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发布时间:2017-03-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)


  第一部分 听力(略)

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



  ( A )

  We don’t always get a second chance to achieve our dreams.But some people are lucky,like Matthew McConaughey.Once almost unknown,the actor has recently found himself back on the list of the best actors in Hollywood.His new movie Interstellar is just another sign that his career reinvention has been an incredible success.揟he film relies on McConaughey抯 performance to hold together the emotional story of a father and his daughter against the background of space travel and the end of the world,?Forbes commethented.

  But only years ago,the Texas native was often the butt of jokes (笑柄) about being too handsome.In 1993,after meeting with director Richard Linklater,McConaughey starred in Dazed and Confused.And a Hollywood career was born,mostly in romantic comedies.For a long time,the whole world believed McConaughey was just a handsome guy with comic talent.

  But McConaughey stopped starring in that type of movie,and began to use his looks differently.Slowly he built up his reputation as a serious actor.In 2017,McConaughey was offered to play an AIDS activist in Dallas Buyers Club.The role saw the normally muscular actor losing 50 pounds in order to appear sick.His performance won him an Oscar for Best Actor.

  The actor gave thanks to someone he has always looked up to as a hero during his Oscar acceptance speech.When he was 15,the actor said,he decided that his hero would be himself in 10 years.But 10 years later,he pushed the deadline ahead another decade.Then 10 years later,another decade.揗y hero抯 always 10 years away,攈e said.揑抦 never going to attain that.That keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing.?Or perhaps constantly chasing the chance to be his own hero has given him a second chance to follow hise.Then dreams.

  21.Why was McConaughey often the butt of jokes in his early career?()

  A.He was limited to handsome roles. B.He was unknown to the audience.

  C.He played in romantic comedies. D.He was handsome and emotional.

  22.What role won McConaughey an Oscar for Best Actor?()

  A.A caring father. B.An AIDS activist. C.A serious buyer. D.A strong hero.

  23.What can we learn about McConaughey?()

  A.He was born in Hollywood.

  B.He has become a hero of his own.

  C.He wasn’t famous until recently.

  D.He isn’t content with his achievements.

  24.Which of the following can be the best title?()

  A.McConaughey,a Romantic Comedian

  B.McConaughey,a Man Making a Hit

  C.McConaughey,a Man Daring to change

  D.McConaughey,Handsome and Talented

  ( B )

  Dear Amanda,

  As the Dean of Yale College,I am writing to congratulate you on your academic success and to introduce you to Yale抯 diverse opportunities....As you consider your college options,I hope that Yale remains among your top choices.l

  This is part of an e-mail I received this fall.I admit it made me feel pretty special to have Yale,one of the best universities in the world,approach me,a fairly average high school senior from New Jersey.

  But why me?My grades are nothing to brag about.I didn抰 qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Competition.I haven抰 led a team sport or conducted scientific research. h

  Later,I learned that each year,Yale sends mailings to roughly 80,000 potential students for its freshman class of 1,300.For the class of 2018,Yale rejected 93.7 percent of its applicants.And,according to the College Board,95 percent of Yale抯 enrolcled(注册入学)students were in the top 10 percent of their high school classes.

  Colleges want a top ranking by U.S.News & World Report.One way to get it?Low acceptance rates,which come from attracting lots and lots of applicants—and then rejecting almost all of them.

  So schools mail fancy brochures and send sincere e-mails to many more students than they抣l accept.h

  Top schools defend their marketing,arguing that they抮e reaching students who otherwise might not apply梑ecause they don抰 think they could get in,or don抰 realize that most top schools offer lots of need-based financial aid.As William Fitzsimmons,dean of ThenHarvard admissions,said:揟here are so many students out there in the world who might not automatically think about Harvard as a place to go.The chances of reaching the top of anything are not good,but is that a reason not to try??a

  But most of the students Fitzsimmons is talking about don抰 consider Harvard because they抮e not academically qualified.Kids like me don抰 need false hope.Approaching students with a slim chance of getting in just creates more confusion and disappointment.hen

  So Yale(and Brown and Columbia),stop selling me on impossible dreams.

  25.Why did Yale send the author an e-mail?()

  A.To show it’s a top college.

  B.To persuade her to apply to it.

  C.To introduce its diverse courses.

  D.To send its congratulations to her.

  26.The underlined part “brag about” in Paragraph 3 probably means  . 

  A.worry about B.think about

  C.be proud of D.be ashamed of

  27.We can infer from Fitzsimmons’ words that  . 

