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2017届高考英语一轮复习技能提升练:选修7 Unit 1《Living well》(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修七 Unit 1 高考提能练





  (2016·山西四校联考三)Last weekend I visited Rome for the first time. I spent three busy days in the Italian capital, seeing lots of tourist attractions and walking down streets lit with Christmas decorations. There are a lot of things I love about the city.

  Rome is one of the most ancient cities in the world and is full of wonderful relics (遗迹) from its distant past. These monuments include the Roman Forum and the vast Coliseum where gladiators used to fight each other until death and hunt animals coming from another country. The ruins of buildings and temples are fascinating: you can?t quite believe how old they are.

  I studied the masterpieces of the Renaissance period at university and was very excited to see them in real life. I walked around the museum in Vatican City and saw plenty of famous sculptures (雕塑). The best part of the visit was, without doubt, the Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted in the early 16th century by the great Michelangelo. It was so breathtaking that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it.

  In Rome, there is a lot of food on offer for tourists but some of it isn?t of very good quality. I made an effort to find reliable restaurants to taste the popular meals of the region, like pasta with tomato, onion and bacon. I also love eating ice cream and hot chocolate under the Christmas lights.

  Rome has not only lots of luxury boutiques (精品店) but also plenty of shops that were more in my price range! It was a perfect opportunity to go and buy presents for my family and friends. There was also a Christmas market, where I bought a sparkly decoration for the tree.


  1.The underlined word “gladiators” in the 2nd paragraph probably means “________”.

  A.athletes B.butchers



  解析:选D 词义猜测题。根据画线词之后的“used to fight each other until death and hunt animals coming from another country”可知,该词意为“角斗士”。故选D。

  2.The author found the ruins of buildings and temples fascinating because ________.

  A.they represent Romes religion

  B.they are relics from Romes distant past

  C.you cant help wondering how old they are

  D.they include the Roman Forum and the vast Coliseum

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“full of wonderful relics (遗迹) from its distant past”和“The ruins of buildings and temples are fascinating”可知选B。

  3.What is mainly discussed in the 3rd paragraph?

  A.The great museums of Italy.

  B.The sculptures in Rome.

  C.Art­related activities during the visit.

  D.The achievements of the Renaissance period in Italy.

  解析:选C 段落大意题。本段主要介绍的是作者此次游玩罗马的过程中涉及艺术参观活动。故选C。

  4.When visiting Rome, you should be careful in choosing ________.

  A.the attractions

  B.the food

  C.the hotels

  D.the luxury boutiques

  解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段前两句中的“In Rome, there is a lot of food on offer for tourists but some of it isnt of very good quality. I made an effort to find reliable restaurants to taste the popular meals of the region ...”可知,作者暗示选择食物时要特别小心。故选B。



  Voice and onscreen directions

  TeleNav GPS Navigator (导航仪) is easy to use as you drive, and it will give you all the information you need, such as:

  ●The current street

  ●The next turn to take

  ●The next street to turn on to

  ●The number of miles left on your trip

  Along the way, directions will be announced in a clear voice and displayed on your phone. For example, it will say, “Go 12 miles and turn right on Elm Street.” As you approach the turn, you will hear, “Turn right on Elm Street.”

  Hit the road by previewing your route before you go. You even get the total distance and estimate of the travel time to your destination.

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  With TeleNav GPS Navigator, it’s easy to find restaurants, banks, cafés, hotels and more from over 10 million points of interest. Once you’ve found what you are looking for, you can use TeleNav to get directions or to call ahead to make a reservation.

  List price:D|S199.99; our price:D|S142.77.

  Comments from users

  “Its easy to use. The voice that tells you the turn directions — with names and streets — is clear and easy to understand.”

  ——Dory Delvin

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  ——Dale Hein

  语篇解读:这是一则广告。广告主要向人们推荐一种导航仪,并介绍了它的功能、价格以及顾客的好评。5.If you buy ten TeleNav GPS Navigators, you can save ________.




