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2016届高考英语二轮复习针对训练:专题4 语法填空和短文改错 第3讲 语法专题 10 特殊句式(通用版)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  [专项训练]单句语法填空(2015·安徽六校联考改编)Actuallys in your life ____________count,but the life in your years.

  解析:句it’s和设空处后可还原为Actually语义完整故判断为强调句故填that。答案:that(2015·浙江桐乡四校联考改编)Was it in the library ____________he often went to do some reading _____________he met the pretty girl?解析:句意:他是在经常去看书的那个图书馆遇到那个漂亮女孩的吗?第一空引导定语从句修饰the library设空处在从句中作地点状语故填where;主句为强调句强调地点状语in the library故填that。答案:where;that(2015·江苏南京Next door to ours____________(live) a black doctor,who seems to have settled in this community for quite a long time.

  解析:句意:我们隔壁住着一位黑人医生这位医生似乎已经在这个社区居住很长时间了。表示地点的状语next door to ours置于句首且主语为名词词组a black doctor故用完全倒装。根据语境答案:lives4.(2015·湖南益阳市箴言中学模拟改编)In front of our school ____________(stand) a tower on whose top we can have a clear view of the lake.解析:句意:我们学校前面矗立着一座塔在塔顶我们可以清楚地欣赏到湖景。表示地点的介词短语位于句首a tower)是单数故填stands。答案:stands____________killed the rich merchant.

  解析:句意:警方正在搜索更多的信息以找出究竟是谁谋杀了那位富商。分析句子结构可知本句中who引导宾语从句而该宾语从句又是强调句式设空处缺强调句的连接词故填that。答案:that____________(knock)at the door before you enter the office,or you’ll be considered impolite.

  解析:句意:在进办公室之前先敲门否则你会被认为不礼貌。本句为“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构故用动词原形。答案:Knock____________different life today is from what it was 20 years ago!

  解析:句意:现在的生活与20年前相比是多么不同啊!根据句末叹号及句式结构可知本句为感叹句是主语中心词是形容词different故用how引导构成句式:How+形容词+主语+谓语!答案:Howtheir children to be helpful at home,they are sure not____________(be).解析:句意:如果父母从不要求孩子做家务他们一定不会(做家务)。考查不定式的省略。完整句子为they are sure not to be helpful at home。根据句意填否定形式。答案:to bestudy English when I was eight.

  —Wow.You must have studied English for six years,____________you?

  解析:句意:——我八岁时爸爸就开始教我学英语。——哇!你一定学了六年英语了对吗? must表示推测时反意疑问部分的动词时态根据must后动词发生的时间而定本题must后为完成时态haven’t。答案:haven’t10.Generally speaking,when ____________(take) according to the directions,the drug has no side­effects.

  解析:句意:通常来说当你根据说明书服药时这种药是没有副作用的。本句主语是the drug和动词take之间存在被动关系故taken。taken前省略了it is。答案:taken____________I seen such a wonderful park,where I’d like to pay a visit again.

  解析:句意:我从未见过如此令人惊叹的公园我还想再来一次。否定词never等位于句首时句子使用部分倒装。never before常与现在完成时连用下文的seen也提示此处应填have。答案:have12.How close parents are to their children ____________(have) a strong influence on the development of the children’s characters.

  解析:句意:父母对他们孩子的亲近程度对孩子的性格培养有很大影响。本句的主语是从句How close parents are to their children谓语动词应该用单数形式;本句在介绍一个观点所以用一般现在时故填has。答案:has____________it?

  解析:句意:我认为燃气的价格这周不会下降对吗?本题题干中含有否定转移视为否定句故反意疑问句用肯定形式;且反意疑答案:will14.__________fun it is to take a rest after a long run!

  解析:句意:长跑之后好好休息一下真的很快乐!考查感叹句。what后加名词。答案:What____________remains a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.

  解析:句意:就这项工程的实用价值而言它在人们之间存在某些怀疑。本题考查there be结构的变形形式。答案:There单句改错(2017·高考全国大纲卷改编)Not only the nurses want a pay increase_______________________________________________________

  解析:句意:护士们不仅要求提高工资还要求缩短工作时间。not only在句首引起句子时该句用部分倒装根据后面的分句want可知前面的分句也用一般现在时。答案:在the前加do(2015·浙江衢州市五校联考改编)It is no doubt that the famous professor will come to give us a lecture.解析:句意:那位著名教授将来给我们作报告这是毫无疑问的。There is no doubt that...为固定句型意为“毫无疑问……”。答案:It—There(2015·安徽安庆五校联盟3月联考改编)So touching the song sound that I couldn’t hold my tears back when I heard it for the first time.解句意:这首歌如此感人以至于当我第一次听到时我就无法抑制住自己的眼泪。在so...that...句式中若将so+ 置于句首则其后的主句要用部分倒装。再根据时间状语for the first time可知本句用一般过去时。答案:在touching后加did(2015·福建福州市八中质检改编)Following the instructions on the packet when you take the drug and the drugk soon.


  解析:句意:当你吃药的时候一定要按照包装上的说明书来做我相信药会很快起作用的。该句为when引导的时间状语从句其中主句中没有主语。因此可以判断为主句是一个祈使句故把Following改为Follow。答案:Following—Followelephoned him twice but I couldn’t get through to him.

