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发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  41.—If it hadn’t been raining so hard, I might have been home much earlier.

     —It’s too bad you _____ it. Nancy _____ here and she _____ to see you.

    A. didn’t make; is; was 

  B. won’t make; will be; wants

    C. didn’t make; was; wanted

  D. wont’ make; would be; wanted




  42. Our food supply _____. We’d better get some in case there’s ____ left.

  A. is running out, none

  B. has run out of, none

  C. is using up, nothing

  D. has used up, nothing


  【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。 表示快用完不是已用完;后面有特定范围指食物.

  — Are you still very busy?

  — Yes, I

  the report for the manager and it won’t take long.

  A. have just finished

  B. am just finishing

  C. had just finished

  D. am just going to finish



  ---Sorry, sir, your car isn’t ready yet.It ____ by our workers.

  --- Oh, my God, when can I come to fetch it?

  A.is repaired

  B.has been repaired

  C.is being repaired

  D.will be repaired



  —I hope you liked the concert last night.

  —How on earth do you know I went to the concert? I ______ you.

  A. haven’t told

  B. hadn’t told

  C. didn’t tell

  D. won’t tell



  Some analysts predict that slowing economic growth ________ enterprises reduce

  their intake of new workers.

  A. contributes to B. has led to

  C. will cause D. will see


  【解析】考查动词时态及用法。此处根据see sb do sth可知选D。

  ---Have you seen the movie The King's Speech?

  --- No. Who _____ it?

  A. had directed

  B. has directed C. directed D. directs


  【解析】考查动词时态。电影The King's Speech已经上映,上映导演是过去的动作。故用一般过去时。

  Jeremy, who ___________ on his food, looked up at the mention of the word cash.

  A. has been concentrating

  B. has concentrated

  C. had been concentrating

  D. had concentrated



  — That’s the third time he’s won the award in this field.

  — Yes. He ________ his maximum potential in the past decade.

  A. explored

  B. is exploring

  C. has been exploring

  D. has explored

  【答案】 C


  50.Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _______ yet.

  A. hasn’t been decided

  B. haven’t decided

  C. isn’t being decided

  D. aren’t decided

  【答案】 A

  【解析】 现在完成时表示已经完成的动作或从过去某个时候开始一直延续到现在的动作。根据时间状语yet可判断出要用现在完成时。因为主语与decide之间存在被动关系,所以要用现在完成时的被动语态,表示“还没有被确定下来”。


  while listening to music. Luckily, Jack woke me up in time!

  A.had fallen asleep

  B.have fallen asleep

  C.fall asleep

  D.fell asleep



  .Have you seen my dog? I

  for it and still haven’t found it.


  B.was looking

  C.have been looking

  D.had been looking



  . I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I

  to half a dozen other groups.

  A. am giving

  B. was giving

  C. have given

  D. had given


  【解析】考查动词时态。主句用的时态为过去进行时,而the same talk所发生的时间在此之前,因此表示“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时态。

  . The US troops_______ out of Iraq by the end of next month and they were sent there 9 years ago.

  A. have withdrawn

  B. will withdraw

  C. had withdrawn

  D. will have withdrawn


  【解析】考查时态辨析。句意为:美军在下个月末将会已经撤离伊拉克,从开始驻军到撤离有9年了。根据by the end of next month 可知要用将来完成时,故选D。

  ’t me. I didn’t do it.

  A.is cleaning B.was cleaning C.has cleaned D.had cleaned



  . -- I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?     -- Sorry, I ____ the piano for years.

  A. don't play B. wasn't playing C. haven't played D. hadn't played


  【考查】本题考查动词的时态根据remember, can可知语境为现在,for years得出为从过去到现在,所以用现在完成时态。动词的时态 现在完成时态

  . The moment ____ soon, he thought to himself, waiting nervously.

  A. came B. has come C. was coming D. is coming


  【解析】本题考查时态根据soon可知为将来的事情,且是直接引语,应为现在,所以选D,进行时态表将来。动词的时态 现在进行时态表将来

  . Close the door of fear behind you, and you ____ the door of faith open before you.

  A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. are seeing


  【考点】本题考察动词的时态。从前一分句为祈使句可知此语境为将来的情况,而且这是一常见句型:“祈使句+and+表将来的句子”。动词的时态 一般将来时态

  . Don't worrry. The hard work that you do now ____ later in life.

  A. will be repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid



  【解析】从don't可知语境为现在,排除B、D;而later in life可知为将来的动作,故选A。动词的时态 一般将来时态 supplies in the flood-stricken area ______.We must act immediately before there’s left.

  A. have run out

  B. are running out

  C. have been run out

  D. are being run out【答案】B


  【解析】分析题干语境可知,食品供应即将耗尽。run out为不及物动词短语,不能使用被动形式,由此可排除C和D两个选项。B选项为现在进行时态,可以表示将来,符合题意。因此,正确答案为B选项。

  61.-kevin,you look worried. Anything wrong?