  解析:选B 数字计算题。根据文章中的“List price:D|S199.99; our price:D|S142.77”可知,买一台TeleNav GPS导航仪可以节省D|S57.22,10台可以节省D|S57.22×10=D|S572.2,即B项正确。

  6.The author quotes customers comments in the ad to


  A.teach people how to use the product correctly

  B.describe how to make the most of the product

  C.convince people of the products top quality

  D.persuade people not to use paper maps

  解析:选C 推理判断题。广告中作者引用顾客的好评是为了让人们相信该产品顶级的质量,然后去购买这一产品。故选C项。

  7.How does TeleNav GPS Navigator give users directions?

  A.By speaking and shaking.

  B.By displaying and writing.

  C.By shaking and displaying.

  D.By speaking and displaying.

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章中Voice and onscreen directions下的“Along the way, directions will be announced in a clear voice and displayed on your phone.”可知,应选D项。

  8.________ is not a feature of TeleNav GPS Navigator.

  A.Finding out how much gas is left in your car

  B.Guiding you to a restaurant

  C.Informing the remaining miles to your destination

  D.Identifying where you are

  解析:选A 推理判断题。根据文章中的“its easy to find restaurants”“The number of miles left on your trip”及“The current street”可知,B、C、D三项都是TeleNav GPS 导航仪的特点,A项在文中未提及,故选A项。


  (2016·呼和浩特市第一次调研)It is not so long ago that the extended family lived under the same roof. Children grew up knowing their cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and other relatives. These children felt connected.

  In these not­too­long­ago times people were connected to their food. Most people grew their own vegetables and fruit. Many families had a house cow for milk, cheese, butter and cream. Most families also had meat animals. When visitors came unexpectedly, dad would be sent out back to kill the chicken for dinner. Everyone was involved in cooking and mealtimes were a social event. When the meal ended, most of the family were involved in cleaning up and washing up. How different is the situation today?

  The fast life is all around us — fast food, fast cars, fast conversations, fast families, fast holidays. Our fast paced life has weakened these connections. We have been fooled into thinking we need to, or even must, be fast and have what the “fast life” gives us. Stress is leading to many new health problems.

  The solution is the Slow Movement. It aims to deal with the problem of “time poverty” through making connections. It supports a growing cultural shift towards slowing down. It has spread to more than sixty countries and become a worldwide movement.

  The Slow Movement tells us that we need to slow down and connect with our life. We need connection to people — ourselves, our family, our community, our friends — to food, to places (where we live), and to life. By being part of the Slow Movement, many people have known how they lost connection to most aspects of their life and to the natural world and rhythms around them. And more importantly, they have reconnected — they have lived a new connected lifestyle.

  语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。作者首先描述了昔日大家生活在同一屋檐下,彼此联系、舒服惬意的生活,然后与如今的快节奏生活进行对比,阐述了快节奏对人们的危害,并介绍了Slow Movement 的目的和内容。

  9.If we are connected to our food, we________.

  A.eat each meal slowly

  B.buy our food by ourselves

  C.enjoy our mealtimes with other family members

  D.prepare and cook our food by ourselves

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第五句中的“dad would be sent out back to kill the chicken for dinner”和第六句“Everyone was involved in cooking and mealtimes were a social event.”可知,我们与食物的联系来自于我们自己准备和制作食物。答案选D。

  10.According to the text, which group of the following words can be used to describe todays life?

  A.Healthy, busy, disconnected.

  B.Rich, disconnected, comfortable.

  C.Fast, busy, stressful.

  D.Convenient, relaxing, fast.

  解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段对 fast life 的介绍中提到的高频词汇“fast”“fast paced life”“stress”及“health problems”等可知,现代生活的特点是快速、忙碌、压力大。故答案选C。

  11.According to the author, many people have________.

  A.got used to fast life

  B.had unwise opinions about fast life

  C.had diseases caused by fast food

  D.benefited from fast life

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第三句“We have ...gives us.”可知,在现代社会中,我们已经被愚弄或被“洗脑”,认为我们必须快节奏地生活,接受快节奏生活所带给我们的一切。由此可知,我们对现代生活的想法是不明智的。故答案选B。

  12.Whats the purpose of the text?

  A.To compare modern life with traditional life.

  B.To explain the meaning of making a connection.

  C.To explain the disadvantages of disconnected life.

  D.To support a world­wide movement.

  解析:选D 写作意图题。根据作者的态度与文章结构可知,作者归根结底是为了推出并支持Slow Movement 这一世界性的活动。而A、B、C三项或是表述片面,或只是文章表面意思。故答案选D。


  (2016·重庆调研测试二)Whether you prefer burning the midnight oil or going to bed early so you can get up at the break of dawn depends on your genes, according to experts.

