trees correctly

  It teaches us how to tell whether a tree needs water

  It analyses why different trees need different amounts of water

  57.What does the underlined word “this”in the last paragraph refer to ?

  Water displaces air in the soil

  Many trees have got used to dry soil

  Organisms can invade the soil that is too wet

  Water established trees at the base of trunks

  As to a well-established tree,


  watering deeply matters more than watering often

  we should water them as often as possible

  its roots have not spread out from the root ball yet

  a deep watering satisfies it for at most ten days in cold weather

  59.Which of the following situations requires the most watering?

  Newly planted trees in sandy soil

  Newly planted trees in clay soil

  Well-established trees in clay soil

  Well-established trees in sandy soil

  60.Which of the following does NOT share a close meaning in the passage?

  Fungus and organism

  B. Moisture and water

  C. Root and base

  D. Dirt and desert


  The time children spend outdoors could be linked to a reduced risk of being short-sighted, research suggests.

  An analysis of eight previous studies by University of Cambridge researchers found that for each additional hour spent outside per week, the risk of short-sightedness was reduced by 2%.They said exposure to natural light and time spent looking at distant objects could be key factors .

  The studies involved more than 10,000 children and adolescents. Dr Justin Sherwin and his research team concluded that short-sighted children spent an average of 3.7 fewer hours per week outdoors than those who either had normal vision or were far-sighted.

  But they said the reasons were not yet clear.They expected to find that children who spent more time outdoors also spent less time doing activities like reading, studying or playing computer games, but no such link was found in two of the eight studies which looked at this relationship.

  However, Dr Sherwin said they would now need more precise data to try to understand which factors,

  such as increased use of distance vision, reduced use of near vision, natural ultraviolet(紫外线的) light exposure(暴露) and physical activity,are most important.

  “Any increase in time spent outdoors must be weighed against exposure to ultraviolet radiation and the increased risk of skin cancer, cataracts(白内障)and other cancers.”he said."On the other hand, increasing outdoor physical activity could protect against diabetes and obesity, for example."

  Short-sightedness is a common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred(模糊不清的), while close objects can be seen clearly. It is much more common today in the UK and the United States than it was just 30 to 40 years ago. Approximately 1-2% of five-year-olds to seven-year-olds in the UK have short-sightedness.About.five million British people are short-sighted and some 200,000 of them will be seriously short-sighted. In some parts of Asia, more than 80% of the population suffers from short-sightedness.

  The passage mainly tells us


  short-sightedness and its effects

  some factors that affect one’s eyesight

  more and more children become short-sighted

  less time spent outdoors may mean more short-sightedness

  The underlined word “precise” in the fifth paragraph shares the closest meaning with



  B. strong

  C. specific

  D. precious

  According to the passage, short-sightedness may have something to do with the following except



  B. exposure to natural light

  C. looking at distant objects

  D. time spent outdoors

  Which of the following is TRUE?

  Students who spent more time outdoors read less

  Only one factor contributes to short-sightedness

  The increase in time spent outdoors means more exposure to ultraviolet radiation

  The less time children spent outdoors, the more short-sighted they are

  The last paragraph is mainly developed by


  giving definitions

  B. showing figures

  C. presenting arguments

  D. making comparisons


  The first place that I can well remember, was a large pleasant meadow(草地) with a pond of clear water in it. On one side was a field,and on the other was the gate to our master’s house,which stood by the roadside.While I was young I lived on my mother's milk, as I could not eat grass. In the daytime I ran by her side, and at night I lay down close by her.

  There were six young colts(小马) in the meadow besides me; they were older than I was; some were nearly as large as grown-up horses. I used to run with them, and had a lot of fun; we used to gallop(疾驰) together round and round the field as hard as we could go. Sometimes we had rather rough play, for they would frequently bite and kick as well as gallop.

  One day, when there was a good deal of kicking, my mother said to me , "I wish you to pay attention to what I am going to say to you. The colts who live here are very good colts, but they have not learned manners. You have been well bred and well born; I hope you will grow up gentle and good, and never learn bad ways."

  I have never forgotten my mother's advice; I knew she was a wise old horse, and our master thought a great deal of her. Her name was Duchess, but he often called her Pet.