  -Well, I____ a test and I’m waiting for the result.

  A. will take

  B. took

  C. had taken

  D. take




  【知识拓展】一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,也可表示过去某段时间内经常或反复发生的动作。其标志性状语常为in the past, yesterday, just now, the day before yesterday, last week, in 2000, two weeks ago等。


  Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I

  on Friday.


  get paid


  got paid

  C. have paid

  D. had been paid




  63. Jack is a great talker.

  It’s high time that he

  something instead of just talking.


  will do


  has done

  C. do

  D. did



  【解析】在句型 “It’s high/ very time that…”中, 从句中的谓语动词用did或should do.所以选D项。


  I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I

  to Shanghai.


  will be flying


  will fly


  have been flying


  have flown



  【解析】at this time tomorrow morning作时间状语,所以用将来进行时,选A项。

  65.—Did you catch what I said?

  —Sorry. I ______ a text message just now.

  A. had answering

  B. have answered

  C. would answer

  D. was answering

  【答案】 【答案】 .—Can I call you back at two o’clock this afternoon?

  —I’m sorry, but by then I______ to Beijing. How about five?

  A. fly

  B. will fly

  C. will be flying

  D. am flying



  【解析】根据问句中的two o’clock和应答句中的by then可知所填词表示的动作在当时正在进行,用将来进行时,选C。

  68. By the time you have finished this book, your meal ______ cold.

  A. gets

  B. has got

  C. will get

  D.is getting



  【解析】此处by the time 后接现在时,表示将来之前发生的动作,故用将来时。

  69. George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he ______.

  A. wouldn’t

  B. didn’t

  C. hasn’t

  D. hadn’t



  【解析】前半句的would come是过去将来时,但是仍然发生在过去.


  —Have you heard about that fire in the market?

  — Yes, fortunately no one _____.

  A. hurt

  B. was hurt

  C. has hurt

  D. had been hurt




  71. Our friendship _____ quickly over the weeks that followed.

  A. had developed

  B. was developing

  C. would develop

  D. developed

  【答案】 D



  72. The manager ______ the workers how to improve the program since 9 am.

  A. has told

  B. is telling

  C. has been telling

  D. will have told

  【答案解析I ______ need to – I managed perfectly well on my own.

  A. wouldn’t

  B. don’t

  C. didn’t

  D. won’t

  【答案解析’t read them until three later.【A】

  were put B. was put C. put D. has put

  76. I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers

  before my eyes.

  A. swim

  B. swum

  C. swam

  D. had swum

  【答案解析. "Life is like walking in the snow", Granny used to say, "because every step


  A. has shown

  B. is showing

  C. shows

  D. showed

  【答案解析 A. will leave

  B. are leaving

  C. have left

  D. were leaving

  【答案解析 A. had started

  B. has started

  C. started

  D. starts

  【答案解析A. have sorted B. was sorting C. am sorting

  D. had sorted



  【解析】首先根据时间状语this morning知道是发生过的事情,去除A、C两项,然后过去完成时的使用前提是有动作的先后顺序,然而本句指的是“今天早晨我正把从网上下载的阅读材料分类时电脑坏的。”指的是过去正在进行的动作用过去进行时,B项正确。

  81. — Alvin, are you coming with us?

  — I'd love to, but something unexpected .

  A. has come up

  B. was coming up

  C. had come up D. would come up



  【解析】 根据句意:---艾琳,你要和我们一起去吗?---我想去,但是发生了点意外。现在完成时表示过去发生的动作或事情到现在为止,且对现在造成了一定的影响,符合语境,故答案选A.B,过去进行时,表示过去某段时间正在进行的的动作或所处的状态;C,过去完成时表示过去的过去;D,过去将来时表示过去将来要发生的事情,均不符合语境,故排除。

  82. Peter had intended to take a job in business, but _____ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.

  A. had abandoned

  B. abandoned C. abandon D. will abandon



  【解析】根据but提示,是并列句,故前后时态一致。与had intended相呼应,可知此空应在表示过去时的范围选择,由此排除C、D选项。且abandon动作只是陈述了过去所发生的一件事而已,没有在intend之前,故排除A选项(过去的过去),由此可知答案B符合文意。一般过去时表示对过去所发生的一件事情的简单陈述而已。

  83. The president hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he________.

  A. has started

  B. starts C. started D. will start




  【易错分析】考生容易根据when he quits而误选B项。事实上when he quits中的quits是用了一般现在时来代替一般将来时。

  84. The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he________ some European partners.


  would meet

  B. is meeting C. meets D. had met



  【解析】根据句中“is said to have arrived”可知,arrive这个动作是在过去发生的,而会面的动作则在arrive的动作之前发生的,即在过去的过去发生的动作,所以用过去完成时,故选D项。

  【易错点拨】本题时态选择的关键是根据“is said to have arrived”可知,这一动作发生在过去,因此“会面”这个动作是在到达之前发生的,所以用过去完成时。


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