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发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  A young student was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly __1_ the students’ friend. As they went

  2 , they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to 3

  a poor man who was employed in a field 4 . The student turned to the professor, saying: “Let us play the man

  5 : we will hide his shoes, and


  ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his


  when he cannot find them.”

  “My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never


  ourselves at the

  9 of the poor. But you are

  10 , and may give yourself a much greater

  11 by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and

  12 how the discovery affects him.” The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes. The poor man soon finished his work and

  13 the field to the path

  14 he had left his coat and shoes. While

  15 his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something 16 , he stooped down(弯下腰) to feel

  17 it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance(面部表情). He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was 18 on finding the other coin. He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent(热烈的) thanksgiving, in which he

  19 his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread. The student stood there 20 affected, and his eyes filled with tears.

  1. A. held

  B. kept

  C. named

  D. called

  2. A. along

  B. on

  C. over

  D. back

  3. A. get to B. stick to

  C. belong to

  D. object to

  4. A. close by

  B. far

  C. faraway

  D. near

  5. A. a game

  B. a trick

  C. a joke

  D. a word

  6. A. hide

  B. have

  C. let

  D. make

  7. A. pleasure

  B. sorrow

  C. disappointment

  D. anxiety

  8. A. make

  B. treat

  C. amuse

  D. laugh

  9. A. money

  B. expense

  C. value

  D. pay

  10. A. poor

  B. kind

  C. honest

  D. rich

  11. A. pleasure

  B. money

  C. thought

  D. good

  12. A. notice

  B. watch

  C. observe

  D. see

  13. A. came about

  B. came across

  C. came into

  D. came by

  14. A. where

  B. on which

  C. there

  D. which

  15. A. wearing

  B. dressing

  C. putting on

  D. changing

  16. A. soft

  B. terrible

  C. strange

  D. hard

  17. A. what

  B. how

  C. whether

  D. why

  18. A. increased

  B. put

  C. doubled

  D. reduced

  19. A. spoke of

  B. told of

  C. talked about

  D. said about

  20. A. heavily

  B. slightly

  C. easily

  D. deeply


  1. D


  2. A

  go along指沿着路向前走, 其它副词用在此处搭配不当。

  3. C

  belong to指这双鞋子属于谁,是一个固定词组。

  4. A

  close by相当于nearby “在附近的”,指那位工人就在附近工作。

  5. B

  play a trick意为“捉弄某人”。此处指那个年轻学生要捉弄一下那个穷工人。

  6. A

  hide意为“躲藏” 。

  7. D


  8. C


  9. B

  at the expense of“以……为代价”。

  10. D

  此处rich是指与poor man 相对的。

  11. A

  give sb. pleasure指给某人带来乐趣,其它名词在此处不合语境。

  12. B


  13. B

  come across指越过/穿过一片草地。

  14. A


  15. C

  表示穿衣的动作用put on;wear表示状态;dress表动作时,应用“人”作宾语。

  16. D


  17. A


  18. C


  19. A

  指对上天自言自语中提到,故用spoke of。

  20. D



  My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday. We have the double-hung(双吊钩)______1 that you can pull forward and flip(翻转), allowing us to ___2____ the inside and the outside surfaces.

  My husband was_____3 one window---and it popped out(跳出) of its frame! Well, our _____4 is for sale and the last thing we needed was for something to_______5.

  He was so__6___

  and tried with all his strength to get it ___7___

  together, using a few less than pleasant words(I am sorry to say). After twenty minutes he still could not get it___8___ . that’s when my 23-year-old___9____

  told his dad to ___10__

  for a minute and he would try to fix with me.

  It’s amazing how you can see things more clearly and do things more_11_____

  when you are ___12__ . He and I fixed the window in three minutes! I called my husband in to see! He couln’t___13__


  I know this isn’t really a gift___14___ , in a way, it was. My son___15__

  my husband to leave, to cool down, and___16___

  him from

  the worry for a moment. And my son fixing it with me was a ___17___

  to me, because I saw him as a man


  the kid he always seems to be in my____19__ .

  Calm is good. Breathe through difficult times and maybe even take a break from stressful times. Return with a clear mind and things will usually___20__ much better!

