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2016届高考英语二轮复习专题基础训练:1 记叙文

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第二部分 完形填空



  It was during those hard days in a small community.Food was in short supply.I used to stop by Mr.Miller’s stand for  1 . 

  One particular day,while Mr.Miller was  2  some potatoes for me I noticed a small boy  3  admiring a basket of green peas.Soon I was also  4  to the fresh green peas. 

  The boy left.Mrs.Miller  5  to me and said,“There are two other such boys in our  6 ,all from poor families.Jim always offers to  7  our produce for their marbles(弹珠).He somehow makes them believe he likes red marbles  8 .Sometimes he even sends them home with some peas for  9 .” I left the stand, 10  with this man. 

  Years later,I went back to visit some  11  in that community and while I was there I learned Mr.Miller had died.I agreed to  12  my friends to see Mrs.Miller.Upon our arrival,we offered whatever words of  13 .Ahead of us were three young men.They moved to the casket(棺椁).Mrs.Miller’s eyes followed them  14  each young man placed his own  15  hand over the cold pale hand and then left. 

  Our turn came to meet Mrs.Miller.I told her who I was and mentioned the  16  of the marbles.She said,“Those three young men were the boys.They told me how they  17  Jim’s kindness.” 

  “We’ve never had much  18 ,” she said,“but right now,Jim would consider himself the  19  man.” Then she lifted her husband’s lifeless fingers. 20  beneath the hand were three shining,red marbles! 


  B.grains C.vegetables D.fruits

  2.A.bagging B.digging C.selling D.cooking

  3.A.happily B.hungrily

  C.curiously D.seriously

  4.A.carried B.sent C.drawn D.led

  5.A.pulled up B.picked up

  C.got up D.came up

  6.A.community B.town

  C.home D.store

  7.A.trade B.bring C.change D.get

  8.A.in time B.in particular

  C.on purpose D.on average

  9.A.something B.everything

  C.anything D.nothing

  10.A.impressed B.surprised

  C.disappointed D.satisfied

  11.A.relatives B.friends

  C.businessmen D.workers

  12.A.introduce B.send C.accompany D.assist

  13.A.comfort B.thanks

  C.praise D.encouragement

  14.A.since B.whether C.because D.as

  15.A.cool B.warm C.red D.pale

  16.A.price B.color C.story D.number

  17.A.appreciated B.forgot

  C.needed D.helped

  18.A.debt B.wealth C.hope D.health

  19.A.tallest B.dearest C.richest D.toughest

  20.A.Rolling B.Fading C.Hanging D.Resting


  We lived in a house with a big garden, 1  we had planted different kinds of hot peppers.An African called Reeve worked for me.He  2  hot peppers,too.It was late summer and a beautiful sunny day.My son,Marcus,eight,and my daughter,Ellen,ten,picked several  3  hot peppers and entered our workroom with their  4 .They wanted to see if Reeve could  5  more hot peppers than I.After a little joking with them we agreed to the contest but they had to  6 ,too.That was not  7  terms for them so they left the room. 

  They  8  about an hour later with a new proposal and some other large hot peppers they had just picked.Somehow,they had reasoned that when a pepper was  9  in color it was the hottest kind.Marcus and Ellen would eat the green colored peppers  10  Reeve and I would eat the red colored peppers.Giving Reeve a wink(使眼色),we  11 .Showing good sportsmanship,I had the kids  12  the peppers that Reeve and I would eat.They picked the largest two red peppers.Then they picked a  13  green one for themselves. 14  what was going to  15 ,I told them I would make it  16  for them.I cut one pepper in half and removed the  17  to reduce the heat a little.The contest was one of speed rather than quantity.Each child had pepper in hand and was  18  to start. 

  Looking at my  19 ,I said,“OK,on three.One,two,three.Go.” Much happened all at once.Tears,screams and spitting running around,the children  20  their mouth with fast waving hands.A short time later,Reeve and I agreed that the red tasted better than the green. 

  1.A.which B.where C.who D.that

  2.A.ate B.liked C.sold D.studied

  3.A.heavy B.colorful C.large D.green

  4.A.proposal B.tricks

  C.imagination D.plans

  5.A.plant B.pick C.harvest D.eat

  6.A.taste B.participate

  C.contribute D.share

  7.A.acceptable B.comfortable

  C.profitable D.tolerable

  8.A.entered B.returned C.responded D.reached

  9.A.purple B.green C.red D.orange

  10.A.for B.or C.so D.if

  11.A.smiled B.understood

  C.agreed D.jumped

  12.A.prepare B.select C.cut D.cook

  13.A.fresh B.small C.delicious D.hot

  14.A.Knew B.Knowing

  C.Known D.Being known

  15.A.take in B.take on

  C.take place D.take effect

  16.A.easier B.happier

  C.more interesting D.hotter

  17.A.seeds B.leaves C.skin D.color

  18.A.nervous B.eager C.willing D.glad

  19.A.watch B.children C.partner D.people

  20.A.opened B.covered C.fanned D.washed



  1.C 根据第二段首句中的potatoes和green peas可知,米勒先生售卖的是蔬菜。答案为C项。

  2.A 根据该句中for me可知,米勒先生正在为作者购买的蔬菜装袋,bag在此作动词。此题容易误选C项,但应该用sell sth.to sb.,所以排除;B项和D项明显不符合题意。

  3.B 从文章第一段可知,当时社区里食物短缺,所以不难理解为什么小男孩“饥饿地”盯着一篮子青豆看。答案为B项。A项“幸福地,喜悦地”;C项“好奇地”;D项“严重地,认真地”。

