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2017届高考英语一轮复习语法专题讲练:第1讲 构词法(新人教版含答案)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  语法专题复习第一讲 构词法一、构词法的分类派生法即把词根加上前缀或rich adj.富有的→enrich .丰富家→homeless 无家可归的转换法即同一单词具有多种词性也即词性活用。如:背→back .支持慢的→slow .减慢你可用沟里的水浇花。合成法即由两个单词合成一个单词。如:黑板手工制作的二、派生词在高考英语试卷的语法填空题中有两到三个小题涉及派生词。因此我们此讲的重点为派生词。(一)名词后缀动词+­ion/­tion/­sion→名词(表示动作或动作correct v.改正;纠正correction .改正庆祝

  celebration .庆祝;庆祝会完成;结束

  conclusion .结论;结束动词+­er/­or→名词(表示从事某种职业或进行某种活动的人)驾驶开车;驱赶 driver .司机;驾驶员聚集;采集

  gatherer .收集者;采集者onduct v.指挥;管理

  conductor .指挥;售票员动词+­ment→名词惩罚

  punishment .惩罚动词/形容词+­th→名词温暖的

  warmth .温暖生长

  growth .生长形容词+­y→名词lt adj.困难的

  difficulty .困难诚实的

  honesty .诚实形容词+­ness→名词善良的

  kindness .善良动词+­ance→名词使烦恼

  annoyance .生气;烦恼结尾的名词(表示身份、关系、资格)成员;会员

  membership .会员资格教授

  professorship .教授身份结尾的名词花园

  gardening .园艺打招呼;问候

  greeting .问候结尾的名词结婚

  marriage .婚姻短的

  shortage 短缺


  From the 1.(express) on Mary's face(impress) on her and if she won the 3.(elect) to become chairman of the Environment 4.(organize), ________(permit) to join it although he was willing to do his bit to rid the world of 6.(pollute) and to help people enjoy a better Earth. When he was wondering how to change this embarrassing situation, (inspire) from his wife's words. Yes, ________(determine)to work for the organization.“My dear, you are really a wonderful 9.(help)! I'm sure I will be the 10.(win) of the election.”

  He said to his wife excitedly.

  It was really a hard time when Li Ping first came to the United States. His 1.(earn) could hardly cover the expenses, (bear) to their second daughter, 3.(die) of the poor baby. 4.(lonely) was another problem because they had no 5.(relate) or friends there. Thanks to his 6.(brave) and (persevere), (citizen) of the United States and in the end he had his permanent ________(settle). He always tells his children like this:Perseverance leads to (happy) and success.强化训练一 2.impression 3.election 4.Organization 6.pollution 7.inspiration 8.determination 10.winner 2.birth 3.death 4.Loneliness 6.bravery 7. perseverance 9. settlement 10. happiness(二)形容词、副词后缀常见形容词后缀(1)名词+­al→形容词(表示有……属性与……有关)。农业agricultural 农业的(2)动词+­ive→形容词。决定;下决心决定性的;关键的(3)动词+­able→形容词(表示能够适于值得)。变化;兑换易4)名词+­ful→形容词。小心;关心

  careful 小心的;仔细的(5)名词+­less→形容词(意思与原名词相反)。小心;关心

  careless 粗心的(6)名词+­ly→形容词。朋友

  friendly 友好的(7)名词+­y→形容词。污物;脏物

  dirty 脏的(8)名词+­ous→形容词。危

  dangerous adj.危险的2.副词后缀形容词+­ly→副词。仔细的

  carefully 仔细地复合形容词的构成(1)形容词+­分词。随和的(2)形容词+名词+­ed。善良的;好心的(3)名词+­ed分词。被水覆盖的(4)副词+­ed分词。写得好的(5)数词+名词+­ed。ed三条腿的

  Ⅰ.阅读下列句子写出画线单词的汉语意思。()()You can rely on him because he is reliable.()()e set off for the remote village.()()()ested he had worked hard in the field in summer.()用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文。 (communicate). She is 2. (act) in answering the teachers' questions and from time to time her classmates find her answers quite  (impress) and 4. (accept). Of course, ________ (create) and 6. (help) girl. For example, she once led a 7.________ (home)child to her home and made the child her younger sister. Besides, she spent 8. (count) hours caring for a sick neighbor until she was well again. She is 9. (friend) to those who have difficulty with their subjects. All in all,  (fame) girl in her school.强化训练二租赁的 2.吸引人的 3.可依赖的;靠得住的 4.没有睡觉的;不眠的 5.有霜的 6.冰雪覆盖的 7.随和的 8.被太阳晒黑的 2.active 3.impressive 5.creative 6.helpful 7.homeless 9.friendly 10.famous(三)动词词缀前缀­en+形容词→动词丰富 enlarge .变大;增大;扩大形容词+­en→动词说明;阐明 shorten v.缩短加宽结尾的动词简化 classify .归类结尾的动词认识到 popularize .普及


  apply the knowledge learned in the textbooks.()()()rrify the baby if you speak too loudly.()用所给单词的适当形式填空。(memory) these new words.(simple) so that we can find out a solution to it.money if we plan to(pure) the waste water.(quick) his steps to arrive home earlier.(large) your vocabulary if you keep on memorizing some new words every day.强化训练三使能够 2.使关系正常化 3.拓宽视野 4.使恐惧 2.simplified 3.purify 4.quickened(四)否定词缀表示否定意义的前缀不非 unable 不能够 unlucky 不幸的不非 dishonest 不诚实的不连贯的不非 inactive 不活跃的 incorrect 不正确的不非 impatient 不耐烦的不可能的不非 irregular 不规则的不负责任的不非 illogical 不合逻辑的 illegal 非法的不非 non­existent 不存在的直达的;连续不断的错误 mislead 误导 misunderstand 误解+动词(意义相反) dislike 不喜欢不同意+动词(意义相反) uncover 揭开脱衣服表示否定意义的后缀名词+­less→否定意义的形容词用处useless adj. 无用的希望