  1. A. doors

  B. instruments

  C. tables


  2. A. destroy

  B. form

  C. clean

  D. dry

  3. A. washing

  B. painting

  C. repairing

  D. changing

  4. A. furniture

  B. house

  C. home

  D. car

  5. A. break

  B. attach

  C. lose

  D. fly

  6. A. interested

  B. confident

  C. worried

  D. excited

  7. A. up

  B. away

  C. out

  D. back

  8. A. separated

  B. performed

  C. fixed

  D. added

  9. A. son

  B. nephew


  D. daughter

  10. A. take up

  B. break up

  C. break away

  D. take away

  11. A. fortunately

  B. difficulty

  C. slowly

  D. easily

  12. A. calm

  B. equal

  C. nervous

  D. sensitive

  13. A. hate

  B. doubt

  C. believe

  D. earn

  14. A. or

  B. so

  C. and

  D. but

  15. A. asked

  B. forced

  C. ordered

  D. promised

  16. A. kept

  B. freed

  C. saved

  D. protected

  17. A. surprise

  B. wonder

  C. gift

  D. devotion

  18. A. because of

  B. in charge of C.

  with the help of D.instead of


  A. power

  B. hand

  C. turn

  B. eyes

  20. A. break out

  B. turn out

  C. pull out

  D. make out

  1.D考查名词。由文章第一句话“My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday.”可知,“我们”有双吊钩的“窗户”,这样的“窗户”便于你能向前推并翻转。

  2.C 考查动词。第一段提到:昨天“我”和丈夫一起擦窗子。由此可知是便于“我们”“擦洗”窗户的里面和外面。故clean“把……弄干净”符合语境。



  5.A考查动词。由前面的“…and it popped out of its frame!”可知,窗子坏了。故此处应该表示“我们”最不需要的事情就是东西“坏了”。break“打破、弄坏”符合语境。

  6.C考查形容词。由下文中的“…, using a few less than pleasant words (I am sorry to say).”可知,丈夫感到那么的不安(worried)。

  7.D 由上文中提到的“it popped out of its frame!”应该使窗户恢复原样。get …back意为“恢复”符合语境。

  8.C 考查动词。由下文中的“…and he would try to fix it with me.”可知,丈夫尽力把窗户“安装”在一起。

  9.A考查名词。由倒数第二段中的“And my son fixing it with me”可知答案。

  10.B 考查动词短语。由下文中的“I called my husband in to see!”可知,儿子告诉他的父亲走开一会……。walk away“走开”符合语境。

  11.D 考查副词。由前面的“clearly”及后面的语境可知应该用“easily”合适。

  12.A 考查形容词。由最后一段中的第一句话“Calm is good.”可知当你“镇定的”时候,看事情更清晰,做事情更容易。

  13.C 考查动词。由上一段中的“After twenty minutes he still could not get it….”可知丈夫二十分钟后仍没能把窗户安装好。再由下文中的“He and I fixed the window in three minutes!”可知,他无法“相信”!

  14.D 考查连词。由上下文语境可知是转折关系。故选but。


  16.B考查动词辨析。儿子帮助父亲从焦虑中摆脱出来。free …from …意为“使……摆脱……”符合语境。而keep…from…,阻止某人……;protect …from…,保护……免受;save …from…,从……挽救……均不符合语境。


  18.D考查介词短语。由上文中的“a man ”可知下文中与之对应的应该是“the kid”,故选instead of“而不是”。

  19.D考查名词。在母亲眼中的儿子。故用“in one’s eyes”。其它三项均不符合语境。

  20.B 考查动词短语。turn out结果是,证明是。语境为:带着清醒的头脑返回并且事情将通常产生更好的结果。break out 爆发,发生;pull out

  离开,撤离; make out理解,辨认出。


  It was my first day to Miss Hargrove’s seventh grade. Past “newcomer” experiences had been difficult, so I was very


  to fit in. After being introduced to the class, I bravely put on a smile and took my seat.

  Lunchtime was a pleasant surprise when the girls all crowded around my table. They were friendly, so I began to


  . My new classmates told me about the school, the teachers and the other kids. They


  out the class nerd (书呆子) to me: Mary Lou. She was a pretty girl with dark eyes and olive-skin,


  she wore a long woolen skirt and an old-fashioned blouse. She looked stupid. The girls whispered and giggled


  Mary Lou walked by. She ate alone.