  A.a good beginning makes a good ending

  B.a brave attempt is a half success

  C.the older,the wiser

  D.no pains,no gains

  28.What does the author think of the approaches of top colleges?()

  A.She finds them easy to understand.

  B.She seems satisfied with them.

  C.She considers them necessary.

  D.She finds them annoying.

  ( C )

  If you are a first-time traveler,take a look at some places to visit in Louisiana.

  Baton Rouge

  The second largest city in the state,Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana.With the Mississippi river to the south,this is a major industrial and commercial center in the southern area.The Louisiana State Capitol area also plays host for the famous揗ardin Gras?parades.Other places of interest around here are Perkins Rowe,Louisiana State Museum and the Baton Rouge Zoo.h

  New Orleans Museum of Art

  Located in New Orleans,this museum includes some of the finest collections of art.One can particularly see around 50 beautifully carved sculptures on the landscaped garden.The collection mainly includes artworks of French and American origin.This museum is open for students and teachers who can take a tour here or even conduct workshops.

  National World War Ⅱ Museum

  This museum is located in New Orleans,Louisiana.It has an interesting array of exhibits,which are related to World War Ⅱ.On the 56th anniversary,this museum was opened to the public.It gives the visitors a glimpse into the political and social life of the days during World War Ⅱ.

  Avery Island

  It is actually a salt dome,which is the home of a rock salt mine in use since the time of the Civil War.The name stands,because in the 1830s this place was the home of the Avery family.It was the American-Indians who discovered the presence of the salt dome here.Avery Island is also famous for the well-known Tabasco pepper sauce.


  Popularly known as the Eden of Louisiana,this town is an interesting blend of Spanish,American,African and Indian cultures.This town resonates with 搖nity in diversity?Some major attractions here include the Acadian village,Lafayette Natural History Museuomm & Planetarium,Acadian and Creole Folklore and Folklife Center,and the Summer Music Festival in August.People here really know how to enjoy themselves and celebrations,dance and music are a part of their lifestyle.

  29.You can enjoy the following places of interest in Baton Rouge EXCEPT  . 


  A.Perkins Rowe B.the Acadian village

  C.Louisiana State Museum D.the Baton Rouge Zoo

  30.Which museum specially welcomes teachers and students?()

  A.Louisiana State Museum.

  B.New Orleans Museum of Art.

  C.National World War Ⅱ Museum.

  D.Lafayette Natural History Museum & Planetarium.

  31.Which place is known as the Eden of Louisiana?()


  A.Baton Rouge. B.New Orleans.

  C.Lafayette. D.Avery Island.

  ( D )

  What exactly is intelligence?There aren’t any easy answers.Despite the progress that has been made in genetics and psychology,human intelligence has remained one of the most controversial areas of modern science,until now,that is,for the discovery of a gene(基因)linked to intelligence has made the experts think again.

  Robert Plomin of the Institute of Psychiatry in London and his colleagues in the US have been looking into genetic make-up.From their research,they have discovered that a slightly different gene is more common in those with a high IQ.Plomin analyzed DNA from two groups of 51 children aged between 6 and 15.What he found was that the first group had an IQ of 136,putting them in the top 5% of the population,while the other group had an average IQ of 103.An analysis of their genes showed that 32% of children in the higher group had the gene in question,while only 16% in the second group did.However,there is a lot more research to be done,and Plomin himself is cautious at this early stage.He suggests that there are probably many genes that contribute to intelligence,rather than just one.

  Several studies have shown a strong link between IQ and career success,although some psychologists remain unconvinced about this.Professor Michael Rowe,who has written a book called Genius Explained,is one of these.?The people with the highest IQs are notr usually the ones who do best in their careers.?

  Many psychologists now believe that when it comes to intelligence,IQ isn抰 everything.Many alternative views have been put forward recently.One example is the idea of multiple intelligences,which was developed in the 1980s by Harvard psychologist Howard Garrdner.This offers a much broader view than the IQ theory,including creativity and communication skills as relevant factors in intelligence.

  Tony Buzan,brain expert and author of Master your Memory,is enthusiastic about this belief,arguing that true geniuses(天才)do indeed appear to combine high levels of each type of intelligence.He lists Alexander the Great,Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein as examples.At the same time,Buzan believes that everyone can develop their intelligence,only if they take the trouble to exercise their brain.Perhaps there’ s hope for us all!

  32.What is the topic of the passage?()

  A.The relationship between genes and intelligence.

