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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:39 选修8 Modules 1-3(外研版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练39(选修8 Modules 1-3)



  Renaissance is a French word.It means “rebirth”.It’s a strange name for a period of history.What was it that was “reborn” during the Renaissance?

  To answer this question,we need to look back at the time of the Roman Empire.At this time Roman artists,scientists and writers influenced by Greek ideas were the world’s most advanced.They had become skilled observers of the natural world around them,and had become experts in studying animals,plants,the human body or the stars and planets.They wrote down their ideas about what they saw,and based their theories about the world on their observations.

  During the fourth and fifth centuries the Roman Empire slowly broke down.Many of the Romans’ art and sculptures were destroyed and some manuscripts(原稿) were lost as well.But most importantly,some of the ancient attitudes were lost.A questioning approach to the world was replaced by an unquestioning one.

  Why did this happen?One reason was to do with the influence of the Christian Church.Through the thousand years following the fall of the Roman Empire,the Church controlled many aspects of life including education and learning.The Church ran all the universities and thought that the aim of a university should be to teach old ideas more clearly,not to introduce new ones.The scholars in the universities were expected to study God and heaven from the Bible and ancient books,rather than the world around them.

  Take medicine,for example.The main textbook for doctors had been written by a Greek doctor called Galen more than a thousand years earlier.But when Roger Bacon,a thirteenth-century priest(牧师),said that a new approach to medicine was needed—doctors should do their own original research instead of reading writers from the past such as Galen—the Church put him in prison.

  By the time of the fourteenth century,however,some parts of the Christian Church were becoming less strict about their ideas and there was a new state of mind among artists,doctors and scientists.People wanted to find out more about the world by studying it.This attitude of investigation had been common in classical scholars,and it was ‘reborn’ during the Renaissance.


  1.We know from the text that scientists at the time of the Roman Empire believed in  . 

  A.their companions’ observations

  B.what they saw with their own eyes

  C.what they learned from the Greeks

  D.the most advanced theories at that time


  解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“skilled observers”及“They wrote down their ideas about what they saw,and based their theories about the world on their observations.”可知,罗马帝国时期的科学家们善于观察,他们相信自己看到的,并基于自己的观察建立理论。

  2.We can infer that students in the Church-controlled universities might  . 


  A.have good memories B.change their beliefs

  C.be lacking in creativity D.be interested in astronomy


  解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“the aim of a university should be to teach old ideas more clearly,not to introduce new ones...study God and heaven from the Bible and ancient books,rather than the world around them”可知,在教会控制下的大学里,学生们只是机械地学习已有的知识,不去探究周围的世界,这样教育出来的学生必然缺乏创造力。

  3.Roger Bacon was put in prison because he  . 

  A.gave up being a priest B.challenged the Church

  C.did some research secretly D.showed no respect for Galen



  4.The text probably comes from a book about  . 

  A.medicine B.history

  C.religion D.education





  My 13-year-old son and I had quite the adventure this morning!We frequently passed by a  1  landscaped yard with a nice little flower garden.I wanted to  2  my thanks for the time and effort put in by the  3 ,but I’ve never seen him or her,so we went to a local nursery and bought a gift card that I would leave with a  4  and a smile card the next time that I passed by. 

  We also ran to Walmart and  5  a few $10 gift cards along with some note cards and our other  6 .While we were putting our things away in the car,my son  7  that a lady that had just parked next to us looked a little  8 .As soon as she entered the  9 ,we grabbed a note card,made a note  10 ,and added a gift card for her to find when she got back to her  11 ,hoping to comfort her feelings. 

  After that,we went for a(n)  12 breakfast.The restaurant was pretty  13  and the people working in the kitchen seemed to be busy forever.A young couple  14  across the dining table from us was having some trouble with their  15 ,who looked to be about four or five.He grew  16 and impatient with the wait and they had their hands  17  keeping him from making troubles. 

  I remember being in their  18 ,so I stopped their  19  and had their breakfast added to my check.Great  20  to my day,and I can’t wait to do it again! 


  1.A.smoothly B.carelessly

  C.roughly D.beautifully


  解析:根据此空后的“landscaped yard with a nice little flower garden”可推断,此处表示“一个经过美化的漂亮的院子”。故选D项。smoothly“平稳地,顺畅地”;carelessly“粗心地”;roughly“粗略地”。

  2.A.express B.recognize

  C.design D.accept


  解析:“我”想对这位投入时间和精力的园丁表达(express)感谢。recognize“认出,识别”;design“设计”;accept “接受”。

  3.A.nurse B.dentist

  C.gardener D.passer-by


  解析:根据上一句“We frequently passed by a  1  landscaped yard with a nice little flower garden”可推断,此处表示“我”想对这位能够把院子美化得如此漂亮的园丁(gardener)表示感谢。 

