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2017届高考英语一轮复习语法专题讲练:第10讲 简单句、并列连词和并列句(新人教版含答案)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第十讲 简单句、并列连词和并列句

  简单句、并列连词和并列句考点透析简单句的基本句型和there be 结构(参看必修一、必修二的“写作步步高”)。熟记下列并列连词的意义和用法。(1)联合类:andut also...

  (2)选择类:or3)转折类:but(4)因果类:so明早一定按时来否则你会失去一个好机会。ning,so I can't go shopping with you.

  今晚我有许多事要做所以不能陪你去购物了。汤姆和他父亲都不会说汉语。的用法比较。另起新句有逗号与句子隔开。but不需另起新句。while既表示对比又表转折。他病了可他还是坚持工作。didn't believe her.

  她说得有道理然而格林先生就是不信她。南方多雨而北方少雨。温馨提示:(1)so不能与because连用。(2)but,while不与although连用但yet可与although连用。包含并列连词1)祈使句+主谓结构。(2)名词短语+主谓结构。在 “祈使句+主谓结构”的句式中祈使句表示条件后的句子表示结果。在 “名词短语+主谓结构”的句式中名词短语可能表示条件也可能表示时间后的句子表示结果。如:爬到山顶你就可以看到城市的全景。(If you climb to the top of the mountain,you'll get a good view of the city.)

  Hurry up,or you'll be late.

  快点不然你就要迟到了。(If you don't hurry up,you'll be late.)

  Another five minutes,and I'll finish the composition.

  再过五分钟我就可以把作文写完了。(If you give me another five minutes,I'll finish the composition.)

  A few minutes and they went away.

  几分钟后他们走了。(When/After a few minutes had passed,they went away.)

  (3)be about to...when...正要……这时突然……他正要出门这


  4.________all of them are strong candidates,only one will be chosen for the post.

  5.________ I admit he is good at his maths,I don't think he is a gifted boy.

  Ⅱ.在下列各句空格中填入恰当的词。hese years.

  So he said,“Thank you,________I have a request. I hope you'll do one more thing for our company.”

  2.The city mouse was pleased________led the country mouse to the kitchen.

  3.“We love China and we love children,” Donity said,“________ we are happy to do this.”

  4.I couldn't do anything________stand and stare.

  5.The busiest time is around Spring Festival, because many people go back to their hometowns for family reunions________go travelling.

  6.Don't turn off the computer before closing all



  have problems.

  7.We can see that ________lies a pen and two books on the desk.

  8.It is often said that the joy of travelling is not in arriving at your destination ________in the journey itself.

  9.Bill wasn't happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and ________ was I.

  10.________does Jack do his work well,________he helps others with their work.

  11.______she did not speak clearly ______I did not hear well.

  12.They were about to discuss the second topic ________ a stranger came in.

  Ⅲ.下列各句中都有一个错误请改 not easy to change habits,therefore with awareness




  is possible.

  2.Find ways to praise your children often,or you'll find they will open their hearts to you.

  3.It is no doubt that the driver is to blame for the traffic accident.

  4.And all these make it more and more popular with high school students,and many parents and teachers hold a different view.

  5.I thought we'd be late for the concert,so we ended up getting there ahead of time.

  6.Another word or I will knock you flat.

  7.Don't give up half way, but you'll regret what you do today.

  8.I was about to say good bye while he returned and gave me a hug suddenly.

  Ⅳ.语法填空阅读下面短文按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求One day I was playing the piano 1.I heard a knock at the door.It was my neighbour Jack.He wanted to buy a second­hand piano.Everyone said I played the piano well, he asked me to help to judge the tone of the piano.We arrived at the owner's house and I looked the piano over, sat down and played a mixture of honky­tonk numbers 4. classical pieces.When I finished the sound was good and 6.he should buy it.(surprised) (concern)?” play like thatiano wasn't for sale, 10.her daughter had to resume(重新开始) taking piano lessons.答案: 2.however 3.but 4.While 5.While 2.and 3.so/and 4.but 5.or 6.or 8.but 9.neither 10.Not only; but also 11.Either;or 12.when 2.or→and 3.It→There 4.and many→but many 5.so→but 6.or→and 7.but→or/otherwise 8.while→when 2.so 3.then 4.and 5.still 6.therefore 8.Concerned 9.could/should 10.and


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