  Our master was a good, kind man. He gave us good food and kind words; he spoke as kindly to us as he did to his little children; we were all fond of him.There was a plowboy, Dick. He would have what he called fun with the colts, throwing stones and sticks at us to make us gallop.

  One day he was playing this game, and did not know that the master was in the next field; he was there, watching what was going on,"Bad boy!" he said, " This is not the first time, nor the second, but it shall be

  the last. There—take your money and go home; I shall not want you on my farm again." So we never saw Dick any more. Old Daniel, the man who looked after the horses, was just as gentle as our master, so we were well off.

  66.What is Paragraph I mainly about?

  A. The summary of the plot

  B. The description of the setting

  C. The explanation of the conflict

  D. The presentation of the characters

  67.How is the narrator (叙述者)different from the other colts?

  He has a father who watches out for him

  He is expected to do finer things with his life

  He is shy and hesitant to join in the games

  He lives in a better meadow and enjoys more freedom

  68.The master giving a nickname to Duchess shows


  that Duchess is special to the master

  that the other horses hate Duchess

  that the other horses treat Duchess differently

  that Duchess needs extra attention from the master

  69.What do we know about the master?

  He expects people to be hard workers

  He is impatient with people who disobey him

  He is very strict with his horses and his workers

  He cares deeply about protecting his horses and his farm

  70.Why is the colt most likely to tell the story?

  To share a fond memory

  To show how the master changed

  To suggest his mother was too strict

  To explain why he was cautious around humans


  Wide awake in Aunt Bet’s Southern house, Annie Van Lew shivered(发抖)at the sounds of distant guns. It was bad enough that America was at war, but the young Virginia girl was not used to battles being fought this close. Suddenly a floorboard made a noise.Annie sat up in bed and listened.Had a stranger broken in? Earlier, the family had heard that captured officers recently escaped from a prison nearby.

  Quietly opening her bedroom door, Annie walked out. A figure in a black gown was walking down the hall. It was Aunt Bet, carrying a candle in one hand and a plate of fried chicken in the other.

  Annie followed her aunt to a stairway at the far end of the house. Aunt Bet climbed to the top, and opened a door leading to the attic(阁楼). Annie followed closely behind.

  In the attic, Aunt Bet stopped at a chest of drawers, moved it aside, and felt along the wall behind it. Slowly a door sprang open, revealing a hidden room. A thin man stepped out of the opening. As Aunt Bet handed him the plate of food, the young man saw Annie in the doorway and froze.


  Desperately shaking her head “no”, the girl raised one finger to her lips. The officer understood and shifted his look. Quickly Annie went back downstairs and hid, waiting until after Aunt Bet left to return. Back inside the attic,Annie called softly to the man inside, who told her where to find the hidden spring.

  Soon the young officer stood in the open doorway. A small candle burned on a table behind him and, in its soft light, Annie studied his face. Clear eyes reflected the calm of one who faced death bravely.

  Smiling, he said,”What trouble you should have gotten into if your aunt had turned around!” That night, Annie learned Aunt Bet was one of many daring Southerners whose hatred(憎恨) of slavery drove them to risk their lives by spying for the North. The girl chatted as she dared, wishing her new friend luck when he said he would leave at dawn.

  Back in her room, Annie felt proud and was determined to guard her family’s secret to the end.

  The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1is most likely used to

  A. show how old the house is

  B. describe how loud a noise is

  C. indicate that the fighting is close

  D. suggest that something is about to happen

  Why did the officer look away when Annie put her finger to her lips?

  So he could look Aunt Bet in the eye

  So Aunt Bet would not know she was there

  Because the candle was shining in his eyes

  Because he did not want to appear unfriendly

  73.Paragraph 6 is mainly used to reveal

  A.Annie’s curiosity

  B. Aunt Bet’s absence

  C. the dimness (昏暗)of the room

  D. the character of the officer

  How did Annie’s feelings change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?

  In the beginning she was afraid; in the end she felt proud

  In the beginning she was angry; in the end she became fearful

  In the beginning she felt relaxed; in the end she felt anxious

  In the beginning she felt happy; in the end she became confused

  The main reason why the author doesn’t give information about whom Aunt Bet is visiting in the attic is to make the

  plot more exciting

  B.setting more realistic

  C.story more believable

  D.characters more interesting






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