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2016届高考英语二轮复习专题基础训练:3 说明文

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  In America,if you are invited to a wedding,baby shower,bar mitzvah(成年礼)or other celebrations,you’re  1  to bring a gift.Usually,it should be modest in  2 ,about $25. 

  For a wedding,the bride will often have “registered” a  3  of gifts at a local department store,indicating the items she  4 .When you buy a registered item,tell the store that you’re doing this,so the couple doesn’t receive the  5  gift twice.For a baby shower,bring a gift  6  for a newborn baby.For a bar mitzvah,bring a gift appropriate for a 13-year-old boy. 7  they are such important occasions,gifts for bar mitzvahs tend to be more  8 ,for example,a gold-plated pen. 9  the pen by carving the boy’s full name will be appreciated. 

  If you wish to give a gift to American friends,choose something that is  10  to your country.It needn’t be valuable or  11 ,just typical of your homeland. 12  include a book about your country,an inexpensive souvenir,or something else that reflects your  13 .Young children who like collecting will probably be very  14  with a set of your country’s coins or stamps.Items that are  15  in your country but difficult to find abroad are also good. 

  If  16  with an American family,a good way of expressing your thanks is to take them to a form of  17 ,such as a basketball game or a concert. 

  When giving gifts to a business acquaintance,don’t give anything too  18 ,especially to a woman.A scarf or a hat is OK,but other types of  19  are not.Something appropriate for the  20  is best. 

  1.A.invitedB.calledC.expected  D.thought

  2.A.appearance B.value

  C.weight D.size

  3.A.list B.line C.number D.pack

  4.A.prefers B.owns C.uses D.imagines

  5.A.little B.good C.similar D.same

  6.A.demanding B.suitable

  C.cheap D.expensive

  7.A.Although B.Because

  C.When D.Therefore

  8.A.modest B.cheerful C.normal D.formal

  9.A.Personalizing B.Replacing

  C.Making D.Changing

  10.A.convenient B.appropriate

  C.unique D.beneficial

  11.A.colorful B.rare C.priceless D.nice

  12.A.Opportunities B.Expectations

  C.Inventions D.Possibilities

  13.A.character B.interest

  C.culture D.progress

  14.A.annoyed B.impressed

  C.disappointed D.puzzled

  15.A.limited B.useful C.common D.special

  16.A.arguing B.departing

  C.meeting D.staying

  17.A.education B.discussion

  C.exercise D.entertainment

  18.A.heavy B.simple

  C.personal D.professional

  19.A.clothing B.fortune

  C.jewelry D.equipment

  20.A.office B.home C.fun D.date



  Born in 1963 in Sierra Visa,Arizona,USA,Jessica learned to live her life with her feet.Born without arms,she faced many  1 . 

  There were many questions at the time about whether Jessica would be able to live a “ 2 ” life.However,Jessica’s father said he  3  had a tear about her birth condition.He had full confidence in her potential. 

  With the  4  of her parents and family,Jessica became confident in herself as an adult and continued to  5  the world with her feet. 

  As a child,Jessica studied dance in her hometown.When her first  6  arrived,she asked to be put in the back row.Her dance teacher told her there was no  7  row. 

  Tentatively she took the stage with the other students and performed her  8 .When she finished,the applause from the audience gave her encouragement and  9  to continue dancing for 14 years. 10 ,Jessica earned her first Black Belt in the International Taekwondo Federation at the age of 14. 

  After  11  from high school,Jessica attended the University of Arizona  12  she earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology.When talking about her degree,she frequently  13  that psychology trusts the way people think has a greater  14  on their lives than a physical limitation. 

  Jessica’s most famous accomplishment was learning how to  15 .It took three states,four airplanes,two flight instructors and a discouraging year to  16  the right aircraft:a 1946 415C Ercoupe Airplane.She  17  the Guinness World Record  18  being the first person certified to fly an airplane with only her feet. 

  Jessica now  19  a motivational speaker.She travels the world sharing her story and  20  people to be creative and innovative. 

