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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:14 必修3 Module 2(外研版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练14(必修3 Module 2)




  Earth’s next superpower

  The following countries have been sitting on hidden talents.And now they’re about to fly.


  Nigeria says it pumps out as much oil as the other two oil-producing countries,Kuwait and Iraq.All this oil is cycling cash into the Nigerian economy and creating extremely rich businessmen.Analysts say that if Nigeria can improve its schools and technology,it could balloon into the world’s 13th largest economy by 2050,right between Turkey and Italy.If that reason is not enough for optimism,Nigeria’s president also has the sunniest name of any world leader:Goodluck Jonathan.


  As agriculture has given way to industry,unemployment in Vietnam has dropped.

  What’s Vietnam’s trick?It’s ready to work.Other countries’ laborers aren’t as cheap as they used to be,which makes Vietnam a relative bargain for companies that need new factories abroad.However,the country has almost no railroads,its highways are in poor condition,and its largest city has just one airport,which was built before the Vietnam War.So what’s the use of producing export-ready goods if there’s no convenient way to ship them?The good thing is,however,officials are widening highways,building a new airport and so on.


  Pipes,computers,motors,and your microwave all have one thing in common:They’re made with copper(铜).Copper makes the world go round.And lucky for Chile,it’s got about a third of the planet’s copper supply.It just needs a way to dig it up and the government is pouring money into the country’s mines.


  1.Which country will Nigeria be expected to follow in respect of economy by 2050?

  A.Kuwait. B.Iraq.

  C.Turkey. D.Italy.


  解析:细节理解题。根据NIGERIA部分中的“it could balloon into the world’s 13th largest economy by 2050,right between Turkey and Italy.”可知,分析人士认为,到2050年尼日利亚非常有希望在国家经济实力的排名中位列第13位,紧随土耳其之后。

  2.What’s the problem Vietnam is facing?

  A.It doesn’t have money to build new factories.

  B.Its people don’t have enough food to eat.

  C.It is suffering from the Vietnam War.

  D.Its transport system is very poor.


  解析:细节理解题。根据VIETNAM部分中的“the country has almost no railroads,its highways are in poor condition,and its largest city has just one airport,which was built before the Vietnam War.So what’s the use of producing export-ready goods if there’s no convenient way to ship them?”可以看出,越南的交通系统非常落后。

  3.What will Chile depend on to get developed?

  A.High tech.

  B.Natural resources.

  C.Investments from other countries.

  D.The government’s good administration.


  解析:推理判断题。根据CHILE部分中的“Copper makes the world go round.And lucky for Chile,it’s got about a third of the planet’s copper supply.”可知,铜在当今社会非常重要,而智利的铜矿资源约占世界铜矿资源的三分之一。由此可推测,智利的经济发展需要依靠自然资源。


  In March 2005,my daughter Amanda went on a nine-day all expenses paid holiday to East Africa.She had been invited to accompany her cousin Julie who is a sales representative with a big firm here in the U.K.

  Julie’s company operate an annual ‘rewards’scheme and that year her team had received ‘The President’s Award’.It was gifted in the form of the above mentioned holiday.Amanda and Julie have always been good friends and Julie asked Amanda to go with her.

  They had a great time and came home with lots of stories and photographs.They had flown to Nairobi and went on safari(游猎) in The Serengeti National Park.They also had a couple of days in Zanzibar.

  While in the Serengeti,they spent time with a community of Maasai.The hospitality showered upon them by these extremely poor(measured by western standards) villagers was the outstanding memory of an amazing trip.They were especially moved at the sight of the village school,where the children have no books,pencils or even benches to sit on.And yet all seemed happy and content with their primitive lifestyle.

  Upon their return,Julie and Amanda were inspired to put together an illustrated presentation of their experience and on Friday,3rd.June 2005,took it to a local church hall for its first outing.They raised £200.00 for the church fund.Such was the success of the evening that they resolved to take their show on a local tour of church halls and community centres to raise funds for this little village school in Tanzania.

  I felt very proud that night to be in attendance at this show presented by my daughter and niece.My abiding memory was the line delivered by Amanda at the closing.She said,“Although these people don’t have what we have,they have more smiles on their faces”.


  4.Amanda went on the holiday to East Africa to  . 

  A.accompany her cousin

  B.enjoy the reward

  C.explore primitive lifestyle

  D.have safari in a national park


  解析:细节理解题。从文章第一段的“She had been invited to accompany her cousin Julie”可知,作者的女儿是为了陪伴自己的表姐而去度假的。

  5.What probably impressed Amanda and Julie the most?

  A.The safari in The Serengeti National Park.

  B.The time they spent in Zanzibar.

  C.People’s attitude in Maasai.