  hopeless 没有希望的;绝望的家

  homeless 无家可归的

  用所给单词的适当形式填空。(stop) and the listeners became very 2.(patient).When the speaker said that oil was 3.(renew) and that the best way to solve the problem was not to make cars and buses to force people to go to work or school on foot, (practice) and (bear) to listen to him any longer. They (believe) that the world would go smoothly without these modern transportations. They also thought that the speaker was 7.(responsible) to make such a statement without thinking it carefully and his speech would cause some ________(understand). So most of the listeners chose to leave, shouting loudly and angrily.

  强化训练四 2.impatient 3.non­renewable 4.impractical 6.disbelieved 7.irresponsible


  ______(direct),screenwriter,voice actor,animator,entrepreneur,entertainer,international


  and philanthropist (慈善家). Disney is famous for his influence in the field of

  2.______(entertain) during the 20th century. Along with his brother Roy O.Disney______(produce) in the world.

  Disney is particularly 4.________(note) for being a film producer and a popular showman, as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He and his staff created a number of the world's most famous fictional





  a character for which Disney himself was the 5.______(origin) voice. He gave his name to the Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort theme parks in the United States, as well as the international resorts like Tokyo Disney Resort, Disneyland Paris, and Hong Kong Disneyland.

  The new series, Alice Comedies,was reasonably 6.______(success), and featured both Dawn O'Day and Margie Gay as Alice. By the time the series ended in 1927, the focus was more on a cat named Julius.

  Disney's cartoons became 7.______(wide) popular in the Kansas City area.Through their success, Disney was able to acquire his own studio, also called Laugh O­Gram,for which he


  a vast


  of additional animators. Unfortunately, the studio profits were 8.______(sufficient) to cover the high salaries paid to 9.______(employ), for Walt was 10.______(able) to successfully manage money then.

  As a result, the studio became loaded with debt. Disney then decided to set up a studio in the movie industry's capital city,Hollywood, California.

  (二)______(chief) to presenting and commenting on the

  news. Newspapers provide an excellent means of keeping people well informed on current events. They also play an 2.______(extreme) important role in shaping public opinion.

  Newspapers have certain advantages over other major news media-television, e news in much greater detail than television and radio newscasts. News­magazines focus on chief 3.______(nation)

  and international events.

  But newspapers report local as well as national and international news and newspapers offer the public some 4.______(humor) stories and attractive stories about 5.__________(wealth) or famous people as well as 6.______(fool) little persons .

  However,newspapers also have evident disadvantages. Due to the scientific 7.______(advance) and technical progress, the Internet and radio news travel more 8.______(swift) than newspapers. Besides,the 9.______(use)news is more 10.______(access) to the public through the radio and cell phones or portable computers.

  A large daily newspaper provides a great variety of information. News stories cover the latest developments in




  government,politics,sports,science, business and arts. Other news stories report crimes, disasters, and special events, human interest and etc..

  Producing a daily newspaper requires great speed and 11. (efficient).Reporters, (employ)ncluding

  advertising salespeople,13.(art)(operate)(drive).派生词综合训练答案:(一)语篇解读:沃特·迪士尼是集导演、剧作家、制片人、企业家等于一身的传奇人物在动画电影以及主题公园设计方面尤为突出。解析:从film producer和后面的一系列的表示人的名词中可知此处应填所给词的名词形式。答案:director解析:介词of后面要填名词娱乐”之意。答案:entertainment解析:从句意可知沃特·迪士尼是世界上最出色的动画制片人之一。one of后面加名词要用复数形式。答案:producers解析:过去分词作形容词表示“著名的”。答案:noted解析:名词前面要填形容词。答案:original解析:副词reasonably一般修饰形容词、动词或副词根据前面的系动词可知要填形容词形式。答案:successful解析:句中的popular是形容词一般用副词修饰所以填副词形式。答案:widely解析:从本句的Unfortunately可知他经studio的利润不足以支付员工的高薪水。答案:insufficient解析:介词to后面要接名词从句意可知要填“雇员”。答案:employees解析:从句意可知沃特当时不善于管理钱财。答案:unable(二)语篇解读:本文将报纸同别的媒体比较解析:修饰动词devoted作状语用副词。答案:chiefly解析:修饰形容词作状语用副词。答案:extremely解析:与international一起作定语修饰event故用其形容词形式。答案:national解析:在名词stories前作定语用形容词。答案:humorous解析:作定语修饰people要用形容词。答案:wealthy解析:作定语修饰persons用形容词。答案:foolish解析:作介词to的宾语要用名词。答案:advancement解析:修饰谓语动词travel作状语用副词。答案:swiftly解析:作定语修饰news要用形容词。答案:useful解析:作表语要用形容词。答案:accessible解析:与speed并列一起作requires的宾语故用其名词形式。答案:efficiency解析:作宾语指雇员故填名词。答案:employees解析:与salespeople和librarians并列作including的宾语故填表示“艺术家”的名词artists。答案:artists解析:应填名词形式。答案:operators解析:应填名词形式。答案:drivers


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