  1.A.challenges B.chances

  C.advantages D.influences

  2.A.unique B.special

  C.normal D.unusual

  3.A.frequently B.never C.ever D.certainly

  4.A.argument B.understanding

  C.opposition D.support

  5.A.decorate B.explore C.explode D.establish

  6.A.performance B.image

  C.exhibition D.appearance

  7.A.back B.front C.edge D.middle

  8.A.line B.emotion C.routine D.behavior

  9.A.sympathy B.sorrow

  C.doubt D.confidence

  10.A.Unfortunately B.Delightedly

  C.Disappointedly D.Hopefully

  11.A.admitting B.entering

  C.graduating D.settling

  12.A.which B.when C.what D.where

  13.A.dreamed B.ignored

  C.explained D.refused

  14.A.symbol B.frustration

  C.evidence D.impact

  15.A.board B.fly C.seat D.launch

  16.A.find B.lose C.cancel D.seek

  17.A.experienced B.scheduled

  C.received D.praised

  18.A.for B.against C.beyond D.within

  19.A.describes as B.regards as

  C.treats as D.works as

  20.A.amazing B.encouraging

  C.enjoying D.astonishing



  1.C 在美国,如果你受邀参加婚礼、婴儿洗礼、成年礼或其他的庆祝活动时,你要带礼物。be expected to do“被期待,被指望”。答案为C项。

  2.B 根据后面about $25可知,礼物在价值上不宜过高。A项“外貌,外表”;B项“价值”;C项“重量,体重”;D项“尺寸,大小”。答案为B项。

  3.A 新娘通常会在本地的百货商店已经登记了礼物清单,标明了她喜欢的东西。a list of“一份……的清单”。答案为A项。

  4.A 根据第3题分析可知答案为A项。

  5.D 当你买了已经被新娘登记的商品时,一定要告诉店里你买的是什么,这样的话新婚夫妇就不会收到两份相同的礼物了。答案为D项。

  6.B 对于婴儿洗礼这样的庆祝活动,一定要带适合新生儿的礼物。A项“要求高/多的”;B项“适合的”;C项“便宜的”;D项“昂贵的”。答案为B项。

  7.B 因为成年礼是很重要的活动,所以礼物一般都比较正式。前后为因果关系,所以答案为B项。

  8.D 根据第7题分析可知答案为D项,意为“正式的,正规的”。A项“谦虚的”;B项“兴高采烈的,高兴的”;C项“正常的,标准的”。答案为D项。

  9.A 根据后面by carving the boy’s full name可知,这种刻着男孩全名的镀金的钢笔更个性化,所以答案为A项。A项“使个性化”;B项“替代”;C项“做,制造,赚钱,使得”;D项“改变,变换”。

  10.C 根据后文提到的关于你的国家的书籍,能反映自己国家文化的礼物等等可以推知,送给美国朋友的礼物要有特色,所以答案为C项,意为“唯一的,独一无二的”。A项“方便的,便捷的”;B项“正确的,适当的,相称的”;D项“有益的”。

  11.B 礼物要有特色,但没必要贵重或稀有。A项“多彩的”;B项“稀少的,罕见的”;C项“价值连城的,无价的”;D项“好的,美好的,令人愉快的”。答案为B项。

  12.D 根据后面提到的礼物种类可知,这些都是对方可能会喜欢和接受的礼物,所以选择D项。A项“机会”;B项“期待,预料”;C项“发明”;D项“可能性,可能的事物”。

  13.C 根据前面a book about your country可知答案为C项。something else that reflects your culture“能反映自己国家文化的其他东西”。

  14.B 那些喜欢收集的孩子们会对你国家的硬币或邮票更感兴趣。A项“生气的,恼怒的”;B项“印象深刻的”;C项“失望的”;D项“迷惑不解的,糊涂的”。be impressed with“对……印象深刻,对……留下印象”。答案为B项。

  15.C 根据后文but difficult to find abroad 可知,在你自己国家很普遍,但在国外很难寻觅的礼物也是很不错的选择。A项“有限的”;B项“有用的”;C项“普通的,共同的”;D项“特别的,特殊的”。答案为C项。

  16.D 根据后文的a basketball game or a concert可知,这种礼物形式应该是和美国朋友一起参加活动,所以答案为D项。stay with“和……在一起”。

  17.D 根据第16题分析可知,观看篮球比赛和听音乐会是不同的娱乐形式,所以选择D项“娱乐,消遣”。

  18.C 根据后面提到的礼物形式可知,送给有商业往来的朋友的礼物不能太私人化。答案为C项“个人的,私人的”。A项“重的,强烈的”;B项“简单的,朴素的”;D项“专业的,职业的”。