  4.C 处于饥饿时期,无论大人还是孩子都抵挡不住食物的诱惑,所以选择C项,用到的短语为be drawn to“被……吸引”。

  5.D 根据该句题空后面的to me可知,这里用到短语come up to sb.,意思是“走到……面前”。A项“拔起”;B项“捡起,收听到,偶然学会,用很少的钱买到便宜货,回复”;C项“起床,起身”。

  6.A 根据文章第一段及题空前面的our可以推断,刚才看青豆的男孩和另外两个男孩子都是米勒夫人所在社区的居民。答案为A项。

  7.A 由下文可知米勒夫人口中的吉姆就是米勒先生,他总是主动用自己的农产品(produce)来换这几个穷困家庭孩子的弹珠。trade在这里作为动词,意思是“贸易,交换”。

  8.B 米勒先生让孩子们相信他特别喜欢红色的弹珠。A项“及时,终于”;B项“尤其地,特别地”;C项“故意地”;D项“平均地”。答案为B项。

  9.D 有时米勒先生还会无偿地给孩子们家里送去青豆。for nothing“免费地”。

  10.A 通过米勒夫人的介绍,米勒先生给作者留下了很深的印象。be impressed with“对……印象深刻”。

  11.B 根据下文可知,作者几年后重新到这个社区是去见几个老朋友。

  12.C 米勒先生去世了,作者想陪同几个朋友一起去看望米勒夫人。A项“介绍”;B项“派,送”;C项“陪同”;D项“辅助,帮助”。答案为C项。

  13.A 见到逝者的家属,作者当然要用话语安慰对方,所以答案为A项comfort,作为名词意思是“安慰,慰藉”。

  14.D 当那三个男孩来到吊唁现场的时候,米勒夫人一直看着他们。as在这里意思是“当……时候”。

  15.B 和下文死者“cold pale hand”形成对比,这几个年轻人的手应该是温暖的。答案为B项。

  16.C 轮到作者和米勒夫人见面时,作者提到了当初她讲的关于弹珠的故事。答案为C项。

  17.A 米勒先生生前为这几个孩子提供了很多帮助,所以他们自然对米勒先生的善举心存感激。appreciate“欣赏,感激”。

  18.B 根据上下文可以推知,虽然这对老夫妇没有多少财产,但是米勒先生却认为他是最富有的人,因为他的善举换来的是人们对他的尊敬。答案为B项。

  19.C 根据第18题解析可知答案为C项。

  20.D 当米勒夫人抬起丈夫的手时,看到手下放置了三颗闪闪发亮的红色弹珠。rest作为动词,意思是“放置,搁置,停留在”。


  1.B 此处考查定语从句,先行词为garden,且在从句中作地点状语,所以答案为B项。

  2.B 根据后面的too可知,里夫和我们一样喜欢辣椒。答案为B项。

  3.C 根据第二段中的“They picked the largest two red peppers.”可知,马库斯和埃伦挑选了最大的辣椒给作者和里夫吃。答案为C项。

  4.A 根据第二段首句中的“with a new proposal”可知答案为A项“建议,提议”。B项“戏法,诡计,伎俩”;C项“想象(力)”;D项“计划”。

  5.D 由第二段第三句中的“Reeve and I would eat the red colored peppers”可知,两个孩子想知道是不是里夫能够比作者吃更多的辣椒。答案为D项。

  6.B 由第二段第三句中的“Marcus and Ellen would eat the green colored peppers”可知,作者和里夫同意了孩子们的提议,但是条件是两个孩子也要参加。答案为B项,意思是“参加,加入”。A项“品尝,尝起来”;C项“致力于,做贡献”;D项“分享,分担”。

  7.A 孩子们无法接受这个条件,所以离开了房间。A项“合意的,可接受的”;B项“舒适的,安逸的”;C项“有益的,有利可图的”;D项“还不错的,可容忍的”。答案为A项。

  8.B 根据后文可知,两个孩子带着新的提议和刚刚采摘的辣椒折返回来。A项“进入”;B项“返回,归还”;C项“回应,回答”;D项“达到,伸出,达成”。答案为B项。

  9.C 孩子们认为红色的辣椒是最辣的。答案为C项。

  10.D 孩子们的新提议是:如果里夫和作者吃红色的辣椒,那么他们两个就吃绿色的辣椒。答案为D项。

  11.C 根据后文可知,作者和里夫同意了孩子们的要求。答案为C项。

  12.B 作为大人要展示一下良好的体育精神,作者让孩子们选择自己和里夫要吃的辣椒。A项“准备”;B项“挑选,选择”;C项“切,割”;D项“烹调,烧煮”。答案为B项。

  13.B 给大人挑选最大的辣椒,孩子们自己当然要选择最小的,所以答案为B项。

  14.B 作为大人当然知道吃辣椒会发生什么。主句的主语为I,且和动词know之间构成主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式作状语。答案为B项。

  15.C 根据第14题分析可知答案为C项take place,意思是“发生,产生”。A项“摄取,欺骗,理解”;B项“呈现,雇用,从事”;D项“生效,起作用”。

  16.A 根据后文可知,作者将孩子们要吃的辣椒切成两半,并把辣椒籽去掉,这样对孩子们来说比赛就变得不那么困难了。答案为A项。

  17.A 根据第16题分析可知答案为A项。因为辣椒籽是导致辣椒辣的主要因素。

  18.B 根据前面一句“The contest was one of speed rather than quantity.”可知,吃辣椒比的是速度,而不是细嚼慢咽,所以两个孩子都急于开始比赛。答案为B项,be eager to do sth.“急于/渴望做某事”。A项“紧张的”;C项“心甘情愿的”;D项“高兴的”。

  19.A 根据后文可知,作者在看表数秒,所以答案为A项。

  20.C 根据后面“with fast waving hands”可知,孩子们用手快速地给嘴扇风,所以答案为C项。此处fan为动词,意思是“扇,扇风”。


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