  D.The lifestyle of people in Maasai.



  6.Why did Amanda and Julie give the presentation of their experience in Africa?

  A.To help people in need.

  B.To impress the church members.

  C.To promote tourism in Africa.

  D.To show the lifestyle of African people.



  7.What did Amanda probably learn from the holiday?

  A.Poverty is the source of evil.

  B.People should value what they have.

  C.Wealth doesn’t necessarily mean happiness.

  D.Good health is over wealth.




  How to be a good roommate

  Roommate horror stories are pretty popular topics of conversation at school.Follow a few simple tips to ensure you’re not the awful roommate everyone’s talking about.

  Respect each other

  First and foremost,you need to respect your roommate.

  ●1.  If your roommate is sleeping,keep the noise and light levels down.If your roommate is studying,don’t have loud conversations in the same room.Ask yourself whether you would be annoyed if your roommate didn’t do the above things for you. 

  ●Keep it clean.2.  Hair in the shower or bathrooms littered with magazines or dirty clothes.Respect means keeping your side of the room clean.And hopefully,if your roommate sees you keeping your side clean,she’ll be more likely to keep hers clean. 

  ●Keep your hands off their stuff.3.  If you really need to borrow something of theirs,always ask before you do.If they say no,don’t get angry.Some people just don’t like other people using their stuff. 

  Set basic rules

  You and your roommate should establish some basic rules.For instance,I really don’t like it when people have phone conversations in the room while I’m studying.4.  I’d rather be writing my paper than listening to you tell your best friend about your weekend.So discuss that with your roommate.Make a compromise,but the tie should go to the person studying.Another example is to discuss cleaning duties.Dividing cleaning duties will make your room cleaner and it will help ease roommate tensions.5.  

  A.Be considerate.

  B.Talk on the phone.

  C.Don’t use your roommate’s items without asking.

  D.I’m not good at doing several things at the same time.

  E.I have heard many horror stories about dirty roommates.

  F.Taking out the trash and tidying the room are just a few things to consider.

  G.It is amazing how people don’t understand what it means to be considerate.



  1.A 解析:根据本段中建议大家在室友睡觉的时候降低音量、调暗灯光以及在室友学习时不要大声喧哗可以看出,作者建议大家“为他人着想”。

  2.E 解析:E项中的dirty roommates不仅符合本空后一句内容,也呼应Keep it clean的建议。

  3.C 解析:本段建议大家不要动室友的东西,也就是说“未经允许,不要使用室友的物品”。

  4.D 解析:作者在学习的时候不希望有人在旁边打电话是因为作者“不擅长同时做好几件事”。

  5.F 解析:F项中的Taking out the trash和tidying the room就是本空前的cleaning duties的例子。



  When you decide you’re going to live alone,you get upset.This is 1.(nature).But there’s no need to get 2.(worry).Below are some ideas 3. can help you out. 

  Saving money is 4. you need to start several months before you move out.You need to save enough money 5.(help) you survive for at least a month in the new place.The 6.(easy)of all ways is to spend less! 

  Search for a place to live in before 7.(move) out.Make sure that the place you choose is in a good location.Besides,you can afford 8..If you’re going to stay in an expensive city,find a roommate so that you can share the expenses. 

  And if you have to live 9. your own for a long time,you’ll have to look for a part-time job.If you’re 10. student,you can work in restaurants,theaters,etc.And don’t spend a lot of money in a wasteful way!Try and save every penny of what you earn. 



  1.natural 解析:考查形容词。当你决定单独生活时,你变得沮丧,这是自然的。空格前是is,根据句子成分可知,此处需要用nature的形容词形式做表语。

  2.worried 解析:考查形容词。get worried“担心,担忧”。

  3.that 解析:考查定语从句。下面是一些帮助你摆脱困境的方法。因为先行词前有some修饰,所以此处用that引导限制性定语从句,在从句中做主语代替先行词ideas。

  4.what 解析:考查表语从句。在你搬出去的几个月之前,你就需要开始存钱。what引导表语从句,并在从句中做宾语。

  5.to help 解析:考查动词不定式。你需要存足够的钱来帮助你在新的地方生存至少一个月。此处用动词不定式做目的状语。

  6.easiest 解析:考查最高级。根据of all ways,结合句意可知应填easiest;句意:所有的方法中最容易的就是少花钱。

  7.moving 解析:考查非谓语动词。介词before后跟动词的-ing形式。

  8.it 解析:考查代词。此处用it指代前面“the place”。

  9.on 解析:考查介词短语。on one’s own“单独,独自”。

  10.a 解析:考查冠词。句中student是可数名词单数,结合句意可知应填a;句意:如果你是一名学生,你可以在餐馆、剧院等地方工作。


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