  19.A 前面提到的scarf“围巾”和hat“帽子”都属于衣着,由此推断此处选择A项“衣着,衣服”。B项“命运,财产,运气”;C项“珠宝”;D项“设备,装备”。

  20.A 既然送给贸易伙伴的礼物不宜太私人化,那么适合办公室里用的礼物可能是最好的。答案为A项。


  1.A 根据前面一句话可知,由于天生没有胳膊,她要面临很多的挑战。A项“挑战”;B项“机会”;C项“优点,长处”;D项“影响”。答案为A项。

  2.C 那时候,人们质疑杰西卡能否过上正常的生活。A项“唯一的”;B项“特别的,特殊的”;C项“正常的,标准的”;D项“不寻常的,不一般的”。答案为C项。

  3.B 根据后面“He had full confidence in her potential.”可知,父亲对杰西卡的未来充满信心,所以他在面对女儿的身体状况时没有掉过眼泪。答案为B项。

  4.D 杰西卡变得自信离不开父母和家人的支持,所以答案为D项。

  5.B 根据下文可知,成年后的杰西卡用自己的双脚去探索世界。A项“装饰,装修”;B项“探索”;C项“爆炸,爆发”;D项“建立,树立”。答案为B项。

  6.A 根据下一段内容可知,杰西卡第一次上舞台表演,所以答案为A项“表演,表现”。B项“形象”;C项“展出,展览”;D项“外貌,外表,出现”。

  7.A 由前面的“she asked to be put in the back row”可知,杰西卡知道自己身体残缺,所以主动要求到表演的后排去,但是舞蹈老师不同意。答案为A项。

  8.C 虽然还有些犹豫,但是杰西卡还是和其他的学生一起走上舞台,完成了自己的表演。A项“线,台词”;B项“情感”;C项“常规,例行程序,生活乏味,(演出中的)一套动作”;D项“行为,举止”。答案为C项。

  9.D 观众的掌声和欢呼声给了杰西卡勇气和信心,使她在接下来的14年一直坚持跳舞。A项“同情,怜悯”;B项“悲痛,懊悔,伤心事”;C项“怀疑,疑虑”;D项“信心”。答案为D项。

  10.B 杰西卡在14岁的时候在国际跆拳道联合会获得了她的第一条黑带,这是令人高兴的事情,所以答案为B项。delightedly “令人高兴的是”。A项“不幸的是”;C项“令人感到失望的是”;D项“满怀希望地”。

  11.C 根据后面的“from high school,Jessica attended the University of Arizona”可知答案为C项。

  12.D 杰西卡在亚利桑那州大学获得了心理学的学士学位。此处考查where引导的定语从句。答案为D项。

  13.C 当被问及她的心理学学位时,杰西卡解释说,心理学认为人们思考问题的方式比身体残缺对生活产生的影响更大。A项“梦想”;B项“忽视,忽略”;C项“解释”;D项“拒绝”。答案为C项。

  14.D 根据第13题分析可知应该选择D项。have an impact on“对……产生影响”。A项“象征,标志”;B项“挫折”;C项“证据”;D项“影响”。

  15.B 根据后文可知,杰西卡最大的成就是学会怎样开飞机,所以答案为B项。

  16.A 跨越三个州,前后经历四架飞机,两位飞行教练和令人沮丧的一年时间,杰西卡终于找到了适合她的飞机。答案为A项。

  17.C 她得到了吉尼斯世界纪录的认可,成为第一位可以用脚驾驶飞机的人。A项“经历,经受”;B项“预定,安排”;C项“收到,接收,得到”;D项“称赞,夸奖”。答案为C项。

  18.A 根据第17题分析可知答案为A项for,在此引出原因。

  19.D 根据后面一句话可知,杰西卡作为一名励志演说家巡回世界各地去演讲,分享她的故事,并激励人们要培养创新和创造能力。A项“把……描述成为……”;B项“把……看做……”;C项“把……看做……,把……待如……”;D项“担当,充当”。答案为D项。

  20.B 根据第19题分析可知答案为B项。encourage sb.to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”。


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