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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:8 必修3 Unit 8(北师大版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练8(必修3 Unit 8)



  Austrian Felix Baumgartner—a pilot,skydiver and high-altitude jumper with the nickname “Fearless Felix”—has jumped from some of the world’s tallest bridges and buildings.But on October 14,he made the jump of his lifetime from a space capsule 128,100 feet (about 24 miles) above ground,a world record-breaking height.

  Baumgartner,42,also broke the record for fastest jump by reaching speeds up to 833.9 miles per hour during his free fall back down to Earth.For comparison,an average Boeing 737 airliner flies at 40,000 feet at 600 miles per hour.At a press conference following the event,Baumgartner said the experience was humbling and harder than he expected.“Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you are,” Baumgartner said.

  Baumgartner and a team of scientists,engineers and doctors spent five years preparing and training for the project,called Red Bull Stratos after the project’s sponsor.For the space jump,Baumgartner wore a specially designed space suit and was carried up to his jump point by a large helium balloon from inside the Red Bull Stratos space capsule.

  Even with careful planning,the mission had some obstacles.The jump was first scheduled for October 8,but it was postponed several times over the week because of weather conditions.Baumgartner finally began the ascent(攀登)from Roswell,New Mexico,on Sunday,October 14.But on the way up,Baumgartner’s faceplate began to fog up,making it hard for him to see.The team considered aborting the mission,but Baumgartner was able to fix the problem.

  After a smooth initial jump,Baumgartner began to spin out of control while still in the stratosphere(平流层),but he eventually steadied himself.After four minutes and 20 seconds of free fall—with about a mile left to go in the jump—Baumgartner released his parachute and landed safely in the desert of New Mexico.From Earth,eight million people watched the space jump event live over a YouTube stream.

  1.The author writes the first paragraph in order to . 

  A.introduce the topic of this passage

  B.praise Baumgartner’s achievements

  C.show us Baumgartner’s hobbies

  D.call people to learn from Baumgartner

  2.The author tells us Baumgartner’s amazing speed by . 

  A.mentioning an accident

  B.listing a practical fact

  C.making a comparison

  D.performing an experiment

  3.Red Bull Stratos is a project that . 

  A.is responsible for training the pilot

  B.makes preparations for the space jump

  C.will send Baumgartner to the jump point

  D.raise money for the poor in the world

  4.The underlined word “aborting”(in Paragraph 4) probably means . 


  A.cancelling B.changing

  C.observing D.assessing

  5.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

  A.A narrow competition

  B.A famous pilot

  C.A scientist’s life

  D.An amazing space jump


  Welcome to our homepage!

  We’ve teamed up with two travel agencies to give members of our club the chance to win a holiday to the South of France or one to the Maldives.

  The winner and their three guests will enjoy a seven-night getaway (逃离) at the Villa Le Priotlet—a centuries old stone villa (别墅) set on the banks of the Dordogne River.This property has been lovingly restored and furnished,and is ideal for small families to relax surrounded by peaceful views and gentle countryside.The beautiful gardens surrounding the property are full of seasonal treats for you to pick and enjoy,including figs,pears and grapes.The property is also situated just 15 minutes from the UNESCO World Heritage site of Saint-Emilion,which has been producing some of the world’s best wine since Roman times.

  We’ll also give another lucky member a seven-night stay for two people on their island tour to the Maldives.With white sand beaches,coconut trees and blue warm seas,the Maldives is a must-see destination.Accompanied by a local guide,guests have the chance to combine island life with cultural activities,as well as experiencing all those things for which the Maldives are famous:diving and snorkeling (潜水) and relaxation.The guesthouse accommodation is handpicked (精选) to provide a balance of comfort,good service and local atmosphere.

  To enter this competition,click on “enter competition” in the information box below.

  6.The free holiday in France includes  . 

  A.accommodation at an ancient villa

  B.fresh fruit,vegetables and meat

  C.the best French wine

  D.admission to Saint-Emilion

  7.What can people do in the Madives if they win the holiday there?