  B.IQ benefits a lot from high intelligence.

  C.How to develop intelligence.

  D.What makes intelligence.

  33.Why does the author use data in Paragraph 2?()

  A.To make a suggestion. B.To draw a conclusion.

  C.To prove an idea. D.To give an example.

  34.What can we learn from the passage?()

  A.Robert Plomin confirms genes have something in common.

  B.Howard Gardner thinks intelligence includes various factors.

  C.Michael Rowe approves of a strong link between IQ and career.

  D.Tony Buzan agrees geniuses exercise brain to improve intelligence.

  35.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refer to?()

  A.The development of intelligence.

  B.The idea of multiple intelligences.

  C.IQ isn’ t everything for intelligence.

  D.Alternative views have been put forward.



  Whether you’re taking a short business flight or a dream vacation around the world,here are some smart,simple green travel tips to make any trip a little easier on the planet.36.  All trips can be green holidays. 

  Power Down

  37.  Don’t forget to turn down the temperature setting on your water heater,and unplug(拔掉……的电源插头)electronics like TV,computer,stereo equipment and other items on standby power—they use electricity even when they’re turned off. 


  On your way to the airport,when traveling to your hotel,and all around your destination city,consider using public transit like airport shuttles,trains or buses.It’s tempting to cocoon yourself inside a private auto when you’re in a strange land,but by stepping out of a car and into the real world,you’ll meet more people,see more sights and have more fun than you ever could inside an auto.

  Rent Small

  If you need to rent a car,say “ No,thanks” to any offered upgrades to a larger vehicle.39. — a particular concern in places like Europe where gas prices can be very high. 

  Go Green:Go Paperless

  Airlines have almost all gone ticketless;not only does this green travel trip save on paper,it also makes check-in faster and easier.40. 

  A.Green Travel:Go Car-free

  B.Renting an economy car will save on gas charges,too

  C.Eco-travel doesn抰 have to mean going on an exotic adventure.e

  D.Green Travel:Pack Smart

  E.Some hotels,too,allow guests to check out using their hotel抯 in-house TV programming.a

  F.But when you treat your hotel room as if you were paying the electric bill,you抣l find lots of ways to green your travels.n

  G.If your green travel plans leave an empty house behind,unplug and power down as many appliances as you can is practical.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  In our culture people always advise us to compare ourselves with others.“You can win;the others aren’t as  41  as you,”“You must be the best in your class,” etc.This is not the best way of thinking.There are many reasons to  42  this way of thinking and begin to compare ourselves  43  with ourselves. 

  The first reason to  44  comparing yourself with others is that there will always be someone better than you.It doesn’t matter in which aspect;it is always  45 .Therefore,you could feel inferior(差的)to others.For example,you can be the best  46 ,and this can make you feel extremely  47 .But if someday you find someone is better than you are,you could feel  48 ,although you are  49  good at designing buildings. 

  The second reason to avoid this kind of  50  is that you will always find someone  51  than you.This of course can make you feel good,but this feeling can turn into a  52  pride.For example,if you are the second best student in your class,and one day the very best student  53  the school,you will then be the best one  54  you are still only as good as you were before. 

  The last but most  55  reason to avoid comparing ourselves with others is that when we do,we are likely to  56  them.We may do the same things as them,and act and think like them too.Then we will never know who we  57  are and what we really want,and then we will never grow spiritually. 

  For all these reasons and because we are  58 ,we should not compare ourselves with others.In this way,we will not feel less or more than others,and we will  59  ourselves as we really are. 60 ,we will be happier. 

  41.A.good B.happy C.busy D.young

  42.A.introduce B.understand C.change D.remember

  43.A.even B.again C.also D.only

  44.A.start B.forget C.avoid D.enjoy

  45.A.doubtful B.true C.smart D.strange

  46.A.architect B.teacher C.student D.speaker

  47.A.tired B.proud C.lucky D.anxious

  48.A.silly B.sad C.shy D.nervous

  49.A.just B.rather C.almost D.still

  50.A.education B.treatment C.system B.comparison

  51.A.later B.worse C.stronger D.faster

  52.A.great B.special C.horrible D.simple

  53.A.likes B.helps C.leaves D.cleans

  54.A.unless B.although C.until D.because

  55.A.important B.obvious C.unknown D.practical

  56.A.affect B.impress C.copy D.inspire

  57.A.finally B.normally C.suddenly D.really

  58.A.amazing B.common C.honest D.unique

  59.A.value B.accept C.develop D.promise

  60.A.By all means B.In a similar way C.In other words D.For example


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)




  We are what we eat because what we eat every day has a great impact on our 61.(healthy).Therefore,we should make every effort 62.(change) our bad eating habits.63.

  we all know,baked or fried foods may be tasty,but eating too much of them will 64.(probable) result in some illnesses.Moreover,some food 65. costs us a great deal of money and is not healthy is junk food. 