  After school, the girls invited me to


  them in front of the school. I was thrilled to be



  of the club. We waited. For what, I didn’t know. Then Mary Lou came down the school steps. The girls started making fun of her, shouting rudely, biting comments. I


  , then joined right in. Mean remarks fell from my


  . No one could


  I’d never done this before. The other girls stepped back and started cheering for me. Feeling


  , I pulled on her backpack and then pushed her. Her backpack broke, Mary Lou fell and I backed off. Everyone was laughing. I


  in. I was a leader.

  I was not proud. Something inside me


  . If you’ve ever picked a wing off a butterfly, you know how I felt.

  Mary Lou got up,


  her books and left without a tear or saying anything. She held her head


  as blood ran down from her knee. I


  her limp away down the street.

  I turned to leave with my


  friends and noticed a man standing beside his car. He must have been Mary Lou’s father ––– he had the same olive skin, dark hair and handsome look. He remained still and watched the


  girl walk toward him. Only his eyes ––– shining with both sadness and pride ––– followed. As I passed, he looked at me in silence with burning tears that reminded me of my



  Mary Lou’s father’s eyes taught me a good lesson that day. I never again hurt someone for my own



  1. A. anxious

  B. excited

  C. eager

  D. afraid

  2. A. talk

  B. hesitate

  C. relax

  D. suspect

  3. A. picked

  B. pointed

  C. worked

  D. found

  4. A. because

  B. so

  C. and

  D. but

  5. A. as

  B. before

  C. after

  D. since

  6. A. consult

  B. fight

  C. support

  D. join

  7. A. leader

  B. member

  C. assistant

  D. organizer

  8. A. paused

  B. refused

  C. hurried

  D. escaped

  9. A. eyes

  B. heart

  C. lips

  D. mind

  10. A. tell

  B. say

  C. report

  D. announce

  11. A. ashamed

  B. guilty

  C. encouraged

  D. powerful

  12. A. turned

  B. went

  C. took

  D. fitted

  13. A. sank

  B. hurt

  C. touched

  D. screamed

  14. A. tore

  B. closed

  C. gathered

  D. grasped

  15. A. cautiously

  B. casually

  C. low

  D. high

  16. A. watched

  B. noticed

  C. glared

  D. glanced

  17. A. caring

  B. laughing

  C. puzzling

  D. satisfying

  18. A. silly

  B. only

  C. lonely

  D. friendly

  19. A. pain

  B. pity

  C. weakness

  D. shame

  20. A. loss

  B. gain

  C. effort

  D. duty






  4.D她是一个漂亮的女孩,黑色的眼睛,橄榄色的皮肤,“但是” 她穿着一条长长的羊毛裙和一件老式的短一卜衣,很不协调。

  5.A当她走过的时候,她们窃窃私语,咯咯地笑。此处as表示 “当……的时候”。

  6.D放学后,她们邀请作者在学校前面”加入”她们的行列。 join sb.表示“加入某人;和某人在一起”。



  由上一句提到她们用粗鲁的语言辱骂Mary Lou和本句后半部分可知作者“停顿”了一下,然后立刻参与进去。

  9.C作者和那些女孩一起对Mary Lou进行语言攻击,所以是“嘴唇”中说出刻薄的话语。10.A作者辱骂Mary Lou,再结合下一句的内容可知没有人能 够”看出”作者以前从来没有做过这样的事情。tell表示“知道,看出,确切地判断”。


  12.D作者起初只是社团的普通一员,如今赢得了她们的认可,成为了领头人,由此可知作者“适应”了新的集体。此外,第1空后面的“to fit in”是提示。


  14.C她从地上起来,收拾好她的书,一言不发地离开了,没有流 一滴眼泪。

  15 D结合上一句中Mary Lou的表现以及下一段中提到的Mary


  16.A作者”注视”着她一瘸一拐地沿着街道走开了。B、C、D三项分别表示注意、怒目而视、一瞥,都不恰当。17 B根据第12空前面的“Everyone”Laughing.”可知作者此时转过身去,想和这些大笑的女生一起离开。

  18 C

  上文提到作者和那砦女生一越辱骂Mary Lou由此可知 Mary Lou孤身一人承受众人的攻击,所以她孤独地走向她的父亲。

  19.D根据下·段的内容可知Mary Lou的父亲的泪水让作者感到”羞愧”。



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