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2017届福建省高考英语一轮复习语法专题练:2 代词(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  语法专题二 代词




  1.(2015·课标全国改编)A few hours earlier,I’d been at home in Hong Kong,with  (it) choking smog. 

  2.(2015·山西联考改编)Julie learned to use her mind and imagination to entertain  . 

  3.(2015·广东惠州模拟改编)“  is wrong for you to say so!” Yugong replied. 

  4.(2015·湖南衡阳五校联考改编)As a student studying in America,I find that the method of teaching is quite different fromgiven by Chinese teachers. 

  5.(2015·四川宜宾一诊改编)I can’t help  if he is always making noise. 

  6.(2015·吉林东北师大附中第三次摸底改编)I walked her to the car and opened the car door for her,which won me her big smile and gratitude.I know  is a small thing,but I felt so good inside for helping her. 

  7.(2015·广州调研改编)The explosion rocked the lake with such a force that dead fish immediately began to surface.Sam took out a net and started taking (they) up. 

  8.(2015·吉林实验中学第四次模拟改编)“One time I asked her,why is  (me) listening comprehension so bad?” Mr.Zuckerberg said. 

  9.(2015·云南部分名校1月统考改编)It is true that the Internet has changed the way we work and communicate.But we shouldn’t depend on  too much. 

  10.(2015·重庆一中一诊改编)I was blessed with a happy childhood,  that most people would want to have. 

  11.(2015·安徽黄山第二次质检改编)The professor spoke highly of me,for what I did was better than of any other top member on the team. 

  12.(2017·江西改编)—When shall I call,in the morning or afternoon?

  —.I’ll be in all day. 

  13.(2017·四川改编)She’d lived in London and Manchester,but she liked  and moved to Cambridge. 

  14.(2017·陕西改编)I’d appreciate  if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 

  15.(2017·安徽改编)This project requires close teamwork.  will be achieved unless we work well together. 

  16.Sarah made  to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning. 

  17.If you don’t build your dream,someone will hire you to build  (they). 

  18.The disease was terrible and it made Jack’s life difficult,one problem following  . 

  19.There are plenty of vegetables in the fridge.You needn’t buy  . 

  20.The professor’s lecture was  but interesting,and most of us fell asleep. 


  My friend Henry and I always walk home together after school,for 1.  live in the same block and 2. of us go in for football.One afternoon on 3.  way home,we were about to say goodbye to each 4. when we heard a loud shout behind 5. .As we looked around to see what had happened,we found a middle-aged woman lying on the ground,bleeding.We realized that 6.  had been knocked down by the black car in front of her.We hurried to help 7. ,but a man with dark glasses came over and tried to prevent Henry and 8.  from getting closer to the wounded woman.So we got very angry with 9. .How could 10.  stop us from helping a dying woman?The man asked us to turn around and we were surprised to see a man carrying a video camera on the shoulder.They were just shooting a film.


  语法专题二 代词


  .1.its 由句意可知,这里应填形容词性物主代词做定语修饰choking smog。

  2.herself 句意:朱莉学会想办法并运用想象力让自己玩得开心。朱莉让自己玩得开心,因此用反身代词herself。

  3.It 分析句子结构可以得知it在句中做形式主语,后面的不定式为真正的主语。

  4.that that代替前面的the method of teaching,表示特指。

  5.it 句意:如果他一直制造噪音的话,我也无能为力。考查固定句型“help/appreciate/hate...+it+if/when...从句。

  6.it 用it代替前一句中提到的“我”所做的事。

  7.them 后一句句意:萨姆拿出网来开始捞鱼。根据语境可知所捞的鱼应该不止一条,另外fish作“鱼”讲时是单复数同形的可数名词,其前没有a,one等词修饰,应是复数形式,故用them来代替dead fish。

  8.my 句意:Zuckerberg说:“有一次,我问她,为什么我的听力理解如此差?”此处修饰listening comprehension,故用my。

  9.it it代指上文提到的the Internet。

  10.one 句意:我非常幸运地拥有一个幸福的童年,一段大多数人都希望拥有的美好时光。空格前为逗号,分析结构可知逗号前的部分是句子的主句,空格后的that most people would want to have是定语从句,修饰所填词,能跟定语从句的只有名词和代词;根据句意,所填词做a happy childhood的同位语,表示泛指概念,所以用one。

  11.that 句意:教授夸奖了我,因为我做的比队中其他任何最好的队员还好。what I did是for后分句中主句的主语,than引导比较状语从句,比较状语从句中的主语应是能代替what I did的词,所以只能是that。

  12.Either 句意:——我什么时候打电话,上午还是下午?——什么时候都可以,我一整天都在家里。either表示两者中任意一个。

  13.neither 句意:她曾经在伦敦和曼彻斯特居住过,但是这两个地方她都不喜欢,于是搬到了剑桥。前面提到了两个地方,否定两者用neither。

  14.it 句意:如果你能提前让我知道你会不会来,我将不胜感激。it在此做形式宾语,代替其后的宾语从句。

  15.Nothing 句意:这个项目要求同心协力。除非我们共同合作,否则什么也不会取得。nothing“没有什么”,符合句意。

  16.it 词组make it的含义是“抵达,做到,赶上,及时达到”。句意:今天早上萨拉到达机场刚好赶上飞机。

  17.theirs 句意:如果你不构建自己的梦想,那么就会有人雇用你去构建他们的梦想。本空在句中做build的宾语,与前面的build your dream呼应,表示build their dreams,因此应用名词性物主代词theirs代替their dreams。

  18.another 句意:这种疾病很可怕,它使杰克的生活困难,一个个问题接踵而来。由题干中的one problem可知应用another。another表示泛指,即“(三者或三者以上的)另一个”。

  19.any 句意:冰箱里有很多蔬菜。你不需要买了。any“任何的”,用在否定句中,表示“一点也不”。

  20.anything 句意:教授的课非常枯燥,我们大多数人都睡着了。anything but“一点儿也不”。

  .1.we for在此处表示原因,为并列连词,故后面要接句子,因此要用主格做主语。指代“Henry and I”,故用we。

  2.both 第一句提到亨利和“我”一起上学,故此处指两个都,用“both”。

  3.our on our way home是固定结构,表示“在我们回家的路上”。

  4.other each other是固定结构,意为“相互”。

  5.us 在我们身后,自然要用宾格us做介词behind的宾语。

  6.she 此处做主语且指代这位中年妇女,故用主格she。

  7.her 看到此情景,我们急忙上前去帮“她”,故此处要用宾格her。

  8.me 此处指这个戴墨镜的男子上前阻止亨利和“我”,故要用宾格me。

  9.him 根据上文我们对“他”很生气,故用him做介词的宾语。

  10.he 根据上下文此处表示“他怎么能制止我们”,故用主格he。


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