  Compared with people in the West,Chinese people used to eat more grain and vegetables,but 66. (little) meat,which is a good eating habit.67.,things are quite different now.With rapid economic 68.(grow)of our country,we now also are eating a lot of food that is high in sugar and fat.We 69.(run)the risk of eating out without considering the balance of our diet. 

  The food we choose affects our health,so we must keep it in mind that the food we choose should give 70.(we) the nutrients we need. 

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  “Never give up” means keeping trying but never stopping working for your goals.A person who ever gives up will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how much times he fails.If you want to succeed,you mustn’t give up.One reason is that if we give up easy,we can hardly succeed.It is unusual for us to fail in our first try at something new,so we should not feel disappointing and should try again.Another reason why we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistake if we try hard to do something new.If we do not try again,the lesson we have learned was wasted.Finally,we should never give up that as we work to reach our goals,we develop skills,and it can help you succeed in other areas of our lives.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假如你是李华,你的英语老师Mr.Jack 要求你们明天下午去听一个有关英国文化的讲座,你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向Mr.Jack请假。







  Dear Mr.Jack,

























  Li Hua


  第一部分 听力(略)

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节)


  语篇解读:本文介绍了电影演员Matthew McConaughey在演艺生涯中成功转型的故事。

  21.A 细节理解题。由第二段的首句But only years ago, the Texas native was often the butt of jokes about being too handsome和该段的末句For a long time,the whole world believed McConaughey was just a handsome guy with comic talent可知选A项。

  22.B 细节理解题。由第三段的In 2017, McConaughey was offered to play an AIDS activist in Dallas Buyers Club和His performance won him an Oscar for Best Actor可知B项正确。

  23.D 推理判断题。由最后一段的描述,尤其是My hero’s always 10 years away和I’m never going to attain that. That keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing可推知,他不满足于自己已取得的成就而继续追求新的目标,故选D项。

  24.C 主旨大意题。由全文内容可知,本文主要讲了McConaughey在演艺生涯中勇敢挑战不同的角色并获得成功的故事,故C项作为标题最合适。


  25.B 细节理解题。由第一段的I hope that Yale remains among your top choices可知,耶鲁大学给作者写信的目的是让作者申请该大学,故选B项。

  26.C 词义猜测题。由第二段的a fairly average high school senior可知,作者成绩一般,所以没什么好得意的,故选C项。

  27.B 推理判断题。由倒数第三段的Fitzsimmons所说的The chances of reaching the top of anything are not good, but is that a reason not to try可知,他鼓励学生大胆尝试,故选B项。

  28.D 推理判断题。根据作者在最后两段的陈述,尤其是Kids like me don’t need false hope和stop selling me on impossible dreams可知,作者对于这些名牌大学的做法感到厌烦,故选D项。


  29.B 细节理解题。根据Baton Rouge部分最后一句Other places of interest around here are Perkins Rowe,Louisiana State Museum and the Baton Rouge Zoo.可知,A、C、D项都是Baton Rouge的名胜,所以答案为B项。

  30.B 细节理解题。根据New Orleans Museum of Art部分最后一句This museum is open for students and teachers who can take a tour here or even conduct workshops.可知,答案为B项。

  31.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句中的Popularly known as the Eden of Louisiana可知,答案为C项。


  32.D 主旨大意题。文章主要从基因学和心理学方面解读了智力的含义,D项可涵盖全文内容。

  33.C 推理判断题。该实验是为了说明“a slightly different gene is more common in those with a high IQ”这一观点的,所以答案为C项。

  34.B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知, Howard Gardner是多元智力学说的倡导者,他认为智力包括各种不同的因素。所以答案为B项。

  35.B 词义理解题。由倒数第二段逆向查找可知,this 指的是 The idea of multiple intelligences,即多元智力学说。所以答案为B项。



  36.C 根据空后的All trips can be green holidays.可知,答案为C项。

  37.G 根据小标题Power Down及本空后的内容可知,如果你出行时家中无人,尽可能多地拔掉电源插头及中断电器电源,这是可行的,所以答案为G项。

  38.A 根据小标题下的“consider using public transit like airport shuttles,trains or buses”可知,答案为A项。