  4.A.present B.note

  C.book D.diploma


  解析:根据5空后的“a few $10 gift cards along with some note cards”可知,此处应用note“便条”。

  5.A.bought B.borrowed

  C.sold D.imported



  6.A.instruments B.desserts

  C.vegetables D.groceries



  7.A.suspected B.observed

  C.imagined D.reserved



  8.A.elegant B.generous

  C.excited D.upset


  解析:根据11空后的“hoping to comfort her feelings”可推断,此处表示这位女士看上去有点儿沮丧,故选upset“难过的,沮丧的”。elegant “高雅的,优雅的”;generous“慷慨的,大方的”;excited“兴奋的,高兴的”。

  9.A.store B.clinic

  C.bank D.nursery



  10.A.slowly B.unwillingly

  C.quickly D.shyly


  解析:根据语境中的“As soon as”和“grabbed”可知,此处应用quickly“迅速地”。slowly“缓慢地,慢慢地”;unwillingly “不情愿地”;shyly“害羞地”。

  11.A.house B.car

  C.bike D.bench



  12.A.early B.boring

  C.expensive D.late


  解析:early“早的”;boring“令人厌烦的”;expensive “昂贵的”;late“迟的”。根据上文可知,“我”已经做了一系列的事情,故此处表示比较迟的早餐,即D项正确。

  13.A.decorated B.empty

  C.packed D.deserted


  解析:decorated“装饰的”;empty“空的”;packed“挤满人的”;deserted “空寂无人的”。根据空后的“and the people working in the kitchen seemed to be busy forever”可推断C项正确。

  14.A.lain B.loaded

  C.seated D.arranged



  15.A.son B.daughter

  C.dog D.pet


  解析:根据此空后的“who looked to be about four or five”以及“He grew...”可推断,此处表示这对年轻夫妻的儿子,即A项正确。

  16.A.defenseless B.tireless

  C.careless D.restless



  17.A.available B.full

  C.normal D.necessary


  解析:此处表示这对夫妻忙着阻止儿子捣乱,have one’s hands full意为“非常忙,应接不暇”,即B项正确。

  18.A.shorts B.gloves

  C.shoes D.socks


  解析:in sb.’s shoes“处于某人的境地”,为固定短语,符合此处的语境。

  19.A.waitress B.child

  C.customer D.hostess



  20.A.end B.start

  C.story D.dream





  Some inventions happen in strange ways.The potato chip is one of them.

  Moon’s Lake House was 1. restaurant in New York in the 1850s.George Crum was the cook there.Many rich people often came to the restaurant 2.(enjoy) his cooking. 

  The one thing that really upset Crum was 3. a customer complained about the food and sent it back to the kitchen to be done over.He would often return it overcooked.He was happy to see the customer walk out of the restaurant 4. (angry). 

  On August 24,1853,a customer returned his fried potatoes to the kitchen,5.  they weren’t crunchy(脆的) enough.Crum reacted in his 6.(usually) way.He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil.They were so crunchy and Crum was sure that the man would refuse 7.(eat) them.Instead,the man loved them.He even asked for more. 

  Now,do you know 8. invented the potato chip?It’s George Crum!He 9.(late) set up his own restaurant.He named it Crum’s House.He put baskets of his potato chips on all the tables.They made his restaurant a very popular place. 

  Today,potato chips are one of Americans’ 10. (favor) foods! 



  1.a 解析:考查冠词。restaurant是名词,此处表示泛指,故用不定冠词a。

  2.to enjoy 解析:考查非谓语动词。这里用动词不定式作目的状语,表示许多富人常常来这里吃他烹饪的饭菜。

  3.when 解析:考查表语从句。此处应用when引导表语从句,且在从句中作时间状语。

  4.angrily 解析:考查副词。根据前面“walk out of the restaurant”可知,后面应用副词angrily修饰动词。

  5.because 解析:考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示“因为油炸的薯条不够脆”,强调原因,故用because。

  6.usual 解析:考查形容词。根据后面的名词way可知,此处应用形容词。

  7.to eat 解析:考查动词不定式。refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”。

  8.who 解析:考查疑问词。根据后面“It’s George Crum”可知,此处问的是谁发明了薯条。

  9.later 解析:考查副词。根据后面的“set up”可知,这里应用later。

  10.favorite 解析:考查形容词。根据后面的“foods”可知,这里需要用形容词,且表示“最喜欢的”。


  Dear Tom,

  I am writing to tell you how to deal with study pressure.As high school student,time seems very much limited.Therefore,a ten-minute break is very important.As the saying go,“All work but no play makes Jack a dull boy.”So a break among classes is necessary.Otherwise you will feel tired both physically or mentally.You can listen to light music to keep yourself relaxing.Besides,have a free chat with your classmates is a good way.Meanwhile,you can play sport with others.

  I sincere wish you a happy and meaningful high school life!

  Good luck to you!


  Li Hua


  Dear Tom,

  I am writing to tell you how to deal with study pressure.As high school student,time seems very


  limited.,a ten-minute break is very important.As the saying ,“All work but no play makes Jack a dull boy.”So a break

  classes is necessary.Otherwise you will feel tired both physically

  mentally.You can listen to light music to keep yourself .Besides, a free chat with your classmates is a good way.Meanwhile,you can play

  with others.


  wish you a happy and meaningful high school life!

  Good luck to you!


  Li Hua


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