  I jump out of bed each morning, eager to start an active day. But I can hear my neighbour’s alarm clock ringing non­stop every morning and I doubt he gets to work on time.

  A lot of noise comes from his flat in the evening. He’s happy to stay up watching TV till after midnight, while I go to bed early and try to sleep.

  Well, it might not be his fault after all. I’m called “a lark (百灵鸟)” and my neighbour “an owl (猫头鹰)”.

  We all have inside “clocks” in the brain to control all kinds of bodily functions and it is reset every day by light. These inside clocks run to a different schedule in “larks” and “owls”. If you have a fast clock, you like to do things early, and if you have a slow clock, you like to do things late.

  Because we live in a 24/7 world, scientists believe it’s important to understand a person’s “chronotype” — the time of the day when they function the best. It could help us lead a healthier life.

  A US professor has studied sleeping patterns and thinkswork times should be changed and made more individual to fit in with our chronotypes.

  And he has advice for those who can’t choose their working hours: “If that’s not possible, we should be more careful about light exposure,” says the professor. “You should try to go to work not in a covered vehicle but on a bike. The minute the sun sets we should use things that have no blue light, like computer screens and other electronic devices.”

  语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。作者通过分析自己和邻居不同的作息情况,说明了每个人都有自己的睡眠类型:有的人晚上的工作效率高,有的人白天的工作效率高。但是,如果无法选择工作时间,那么就应在晚上尽量避免蓝色的光,因为蓝色的光可能会导致睡眠问题。13.How is the passage mainly developed?

  A.By presenting and solving problems.

  B.By explaining the cause­effect relationship.

  C.By giving examples and drawing a conclusion.

  D.By analyzing differences and providing advice.

  解析:选D 写作手法题。作者通过分析自己与邻居不同的作息情况,认识到这是由于基因的不同造成的。然后,作者对此提出建议,即不同的人应该采用不同的作息时间。故选D项。

  14.We can learn from the passage that the authors neighbour________.

  A.almost always gets to work on time

  B.has to work deep into the night every day

  C.is passive during the day but energetic at night

  D.is easily woken up by his alarm clock in the morning

  解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“But I can hear ... to work on time.”和第三段可知,作者的邻居白天状态消极,晚上却精力充沛。故选C项。

  15.Things with blue light are not recommended after sunset because blue light ________.

  A.will make you nervous

  B.may cause sleep problems

  C.will reduce your work efficiency

  D.may make you sleepy

  解析:选B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句可知,如果我们无法选择工作时间,不得不在白天工作而在晚上休息,我们就应该更加注意光的照射,尤其是不要在晚上接触蓝色的光。由此可推知,蓝色的光可能会导致睡眠问题。故选B项。


  (2016·青岛市高三统一质检)If I could give everyone one piece of advice about the college application process, it would be this: __1__

  Be different from the beginning. Don’t wait until the summer after the junior year, or worse, the fall of the senior year to begin this process. __2__ You might be seeing the stress in seniors who are frantically (手忙脚乱地) visiting colleges, writing essays, and completing applications.

  __3__ Do some research and think beyond the “usual suspects” (备选) before you find the most suitable choice.Colleges compare students from the same high school with the same measuring stick since they read all the applications together. If your coursework and test scores don’t look good enough, it will be more challenging to be accepted. However, your leadership or special talents may be more impressive if you are one of only a few students applying to a certain college.

  Be different in the activities you choose and follow your interests, not your friends. __4__ It could be tutoring, the environment, dancing, writing, or starting a business, but take part for the right reasons. Your activities should be meaningful and tell a story about who you are.

  Be different in what you write about in your essay to

  stand out. It is the one tool that gives you total control, so use it wisely. Write what you want them to know about you, not what you think they want to read. Brainstorming your essay topic is a self­reflection process. __5__ Find something unique.

  A.Try to develop your talents.

  B.Be different in preparing your college list.

  C.Stay away from topics that everyone writes about.

  D.Dare to be different.

  E.Imagine what people are usually interested in.

  F.Starting early will relieve much stress.

  G.Find something that matters to you or something you care about.

  答案:1~5 DFBGC


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