  39.B 本段主要说如何租车,所以答案为B项。

  40.E 根据小标题Go Green:Go Paperless可知,答案为E项。

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节)

  第一节 完形填空


  41.A 由上文的You can win可知,其他人不如你优秀(good)。

  42.C 由上文的This is not the best way of thinking及下文避免和他人作比较的几点原因可知,改变(change)和他人比较的思维方式有很多原因。

  43.D 由上下文内容可知,本文反对把自己和他人作比较,提倡只(only)和自己比较。

  44.C 此处指避免(avoid)把自己和他人作比较的第一个原因。

  45.B “人外有人”的道理无论在哪个方面都是正确的(true)。

  46.A 由下文的good at designing buildings可知,此处指建筑师(architect)。

  47.B 作为一名最好的建筑师会使你极其骄傲(proud)。

  48.B 49.D 如果有一天某人比你做得更好,你会感到难过(sad),尽管你仍然(still)擅长建筑设计。

  50.D 此处指避免比较(comparison)的第二个原因。

  51.B 由下文的This of course can make you feel good以及最后一段的feel less or more than others可知,此处应用worse。

  52.C 发现他人不如自己带来的良好感觉可能变成一种可怕的(terrible)骄傲心理。

  53.C 由上文的if you are the second best student in your class和下文的you will then be the best one可知,某一天最好的学生离开(leave)学校。

  54.B 当第一名离开后,作为第二名的你将变成第一名,尽管(although)你仍然和原来一样优秀。

  55.A 由转折词but可知,第三点原因虽然是最后一点,但却是最重要的(important)原因。

  56.C 由下文的We may do the same things as them, and act and think like them too可知,和他人作比较会使我们模仿(copy)他人。

  57.D 模仿他人会使我们永远不知道自己实际上(really)是谁。

  58.D 由于以上的原因,并且因为我们都是独一无二的(unique),所以我们不应该和他人作比较。

  59.B 60.C 不和他人作比较,我们就不会感觉不如他人或优于他人,也会从内心接受(accept)自己。换言之(in other words),我们就会更快乐。



  61.health 由空格前面的形容词性物主代词our可知,此处应用名词health。

  62.to change make every effort to do sth.努力做某事,为固定用法,故此处用to change。

  63.As 此处As引导定语从句,指代后面的主句。

  64.probably 此处副词probably修饰动词短语result in。

  65.that/which 此处that/which引导定语从句,指代先行词some food,且在从句中作主语。

  66.less 由上文的eat more grain and vegetables可知,此处应用little的比较级less。

  67.However 由前后的转折关系以及空格后的逗号可知,此处应用副词however。

  68.growth 由空格后面的介词of和空格前面的形容词economic可知应用名词growth。

  69.are running 由上文的we now also are eating a lot of food可知,此处应用are running。

  70.us 此处us在句中作宾语。

  第四部分 写作(共两节)

  第一节 短文改错

  第一句中:but→and 前后两个分句之间为顺承关系,所以用并列连词and。

  第二句中:ever→never 从上下文可知,此处应指“永不放弃的人”,所以把ever改为never。

  much→many times为可数名词复数,要用many修饰,much修饰不可数名词。

  第四句中:easy→easily 修饰动词短语give up要用副词easily。

  第五句中:unusual→usual 根据语境可知,这里指“常见的”,所以要把unusual改为usual。

  disappointing→disappointed disappointing 常用来形容物,意思是“令人失望的”,而此句的主语为人,因此要用disappointed。

  第六句中:mistake→mistakes 根据前面的“learn from our”可知,mistake应该用复数形式。

  第七句中:was→is 文章的主体时态为一般现在时,因此要把 was改为is。

  第八句中:that→because 此处为原因状语从句,后面是前面的原因,因此要用连词because来引导。

  you→us 主语为we,前后人称要保持一致,所以要把you改为us。

  第二节 书面表达

  One possible version:

  Dear Mr.Jack,

  I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on English culture tomorrow afternoon.

  My grandma has been in hospital for several days.She has got a serious cold and I have to look after her,for my parents are on business.

  I am very interested in English culture.I wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded,and if so,could I borrow the tape?It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and make up for what is covered in the talk.I would appreciate it if you could allow me to ask for a leave of absence.

  Thank you.


  Li Hua


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