  A.They can enjoy countryside views.

  B.They can adventure some water sports.

  C.They can stay at a guesthouse on the beach.

  D.They can visit local families to experience island life.

  8.Where can we find the text?

  A.In a guidebook. B.In a brochure.

  C.On a website. D.In a magazine.


  The science of optimism

  Optimism is a research-proven mind-set that will get you what you want.Here is how to use it.

  You failed a test. 1  Your mom won’t get off your case about your report card.You feel very upset,and no one can help you. 

  But hold up!A positive mind-set matters.It’s a choice you can make at any time,which research has proven can increase your chances of staying healthy,overcoming challenges,and achieving your goals. 2  

  Optimism simply gives you power.It motivates you to take care of yourself and to work hard—the same thing pessimism takes away.“When we think that something is possible,we are more likely to work toward it,” says Tali Sharot,a scientist.“An optimistic mind-set changes what you do every day. 3 ” 

  The good news?You can learn to become an optimist,even if you aren’t already one naturally. 4  Because the secret to success is being certain the sun will shine—but also carrying an umbrella,just in case. 

  Scientists say that being overly hopeful or extremely cynical (愤世嫉俗的) may hold you back.There’s a sweet spot in the middle.The realistic optimists are the people who stay healthiest and happiest,and who achieve the most success.They combine the hopeful outlook of blind optimists with the clear-headed critical thinking of pessimists. 5  Plan A didn’t work?On to plan B!That makes them fantastic problem-solvers. 

  A.Sounds like magic,right?

  B.Your best friend is mad at you.

  C.And that,in turn,changes the future.

  D.They’re also flexible in their thinking.

  E.You’ll feel like you are in control of your life again!

  F.In fact,you can learn to see the good,without ignoring the bad.

  G.Pessimists tend to expect the worst possible outcome in all situations.
























  1.A 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“But on October 14,he made the jump of his lifetime from a space capsule 128,100 feet (about 24 miles) above ground,a world record-breaking height.”可知,该段是为了引出本文话题。

  2.C 推理判断题。文章第二段提到了波音737飞机飞行速度,目的是通过比较让人们了解Baumgartner下落的速度,故C项正确。

  3.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Baumgartner and a team of scientists,engineers and doctors spent five years preparing and training for the project,called Red Bull Stratos after the project’s sponsor.”可知,它是一项为跳跃做准备的项目。

  4.A 词义猜测题。根据下文中的“...but Baumgartner was able to fix the problem.”所表示的转折意义可知,该词的意思是“取消”。

  5.D 主旨大意题。本文介绍了Baumgartner打破高空跳跃世界纪录的前期准备和过程,可见D项为最佳答案。


  6.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中“The winner and their three guests will enjoy a seven-night getaway at the Villa Le Priotlet—a centuries old stone villa...”可知答案为A项。

  7.B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“...as well as experiencing all those things for which the Maldives are famous:diving and snorkeling(潜水) and relaxation.”可知在那里会进行一些水上运动,故答案为B项。

  8.C 推理判断题。根据第一段的“Welcome to our homepage!”及最后一段中的“click on”推断出这篇短文出现在网站上,故选C项。

  .1~5 BACFD

  Ⅲ.One possible version:

  In order to encourage us to exercise more,our class organized a trip to hike in the mountains.Although it was uncomfortable and tiring,it was very meaningful.

  We didn’t do much in preparation for the trip as we thought it would be very easy,yet on our way to the top,various problems came up.First,we ran out of water.Then some of us got too tired to carry on walking.As the climbing got harder and harder,some even backed out.But when most of us finally made it to the top,we were so amazed by the scenery.

  It’s a special experience,from which I’ve learned a lot.First of all,whatever we do,good preparations are necessary.Second,don’t give up and your efforts will pay off.As the saying goes,“Patience is bitter,but its fruit is sweet.”


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