  —The line might have been out of order,does it?


  解析:句意:——might have been表示对过去情况的推测并且其中有be动词故把does改为was。答案:does—was解析:句意:我们一离开房间就意识到我们忘了带走我们的书。No sooner+过去完成时+than+一般过去时。当No sooner位于句首时其后的句子要部分倒装。答案:在sooner后加had_____________________________

  解析:句意:当我们听到这个激动人心的消息时起初整个大厅里一片寂静。然后便是呼喊的声音。表示时间的副词Then置于句首其后用全部倒装并且根据前一句确定时态为一般过去时。答案:come—came to be their bridesmaid.


  解析:句意:是Mary和James要结婚了并且是我将会成为他们的伴娘。强调句型中当被强调部分是句子的主语时谓语动词需与被强调部分的人称和数保持一致。答案:第三个is—amu reread the poem which you can really appreciate it.


  解析:句意:只有当你再读这首诗的时候你才能真正地欣赏它。此处为强调句式强调时间状语“only when you reread the poem”。去掉“It is...that....”后句子依然完整。答案:which—that解析:句意:虽然我不再是一名志愿者了但我曾经是并且我曾经和我的朋友们做过一些志愿工作。在省略的不定式中若含有be动词则be动词需要保留。答案:在to后加be解析:句意:遵从医生的建议否则你的咳嗽会变得更加严重。本句为“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”。前后两句之间为转折关系故将and改为or。答案:and—or解析:句中not only...but also...连接两个主语应按就近一致原则故谓语动词与“the teacher”保持一致。答案:were—was解析:句意:会后所有的人都同意采取一些措施来防止污染。根据句意可知此处强调所有的人故谓语用复数形式。答案:agrees—agree_________________________________________________________

  解析:句意:互联网的历史要短得多尤其是与诸如书信、电话的通讯方式相比时。when compared to...the telephone是when it is compared to...the telephone的省略形式因be动词所以从句主语和be动词一起省略了。答案:comparing—compared解析:句意:——看天空中那些飞着的鸽子。——你想象不到它们在过去的战场上发挥了多么重要的作用呀。强调单数可数名词的感叹句有两种形式:what +a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语=how+形容词+a/an+名词+主语+谓语。故将what改为how。答案:what—how[高考模拟]语法填空2016·广西南宁市高中毕业班适应性测试)阅读下面材料在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 as I began a new job in New York,I had to learn another important job: father.I was a businessman.At the

  office I had three new 1.____________(project),and at home I had a

  young son who was growing fast and 2.____________(need) me.I was

  puzzled and didn’t know how to deal with the relationship

  between job and family until one day,during my business trip

  in Chicago,I came 3.____________ an old family friend Dan,4.____________

  was once a patient of my father.He told me something about

  my father.5.____________ was my father that helped him go through

  the cancer.When Dan knew he got cancer,he was very upset

  and wanted 6.____________(give) up,but my father,his doctor,encouraged him to go on 7.____________(fight) against the cancer.My father said to him,“You have 8.____________ wonderful life and

  three fine children.Take some time with them.It’s family that

  we live for—not just ourselves.Think of that 9.____________ you

  will know life’s worth the fight.” His words touched me,and I 10.____________ (sudden) realized that family is the most important in the world.I should spend more time staying with them.

  【解题导语】 作1.解析:考查名词的数。本句话中有“three”因此应用project的复数形式。答案:projects解析:考查动词的时态。此处陈述的是发生在过去的事应用一般过去时。答案:needed解析:考查固定搭配。come across表示“偶然遇见”。答案:across解析:考查定语从句。此句为非限制性定语从句先行词为“an old family friend Dan”指人且在定语从句中作主语因此只能用who。答案:who解析:考查强调句型。本句为强调句it is/was...that...。答案:It解析:考查动词的固定用法。动词want后接动词不定式表示“想做某事”。答案:to give解析:考查动词词组。go on doing表示继续做同一件事;go on to do表示继续做不同的事。答案:fighting解析:考查冠词。have a wonderful life表示“有一个精彩的生活”。答案:a解析:考查固定句型。此处是“祈使句+and/or+简单句”的结构根据上下文可知此处应用and。答案:and解析:考查副词。本句中用副词suddenly修饰动词realized。答案:suddenly短文改(2015·四川资阳三模)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处多者(从第11处起)不计分。As far as I can remember,grow up in Ohio left many good memories.We lived near lake where I spent a good time of my life.I went to school to learn a variety of course,and went camping in the woods.I would go fishing in the lake that I mentioned early.In winter we will go ice­skating on the lake at night.In Ohio the snow could be so deep sometimes to walk in as I was not that tall at the time.It was not until I moved to California at 16 when the life was changed.That was a tough change for me because of the area was total different from Ohio.There was no rivers or lakes to fish in at all.

  答案: up in Ohio left many good memories.We lived near

  lake where I spent a good time of my life.I went to school to learn a variety of

  ,and went camping in the woods.I would go fishing in the lake that I mentioned .In winter we

  go ice­skating on the lake at night.In Ohio the snow could be

  deep sometimes to walk in as I was not that tall at the time.It was not until I moved to California at 16

  the life was changed.That was a tough change for me because

  the area was

  different from Ohio.There

  no rivers or lakes to fish in at all.


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