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2017高考英语二轮复习高考倒计时——30天系列课件 高考倒计时17天

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  精彩回扣 似曾相识 必考语法 读写绝招 倒数第17天(5月20日) 高频词汇 核心短语 1.independent adj.独立的;自主的 2.intelligent adj.智能的;聪明的 3.junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的

  n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者;大三年级学生 4.senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的

  n.上司;较年长者;毕业班学生 1.catch one's breath(由于吃惊,害怕等而)屏息,暂时停止呼吸;缓口气,歇口气 2.catch one's eye引起注意 3.catch up with赶上(某人),在功课等方面赶上来 4.catch sight of看见 5.mature adj.成熟的;到期的 6.mean adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的;平均的 vt.意思是;意指;打算 7.mild adj.轻微的;温和的;温柔的 8.modest adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的 9.optimistic adj.乐观(主义)的 10.particular adj.特殊的;特别的 n.细节;细目 5.catch sb doing碰上、撞见、发现某人做某事 课文金句 常考句型十四 1.He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.当他一想到要帮助那些得了霍乱的普通百姓时,他就感到振奋。 2.It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.

  这似乎是件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在那里去世。 句型35 中文:“由于这些理由,我……。” 英文:For these reasons,I... 仿写:由于这些理由,他认为在中国接受大学教育是明智的。 For these reasons,he thinks that receiving college education in China is wise. 3.Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than any other in New York.在纽约,比起其他艺术馆,许多艺术爱好者都更乐意参观这家小型艺术陈列馆。 4.We would have won the championship if we had got Mr.Han to coach us.如果韩教练指导我们,我们会获得冠军的。 句型36 中文:“总而言之,……” 英文:In conclusion,...=To sum up,... 仿写:总而言之,市民应该遵守交通规则。 ①In conclusion,citizens should abide by traffic regulations. ②To sum up,citizens should abide by traffic regulations. 5.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker.


  6.As I'm not sure where to start with my project,I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.

  因为我还不清楚我该从哪里着手开 始我的研究,所以我会感激你们的任何建议。 句型37 中文:“因此,我们该意识到……。” 英文:Therefore,we should realize that... 仿写:因此,我们该意识到学英文不能没有字典。 Therefore,we should realize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary. 113.fade(熟义:v.褪色)

  All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind.(v.逐渐消失)

  Fade out the music at the end of the scene.

  (v.渐强/弱;淡入/淡出) 114.fail(熟义:v.失败)

  Trapped in traffic jam,he failed to catch the train.(v.未能)

  He is failing in health./His health is failing.


  Words failed me to describe my feeling.

  (vt.使失望;舍弃;辜负;无能为力) 115.fancy(熟义:adj.想象的,奇幻的;昂贵的)

  He has a fancy for cycling.(n.爱好,迷恋)

  He fancied himself as an authority.(v.自负地认为) 116.fashion(熟义:n.时尚,时装)

  He behaves in a peculiar fashion,which makes a deep

  impression on us.(n.方式) 117.fast(熟义:adj. & adv.快的/地)

  He's fast asleep.(He has a heavy sleep.)

  (adv.完全地) 118.fasten(熟义:v.系牢,扎牢)

  He fastened his eyes on the blackboard.(v.盯紧) 119.feed(熟义:v.喂养)

  They have a large family to feed.(v.养活,养) 非谓语动词(二) 不定式to do用在the last,the first,the only等短语后面作定语,也可放在某些名词或代词后面作定语,to do作定语与被修饰的中心词之间常表现为主谓关系、动宾关系。单个分词通常放在被修饰的名词之前,分词短语一般位于所修饰的中心词后面。现在分词修饰发出该动作的名词(即与名词是主谓关系),过去分词修饰承受该动作的名词(即与名词是动宾关系)。 命题陷阱:动名词作主语 易错指数☆☆☆ 1. ________(expose)to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.

  易误填Exposed或After being exposed


  生不懂句子结构,会根据汉语思维,误填Exposed或After being exposed,其实题干缺主语,逻辑被动关系所以用being exposed作主语,故填Being exposed。 命题陷阱:lack的用法 易错指数☆☆☆☆ 2.Though ________(缺少)money, his parents managed to send him to university.

  易误填lacking of


  考查状语从句省略,学生会从an lack of迁移,误填lacking of,其实lack vt.或vi.,vi.时和in搭配,故填lacking in。 命题陷阱:with的复合结构 易错指数☆☆☆ 3.With his work ________ (finish) on time, he felt very excited.

  易误填to be finished


  许多考生会认为,“工作”与“完成”之间为动宾关系,从而误填to be finished。其实,不定式表示要做的事情,而过去分词表示已经完成的事情。根据句子内容可知,工作已经完成,应填finished。 非谓语动词作定语 1.不定式作定语。

  —The last one ________ pays the meal.




  C.to arrive


  答案 C 2.现在分词作定语。

  At the age of 29,Dave was a worker,________ in a small apartment near Boston and ________ what to do about his future.





  答案 A 3.过去分词作定语。过去分词一般表被动含义,它与被修饰的名词之间具有被动关系,常位于名词后,也相当于一个定语从句。

  With the government's aid,those ________ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.




  D.were affected

  答案 C 文章结构题 一般说来,一篇文章只有一个中心要点,全文的各个段落都要围绕这个中心要点展开。而情节发展的线索通常会含有一个或几个要点,每个要点又会根据表达的需要分出一个或几个次要点。在这些要点和次要点的支撑下,文章会在最后得出一个结论,这就是文章的大致框架。了解文章的大致框架是突破文章结构题的关键。对文章的分段方法有: 1.按事情发展的顺序;2.按时间的先后顺序;3.按地点或空间位置的变换;4.按内容的总分关系;5.按人物的活动内容。 针对此类题,考生应做到:一读,就是通读全文;二想,就是想一想每个自然段的主要内容;三归,就是把一些内容相同或关系密切的自然段并在一起,成为一个大段;四查,就是再把各段段意连起来,看是否能构成一个连贯的整体;五选,就是选出符合文章结构的正确答案。

  [小试身手] Books have been our best friends from time immemorial.There was a time when reading them was supposed to be the best way of entertainment.Book lovers used to carry the book of their choice wherever they went.But,now in this microchip generation where everything is possible with the help of the Internet,we do not need to carry them for reading.Ebooks are gaining popularity and the Web is now a treasure house of books.All book lovers can rejoice,as now they can find their favorite books online. Reading books online is a comparatively new concept.The Internet is a storehouse of information.With the advancement of technology,now you can read and download books from the Web.Imagine reading your favorite romantic novel while on a pleasant trip.You may think that it will be quite tiresome to carry such heavy books while touring.But there is nothing to worry anymore as ebooks have come as a boon to us. Ebooks are nothing but online books.The only difference between an ebook and a book is that one has a physical existence while the other dwells in the virtual world of the Internet.Content is the same for both.And you are saved from the hassle of carrying books as well. There are various ebook depositories from which you can either buy or download ebooks.The process of downloading them is very easy.The websites give proper instructions and you just need to follow them to get hold of the book of your choice.Moreover,if you do not want to make investment,just read it by opening the online depository and read it for free. From entertainment to business,ebooks prove to be handy for all purposes.The time will come when they will become the most important entertainment option for many people. Which of the following shows the organization of the passage? CP:Central Point P:Point SP:Subpoint(次要点) C:Conclusion 答案 A 精彩回扣 似曾相识 必考语法 读写绝招


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